Function.prototype is a function - javascript

I'm digging into the Javascript prototype chain.
In order to document my findings, I've drawn the following scheme:
Although most of the concepts are clear, I'm left with just two related questions. Rather than splitting them up, I guessed that centralising them in this question might be better:
Is there a reason for Function.prototype to be of type function, instead of object?
typeof Function.prototype; //"function"
Is Function.prototype a 'unique function' in JS since it doesn't have a prototype property of its own like other functions do? (is there a generally accepted 'name' to refer to it?)

The reason is that the ES5 spec says so:
The Function prototype object is itself a Function object (its
[[Class]] is "Function") that, when invoked, accepts any arguments and
returns undefined.
Note it's common in ES5 to make the prototype of some class a member of that class:
Object.prototype is an Object object.
Function.prototype is a Function object which returns undefined when invoked.
Array.prototype is an empty Array object.
String.prototype is a String object whose value is an empty String.
Boolean.prototype is a Boolean object whose value is false.
Number.prototype is a Number object whose value is +0.
Date.prototype is a Date object whose [[PrimitiveValue]] is NaN.
RegExp.prototype is a RegExp object whose data properties are like new RegExp()'s ones.
Error.prototype is an Error object.
I think it was standardized as such because the prototype of a class has the intrinsic properties of that class, as the instances of that class. And if it looks like a duck it should behave as a duck. So calling the methods of the prototype on the prototype itself instead of on an instance should work too.
However, ES6 didn't like this. So it changed the behavior for those:
Boolean.prototype is an ordinary object with no [[BooleanData]] internal slot.
Error.prototype is an ordinary object with no [[ErrorData]] internal slot.
Number.prototype is an ordinary object with no [[NumberData]] internal slot.
Date.prototype is an ordinary object with no [[DateValue]] internal slot.
String.prototype is an ordinary object with no [[StringData]] internal slot.
RegExp.prototype is an ordinary object with no [[RegExpMatcher]] nor any of the other internal slots of RegExp instance objects.
And also for new "classes" (ES6 objects no longer have a [[Class]]):
Symbol.prototype is an ordinary object with no [[SymbolData]] internal slot.
TypedArray.prototype is an ordinary object with no [[ViewedArrayBuffer]] nor any other of the internal slots that are specific to TypedArray instance objects.
Map.prototype is an ordinary object with no [[MapData]] internal slot.
Set.prototype is an ordinary object with no [[SetData]] internal slot.
WeakMap.prototype is an ordinary object with no [[WeakMapData]] internal slot.
WeakSet.prototype is an ordinary object with no [[WeakSetData]] internal slot.
ArrayBuffer.prototype is an ordinary object with no [[ArrayBufferData]] nor [[ArrayBufferByteLength]] internal slots.
DataView.prototype is an ordinary object with no [[DataView]], [[ViewedArrayBuffer]], [[ByteLength]], nor [[ByteOffset]] internal slots.
GeneratorFunction.prototype is an ordinary object with no [[ECMAScriptCode]] nor any other of the internal slots listed in Table 27 or Table 56.
Promise.prototype is an ordinary object with no [[PromiseState]] nor any of the other internal slots of Promise instances.
However, the old behavior remains for those:
Function.prototype is itself a built-in function object.
Array.prototype is an Array exotic object and has the internal methods specified for such objects.
So now the reason is backwards compatibility:
The Function prototype object is specified to be a function object to
ensure compatibility with ECMAScript code that was created prior to
the ECMAScript 2015 specification.
Note this doesn't make Function.prototype a special function. Only constructors have the prototype property:
Function instances that can be used as a constructor have a prototype
There are multiple examples of non-constructor functions apart from Function.prototype, such as
Methods in Math object:
typeof Math.pow; // "function
'prototype' in Math.pow; // false
Some host objects:
typeof document.createElement('object'); // "function
'prototype' in document.createElement('object'); // false
In ES6, arrow functions:
typeof (x => x * x); // "function
'prototype' in (x => x * x); // false

In answer to your questions:
1) Function.prototype is a type of function because, according to ECMAScript 2015:
The Function prototype object is the intrinsic object %FunctionPrototype%. The Function prototype object is itself a built-in function object.
The Function prototype object is specified to be a function object to ensure compatibility with ECMAScript code that was created prior to the ECMAScript 2015 specification.
So the Function prototype object is only defined as a Function object to ensure compatability with older ECMAScript standards. The function doesn't actually do anything:
When invoked, it accepts any arguments and returns undefined.
2) Regarding the prototype property:
The Function prototype object does not have a prototype property.
Same Source
This is unique since all functions usually possess a prototype property, however since the Function prototype object is only specified as a Function object to maintain compatability, it's behaviour is unlike that of regular functions.
I've created a JSFiddle with various tests in case it helps anyone:
// We'll use 'Object.getPrototypeOf' to access [[prototype]]
// As you know, [[prototype]] of Object.prototype returns 'null'.
// null
// Let's take a closer look at Function.prototype
// Output:
// function(){}
// This is what the specs say should happen:
// "The Function prototype object is itself a built-in function object."
// Let's see if this function has a 'prototype' property.
// All functions normally have a prototype property that initially
// references an empty object...except this one.
var fn = Function.prototype;
// Output:
// undefined
// This is expected, according to the specs:
// "The Function prototype object does not have a prototype property."
// It does have some properties such as 'name' and 'length',
// but not 'prototype'.
// Let's see what [[prototype]] of Function.prototype returns.
// Output:
// Object{}
// Again this is expected:
// "The value of the [[Prototype]] internal slot of the
// Function prototype object is the intrinsic object %ObjectPrototype%"
// Now lets see what the [[Prototype]] of this object is:
// Output:
// null
// We've come full circle since all the statement above is
// doing is looking for the prototoype of the native Object,
// which we already know is 'null' from our first test.

In replacement of a previous answer which I could not stand by. With thanks to Oriol. The head scratching is mine.
In regards the first question the Function object it not particularly different simply because Function.prototype is a function. Other built in constructors use prototype objects of their own type. What draws attention to the Function case is that the typeof operator treats function objects diffently to other objects by returning "function" instead of "object".
Global constructors listing themselves as constructors of their prototype objects:
var BuiltIn = Function; // for example
BuiltIn.prototype.constructor == BuiltIn // true
is more or less documentary. Prototype objects of built in constructors generally have methods which interface with the javascript engine and are not created using a javascript call to their listed constructor as it appears at run time: Function.prototype instanceof Function is false with similar results for other built in constructors such as Array, RegExp etc tested.
The global Function object is unique, however, in that it lists itself as is its own constructor (Function.constructor == Function is true), and that it is an instance of itself (Function instanceof Function is true as well). The latter result indicates that Function.prototype is in the prototype chain of Function. Function.prototype itself is prototyped on Object.prototype.
Another reason to think Function.prototype is not a Function object in the usual sense (apart from saying so in the documentation) is that it cannot be called as a constructor and throws an error if an attempt is made to do so. Since the prototype property of a function is used when the function is called as a constructor, it makes sense for Function.prototype not to have this property.


Why does __proto__ not update when prototype is set to null [duplicate]

Why is it that setting the prototype property of a constructor function to null does not prevent objects created from that function from calling through to methods on Object.prototype, in the same way that setting the prototype to Object.create(null) does?
That is, why is this the case:
function Foo(){}
Foo.prototype = null;
console.log(new Foo().toString); //outputs function toString() { [native code] } (or whatever)
function Foo(){}
Foo.prototype = Object.create(null);
console.log(new Foo().toString); //output undefined
In short
Yes, your observation is correct - a function constructed with the new operator will always have an object prototype in this case Object.prototype and this is indeed unlike a function created with Object.create.
On why
One can see this behavior completely specified in the ES5 language specification on which JavaScript is based on. Let's see this.
In new:
Quoting the specification of the [[Construct]] method of functions that indicates how object creation using the new operator is performed we can see that the following is specified:
If Type(proto) is not Object, set the [[Prototype]] internal property of obj to the standard built-in Object prototype object as described in 15.2.4.
In Object.create:
On the other hand, if we check out The spec for Object.create we can see that Object.create(o) specifies:
Set the [[Prototype]] internal property of obj to O.
Which means we can set it, it also explicitly checks that it is null or Object in that algorithm (please do follow the link to the spec and read it :))
So the prototype of the objects called with new Foo is Object.prototype and not null. It is impossible to create objects with no prototype without Object.create using standard methods only.

why typeof(Function.prototype) is function

I am aware of the fact that Prototypes are object literal. So methods and properties can be defined on them. Function.prototype has some method like apply, call, bind, toString etc. So I thought a function's prototype should be a object literal. But I ran following code and encountered that Function.prototype is of type function !
console.log(typeof(Function.prototype)); // function
How come it is not a object literal itself ?
From the specification:
The Function prototype object is the intrinsic object %FunctionPrototype%. The Function prototype object is itself a built-in function object. When invoked, it accepts any arguments and returns undefined. It does not have a [[Construct]] internal method so it is not a constructor.
The Function prototype object is specified to be a function object to ensure compatibility with ECMAScript code that was created prior to the ECMAScript 2015 specification.
(my emphasis)
If we go to the ES5 spec, it says:
The Function prototype object is itself a Function object (its [[Class]] is "Function") that, when invoked, accepts any arguments and returns undefined.
...without offering any explanation for why that would be the case. That language is essentially unchanged in ES1, ES2, ES3, and ES5. I think the original idea was basically that that was what gave it its function-ness, although typeof (even in ES1) didn't look at the internal [[Class]], it looked at whether the thing implemented [[Call]] (as it still does). When something goes back all the way to ES1, one frequently has to just invoke the "because Eich did the first JavaScript in 10 days and yeah, weird stuff happens when you do that" argument. :-)
Side note: By "object literal" I take it you mean "plain object." (An "object literal" — what the specifiation calls an object initializer — is just a way to write an object in source code. There are other ways to create plain objects.)
An object literal is some JavaScript syntax for creating objects. It isn't a data type.
Functions are just a specific type of object in JavaScript. Anywhere you can have an object, you can have a function.
Let's say you have declared an array,
let arr = [ 1 , 2 ];
So, internally it will be created as
let arr = new Array ( 1, 2 );
This is the function constructor.
Have you ever thought about how the array got all functions like concate, map, filter, reduce etc.?
Internally when we create an instance from a function constructor, the prototype property of a function will be set to the prototype property of that newly created instance. Hense, this concate, map, filter, reduce get automatically associated with that function constructor. So that's how we can use that array properties by, arr.concate.
Actually the prototype property of a function is visible but the prototype property of an instance which is created by a function constructor is hidden. If you want to check then you can check it by obj_name.proto. It's a pointer towards that prototype property.
Now, you can see that the array "arr" is not the array internally. It's an instance of a function constructor. That's why if you check the type of the array, you will get the answer as object and also if you check the typeof(Array), you will get the answer as Function.
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Well, I don't think you mean object literal, as alluded to by other answers and comments.
alert(Function.prototype instanceof Object) // true
alert(Function.prototype instanceof Function) // true
alert(typeof Function.prototype) // function
It is an object. It's also a function. Also, all functions are objects. They're all following the rules just fine.
alert((function(){}) instanceof Object) // true
alert((function(){}) instanceof Function) // true
alert(typeof (function(){})) // function
One big happy we-all-derive-from-Object family. Why should the prototype of Function not be a function?
Now if you wanna get weird... let's get weird.
var notAFn = Object.create(Function.prototype);
alert(notAFn instanceof Function); // true
alert(typeof notAFn); // object
And no, you can't call notAFn(). Not until they add a call Symbol for that. :)
Oh hey, feel free to tell me why this isn't a good answer. I'll try to improve it.

Are apply, arguments, bind, etc. part of the internal prototype of a javascript object?

I keep reading about the inaccessible internal prototype of javascript objects and am wondering whether this is related to the methods you find on the javascript data types: Object, Array, String, etc?
No, the "inaccessible internal prototype" is not directly related. Objects have a "prototype chain". This is how JavaScript does inheritance.
A -> B -> C -> null
So failed property lookups on Object A will continue the lookup on B. A failed lookup on B will continue on C. If it fails on C, undefined is returned.
The key thing is that the act of transferring the lookup from object to object is automatic. You don't do it manually.
How this works, is that each object keeps a reference to the next object in the chain, via an internal property referred to as [[Prototype]]. This is not a property that can be directly accessed according to the ECMAScript standard. So that's what is referred to as the inaccessible internal prototype.
A[[Prototype]] == B
B[[Prototype]] == C
C[[Prototype]] == null
So it may seem related because you are indeed able to get methods from the .prototype object of those constructors, but the internal inaccessible prototype is referring specifically to those internal object references that make it all work.
While that internal property is not directly accessible, ECMAScript 5 does let the developer ask for the object that is held by that property. You can do this using the Object.getPrototypeOf() method.
var foo = new String("foobar");
var proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(foo);
So now the proto variable will hold a reference to the object that the internal [[Prototype]] of the string was holding. That object happens to be the object found on the .prototype property of the String constructor.
console.log(proto === String.prototype); // true
console.log(foo.hasOwnProperty("slice")); // false
console.log(foo.slice === String.prototype.slice); // true
So you can note the following:
the value of the [[Prototype]] internal property of the string is the same as String.prototype,
the string itself does not have a .slice property,
the string does inherit a .slice property from String.prototype.
It inherits it because of that implicit lookup described above. So instead of:
A -> B -> C -> null
...the prototype chain looks more like:
// vv--slice is here
foo -> String.prototype -> Object.prototype -> null
Since foo has no .slice, it looks at its internal [[Prototype]], finds that object, and continues the lookup there.
EDIT: Updated to use var foo = new String("foobar"); instead of var foo = "foobar"; so that Object.getPrototypeOf() would accept it.
Primitive values, like a string primitive (no object wrapper) automatically gets converted to the object wrapper when you access properties on it, so the above description applies to both primitives and objects.
apply and bind are part of Function.prototype (see all methods in the spec). So they are only available on function objects, not on any object.
arguments is a special kind of object, available as a local variable only within functions, at runtime, when they are called.

Null prototype, Object.prototype and Object.create

Why is it that setting the prototype property of a constructor function to null does not prevent objects created from that function from calling through to methods on Object.prototype, in the same way that setting the prototype to Object.create(null) does?
That is, why is this the case:
function Foo(){}
Foo.prototype = null;
console.log(new Foo().toString); //outputs function toString() { [native code] } (or whatever)
function Foo(){}
Foo.prototype = Object.create(null);
console.log(new Foo().toString); //output undefined
In short
Yes, your observation is correct - a function constructed with the new operator will always have an object prototype in this case Object.prototype and this is indeed unlike a function created with Object.create.
On why
One can see this behavior completely specified in the ES5 language specification on which JavaScript is based on. Let's see this.
In new:
Quoting the specification of the [[Construct]] method of functions that indicates how object creation using the new operator is performed we can see that the following is specified:
If Type(proto) is not Object, set the [[Prototype]] internal property of obj to the standard built-in Object prototype object as described in 15.2.4.
In Object.create:
On the other hand, if we check out The spec for Object.create we can see that Object.create(o) specifies:
Set the [[Prototype]] internal property of obj to O.
Which means we can set it, it also explicitly checks that it is null or Object in that algorithm (please do follow the link to the spec and read it :))
So the prototype of the objects called with new Foo is Object.prototype and not null. It is impossible to create objects with no prototype without Object.create using standard methods only.

How does __proto__ differ from constructor.prototype?

function Gadget(name, color)
{ = name;
this.color = color;
Gadget.prototype.rating = 3
var newtoy = new Gadget("webcam", "black")
It always returns the object with rating = 3.
But if I do the following:
The chain ends up returning null.
Also in Internet Explorer how would I check the null if there is not a __proto__ property?
I've been trying to wrap my head around this recently and finally came up with this "map" that I think sheds full light over the matter
I know I'm not the first one making this up but it was more interesting figuring it out that finding it :-). Anyway, after that I found e.g. this another diagram that I think says basicly the same:
Javascript object layout
The most surprising thing for me was discovering that Object.__proto__ points to Function.prototype, instead of Object.prototype, but I'm sure there's a good reason for that :-)
I paste the code mentioned in the image here as well for if anyone wants to test it. Note that some properties are added to the objects for making easy to know where we are after some jumps:
Function.F1 = '';
Function.prototype.Fp1 = '';
Cat = function(){};
Cat.C1 = '';
Cat.prototype.Cp1 = '';
mycat = new Cat();
o = {};
// EDITED: using console.dir now instead of console.log
constructor is a pre-defined [[DontEnum]] property of the object pointed to by the prototype property of a function object and will initially point to the function object itself.
__proto__ is equivalent to the internal [[Prototype]] property of an object, ie its actual prototype.
When you create an object with the new operator, its internal [[Prototype]] property will be set to the object pointed to by the constructor function's prototype property.
This means that .constructor will evaluate to .__proto__.constructor, ie the constructor function used to create the object, and as we have learned, the protoype property of this function was used to set the object's [[Prototype]].
It follows that .constructor.prototype.constructor is identical to .constructor (as long as these properties haven't been overwritten); see here for a more detailed explanation.
If __proto__ is available, you can walk the actual prototype chain of the object. There's no way to do this in plain ECMAScript3 because JavaScript wasn't designed for deep inheritance hierarchies.
The Prototypal Inheritance in JavaScript is based on __proto__ property in a sense that each object is inheriting the contents of the object referenced by its __proto__ property.
The prototype property is special only for Function objects and only when using new operator to call a Function as constructor. In this case, the created object's __proto__ will be set to constructor's Function.prototype.
This means that adding to Function.prototype will automatically reflect on all objects whose __proto__ is referencing the Function.prototype.
Replacing constructor's Function.prototype with another object will not update __proto__ property for any of the already existing objects.
Note that __proto__ property should not be accessed directly, Object.getPrototypeOf(object) should be used instead.
To answer the first question, I've created a bespoke diagram of __proto__ and prototype references, unfortunately stackoverflow does not allow me to add the image with "less than 10 reputation". Maybe some other time.
The figure uses [[Prototype]] instead of __proto__ because that is how ECMAScript specification refers to internal objects. I hope you can figure everything out.
Here are some hints to help you understand the figure:
red = JavaScript Function constructor and its prototype
violet = JavaScript Object constructor and its prototype
green = user-created objects
(first created using Object constructor or object literal {},
second using user-defined constructor function)
blue = user-defined function and its prototype
(when you create a function, two objects are created in memory:
the function and its prototype)
Note that constructor property does not exist in created objects, but is inherited from the prototype.
Object is Eve, and Function is Adam, Adam (Function) uses his bone (Function.prototype) to create Eve (Object). Then who created Adam (Function)? -- The Inventor of the JavaScript language :-).
According to utsaina's answer, I want to add more useful info.
The most surprising thing for me was discovering that Object.__proto__
points to Function.prototype, instead of Object.prototype, but I'm
sure there's a good reason for that :-)
It should NOT be. Object.__proto__ should NOT point to Object.prototype. Instead, the instance of Object o, o.__proto__ should point to Object.prototype.
(Forgive me for using the terms class and instance in JavaScript, but you know it :-)
I think the class Object itself is an instance of Function, that's why Object.__proto__ === Function.prototype. Therefore: Object is Eve, and Function is Adam, Adam (Function) uses his bone (Function.prototype) to create Eve (Object).
Furthermore, even the class Function itself is an instance of Function itself, that is Function.__proto__ === Function.prototype, that's also why Function === Function.constructor
Further furthermore, the regular class Cat is an instance of Function, that is Cat.__proto__ === Function.prototype.
The reason for the above is, when we create a class in JavaScript, actually, we are just creating a function, which should be an instance of Function. Object and Function are just special, but they are still classes, while Cat is a regular class.
As a matter of factor, in Google Chrome JavaScript engine, the following 4:
They are all === (absolutely equal) to the other 3, and their value is function Empty() {}
> Function.prototype
function Empty() {}
> Function.__proto__
function Empty() {}
> Object.__proto__
function Empty() {}
> Cat.__proto__
function Empty() {}
> Function.prototype === Function.__proto__
> Function.__proto__ === Object.__proto__
> Object.__proto__ === Cat.__proto__
OK. Then who creates the special function Empty() {} (Function.prototype)? Think about it :-)
I really don't know why people didn't correct you about where the actual problem in your understanding.
This would make a lot easier for you to spot the problem
So let's see what's going on :
var newtoy = new Gadget("webcam", "black")
.constructor //newtoy's constructor function is newtoy ( the function itself)
.prototype // the function has a prototype property.( all functions has)
.constructor // constructor here is a **property** (why ? becuase you just did `prototype.constructor`... see the dot ? ) ! it is not(!) the constructor function !!! this is where your mess begins. it points back to the constructor function itself ( newtoy function)
.prototype // so again we are at line 3 of this code snippet
.constructor //same as line 4 ...
rating = 3
Great , so now let's look at this __proto__
Before that , please remember 2 things regarding __proto__ :
When you create an object with the new operator, its internal [[Prototype]]/proto__ property will be set to the prototype property(1) of its constructor function or "creator" if you like .
Hard coded within JS — : Object.prototype.__proto__ is null.
Let's refer to these 2 points as "bill"
.__proto__ // When `newtoy` was created , Js put __proto__'s value equal to the value of the cunstructor's prototype value. which is `Gadget.prototype`.
.__proto__ // Ok so now our starting point is `Gadget.prototype`. so regarding "bill" who is the constructor function now? watch out !! it's a simple object ! a regular object ! prototype is a regular object!! so who is the constructor function of that object ? Right , it's the `function Object(){...}`. Ok .( continuing "bill" ) does it has a `prototype` property ? sure. all function has. it's `Object.prototype`. just remember that when Gadget.prototype was created , it's internal `__proto__` was refered to `Object.prototype` becuase as "bill" says :"..will be set to the `prototype` property of its `constructor function`"
.__proto__ // Ok so now our satrting point is `Object.prototype`. STOP. read bullet 2.Object.prototype.__proto__ is null by definition. when Object.prototype ( as an object) was created , they SET THE __PROTO__ AS NULL HARDCODED
Every functions creates it's prototype.
And when we create an object using that function constructor then the __proto__ property of my object will start pointing to the prototype of that function.
If all those figures were overwhelming, let's take a look what the properties mean.
When creating a new function, there is an empty object being created in parallel and linked to the function with [[Prototype]] chain. To access this object, we use prototype property of the function.
function Gadget() {}
// in background, new object has been created
// we can access it with Gadget.prototype
// it looks somewhat like {constructor: Gadget}
Bear in mind that prototype property is only available for functions.
The prototype object mentioned above has no properties except for one - constructor. This property represents a function that created the prototype object.
var toy = new Gadget();
When creating Gadget function, we created an object like {constructor: Gadget} as well - that is nothing like Gadget.prototype. As constructor refers to a function that created an object prototype, toy.constructor represents Gadget function. We write toy.constructor.prototype and we are getting {constructor: Gadget} again.
Therefore, there's a vicious circle: you can use toy.constructor.prototype.constructor.prototype.constructor.prototype.constructor.prototype.constructor.prototype.constructor.prototype.constructor.prototype.constructor.prototype and it always will be Gadget.prototype.
.constructor // Gadget
.prototype // {constructor: Gadget}
.constructor // Gadget
.prototype // {constructor: Gadget}
// ...
While prototypeis a property specific for functions, __proto__ is available for all objects as it lays in Object.prototype. It refers to prototype of a function that can create an object.
[].__proto__ === Array.prototype
// true
({}).__proto === Object.prototype
// true
Here, toy.__proto__ is Gadget.prototype. As Gadget.prototype is an object ({}) and objects are created with Object function (see the example above), we get Object.prototype. This is the higher object in JavaScript and its __proto__ can only indicate null.
.__proto__ // Gadget.prototype (object looking like {constructor: Gadget})
.__proto__ // Object.prototype (topmost object in JS)
.__proto__ // null - Object.prototype is the end of any chain
Short answer: __proto__ is a reference to the prototype property of the constructor that created the object.
Objects in JavaScript
A JavaScript object is a built-in type for a collection of zero or more properties. Properties are containers that hold other objects, primitive values, or functions.
Constructors in JavaScript
Functions are regular objects (which implement [[Call]] in ECMA-262 terms) with the additional capability of being callable but play another role in JavaScript: they become constructors (factories for objects) if invoked via the new operator. Constructors are thus a rough analog to classes in other languages.
Every JavaScript function is actually an instance of the Function built-in function object that has a special property named prototype used to implement prototype-based inheritance and shared properties. Every object created by a constructor function has an implicit reference (called the prototype or __proto__) to the value of its constructor prototype.
The constructor prototype is a sort of blueprint for building objects since every object created by the constructor inherits a reference to its prototype.
The prototype chain
An object specifies its prototype via the internal property [[Prototype]] or __proto__. The prototype relationship between two objects is about inheritance: every object can have another object as its prototype. The prototype may be the null value.
The chain of objects connected by the __proto__ property is called the prototype chain. When a reference is made to a property in an object, that reference is to the property encountered in the first object in the prototype chain that contains a property of that name. The prototype chain behaves as if it were a single object.
Whenever you try to access a property in an object, JavaScript starts the search for it in that object and continues with its prototype, the prototype's prototype and so on until the property is encountered or if __proto__ holds the value null.
This type of inheritance using the prototype chain is often called delegation to avoid confusion with other languages using the class chain.
Almost all objects are instances of Object, because Object.prototype is last in their prototype chain. But Object.prototype is not an instance of Object because Object.prototype.__proto__ holds the value null.
You can also create an object with a null prototype like this:
var dict = Object.create(null);
Such an object is a better map (dictionary) than a literal object, which is why this pattern is sometimes called the dict pattern (dict for dictionary).
Note: literal objects created using {} are instances of Object since ({}).__proto__ is a reference to Object.prototype.
Prototypes in JavaScript are confusing for Everyone
A constructor on any type (Object, String, Array, etc) is initially connected with the Function Object that creates them. Once the object types value/objects are created, only then are they assigned their own prototypes, which is a unique property and object the Functions constructor creates when each value is created. But the prototyopes of all objects/types (Object, String, Array, etc) in JavaScript starting out are all Function.prototype. They all derive from functions and their constructors needed to create instances of objects and primitive values in memory! It is not till their values get created by their function constructors that they get assigned their own unique prototypes, both the "prototyoe" property and the Object prototype they inherit from.
This is what 99% of online web pages on the Internet do not tell you!
For example, the Number (or String Array, Boolean, etc.) type always has a constructor, or Number.constructor, which derives from the Function Object assigned to the "Number" type. This is why "Number" is called an "Constructor". So, its prototype is Function.prototype when you check. Once its function or constructor has built a true Number primitive or type, its assigned its own unique prototype of Number.prototype. Let's prove that below!
Here is a simpler explanation. Below is how most objects in JavaScript inherit starting with null down to the object type:
String < Function < Object < null
Array < Function < Object < null
Object < Function < Object < null
Function < Function < Object < null
Here is proof!
Below I am just asking for the prototype found for each object. Note: just tells us the string name of the prototype:;// [object Function];// [object Function];// [object Function];// [object Function];// [object Function];// [object Function];// [object Function];// [object Function];// [object Object];// [object Object];// [object Object];// [object Object];// [object Null];// [object Null];// [object Null];// [object Null]
Please note that the string "[object Function]" is saying that the "prototype" or parent object for the type was "Function.prototype". So it a representation of the underlying prototype parent objects assigned at each level. Now let's explain this in more depth...
A prototype in JavaScript is a word that means the following:
All Objects in JavaScript ultimately inherit from a series of prototypes or "base classes" that assign their various properties and features through inheritance. This cascades down a tree to the child at the bottom. In JavaScript ALL OBJECTS ultimately inherit from the Object.prototype which is close to the top of that inheritance tree.
The term "prototype" means a special object with properties and methods inherited by child objects
"prototype" is also a special property given to all Objects in JavaScript that assigns a given object as the parent prototype to a child but also grants access to changing the prototype. It controls the actual prototype assigned to a child object, but also acts like a true Class Property in that you can use it to manipulate the prototype of a child object. I do not recommend you do this, but you can modify the original Object.prototype inherited by all object by adding new properties using a simple property addition or adding properties via a Object Literal containing properties:
Object.prototype.myproperty = "Hello World";
Object.prototype.myobjectproperties = {text1: "Hello", text2: "World"};
"prototype" the property is expressed in combination with the Child Object name as "MyObjectType.prototype". This new name is now both a identifier for the parent prototype and also a tool to change it. But it is NOT a reference to the actual prototype object! (That is done below using __proto__). It is assigned to all new objects when created of that type. It is first assigned to the function constructor that built the object, then passed to the object the function constructor creates.
"__proto__" is a reference to the actual prototype object assigned to the child. Its also a property but its a reference. So its used to go up the tree of prototypes objects inherited by a child object and access them and their properties. This example below goes up the tree from an object literal created and ends at the top with "null":
alert({}.__proto__.__proto__);// null
Weirdness in Prototype
So, in JavaScript inheritance, everything starts with a Function type! Why is that? Its because you cannot create any of the object "types" (Object, Array, Function, String, etc.) without a Function. And when you do, they still get constructed from a "constructor" called somewhere in a function. A Function and its constructor is what not only creates new objects from types, but also assigns the "prototype" property, the "__proto__" property, and the actual tree of inherited prototypes or objects the child object will use.
There are two states of objects in JavaScript, the "types" and the actual instantiated Objects. That is why "Object" is not the same as a created Object as "const x = {}". And that is why the "type" starts out with a different inheritance or prototypes from its final one.
Check this out!
// The Array type has a prototype of "Function.prototype"
alert(;// [object Function]
// But an instance of an Array object has a NEW prototype of "Array.prototype" that the function prototype's constructor created for the object!
const myarray = [];
alert(;// [object Array]
So what happened?
It turns out the FUNCTION CONSTRUCTOR creates and assigns the final prototype when the object is created. But that custom prototype can be modified both before and after the array object is created with many more properties, objects, etc. So the final assigned prototype is set by the constructor of the Function object which as shown above was the Array types initial prototype.
So realize, the Function.prototype is the primary prototype of all Object types in JavaScript! It lies underneath all objects, but is a tool to creating the final instantiated object that is assigned its own prototype when created. Note that the "Array.prototype" has a parent prototype of Object.prototype who has a parent of "null". So the Object.prototype remains the top parent inherited by all these objects. But in the creation of them the constructor changes the immediate parent of all child objects when new objects get created.
Note that the Function.prototype gets many of its features from its own Object.prototype it too inherits. The prototype it builds for your created objects are also made from this parent prototype. So in the end. the Object.prototype provides the goodies needed for Function types and all types to get created and manage the prototype assigned to them. Just remember Function like Object is a special pre-built type with special tools and features needed to create all types of objects!
Last test....lets see how prototype works for CUSTOM OBJECTS we create. The example below proves that the function constructor (part of the Function.prototype) assigns the "prototype" property to the created objects BUT can be customized with various properties and methods before or after being assigned to the objects prototype of MyCustomObject.prototype. This shows that the final prototype of your object need not be a static copy of the Object.prototype's inherited properties, but can be something you create that is entirely new!
let newPet;
function Pet() {
this.fourlegs = true;
var Cat = {
type : "cat"
var Dog = {
type : "dog"
// We can see the prototype our constructor created for us
// and modify it as we like! Here we assigned it to an object
// which only means the prototype will merge "Cat" object's
// properties into the Pet.prototype.
Pet.prototype = Cat;
newPet = new Pet();
alert(newPet.type);// cat - inherited the Cat Object's properties in the prototype
Pet.prototype = Dog;
newPet = new Pet();
alert(newPet.type);// dog - inherited the Dog Object's properties in the prototype
alert(newPet.fourlegs);// true - this shows, even though you replace prototype, it ADDs the new types but does NOT erase the existing object properties! This must mean "prototype" is dynamically additive and rebuilt until the final "Pet" prototype is complete.
// Now change the "Pet.prototype" so all new objects have a new property.
Pet.prototype.furcolor = "white";
newPet = new Pet();
alert(newPet.furcolor);// "white"
// So you can see the "Pet.prototype" is dynamic, something you can tell the function constructor to modify!

