Running Meteor Up how to choose settings file - javascript

I am using Meteor Up to deploy my app to production server.
For now I am configuring Meteor.settings through settings-dev.json and settings-prod.json for development and production environments.
I have two main doubts:
How can I run 'mup deploy' command from my machine and choose settings-prod.json?
Is this the best practice to configure my server and resource values using settings-[env].json to deploy my app?

Just use the default name /settings.json. It will work. When you execute mup init it will automatically create 2 files.
mup.json - Meteor Up configuration file
settings.json - Settings for Meteor's settings API
And yes it is a good idea to use settings.json. Just be careful to not insert any secret information inside "public": {}
For example:
"public": {
"publicKey": 'xxx' // available to the client
"oauthSecretKey": "xxx" // available to server only


vue.config.js (devServer) not used in npm run serve

I'm trying to set up a reverse proxy on the development server for my VUE js webapp to get around the CORS issue that I was getting when I was trying to use my flask HTTP APIs with the vue js webapp.
I did this by creating a vue.config.js file in the root of the project directory:
module.exports = {
devServer: {
proxy: 'http://localhost:5001/'
when I run npm run serve, and try to use a REST API defined on port 5001 - I don't see the request going to port 5001, it uses the same port as the web app.
And there are no useful logs being written to stdout either to help me debug this.
Has anyone come across this issue before ?
I had a similar issue and found that the port was already in use by another application and hence it was not going to the correct port. Once i shutdown the other app, it started working as expected.

Environment variables returning undefined when connecting Firebase Firestore to a node.js server hosted on Heroku

I am quite new to the node.js way of doing things coming from using PHP and SQL to do everything. I was recently trying to set up a node server on Heroku in order to do some back end logic on my google firestore database.
I didn't want my private key to be publically accessible as a file and I saw that the easiest way was to store the variables as environment variables and use them to set up the certificate to initialise firebase-admin from a previous stack overflow question.
I have now tried to set this up and hosting it on heroku. Having defined my environment variables I double checked that the names are correct and have been set by heroku config:set and then checking using heroku config. I would show this but it obviously contains my private key!
So when i try to run this segment of code:
//requires firebase module
var admin = require('firebase-admin');
const private_key = process.env.FIREBASE_PRIVATE_KEY_ID;
//initialises a firebase app with the credential
credential: admin.credential.cert({
"private_key": process.env.FIREBASE_PRIVATE_KEY_ID,
"client_email": process.env.FIREBASE_CLIENT_EMAIL,
"project_id": process.env.FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID,
"private_key_id": process.env.FIREBASE_PRIVATE_KEY_ID
databaseURL: ""
//get access to firestore from initialised app
var db = admin.firestore();
With MY_APP changed out from what it is in the source code.
So when i run this and console log the key I get:
I am sorry if this is a trivial problem, as I say I am definitely a beginner with node. I have done a bit with the HTTP module for handling some requests but not connecting up to firebase. Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated!
heroku config:set sets environment variables on Heroku, but heroku local runs your application on your local machine:
Heroku Local is a command-line tool to run Procfile-backed apps. It is installed automatically as part of the Heroku CLI. Heroku Local reads configuration variables from a .env file. Heroku Local makes use of node-foreman to accomplish its tasks.
heroku local will automatically read a file called .env and set environment variables for you based on what it finds there. This file should not be tracked by Git (it's for your local environment, not for Heroku, and as you mentioned it will contain sensitive information that shouldn't be checked in anyway).
If you want to copy a configuration variable that you currently have on Heroku you can add it to your .env by running
heroku config:get CONFIG-VAR-NAME -s >> .env
(There are actually many ways to set environment variables on your local machine, and any of them will work with heroku local. If you prefer another method, go for it.)

how to deploy nodejs api and vuejs app in one server

I have developed node rest api and vuejs web applications,
Im trying to deploy both project in to one aws server which run ubuntu.
Both applications have different port,
domain I try to configure for api and for vue app.
I can run both applications once after running the command in SSH, but I need them to run it forever.
What I did,
Deploy to apps separately
Apps can access with ports
I need them access
what are the step to do,
Any changes host file.
I found another way to deploy vue app and express/nodejs in one server without using PM. This what I did
Build your vue code using npm run build command. This will create a folder dist which should have index.html file and static folder.
Copy dist folder into your server code repository. In my case I created a folder public and moved the dist folder inside public.
In app.js file right before module.exports=app line, copy the following lines of code
//These 2 lines make sure that vue and express app are coming from the same server.
app.use('/static', express.static(path.join(__dirname,"../public/dist/static/")));
app.get('/', function(req,res) {
res.sendFile('index.html', { root: path.join(__dirname, '../public/dist/') });
First line make sure that the /static folder is accessible and second line will serve the index.html file when you run the node server. Routing between components will be taken care by vue.
This is how we are running our VueJS UI and ExpressJS REST API from the same server.
We are managing our services with PM2.
VueJS (Dev Environment, You can add the same settings to production)
In package.json add "start": "HOST='' PORT=80 npm run dev",, where 80 is the port VueJS is listening on, to the "scripts": {..} array. Then, after installing PM2, (for dev) we can start VueJS with cd /location/of/vue/root; sudo pm2 start npm run dev --name Vue -- start. (Make sure that Apache is not running).
Please note that setting the HOST to is important. Do not set it to LocalHost or your Servers IP address or you may run into issues.
In the /location/of/express/app.js add this similar to the bottom of the file:
app.listen(process.env.PORT || 8081), where 8081 is the port your REST API should be listening on. I can then start it with sudo pm2 start /location/of/express/app.js --name Express
At this point, the VueJS should be available at (implied Port 80) and the REST API would be available at
If you want to have point to the API, you need to make sure that your DNS is pointing the "api" subdomain to the desired port, or you may have to add the port into the URL as above.
Additionally, you can easily follow the logs through PM2 as well with pm2 logs APPNAME --lines 100.

Node.js file to run a local server with access-control-allow-origin

I have an html file that has resources in it's directory
(example file tree)
How do I run a node.js server that will allow me to view the HTML file, as well as allow me to access certain websites with the access-control-allow-origin *
I am unfamiliar with node, so the simpler, the better!
Extra: does not necessarily have to be node, just a server that will allow access control
Since You're learning and starting from scratch so it's preferred to learn how it's done than installing supper-pupper swiss knife toolset that will hide the logic from You and make You boring lazy developer.
If You just want to achieve quick result and don't want to learn - You may use serve package that will do what You need.
But if You're learning nodejs from zero to hero so read my answer.
It's better to do simple things.
Let's go (:
Create some folder and inside of it do following commands in terminal (or cmd in windows os):
1) Init app:
npm init
2) Install express module:
npm i --save express
3) Install cors module/middleware:
npm i --save cors
4) Create public folder and put Your html files there
5) Create app.js file in sibling folder with public:
"use strict";
express = require('express'),
app = express(),
cors = require('cors');
app.use(cors()); // attach cors middleware (must be set before of most route handlers to populate appropriate headers to response context)
app.use('/', express.static('public'));
app.listen(8080, () => console.log('APP STARTED'));
6) Run it: node app.js
7) Open in browser:
for more stuff search in YouTube for nodejs express tutorials, nodejs mean stack tutorials and etc. (:
For a quick resolution it can also be checked, the Chrome Web server app, for creating local server allowing access to the local files over localhost server.

Meteor environment variables invalid in production

I am using Meteor UP for deployment and have set the environment variable both in the mup.json file and a file server/lib/env.js which contains them.
Here is where its being accessed:
Meteor.startup(function() {
// Remove configuration entries in case service is already configured
service: "facebook"
// Add Facebook configuration entry
"service": "facebook",
"appId": process.env.FACEBOOK_1,
"secret": process.env.FACEBOOK_2
However in the browser I'm getting "Invalid app id: null", but it works in development, any ideas?
Use Meteor.settings.
Define settings in .config/development/settings.json.
Create shell script ( in root of your meteor project:
meteor --settings .config/development/settings.json
Instead using command meteor run ./
Production (deploy using mup)
mup init creates 'deployment directory' with generated files mup.json and settings.json.
It is important to execute mup init outside of your meteor app directory, so deployment configuration will not be stored on app server.
Example of settings.json:
If the settings object contains a key named public, then
Meteor.settings.public will be available on the client as well as the
server. All other properties of Meteor.settings are only defined on
the server.
server only:
server and client :
Changed paths accordingly to Hubert OG's comment

