Why does Meteor get cranky with this IronRouter code? - javascript

In response to the comment by AutumnLeonard here, I tried a minimalistic implementation of the idea. I first added the iron router package via "meteor add iron:router" and then tried this code:
<h1>This is really something, isn't it!?!</h1>
{{> thought}}
{{> anotherthought}}
<template name="thought">
<p>THis is a random thought.</p>
<template name="anotherthought">
<p>THis is another random thought.</p>
Router.route("/:blog_post_title", {template: "thought", name: "thought"});
Router.route("/:blog_post_title", {template: "anotherthought", name: "anotherthought"});
if (Meteor.isClient) {
// counter starts at 0
Session.setDefault('counter', 0);
counter: function () {
return Session.get('counter');
'click button': function () {
// increment the counter when button is clicked
Session.set('counter', Session.get('counter') + 1);
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.startup(function () {
// code to run on server at startup
(the top two lines are the only ones I added; the rest are superfluous but harmless "boilerplate" code left over from the default meteor app)
...but on trying to run it, it fails with throbbing blue and purple growlings emanating from the command prompt, to wit:
W20151007-09:25:00.634(-7)? (STDERR) Error: A route for the path "/:blog_post_ti
tle" already exists by the name of "anotherthought".
(why does it complain about "anotherthought" but not about "another" if my IronRouter syntax is wrong here?)
W20151007-09:25:00.635(-7)? (STDERR) at blogtest.js:2:8
(line 2, char 8 is the "r" in "Router.route" on the second line...???)
W20151007-09:25:00.635(-7)? (STDERR) at C:\Misc\blogtest\.meteor\local\build
(there is no line 37 in blogtest.js ...???)
Okay, so I changed the HTML to:
<h1>Here's a thought:</h1>
<!-- {{> thought}}
{{> anotherthought}} -->
<template name="thought">
<p>This is a random thought.</p>
<template name="anotherthought">
<p>This is another random thought.</p>
...and the routing code to:
Router.route("/thought", {template: "thought", name: "thought"});
Router.route("/anotherthought", {template: "anotherthought", name: "anotherthought"});
...and it no longer fails to run; in fact, I do see what I would expect to when I enter "http://localhost:3000/thought", namely:
Here's a thought:
This is a random thought.
...and what I expect with "http://localhost:3000/anotherthought", too, namely:
Here's a thought:
This is another random thought.
However, I see this at localhost:3000 (the default URL):
Here's a thought:
Oops, looks like there's no route on the client or the server for url: "http://localhost:3000/."
So what do I need to enter so that the "Oops" goes away? What Route.route() is needed?

you define two same route ("/:blog_post_title"), cannot be same I guess. Maybe you can try to change one of them. maybe another one you can define as "/:blog_post_title2".
just my 2 cents

You do not sound happy:-( Meteor is a bit of a learning curve, but for me it's been very worth it.
I see a couple of things here that might be tripping you up.
Templates vs Routes: The difference between a route and a template.
A template is like a recipe for filling in some HTML. Nesting templates in templates helps to break an app into smaller pieces.
A route is like erasing everything and starting over. You essentially drop all the HTML, and start with a new template.
This difference comes from how web apps were built before, and is still very useful now.
Template Includes: you wouldn't use a route like this: {{> thought }}. That's the syntax for including a template.
This would import HTML templates (like you're defining). You don't need a route to make this work.
Routes: Here, routes are defining the top template. They wipe everything (with exceptions like Session variables) and start over.
The path is important because it identifies the place in the app. This let's users bookmark places in the app.
Having two routes with the same path is an error for sure. Which should be used for the bookmark? Delete one of the routes to move forward.
Body: You can't stuff things in the body like you're doing at the top of your HTML. (Well you can, but it's not best practices:-) Meteor basically appends the routes template to the tag. It's was jarring to not define a <body>, but that's how it works.
Change the <body> to <template name="main">, and fix the </body>
Then add the template to a route:
Router.route("/", {template: "main"});
This might not work 100%, but it should get you past some of these blocks you're having.
Also, relax and have fun! After coming from PHP and Angular/Express, Meteor is a lot of fun!
You might try the Discover Meteor book. It was a great way for me to get started. Just took a couple days to get started.

It turns out that it's easier than what I was trying; most of that fancy-pants stuff was effluvia.
All I need in the *.js file is:
And the following HTML works as expected (showing just the H1 for "localhost:3000", and showing the appropriate template in addition to the H1 when I append "/thought" or "/anotherthought" to that base URL.
<h1>Here's a thought:</h1>
<template name="thought">
<p>This is a random thought.</p>
<template name="anotherthought">
<p>This is another random thought.</p>
So to create a meteor app to which I can add content that I can share, all I need to do is:
0) At the command prompt, enter "meteor create <projectName>", such as: "meteor create thoughts"
1) After cd'ing to the directory (which is the projectName), as directed, enter "meteor add iron:router"
2) So that your "raw" URL doesn't throw an iron exception, add this to your .js file:
3) Add a new template to the .html file each time I want to make something public.
4) Then (each time), add a routing directive in the .js file with the name of the template; e.g., if you add this template:
<template name="thought">
<p>This is a random thought.</p>
...you would add this line to the .js file:
5) Make your meteor app public by, at the command prompt, entering "meteor deploy "; e.g., you could enter "meteor deploy thoughts" or "meteor deploy rompecabeza" (the deployed name doesn't have to match the project name).
6) Advise whoever you want to see it to "point their browser at" your URL, such as, "Hey, gang! Go czech out '<your URL, with the appended template name>'! You can give me a penny later!"
That's all there is to it.
For example, I created a static site that serves up a few of my photos. They can be seen via these links:
Alternatively, you can just click the links above from dplatypus.meteor.com


How can I add a script function to React

I am trying to add an external application Chameleon onto my react application and for that I have to add the javascript function to my application.
I only want it to be called in specific situations so I don't want to load it in my index.html. I tried adding it to the render function of my component as:
render() {
<script type="text/javascript">/* Chameleon - better user onboarding */!function(t,n,o){var a="chmln",c="setup identify alias track clear set show on off custom help _data".split(" ");n[a]||(n[a]={}),n[a].accountToken=o,n[a].location=n.location.href.toString();for(var e=0;e<c.length;e++)!function(){var t=n[a][c[e]+"_a"]=[];n[a][c[e]]=function(){t.push(arguments)}}();var s=t.createElement("script");s.src="https://fast.trychameleon.com/messo/"+o+"/messo.min.js",s.async=!0,t.head.appendChild(s)}(document,window,"TOKEN");
chmln.identify(USER.ID_IN_DB, { // Unique ID of each user in your database (e.g. 23443 or "590b80e5f433ea81b96c9bf6")
email: USER.EMAIL });
But the above doesn't seem to work. I tried the same inside a helmet but no luck. Both of them show an error for
SyntaxError: Unexpected token
Is there a way I can load this function in a specific component or do I have to do it in the index.html?
You seem to have a strong misunderstanding of what react is for and how it is used.
1) There should only ever be 1 head element on the page, and it should be in index.html not in the rendered output of a component.
2) Having a component render a <script> tag goes against the point of using react.
What you need to do is import the code you need into your component:
import './path/to/file.js'
And then from there chmln should be available on the window object

Two different layouts in aurelia app

I'd like to use two separate layouts for my aurelia app. Difference between them is that one doesn't have a sidebar. Currently I'm using one layout file defined as below:
<div class="container">
If an active route needs this sidebar to appear I'm just putting it into its view.
What I'd like to achieve is to add another layout that would have this sidebar by default:
<require from="../common/elements/sidemenu/sidemenu"></require>
<div class="container">
So the question is - how to do this? Is it even possible with an aurelia app to have multiple layouts (or master pages, however you call those)?
Use aurelia.setRoot()
You can manually set up your application by specifying a script with configure instructions in your index.html. Typically, this is set to main.
<body aurelia-app="main">
In this script you can specify a root view model using aurelia.setRoot('root'). If no argument is provided, the convention is to use 'app'.
aurelia.start().then(() => aurelia.setRoot());
However, you can inject the aurelia object anywhere in your application, and call the setRoot function at any time to load a different root view model.
export class HomeViewModel {
constructor(aurelia) {
this.aurelia = aurelia;
doStuff() {
One common use case for this is having a login page, and I've created a complete template for this use case that you can review, clone, or fork here: http://davismj.me/portfolio/sentry/

Iron Router: Load js script after template has been rendered

I'm trying to load a javascript file (using IRLibloader) after the Iron Router has rendered the template:
layoutTemplate: 'layout',
loadingTemplate: 'loading',
Router.route('/', {
name: 'landing',
template: 'landing',
onBeforeAction: function () {
var googleAPI = IRLibLoader.load('http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?libraries=places&sensor=false');
var fancyInput = IRLibLoader.load('/js/fancyInput.js');
var geoComplete;
geoComplete = IRLibLoader.load('/js/jquery.geocomplete.min.js');
if(googleAPI.ready() &&
fancyInput.ready() &&
console.log('All ready');
this.next(); // Render the page when all the libraries are ready
// Testing this here
// Set places autocomplete
Template.landing.rendered = function(){
$('section :input').val('').fancyInput()[0].focus();
$('section :input').geocomplete();
console.log("loading.js ejecutandose (after render)");
But when I browse localhost:3000, the layout gets rendered, the googleAPI, fancyInput and geocomplete libraries are loaded too since the 'all ready' message gets printed at console, and landing.js also gets loaded (since it loads the background image and the message 'Meteor.isClient' also gets printed).
But then, the 'landing' template never gets rendered. Its content does not appear, and the console message inside the Template.landing.rendered never gets printed. This is the template.js file:
<template name="landing">
<img id='logo' src="img/logos/logo.png">
<div id='content'>
<section class='input'>
<input type='text' placeholder='Type text here'>
I also tried loading landing.js with onAfterAction, which seems to happen before the onBeforeAction according to the Firebug console. How strange!
I can't understand why the template is not being loaded, since no error appears at meteor console. Any idea?
EDIT: it does work if I remove the layout, which looks like this:
<template name="layout">
<title>Welcome to my app</title>
What's wrong with this layout?
So, I think you might be overthinking this a little. Why not use existing packages for these libraries? Aside from being significantly easier to use, some of that 3rd party code would get minified into the main app js file instead of making additional HTTP requests to download them.
For example, dburles:google-maps gets you the Google Maps API and extra libs of your choice (with the option to only load on specific routes) and jeremy:geocomplete gets you Geocomplete (which automatically installs that maps package as a dependency). See the jeremy:geocomplete README for implementation.
As for Fancy Input, why not create a simple Meteor package wrapper for that so you can just meteor add fancy-input?
Also, your Template.landing.rendered callback should not be in an onBeforeAction. Ideally, it should be in its own file with other code for the landing template.

AngularJS dynamically set param of ngInclude based on route

I'm trying to dynamically include a template into my index.html. The general structure of index.html is:
<header ng-controller="Main">
<!-- global stuff -->
<section ng-include="moduleName + '/views/menubar.html'">
<!-- module-based stuff -->
<div id="view" ng-view></div>
Sample URL
I can't figure out how to update $scope.moduleName when the route changes. My trouble is two-fold:
The header's controller is Main, not the controller associated with the view, so I can't? update $scope.moduleName from the view's controller (because Main and the view's controller are siblings).
In Main, I tried setting a $scope.$on('$routeChangeSuccess',…), but apparently it is not notified of route changes.
I've thought of setting up a $rootScope.$on listener (as described in SO#15355346) for the route change and broadcasting down to children, who then emit back up their route, which is broadcasted back down so it is available to Main. But that seems heinous.
And I would really prefer to keep the header outside of ng-view.
EDIT I noticed that $route.current.scope has an object named with module_name (possibly because the name of the controller associated with the route's module_name is the same). I'm wondering if I might be able to somehow use the name of that object…
It's hard to say what's wrong in your code without the full picture. Things you show look fine to me.
Please see this plunk I've created to display the ability to do it. Take note that you also can extend route objects with custom properties, like moduleName here:
$routeProvider.when('/page1', {
template: 'one',
controller: 'one',
moduleName: 'firstModule'

ExpressionEngine putting Javascript on a page

I am a super beginner to EE and was literally thrust into managing my company's website that is built in EE without training. I'm not a programmer, I'm a designer, so it's been taking me awhile to plug through this. So I might need some dumbed down language :)
I want to create a page that has some Javascript on it. Do I need to create a new template JUST so I can put some javascript on it? And how do I communicate to EE that I want the page I created to go with that template?
I duplicated the page/index template and renamed it to clinician-map (the same name of the page I created in the publisher). EE didn't like that and the page subsequently broke. All I want to do is insert one javascript item, this seems way too inefficient for just one page. Help??
(using EE 1.6.8)
Here is my code from clinician-map template.
{embed="embeds/html_head" url_title="{segment_2}"}
<?php include_once("analyticstracking.php") ?>
{exp:weblog:entries weblog="{my_weblog}" disable="categories|member_data|pagination|trackbacks" limit="1" sort="asc" }
<body class="{url_title}">
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="content">
<div id="contentMain">
{exp:weblog:entries weblog="{my_weblog}" disable="categories|member_data|pagination|trackbacks" limit="1" sort="asc"}
<!--contactforminfo -->
{exp:weblog:entries weblog="{my_weblog}" disable="categories|member_data|pagination|trackbacks"}
{related_entries id="playa_contentcalloutitems"}
<div class="callout">
{exp:weblog:entries weblog="{my_weblog}" disable="categories|member_data|pagination|trackbacks"}
{related_entries id="playa_contentfeatureditems"}
<div class="featuredContent">
{exp:word_limit total="50"}
{/exp:word_limit}{if contentfeatured_body!=""}<p><a href='{url_title_path='content-featured/'}' class='more'>Read More</a></p>{/if}
{exp:weblog:entries weblog="{my_weblog}" disable="categories|member_data|pagination|trackbacks"}
<div id="contentSub">{related_entries id="playa_contentsubitems"}<div class="item {contentsub_bgcolor}">
{if contentsub_contenttype=="Text or Picture with Text"}
{exp:word_limit total="50"}
{/exp:word_limit}{if contentsub_body!=""}<p><a href='{url_title_path='content-sub/'}' class='more'>Read More</a></p>{/if}
<h3 class="imgHeader">{title}</h3>
{exp:html_strip convert="y" convert_back="none" keep="a,img"}
At glance I can see a couple things that might be confounding you...
You started with a template called 'index' in the 'page' template group.
Looks like the 'page' template you are starting from is meant to display a single entry from the 'page' weblog.
So a request url might look something like this:
where 'some_url_title' is the 'url_title' value one of the entries in your 'page' weblog.
Now you have gone and duplicated the index template and called this new template 'clinician-map'.
So you would call an entry through this template at:
Now, notice that the first url had 2 segments, while the second had 3 segments?
That's not normally a big deal but the fellow who designed the index template did something that makes it problematic. He is taking the value of segment_2 and passing it through an embed.
So in the first example (index) we are passing the dynamic value "some_url_tile" while in the second example (clinician-map) we are passing "clinician-map". If the embedded template 'html_head' is expecting to get a valid url_title but instead gets the string 'clinician-map' you are likely going to get unexpected results.
Also I don't think we know enough about what you are trying to do to decide if creating a new template is the right approach here. It may be that what you actually need is a new weblog entry or perhaps just a dynamic value inside your existing template.
If it did turn out that a new template is the best approach you could fix the problem I have described by simply replacing segment_2 with segment_3, but I am by no means certain that that is the way you want to go.
I want to create a page that has some Javascript on it. Do I need to
create a new template JUST so I can put some javascript on it?
More specifics would be needed in order to give a solid recommendation but in almost every case, I recommend keeping JavaScript grouped together either in the <head></head> or ideally right before the closing </body> tag if you can get away with it.
Looking at your template code, it appears all the JavaScript is stored in the embeds/html_scripts page. I would add the JavaScript you need to that template. If you only want the JavaScript to appear for certain pages only, I would make use of a conditional (which I'll outline at the end of my answer).
And how do I communicate to EE that I want the page I created to go
with that template?
ExpressionEngine URLs (by default) are assembled as follows:
Therefore if you have a page with a url_title of "contact-us", and you wanted that page to use a template in site/pages, you could tell your page to use that template like so:
That url is obviously fine and dandy for blog articles and such, but it's not that pretty; so ExpressionEngine also enables you to construct "page" based navigation which creates navigation tree based url structures, such as:
There are a few third party modules that make it easy to build page navigation such as:
Using Structure, you specify the default template for each channel and can override the template for each page as well.
I duplicated the page/index template and renamed it to clinician-map
(the same name of the page I created in the publisher). EE didn't like
that and the page subsequently broke. All I want to do is insert one
javascript item, this seems way too inefficient for just one page.
(using EE 1.6.8) Here is my code from clinician-map template.
There are a number of things I would do different in regards to the template code you provided; however, as a quick fix here's how I would add the one line of JavaScript,
1) Open the embeds/html_scripts template and add the following logic:
{if segment_2 == "my_page_url_title"}
<!-- javascript here -->
Note: Here's how segments are determined:
Okay. I ended up just creating a new webblog and new template group and finally it seems like it's working. My javascript is not, but I can figure that out.
Thank you so much for your patience with helping me!

