button background color in button.js - javascript

So I am trying to edit the colour of a button when clicked.
here is my html and javascript
<button type="submit" class="btn" id="hello-1" value="hello">Submit</button>
Here is my JS:
//Created by: Jonathan
//Created on: 25/09/15.
'use stict';
$( document ).ready(function(){
document.getElementById('hello-1').style.background = "linear-gradient(#337AB7,#215480)";
I can't understand why it's not working. Any help?

Your selector is wrong. When you're selected an element by id with jQuery, you must add the # character before the id.
So instead of $('hello-1') use $('#hello-1')
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#hello-1').click(function() {
document.getElementById('hello-1').style.background = "linear-gradient(#337AB7,#215480)";
Also when you are inside the click event handler you don't need to select the element again because this will point to the target element so your event handler can be as follows:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('hello-1').click(function() {
this.style.background = "linear-gradient(#337AB7,#215480)";

If you're using jQuery why not use it to change css? Also you're missing the #.
$( document ).ready(function(){
var $button = $('#hello-1');
$button.css('background', "linear-gradient(#337AB7,#215480)");


Jquery on php in div box not working

I have an main php that load a php into a div box via a dropdown list.
The loaded php contains a table. There is jquery in it that does an alert on row clicked.
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#newsTable tr').click(function(){
var clickedId = $(this).children('td:first').text();
But after it is loaded into the div, the script is not firing
use Event delegation to attach event. Event delegation allows us to attach a single event listener, to a parent element, that will fire for all descendants matching a selector, whether those descendants exist now or are added in the future.
$(document).ready(function() {
$(document).on('click','#newsTable tr',function(){
var clickedId = $(this).children('td:first').text();
}); // End
There is something with event delegation. Try using this code :
$('id_Or_Class_container_hold_the_php_data').on('click', 'tr', function(){
var clickedId = $(this).children('td:first').text();
(document).ready(function() {
$(document).ready(function() {
try this
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
$('#newsTable tr').click(function(){
var clickedId = $(this).children('td:first').text();
I think you need to use live query, instead of your click event u can use following.
$('#newsTable tr').on('click',function()
Use below code..i think its working properly.
$(document).ready(function() {
var clickedId = $(this).children('td:first').text();

Jquery get the value of the input when changing

I would like to get the value of an input and return it to a span. I would like to update the span each time the input is changing. The problem is that i will use it for a colorpicker so the user will not usualy write the color value(maybe paste it). So everytime the input textfield will be updated by the colorpicker js i want to update my own field.
I created a simple code to help you understand what i want to do.
Pressing the + you will change the value of the input field and i would like to get that value and print it in the span. Thank you.
<input type="text" class="mariinsky" /><button id="inside">+</button>
<button id="outside">Button</button><br />
input value = <span></span>
JS ::
var i = 0;
jQuery('button#outside').click(function() {
jQuery('button#inside').click(function() {
jQuery( ".mariinsky" ).val(i);
$( '.mariinsky' ).change( function() {
var bolshoi = jQuery( ".mariinsky" ).val();
jQuery( 'span' ).text(bolshoi);
Add .change() to the end of your '+' handler:
jQuery('button#inside').click(function() {
jQuery( ".mariinsky" ).val(i).change();
That will force the change event to fire and then your code will update the span.
For live DOM changes, use the jQuery on function - the following code would work in your case:
var i = 0;
jQuery('button#outside').click(function() {
jQuery('button#inside').click(function() {
jQuery( ".mariinsky" ).val(i);
$( 'button#inside' ).on('click', function() {
var bolshoi = jQuery( ".mariinsky" ).val();
jQuery( 'span' ).text(bolshoi);
jQuery doesn't automatically trigger events through code. You need to do so manually using the .trigger() method.
Adding one line did it for me: jQuery('.mariinsky').trigger("change").
Here's a working example: http://jsfiddle.net/9V8ZU/2/
Also a useful question for reference: How to trigger jQuery change event in code
please use this :
$( '.mariinsky' ).on('keypress keyup keydown click copy cut paste', function() {
var bolshoi = jQuery( ".mariinsky" ).val();
jQuery( 'span' ).text(bolshoi);
Fiddle example
all the rest of the provided answers aren't covering the entire options.

How to decide which element is being clicked in jQuery?

I have more similar elements in HTML which are being added continously with PHP. my question is the following:
With jQuery, I would like to add a click event to each of these <div> elements. When any of them is being clicked it should display it's content. The problem is that I guess I need to use classes to specify which elements can be clickable. But in this case the application will not be able to decide which specific element is being clicked, right?
<div class="test">1</div>
<div class="test">2</div>
<div class="test">3</div>
<div class="test">4</div>
<div class="test">5</div>
jQuery try:
$("test").on("click", function()
var data = ???
What happens if I'm placing <a> tags between those divs, and I want to get their href value when the DIV is being clicked?
I always get an error when I try that with this.
this refers to the element triggering the event. Note that it is a regular js element, so you'll need to convert it to a jQuery object before you can use jQuery functions: $(this)
$(".test").on("click", function()
var data = $(this).text();
Like this:
$(".test").on("click", function(event)
var data = $(event.target);
this variable contains the reference of current item
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".test").click(function(event) {
var data = $(this).text();
The class selector in jquery is $(".ClassName") and to access the value, use $(this) as such:
$(".test").on("click", function(){
var data = $(this).text();
You can use this inside the function which mean clicked div
$(".test").on("click", function () {

jQuery doesn't recognize a class change

Ok, I have a edit button, when I press on it, it changes to "done" button.
It's all done by jQuery.
$(".icon-pencil").click(function() {
var pencil = $(this);
var row = $(this).parent('td').parent('tr');
row.find('td').not(":nth-last-child(2)").not(":last-child").each(function() {
pencil.attr('class', 'icon-ok-sign');
// save item
$(".icon-ok-sign").click(function() {
When I press on a "edit" (".icon-pencil") button, its classes change to .icon-ok-sign (I can see in chrome console),
but when I click on it, no alert shown.
When I create a <span class="icon-ok-sign">press</span> and press on it, a alert displays.
How to solve it?
Try using $( document ).on( "click", ".icon-ok-sign", function() {...
Thats because you can not register click-events for future elements, you have to do it like this:
$(document).on('click', '.icon-ok-sign', function() {
This method provides a means to attach delegated event handlers to the
document element of a page, which simplifies the use of event handlers
when content is dynamically added to a page.
Use following script:
Try this:
$(".icon-pencil").click(function() {
var pencil = $(this);
var row = $(this).parent('td').parent('tr');
row.find('td').not(":nth-last-child(2)").not(":last-child").each(function() {
// save item
$(".icon-ok-sign").click(function() {

Remove internal selected div created dynamically

I've been looking around but i couldn't find a solution yet.
My code is something like this:
$('#addDiv').click( function() {
var divNum = divNum + 1;
var newdiv = document.createElement('div');
var divIdName = 'mydiv';
newdiv.className = 'imgDiv';
$('#cont-div').on('click', function(e) {
//REMOVE clicked div
I have a div named "cont-div" which contains the dynamically created divs.
Probably the solution is very simple, but I can't find a way to identify the clicked div inside 'cont-div' so I can remove it.
You can use event delegation since the divs are created dynamically:
$('#cont-div').on('click', 'div', function(e) {
//REMOVE clicked div
$('#cont-div div').on('click', function(e) {
var clickedDiv = e.target;
if(clickedDiv != e.currentTarget)
//Remove the clicked div if it is not the parent.
Hmmm, your code implies you may have multiple elements with the same ID. Don't do that, that'll make things harder. Just use the class you have set:
$('.imgDiv').on('click', function() {
You can use jquery remove() to remove the element. Also you will need a delegate for simply handling events on dynamicly inserted elements.
Working Demo
<input id="addDiv" type="button" value="click!" />
EDIT: Shortened down code snippet, now only showing relevant parts.

