Generate a nested object structure by string key/path - javascript

I want to make a function called createAssociativeArray which will recive two parameters: string and object, like this:
function createAssociativeArray(string, object) {
The last item of string should get the object data. See an use/return example:
createAssociativeArray('key1.key2.key3', {
data1: 1,
data2: 2,
data3: 3
// key1: {
// key2: {
// key3: {
// data1: 1,
// data2: 2,
// data3: 3
// }
// }
// }
What's the most simple and robust method to do it?
Use eval isn't is a possibility.
What I was tried:
function createAssociativeArray(string, object) {
string = string.split('.');
return string.reduce(function(_object, _target, i) {
_object[_target] = (i + 1 === string.length ? object : {});
return _object;
}, {});
It didn't produced the expected result because the object is reseted to {}.

Here's what I came up with:
function createAssociativeArray(string, object) {
var parts = string.split('.');
var last = parts[parts.length - 1];
var tree = {};
var node = parts.slice(0, -1).reduce(function (memo, current) {
return (memo[current] = {});
}, tree);
node[last] = object;
return tree;

I was curious to see if I could make a recursive solution, so here it is:
function createAssociativeArray(string, object) {
if (string === "") return object;
var stringarr = string.split('.');
var laststr = stringarr.pop();
var newobj = {};
newobj[laststr] = object;
return createAssociativeArray(stringarr.join("."), newobj);
Working JSFiddle demo:

Possible implementation:
Working demo
function createChain(keys, value) {
var obj = {};
var target = obj;
keys = keys.split('.');
keys.forEach(function(key, index) {
target = target[key] = index === keys.length - 1 ? value : {};
target = value;
return obj;

This function actually can accept an optional existing Object ({k:2, kk: 3, key1: 4}) and merge that with given json path. e.g. Try on chrome debugger console:
JSON.stringify(createAssociativeArray('key1.key2.key3', { data1: 1, data2: 2, data3: 3}, {k:2,kk:3, key1:{}}))
will print this:
function createAssociativeArray(key, value, data) {
if(!finalData && data)
finalData = data;
var finalData;
if (!data)
data = finalData = {};
var keys = key.split('.');
if (keys.length < 2) {
data[keys[0]] = value;
} else {
if (!data[keys[0]])
data[keys[0]] = {};
data = data[keys.shift()];
return finalData;

You were pretty close in your original attempt.
function createAssociativeArray(string, object) {
return string.split('.').reverse().reduce(function (inner, key) {
var outer = {};
outer[key] = inner;
return outer;
}, object);

This worked for me:
function createAssociativeArray(string, object){
var array = string.split('.');
var aArray = {};
if(array.length > 1){
aArray[array[array.length - 1]] = object;
array.splice(array.length - 1, 1);
createAssociativeArray(array.join('.'), aArray)
aArray[array[array.length - 1]] = object;
return aArray
createAssociativeArray('key1.key2.key3', {data1: 1, data2: 2, data3: 3});
Basically, builds object from ground up, starting with the original object, then wrapping the 'layers' around it recursively

Nice case for a recursive function!
function createAssociativeArray(string, object) {
if (string.split('.').length == 1) {
var outObj = {};
outObj[string] = object;
return outObj;
} else {
var outObj = {};
outObj[string.split('.')[0]] = createAssociativeArray(string.split('.').slice(1).join('.'), object);
return outObj;

It's easier with a simple loop, the key point is doing in reverse (like #JustcallmeDrago)
function createAssociativeArray(keys, data)
var temp, keyPart
for(keys = keys.split('.'); keys.length; data = temp)
keyPart = keys.pop()
temp = {}
temp[keyPart] = data
return data
x = createAssociativeArray("key1.key2.key3", { data1: "value1", data2: "value2" })
document.write('<pre>'+x+'\n'+x.key1 +'\n'
+x.key1.key2 + '\n'
+x.key1.key2.key3 +'\n'
+x.key1.key2.key3.data1 +'\n'
+x.key1.key2.key3.data2 +'</pre>')

Since no one have proviced a while-loop solution:
function namespace(path, context) {
var obj = context;
var s = path.split('.');
var p;
while (s.length) {
p = s.shift();
obj = obj[p] || (obj[p] = {});
return context;

ES6 one liner
(str, obj) => str.split('.').reverse().reduce((inner, key) => ({[key]: inner}), obj);


JavaScript: Convert dot notation string to array [duplicate]

I'm trying to create a JS object dynamically providing a key and a value. The key is in dot notation, so if a string like car.model.color is provided the generated object would be:
car: {
model: {
color: value;
The problem has a trivial solution if the key provided is a simple property, but i'm struggling to make it work for composed keys.
My code:
function (key, value) {
var object = {};
var arr = key.split('.');
for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
object = object[arr[i]] = {};
object[arr[arr.length-1]] = value;
return object;
your slightly modified code
function f(key, value) {
var result = object = {};
var arr = key.split('.');
for(var i = 0; i < arr.length-1; i++) {
object = object[arr[i]] = {};
object[arr[arr.length-1]] = value;
return result;
In the loop you should set all of the props but the last one.
Next set the final property and all set.
If you're using lodash you could use _.set(object, path, value)
const obj = {}
_.set(obj, "car.model.color", "my value")
<script src=""></script>
Use namespace pattern, like the one Addy Osmani shows:
Here's the code, pasted for convenience, all credit goes to Addy:
// top-level namespace being assigned an object literal
var myApp = myApp || {};
// a convenience function for parsing string namespaces and
// automatically generating nested namespaces
function extend( ns, ns_string ) {
var parts = ns_string.split('.'),
parent = ns,
pl, i;
if (parts[0] == "myApp") {
parts = parts.slice(1);
pl = parts.length;
for (i = 0; i < pl; i++) {
//create a property if it doesnt exist
if (typeof parent[parts[i]] == 'undefined') {
parent[parts[i]] = {};
parent = parent[parts[i]];
return parent;
// sample usage:
// extend myApp with a deeply nested namespace
var mod = extend(myApp, 'myApp.modules.module2');
function strToObj(str, val) {
var i, obj = {}, strarr = str.split(".");
var x = obj;
for(i=0;i<strarr.length-1;i++) {
x = x[strarr[i]] = {};
x[strarr[i]] = val;
return obj;
usage: console.log(strToObj("car.model.color","value"));
I would use a recursive method.
var createObject = function(key, value) {
var obj = {};
var parts = key.split('.');
if(parts.length == 1) {
obj[parts[0]] = value;
} else if(parts.length > 1) {
// concat all but the first part of the key
var remainingParts = parts.slice(1,parts.length).join('.');
obj[parts[0]] = createObject(remainingParts, value);
return obj;
var simple = createObject('simple', 'value1');
var complex = createObject('more.complex.test', 'value2');
(check the console for the output)
Here's a recursive approach to the problem:
const strToObj = (parts, val) => {
if (!Array.isArray(parts)) {
parts = parts.split(".");
if (!parts.length) {
return val;
return {
[parts.shift()]: strToObj(parts, val)

convert array to object javascript

I have the following array:
["recordList", "userList", "lastChanged"]
And I want something like this:
lastChangedValue = "231231443234";
var object = {};
object = {
recordList: {
userList: {
lastChanged: lastChangedValue
How I can do this?
Thanks in advance.
Try this:
var array = ["recordList", "userList", "lastChanged"];
var value = "231231443234";
function arrayToObject(array, object, value) {
var ref = object;
for (var i=0; i<array.length-1; ++i) {
if (!ref[array[i]]) {
ref[array[i]] = {};
ref = ref[array[i]]
ref[array[array.length-1]] = value;
return object;
alert(JSON.stringify(arrayToObject(array, {}, value)));
You can iterate through property names and create one nested level of new object in each iteration:
var props = ["recordList", "userList", "lastChanged"];
var lastChangedValue = "231231443234";
var obj = {}
var nested = obj;
props.forEach(function(o, i) {
nested[o] = i === props.length - 1 ? lastChangedValue : {};
nested = nested[o];
There are probably a bunch of ways to do it, one way is with reduce
var keys = ["recordList", "userList", "lastChanged"];
var temp = keys.slice().reverse(),
lastChangedValue = "231231443234";
var result = temp.reduce( function (obj, val, ind, arr) {
if (ind===0) {
obj[val] = lastChangedValue;
return obj;
} else {
var x = {};
x[val] = obj;
return x;
}, {});
Solving with recursion
var fields = ["recordList", "userList", "lastChanged"];
lastChangedValue = "231231443234";
var object = {};
(function addFields(o, i, v) {
if (i == fields.length - 1) {
o[fields[i]] = v;
o[fields[i]] = {};
addFields(o[fields[i]], ++i, v)
})(object, 0, lastChangedValue);

How to convert square bracket object keys from URL location into nested object in Javascript?

var obj = { "object[foo][bar][ya]": 100 };
How can I create:
var obj = { object: { foo: { bar: { ya: 100 }}}};
Manual approach
Split the given string with bracket, then iterate through the resultant tokens to make the nested object:
var obj = { "object[foo][bar][ya]": 100 };
Split them so we get
var tokens = Object.keys(obj)[0]
.map(function(s){return s.replace(']','')});
// tokens = [ 'object', 'foo', 'bar', 'ya' ]
Then make the nested object, inside out
var result = {};
if (Object.keys(result).length==0){
result[key] = obj[Object.keys(obj)[0]]; // inner-most key-value
var temp = {};
temp[key] = result;
result = temp;
Their is no native things in javascript fr parsing nested object in querystring.
You can use which is pretty damn good at the job.
If you don't want to import the full library, this is just the part for querystring parsing (full credit to
var URI = {
decodeQuery: function(string, escapeQuerySpace) {
string += '';
try {
return decodeURIComponent(escapeQuerySpace ? string.replace(/\+/g, '%20') : string);
} catch(e) {
// we're not going to mess with weird encodings,
// give up and return the undecoded original string
// see
// see
return string;
parseQuery: function(string, escapeQuerySpace) {
if (!string) {
return {};
// throw out the funky business - "?"[name"="value"&"]+
string = string.replace(/&+/g, '&').replace(/^\?*&*|&+$/g, '');
if (!string) {
return {};
var items = {};
var splits = string.split('&');
var length = splits.length;
var v, name, value;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
v = splits[i].split('=');
name = URI.decodeQuery(v.shift(), escapeQuerySpace);
// no "=" is null according to
value = v.length ? URI.decodeQuery(v.join('='), escapeQuerySpace) : null;
if (, name)) {
if (typeof items[name] === 'string') {
items[name] = [items[name]];
} else {
items[name] = value;
return items;
You could get the parts and build a new object.
const obj = {
"object[foo][bar][ya]": 100,
"object[foo][baz]": 200,
"object[foo][bar][bar]": 50,
"xy": 30
let newObj = {};
for (const i in obj) {
let a = i.match(/([^\[\]]+)(\[[^\[\]]+[^\]])*?/g),
p = obj[i];
j = a.length;
while (j--) {
q = {};
q[a[j]] = p;
p = q;
// merge object
let k = Object.keys(p)[0],
o = newObj;
while (k in o) {
p = p[k];
o = o[k];
k = Object.keys(p)[0];
o[k] = p[k];
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
Here's an es6 version. Caution: Hasn't been tested for edge cases.
const keyPattern = /^(\w+)\[(\w+)\](.*)$/;
export function decodeParams(params) {
return Object.keys(params).reduce((result, key) => {
let match = key.match(keyPattern);
if (match && match.length >= 3) {
let [key, nextKey, rest = ''] = match.slice(1);
result[key] = Object.assign(
decodeParams({ [nextKey + rest]: params[key] })
} else {
result[key] = params[key];
return result;
}, {});

Javascript nested objects from string

I've got an empty object and a string:
var obj = {};
var str = "a.b.c";
Is there a way I can turn this into
obj = { a: { b: { c: { } } } }
I can't quite wrap my head around this one and I'm not even sure if it would be possible.
var obj = {};
var str = "a.b.c";
var arr = str.split('.');
var tmp = obj;
for (var i=0,n=arr.length; i<n; i++){
tmp = tmp[arr[i]];
let str = "a.b.c",
arr = str.split('.'),
obj, o = obj = {};
ES6/Reduced (array storage unnecessary):
let str = "a.b.c", obj, o = obj = {};
let str = "a.b.c", last;
let obj = str.split('.').reduce((o, val) => {
if (typeof last == 'object')
last = last[val] = {};
last = o[val] = {};
return o;
}, {});
This is from the yui2 yahoo.js file.
YAHOO.namespace = function() {
var a=arguments, o=null, i, j, d;
for (i=0; i<a.length; i=i+1) {
// YAHOO is implied, so it is ignored if it is included
for (j=(d[0] == "YAHOO") ? 1 : 0; j<d.length; j=j+1) {
o[d[j]]=o[d[j]] || {};
return o;
See the source for documentation.
This recursive function returns you the string representation of the desired object
//Usage: getObjectAsString('a.b.c'.split(/\./))
function getObjectAsString (array){
return !array.length ? '{}'
: '{"' + array[0] + '":' + getObjectAsString (array.slice(1)) + '}';
Now you can convert the output of getObjectAsString into object using
EDIT: Removed 'Input as String' version as it works only for single letter subparts in the namespace such as the one given in the question (a.b.c) which is generally not the case.
Here you go:
var string = "a.b.c",
array = string.split('.');
JSON.parse("{\"" + array.join('": {\"') + "\": {" () {return '}'}).join('') + "}")
Here's my take on it:
function ensureKeys(str, obj) {
for(var parts = str.split('.'), i=0, l=parts.length, cache=obj; i<l; i++) {
if(!cache[parts[i]]) {
cache[parts[i]] = {};
cache = cache[parts[i]];
return obj;
var obj = {};
ensureKeys('a.b.c', obj);
// obj = { a: { b: { c: {} } } }

In javascript how can I dynamically get a nested property of an object

var arr = { foo : 1, bar: { baz : 2 }, bee : 3 }
function getter(variable) {
return arr[variable];
If I want 'foo' vs 'bee' I can just do arr[variable] - that's easy, and the function does that.
But what if I want to get AKA arr[bar][baz]?
What can I pass to the getter function that will let me do that, (and of course also let me get non-nested properties using the same function).
I tried getter('bar.baz') and getter('[bar][baz]') but those didn't work.
I suppose I can parse for dots or brackets (like here: In javascript, test for property deeply nested in object graph?). Is there a cleaner way? (Besides eval of course.)
Especially because I need to get the deeply set properly many many times in a loop for a bunch of array elements.
You can use a deep access function based on a string for the path. Note that you can't have any periods in the property names.
function getPropByString(obj, propString) {
if (!propString)
return obj;
var prop, props = propString.split('.');
for (var i = 0, iLen = props.length - 1; i < iLen; i++) {
prop = props[i];
var candidate = obj[prop];
if (candidate !== undefined) {
obj = candidate;
} else {
return obj[props[i]];
var obj = {
foo: {
bar: {
baz: 'x'
console.log(getPropByString(obj, '')); // x
console.log(getPropByString(obj, '')); // undefined
If the access string is empty, returns the object. Otherwise, keeps going along access path until second last accessor. If that's an ojbect, returns the last object[accessor] value. Otherwise, returns undefined.
Using ES6:
var arr = { foo : 1, bar: { baz : 2 }, bee : 3 };
var {foo, bar, bar: {baz}, bee} = arr;
Same as:
// var foo = 1;
// var bar = {baz: 2};
// var baz = 2;
// var bee = 3;
Using lodash:
_.get(arr, 'bar.baz'); //returns 2;
_.get(arr, 'bar.baz[5].bazzz'); //returns undefined wont throw error;
_.get(arr, 'bar.baz[5].bazzz', 'defaultvalue'); // Returns defaultValue because result is undefined
A recursive way :
function getValue(obj, path) {
if (!path) return obj;
const properties = path.split('.');
return getValue(obj[properties.shift()], properties.join('.'))
const myObj = {
foo: {
bar: {
value: 'good'
console.log(getValue(myObj, '')); // good
How about change the getter function signature as getter('bar', 'baz') instead
function getter() {
var v = arr;
for(var i=0; i< arguments.length; i++) {
if(!v) return null;
v = v[arguments[i]];
return v;
ps. didn't test, but you get the idea ;)
A one liner for you:
const mock = {
target: {
"prop1": {
"prop2": {
"prop3": "sad"
path: "prop1.prop2.prop3",
newValue: "happy"
(acc, curr, i, src) =>
(curr === src[src.length - 1]) ? acc[src[src.length - 1]] = mock.newValue : acc[curr],;
console.log(; //? { prop1: { prop2: { prop3: 'happy' } } }
Here's a very simple one liner which grants you dynamic access via "" mechanism,
var obj = {
foo: {
bar: {
baz: 'foobarbaz'
const nestedAccess = "";
console.log(nestedAccess.split('.').reduce((prev, cur) => prev[cur], obj)) //'foobarbaz'
I have recently developed my own Object method to get an object property nested among objects and arrays regardless how deep it is. It utilizes a single line of recursive approach. Check this out.
Object.prototype.getNestedValue = function(...a) {
return a.length > 1 ? (this[a[0]] !== void 0 && this[a[0]].getNestedValue(...a.slice(1))) : this[a[0]];
var myObj = { foo : 1, bar: { baz : 2 }, bee : 3 },
bazval = myObj.getNestedValue("bar","baz");
Now let's check a deeper nested array object combo data structure
Object.prototype.getNestedValue = function(...a) {
return a.length > 1 ? (this[a[0]] !== void 0 && this[a[0]].getNestedValue(...a.slice(1))) : this[a[0]];
var myArr = [{fox: [{turn:[857, 432]}]}, {sax: [{pana:[777, 987]}]}, {ton: [{joni:[123, 567]}]}, {piu: [{burn:[666, 37]}]}, {sia: [{foxy:[404, 696]}]}];
I believe being able to pass search parameters dynamically to existing array methods would make actions like searching, filtering or replacing of deeply nested structures much easy.
Using reduce we can fetch the value in single line of code.
const testobj = {b:{c:'1', d:{e:'2',f:'3'}}, g:{h:'3'}}
function fetchByDotOperator(object, value) {
return value.split('.').reduce((acc, curr) => acc[curr], object);
You can access the functions arguments where you can pass any number of strings.
I also recommend using arr as a parameter for better encapsulation:
function getter() {
var current = arguments[0];
for(var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
if(current[arguments[i]]) {
current = current[arguments[i]];
} else {
return null;
return current;
var arr = { foo : 1, bar: { baz : 2 }, bee : 3 };
var baz = getter(arr, 'bar', 'baz');
function getPropertyByString(object, propString) {
let value = object;
const props = propString.split('.');
for (let index = 0; index < props.length; index += 1) {
if (props[index] === undefined) break;
value = value[props[index]];
return value;
const object = {
name: 'any_name',
address: {
number: 77,
test: {
name: 'test'
console.log(getPropertyByString(object, ''))
// test
Above answers help you access nested objects only, however you might also want to access data in an object/array data type. You can try this recusive method:
const getValue = (obj, key) => {
const keyParts = key.split(".");
return getValueHelper(obj, keyParts);
const getValueHelper = (obj, keyParts) => {
if (keyParts.length == 0) return obj;
let key = keyParts.shift();
if (Array.isArray(obj[key])) {
return obj[key].map((x) => getValueHelper(x, [...keyParts])).flat();
return getValueHelper(obj[key], [...keyParts]);
let data1 = {
a: [{ b: { c: [{ d: [{ e: 1 }] }] } }, { b: { c: [{ d: [{ e: 2 }] }] } }],
console.log(getValue(data1, "a.b.c.d.e"));
//[ 1, 2 ]
let data2 = {
console.log(getValue(data2, "a.b"));
p.s. Remove .flat() to get desired output for arrays.
Theres a function defined on this blog to safely read nested properties from a JS object
It allows you to mine an object for properties... ie.
safeRead(arr, 'foo', 'bar', 'baz');
and if any part of the object chain is null or undefined it returns an empty string....
let obj = {foo : {bar: {baz:1}}};
// -- simply
console.log(eval('')); //-- 1
// -- safer
val = "";
try {
val = eval('')
catch(e) {
val = "empty"
// -- val = 1
// -- use at your risk ;)
Here I created a small suite of functions to 'get / 'set' / 'push' / 'pull' from object nested properties.
inputObject : Target object.
Ex: obj = {a:1, b:{c:2,d:3}}
propertyString : String containing the key to access.
Ex: "b.c"
_getObjectValueByPathString(obj, "b.c") would return 2
function _getObjectValueByPathString(inputObject, propertyString) {
let splitStr = propertyString.split('.');
if (!inputObject.hasOwnProperty(splitStr[0])) return undefined;
if (splitStr.length === 1) {
return inputObject[splitStr[0]];
else if (splitStr.length > 1) {
let newPropertyString = "";
let firstValue = splitStr.shift();
splitStr.forEach((subStr, i) => {
newPropertyString = i === 0 ? subStr : newPropertyString.concat(`.${subStr}`);
return _getObjectValueByPathString(inputObject[firstValue], newPropertyString);
else {
throw "Invalid property string provided";
function _setObjectValueByPathString(inputObject, propertyString, inputValue) {
let splitStr = propertyString.split('.');
if (splitStr.length === 1) {
inputObject[splitStr[0]] = inputValue;
else if (splitStr.length > 1) {
let newPropertyString = "";
let firstValue = splitStr.shift();
splitStr.forEach((subStr, i) => {
newPropertyString = i === 0 ? subStr : newPropertyString.concat(`.${subStr}`);
_setObjectValueByPathString(inputObject[firstValue], newPropertyString, inputValue);
else {
throw "Invalid property string provided";
function _pushObjectValueByPathString(inputObject, propertyString, inputValue) {
let splitStr = propertyString.split('.');
if (splitStr.length === 1) {
else if (splitStr.length > 1) {
let newPropertyString = "";
let firstValue = splitStr.shift();
splitStr.forEach((subStr, i) => {
newPropertyString = i === 0 ? subStr : newPropertyString.concat(`.${subStr}`);
_pushObjectValueByPathString(inputObject[firstValue], newPropertyString, inputValue);
else {
throw "Invalid property string provided";
function _pullObjectValueByPathString(inputObject, propertyString, inputValue) {
let splitStr = propertyString.split('.');
if (splitStr.length === 1) {
else if (splitStr.length > 1) {
let newPropertyString = "";
let firstValue = splitStr.shift();
splitStr.forEach((subStr, i) => {
newPropertyString = i === 0 ? subStr : newPropertyString.concat(`.${subStr}`);
_pullObjectValueByPathString(inputObject[firstValue], newPropertyString, inputValue);
else {
throw "Invalid property string provided";

