Javascript generated margin-top messes up placement content - javascript

I have a slider that scrolls through some images, while, when you scroll down, the menu and content moves over it. Once the menu gets to the top, it sticks to it, as it's changed to a fixed position.
Once the menu snaps to place, it resets it's original position (a margin-top) from a generated ammount of pixels to the 0 value. This cases the page to jump that generated ammount of pixels down, which shouldn't happen. It shouldn't jump down at all, but I think it has to do with the ammount of pixels that is generated before it is set to 0, which cases on my screen a gap of 955 pixels. It jumps thus 955 pixels down after it applies the fixed state.
So my questio now is, how can i fix this. I tried applying instead of a margin a padding (no go, white screen), applying instead of a margin-top: 0px a top:0 so i dont have to use the margins, but also a no go.
Case link:
$(window).scroll(function () {
if ($('.resolutionwrap').length == 1) {
var documentScrollTop = $(document).scrollTop() + 100;
var fixedToggle = $('#slides').height();
if (documentScrollTop > fixedToggle) {
$('#hoofdmenu').css("margin-top", "0px");
} else {
$('#hoofdmenu').css("margin-top", $('#slides').height() - 100);
Hope someone can help me on this matter.

Okay, as I was posting the remark on the fiddle, I realized that if the content moved, I could also just simply return it to it's position by javascript by making a counter balanced value of it.
Shortly said: I countered the margin, by creating a different margin-top that balanced that scale. It's maybe not the most beautifull solution, but it did the trick.
$(window).scroll(function () {
if ($('.resolutionwrap').length == 1) {
var documentScrollTop = $(document).scrollTop() + 100;
var fixedToggle = $('#slides').height();
// console.log($('#slides').height());
// console.log($('.resolutionwrap').height());
if (documentScrollTop > fixedToggle) {
$('#hoofdmenu').css("margin-top", "0px");
$('.content').css("margin-top", $('#slides').height());
} else {
$('#hoofdmenu').css("margin-top", $('#slides').height() - 100);
$('.content').css("margin-top", "0px");


Issue calculating table scrollbar location

So I have a script that adds a slight shadow to table edge where you can scroll, depending on the location of the scrollbar, but it sometimes doesn't work.
This is one part of it:
$('table').on('scrollstart scrollstop', function(){
var elem = $(this),
elemBody = elem.find('tbody'),
elemParent = elem.parent('.table-wrap');
var scrolled = (elemBody.outerWidth() - elemParent.outerWidth() - elem.scrollLeft());
if(scrolled === 0){
} else if(elem.scrollLeft() === 0) {
} else {
This part sometimes I have to add "+1" to "elem.scrollLeft() --here---); to make it work.
var scrolled = (elemBody.outerWidth() - elemParent.outerWidth() -
But then I noticed, some tables it helps and on others, it stops working. Meaning when I scroll to right the 'right_active' class will not disappear.
Any suggestions?
Have you tried including scrollbar width in your calculation for var scrolled?
var scrolled = (elemBody.outerWidth() - elemParent.outerWidth() - elem.scrollLeft());
I think you are on the right track but the width is probably not precise since .outerWidth() doesn't include scrollbar width. Hence, the maximum scroll width is always greater than the actual element width.

How to make an element become fixed when 50px from the top of the screen

I have a html div element that scrolls with the page but I would like it to become fixed once it reaches 50px from the top of the screen...
How is this done?
My div id is #box
If you want it to be fixed at the top of the page at some distance from the top, you can check the top offset of the element and change the class when it reach the distance you want.
Here is the jquery code for your reference
jQuery(document).scroll(function() {
var documentTop = jQuery(document).scrollTop();
console.log('this is current top of your document' + documentTop );
//box top is 891
if (documentTop > 841) {
//change the value of the css at this point
You need to be more specific about what have you done so far. For eg, how did you make the div element to scrolls inside the page. using css or js/jquery animation features?That will help us to give more specific answer.
**Edited According to your fiddle.
They are right, this question is duplicate. Here is a code I made with answers from the forum.
var box_top = $("#box").offset().top;
$(window).scroll(function (event) {
if ($(window).scrollTop() >= (box_top - 50)) {
} else {
Hope it helps anyway.
Try something like this. It's a solution using jquery (hopefully not a problem) that checks the scrollHeight of the page every time the page scrolls. If the scrollHeight is greater than a certain threshold, the element becomes fixed. If not, the element is positioned relatively (but you can do whatever you want in that case.
$(document).ready(function() {
var navFixed = false;
var $box = $("#box");
var topHeight = 50;
$(document).scroll(function() {
if ($(document).scrollTop() >= topHeight && !navFixed) {
$box.css("position", "fixed");
navFixed = true;
else if ($(document).scrollTop() < topHeight && navFixed) {
$box.css("position", "relative");
navFixed = false;
You would have to write some additional CSS targeting the #box element that tells it what coordinates you'd like it to be fixed to.

scroll to a div when scrolling, and scroll to top when div disappear

I have 2 divs on my webpage. first div is "#pattern" (red one), and second on is "#projets".(blue one)
when use scrolls for the first time, the window scrolls automaticaly to the the second div "#projets". I'm using jquery scroll-To plugin.
it works nice, even if when the users scroll with a large amount of scroll there could be on offset from the "#projets" div... If someone has an idea to correct this would be nice, but that's not my main trouble...
Now i'm trying to scroll back to the top of the page ("#pattern" div) as soon as "#pattern" div reappears when scrolling, the red one. so basically it should be as soon as the offset from the top of my screen of my div "#projets" is supperior to 1.
I've tried so many solutions without results, using flags, multiple conditions... it can be the same kind of thing as on this page, but user should be abble to scroll freely inside the page, not scrolling from hash to hash :
here is my html :
<div id="pattern"></div>
<div id="projets"></div>
my css :
#pattern {
width: 100%;
#projets {
width: 100%;
and my jquery :
var flag=0 ;
var top_projets_position = $("#projets").offset().top - $(window).scrollTop();
if((flag==0) && $(window).scrollTop()>1){
$(window).scrollTo('#projets', 500);
here is jsfiddle :
hope someone can help me with this, I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong, maybe a wrong method ! thanks
It looks like you need to track 3 things:
The scroll direction occurs.
The area you are currently viewing.
If scroll animation is currently happening (we need to wait until it's done, or problems will occur).
var prev_scroll = 0; // <-- to determine direction of scrolling
var current_view ="#pattern"; // <-- to determine what element we are viewing
var allowed = true; // <-- to prevent scrolling confusion during animation
var top_projets_position = $("#projets").offset().top + 1;
var current_scroll = $(window).scrollTop();
if(current_scroll < top_projets_position && current_view=="#projets" && current_scroll < prev_scroll){
if($(window).height() + current_scroll > top_projets_position && current_view=="#pattern" && current_scroll > prev_scroll){
prev_scroll = current_scroll;
function scrollToTarget(selector){
allowed = false;
$(window).scrollTo(selector, {
'onAfter': function(){ allowed = true; current_view = selector;}
This is just a quick solution based on your original code. A better solution would be to do something more Object Oriented (OOP) and track values in an object. Perhaps take an array of elements on object creation, grab all the boundaries and use the boundaries in your scroll handler to determine when to scroll to the next div.

Scrolling Two Divs Using JQuery/Javascript

Wrapper - Overflow Hidden
Div One: Sidebar
Div Two: Main Content
Div Two will have a normal scroll. Div One I wish to have no visible scroll however when you scroll Div One it scrolls Div Two.
Upon Div One's height hitting the bottom, it will no longer scroll and visa-versa for scrolling back up.
This will result in the sidebar always being visible at the side. Before you ask, I've tried all positioning types to get this to work resulting in many failed attempts.
My live demo can be seen here:
Note I've tried to make a JSFiddle simplified but my maths does not seem to work in there the same. Please suggest whether I should fork all my page to there or whatnot for future visitors needing the same help.
Scrolling in the wrapper will scroll sidebar to point x only (x being the sidebars height) then stopping but will continue to allow the content to be scrolled. Visa-versa for scrolling back up.
Somewhat half way there...
var scrollTop = (window.pageYOffset !== undefined) ? window.pageYOffset : (document.documentElement || document.body.parentNode || document.body).scrollTop,
position = document.body.scrollTop;
function scrollD() {
var scroll = document.body.scrollTop;
if (scroll > position) {
// Scrolling Down Functions
} else {
// Scrolling Up Functions
position = scroll;
Updated the answer to match OPs requirements.
I downloaded your website in its current state and made the following changes to your code:
var scrollY = 0;
$(window).scroll(function() {
var sideNav = $('.SideNav'); // The side navigation
var wScrollY = $(this).scrollTop(); // Current scroll position of Window
var navHeight = sideNav.height(); // Height of the Navigation
var StageHeight = $(window).height() - 46; // The display space
if(sideNav.height() > StageHeight) { // Do the following if the side navigation is higher than the display space
var spaceLeft = sideNav.height() - StageHeight; // spaceLeft -> how many pixel left before fixing navigation when scrolling
if(scrollY < wScrollY) { // Scroll direction is down
if (wScrollY >= spaceLeft) // If scroll top > space left -> fixate navigation at the bottom, otherwise scroll with the content
if (wScrollY <= 46) // Set top strict to 46. Sometimes there is white space left, caused by the scroll event.
} else { // Scroll direction is up
var sideNavTop;
if (sideNav.offset().top < 0) {
sideNavTop = Math.pow(sideNav.offset().top); // if top is negative, make it positive for comparison
} else {
sideNavTop = sideNav.offset().top;
if (sideNavTop > (46+wScrollY)) // Fixate the header if top of navigation appears
} else {
sideNav.css({top:46+wScrollY}); // Fixate always
scrollY = wScrollY;
This will let you scroll your side navigation up until its end. Then fixate. If you scroll up, it will still be fixated until your reach the point, where the navigation must scrolled back to its original position.
You can check the edited version here:
Just copy the raw code into a blank html page and try it out.
It's a bit messy and maybe not the best solution, but it works.
Ok, here you go:
var $sidebar = $('.sidebar'),
$window = $(window),
previousScroll = 0;
$window.on('scroll', function (e) {
if ($window.scrollTop() - previousScroll > 0) {
'top': Math.max($window.scrollTop() + $window.height() - $sidebar.outerHeight(true), parseInt($sidebar.css('top'))) + 'px'
} else {
'top': Math.min($window.scrollTop(), parseInt($sidebar.css('top'))) + 'px'
previousScroll = $window.scrollTop();
i might have misunderstood your desired result incorrectly but you can see if this works for you :
.SideNav {
position: fixed; // you currently have this as position:absolute;
You don't need nor a wrapper element nor jQuery. I assume that you are using a wrapper because you want to have the top bar placed there. I think there is a better way to do it by using simply three divs.
The top bar has to be fixed (to be always visible) and of full width.
The side bar also has to be fixed (to be always visible) with a top margin of the height of the top bar.
The content needs just a left padding (width of side bar) and top padding (height of top bar).
Here is the example code (
<div id="top_bar"></div>
<div id="side_bar">links here</div>
<div id="content"></div>
body {
#side_bar {
position: fixed;
#top_bar {
#content {

Scroll down or up is in infinity loop

I am trying to do the next thing:
In other words: there is some div-s. I want to display always X div-s. the three upper divs will be colored in black and the last div will be colored in gray.
If I scrolled down, the upper 3 divs will be colored in black and the last one will be colored in gray. (If scrolling up, the same thing happens: 3 upper divs will be colored in black, the last one in gray).
I don't know why the scroll event is called more then 1 time after scrolled down or up pressed (one press). It's in loop mode.
(After I fix it, I will do the color issue)
this is my jsfiddle:
and this is for the scroll:
jQuery(function($) {
$('#divContent').scroll(function() {
var currentScrollTop = $(this).scrollTop();
if (currentScrollTop > divContentScrollTop) {
divContentScrollTop += (divHeight + 2);
else {
divContentScrollTop -= (divHeight + 2);
Any help appreciated.
It's because you are using javascript to scroll while you are in the scroll handler.
That is causing the div to scroll, which then fires the scroll handler, which then scrolls the div again, resulting in an endless loop.
You could change your code to remove the scrolling like this.
jQuery(function($) {
$('#divContent').scroll(function() {
var currentScrollTop = $(this).scrollTop();
if (currentScrollTop > divContentScrollTop) {
divContentScrollTop += (divHeight + 2);
else {
divContentScrollTop -= (divHeight + 2);
Then keeping track of which div would be up top you can still do the coloring.

