Create texture from Array THREE.js - javascript

I'm working on a terrain generator, but I can't seen to figure out how to do the colors. I want to be able to generate an image that will take up my whole PlaneGeometry. My question is how can I create a single image that will cover the entire PlaneGeometry (with no wrapping) based off my height map? I can think of one way, but I'm not sure it would fully cover the PlaneGeometry and it would be very inefficient. I'd draw it in a two-dimensional view with colors on a canvas. I'd then convert the canvas to the texture Is that the best/only way?
UPDATE: Using DataTexture, I got some errors. I have absolutely no idea where I went wrong. Here's the error I got:
WebGL: drawElements: texture bound to texture unit 0 is not renderable. It maybe non-power-of-2 and have incompatible texture filtering or is not 'texture complete'. Or the texture is Float or Half Float type with linear filtering while OES_float_linear or OES_half_float_linear extension is not enabled.
Both the DataTexture and the PlaneGeometry have a size of 512^2. What can I do to fix this?
Here's some of the code I use:
EDIT: I fixed it. Here's the working code I used.
function genDataTexture(){
//Set the size.
var dataMap = new Uint8Array(1 << (Math.floor(Math.log(map.length * map[0].length * 4) / Math.log(2))));
/* ... */
//Set the r,g,b for each pixel, color determined above
dataMap[count++] = color.r;
dataMap[count++] = color.g;
dataMap[count++] = color.b;
dataMap[count++] = 255;
var texture = new THREE.DataTexture(dataMap, map.length, map[0].length, THREE.RGBAFormat);
texture.needsUpdate = true;
return texture;
/* ... */
//Create the material
var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({map: genDataTexture()});
//Here, I mesh it and add it to scene. I don't change anything after this.

The optimal way, if the data is already in your Javascript code, is to use a DataTexture -- see for the general docs, or look at THREE.ImageUtils.generateDataTexture() for a fairly-handy way to make them.


Odd looking shadow with three.js

Very new to three.js and webgl and I am getting very strange looking shadows with a directional light.
Here is my code for the renderer:
this.renderer.shadowMapEnabled = true;
this.renderer.shadowMapSoft = true;
this.renderer.shadowCameraNear = 3;
this.renderer.shadowCameraFar =;
this.renderer.shadowCameraFov = 75;
this.renderer.shadowMapBias = 0.0039;
this.renderer.shadowMapDarkness = 0.5;
this.renderer.shadowMapWidth = 1024;
this.renderer.shadowMapHeight = 1024;
Any ideas?
The problem is that your light source is too large for the object you are shadowing. You can visualize the shadow camera by setting
light.shadowCameraVisible = true
Then try reducing the size of your light source by varying the parameter d below
light.shadowCameraLeft = -d
light.shadowCameraRight = d
light.shadowCameraTop = d
light.shadowCameraBottom = -d
This results from the way that DirectionLight is created in three.js (I had this question before). The approach used in three.js for a direction light is about the same as any other shadow creation: it creates a shadow map. With a directional light this shadow map is created with an orthogonal camera. So think about your light as the same as an OrthogonalCamera and think about how those view the scene. The light views the scene from the angle of the directional light, and creates a shadow map based on that view. This view of course has a different projection matrix than your camera. The main camera projection thus must transform the shadow to appear in its view. This results in shadows that look as your image shows. Indeed, the pixelation of that shadow reveals how the shadow camera is oriented, and its scale.
There's no way in three.js to create a true orthogonal shadow using the standard lights. Getting the ideal coverage of the shadow map from the camera's perspective is also not possible.

Face normals on dynamic geometry

I'm trying to create a vertex animation for a mesh.
Just imagine a vertex shader, but in software instead of hardware.
Basically what I do is to apply a transformation matrix to each vertex. The mesh it's ok but the normals doesn't look good at all.
I've try to use both computeVertexNormals() and computeFaceNormals() but it just doesn't work.
The following code is the one I used for the animation (initialVertices are the initial vertices generated by the CubeGeometry):
for (var i=0;i<mesh1.geometry.vertices.length; i++)
var vtx=initialVertices[i].clone();
var dist = vtx.y;
var rot=clock.getElapsedTime() - dist*0.02;
mesh1.geometry.verticesNeedUpdate = true;
Here there're two examples, one working correctly with CanvasRenderer:
and the one that doesn't works in WebGL:
Any idea what I'm missing?
You are missing several things.
(1) You need to set the ambient reflectance of the material. It is reasonable to set it equal to the diffuse reflectance, or color.
var material = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial( {
} );
(2) If you are moving vertices, you need to update centroids, face normals, and vertex normals -- in the proper order. See the source code.
(3) When you are using WebGLRenderer, you need to set the required update flags:
mesh1.geometry.verticesNeedUpdate = true;
mesh1.geometry.normalsNeedUpdate = true;
Tip: is it a good idea to avoid new and clone in tight loops.
three.js r.63

Applying Textures to Non-Cube Polyhedra with Three.js

I am using Three.js to generate a polyhedron with differing colors and text on each face, generated from a canvas element. For now, I'm sticking with polyhedra for which Three.js includes native classes, but at some point, I'd like to branch out into more irregular shapes.
There are a number of examples available online (including StackOverflow posts, like Three.js cube with different texture on each face) that explain how to do this with cubes. I haven't succeeded in finding any samples that show the same technique applied to non-cubes, but for the most part, the same process that works for CubeGeometry also works for TetrahedronGeometry and so forth.
Here's a simplified version of the code I'm using to generate the polyhedron:
switch (shape) {
// Step 1: Create the appropriate geometry.
geometry = new THREE.IcosahedronGeometry(PolyHeatMap.GEOMETRY_CIRCUMRADIUS);
// Step 2: Create one material for each face, and combine them into one big
// MeshFaceMaterial.
material = new THREE.MeshFaceMaterial(createMaterials(20, textArray));
// Step 3: Pair each face with one of the materials.
for (x = 0; face = geometry.faces[x]; x++)
face.materialIndex = x;
// And so on, for other shapes.
function createTexture (title, color) {
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
// Magical canvas generation happens here.
var texture = new THREE.Texture(canvas);
texture.needsUpdate = true;
return new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({ map : texture });
function createMaterials (numFacets, textArray)
var materialsArray = [],
for (var x = 0, xl = numFacets; x < xl; x++)
material = createTexture(textArray[x], generateColor(textArray[x]));
material.side = THREE.DoubleSide;
return materials;
Cubes render perfectly using this technique, but with other polyhedra, the textures do not behave as expected:
It's hard to explain precisely what's happening here. Essentially, each face is displaying the correct texture, but the texture itself has been stretched and shifted as if to cover the entire polyhedron. In other words - looking at the shape dead-on - the upper-left face is only showing the upper-left portion of its texture, the upper-right face is only showing the upper-right portion, and so on.
The faces on the opposite side of the polyhedron shows no texture detail at all; only colors.
I had no experience with 3D rendering prior to experimenting with Three.js, so I imagine that there's some step I'm missing that is handled automatically by CubeGeometry but not its sister classes. I'd refer to other examples that have been posted, but most examples are rendering cubes, and those that don't are usually using solid colors.
What needs to happen for the textures on the non-cube shapes to be scaled and centered properly?
You need to set new UVs.
I made a simple example how to do it, don't know if it's the best way.
jsFiddle example
geometry.faceVertexUvs[0] = [];
for(var i = 0; i < geometry.faces.length; i++){
// set new coordinates, all faces will have same mapping.
new THREE.Vector2( 0,0 ),
new THREE.Vector2( 0,1 ),
new THREE.Vector2( 1,1),

Three.js outlines

Is it possible to have an black outline on my 3d models with three.js?
I would have graphics which looks like Borderlands 2. (toon shading + black outlines)
I'm sure I came in late. Let's hope this would solve someone's question later.
Here's the deal, you don't need to render everything twice, the overhead actually is not substantial, all you need to do is duplicate the mesh and set the duplicate mesh's material side to "backside". No double passes. You will be rendering two meshes instead, with most of the outline's geometry culled by WebGL's "backface culling".
Here's an example:
var scene = new THREE.Scene();
//Create main object
var mesh_geo = new THREE.BoxGeometry(1, 1, 1);
var mesh_mat = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color : 0xff0000});
var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(mesh_geo, mesh_mat);
//Create outline object
var outline_geo = new THREE.BoxGeometry(1, 1, 1);
//Notice the second parameter of the material
var outline_mat = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color : 0x00ff00, side: THREE.BackSide});
var outline = new THREE.Mesh(outline_geo, outline_mat);
//Scale the object up to have an outline (as discussed in previous answer)
For more details on backface culling, check out:
The above approach works well if you want to add an outline to objects, without adding a toon shader, and thus losing "realism".
Toon shading by itself supports edge detection. They've developed the 'cel' shader in Borderlands to achieve this effect.
In cel shading devs can either use the object duplication method (done at the [low] pipeline level), or can use image processing filters for edge detection. This is the point at which performance tradeoff is compared between the two techniques.
More info on cel:
Yes it is possible but not in a simple out-of-the-box way. For toon shading there are even shaders included in /examples/js/ShaderToon.js
For the outlines I think the most commonly suggested method is to render in two passes. First pass renders the models in black, and slightly larger scale. Second pass is normal scale and with the toon shaders. This way you'll see the larger black models as an outline. It's not perfect but I don't think there's an easy way out. You might have more success searching for "three.js hidden line rendering", as, while different look, somewhat similar method is used to achieve that.
Its a old question but here is what i did.
I created a Outlined Cel-shader for my CG course. Unfortunately it takes 3 rendering passes. Im currently trying to figure out how to remove one pass.
Here's the idea:
1) Render NormalDepth image to texture.
In vertex shader you do what you normally do, position to screen space and normal to screen space.
In fragment shader you calculate the depth of the pixel and then create the normal color with the depth as the alpha value
float ndcDepth = (2.0 * gl_FragCoord.z - gl_DepthRange.near - gl_DepthRange.far) / (gl_DepthRange.far - gl_DepthRange.near);
float clipDepth = ndcDepth / gl_FragCoord.w;
2) Render the scene on to a texture with cel-shading. I changed the scene override material.
3)Make quad and render both textures on the quad and have a orto camera look at it. Cel-shaded texture is just renderd on quad but the normaldepth shaded on that you use some edge detection and then with that you know when the pixel needs to be black(edge).

WebGL - Textured terrain with heightmap

I'm trying to create a 3D terrain using WebGL. I have a jpg with the texture for the terrain, and another jpg with the height values (-1 to 1).
I've looked at various wrapper libraries (like SpiderGL and Three.js), but I can't find a sutable example, and if I do (like in Three.js) the code is not documented and I can't figure out how to do it.
Can anyone give me a good tutorial or example?
There is an example at Three.js which is almost what I want. The problem is that they create the colour of the mountains and the height values randomly. I want to read these values from 2 different image files.
Any help would be appriciated.
Check out this post over on GitHub:
The example linked there by florianf helped me to be able to do this.
function getHeightData(img) {
var canvas = document.createElement( 'canvas' );
canvas.width = 128;
canvas.height = 128;
var context = canvas.getContext( '2d' );
var size = 128 * 128, data = new Float32Array( size );
for ( var i = 0; i < size; i ++ ) {
data[i] = 0
var imgd = context.getImageData(0, 0, 128, 128);
var pix =;
var j=0;
for (var i = 0, n = pix.length; i < n; i += (4)) {
var all = pix[i]+pix[i+1]+pix[i+2];
data[j++] = all/30;
return data;
Two methods that I can think of:
Create your landscape vertices as a flat grid. Use Vertex Texture Lookups to query your heightmap and modulate the height (probably your Y component) of each point. This would probably be the easiest, but I don't think browser support for it is very good right now. (In fact, I can't find any examples)
Load the image, render it to a canvas, and use that to read back the height values. Build a static mesh based on that. This will probably be faster to render, since the shaders are doing less work. It requires more code to build the mesh, however.
For an example of reading image data, you can check out this SO question.
You may be interested in my blog post on the topic:
I focus on how to efficiently create your terrain geometry such that you get an adequate level of detail in the near field as well as far away.
You can view a demo of the result here: and all the code is up on github:
To apply a texture to the terrain, you need to do a texture lookup in the fragment shader, mapping the location in space to a position in your texture. E.g.
vec2 st = vPosition.xy / 1024.0;
vec3 color = texture2D(uColorTexture, st)
Depending on your GLSL skills, you can write a GLSL vertex shader, assign the texture to one of your texture channels, and read the value in the vertex shader (I believe you need a modern card to read textures in a vertex shader but that may just be me showing my age :P )
In the vertex shader, translate the z value of the vertex based on the value read from the texture.
Babylon.js makes this extremely easy to implement. You can see an example at:
Heightmap Playground
They've even implemented the Cannon.js physics engine with it, so you can handle collisions: Heightmap with collisions
Note: as of this writing it only works with the cannon.js physics plugin, and friction doesn't work (must be set to 0). Also, make sure you set the location of a mesh/impostor BEFORE you set the physics state, or you'll get weird behavior.

