Limiting React render calls in components? - javascript

I have an UI built in Flux/React that mimics an OS windows system. User can move, minimize, and resize windows but also drag'n'drop icons between windows. I have main Desktop component which polls LayoutStore and builds children based on layout data.
It turns out however that rerendering the virtual DOM tree with more elements takes long enough to impair app responsiveness sometimes which is bad for transition animations. I already gave up on updating state at 60fps - I just update layout store after user drops an element. I was thinking about ways to limit render calls since I know that most changes to the layout affect child components very selectively - there is low chance that a given layout state change affects more than one particular component.
What I came up with is keeping a dirty or stateVersion variable in LayoutStore for each larger component (i.e. a window) and passing it in props so that each component could check if it was affected very fast without worrying about complexity of state representation (no deep comparisons, immutable copies, etc.) Also I prefer the second way cause I can just bump component's stateVersion each time I mess with its properties and don't need to unset dirty back in the store after emitting change.
Since I'm very new to React - is it a sane approach given my constraints or is there a better standard solution?


Does virtual DOM's diffing algorithm pin-point the only difference and patch real DOM?

What I learned about Virtual DOM and its diff algorithm is, that when a change occurs in certain component(or element / and its children as well), it is efficient to reconciliate that particular component and children because other than that, other DOM component will not be changed.
However what I already know is that the time-consuming part of DOM manipulation is the moment of recalculating element's style(like CSS).
If a component in between of many other components changes, such as height style changes or get unmounted, by means of such change, sibling components below will be affected, in which the style of those components should be all re-rendered(relayout or repaint).
Then, doesn't this mean that the object of React - manipulating only the changed part of view by virtual DOM and diff algorithm - would not be achieved?
Am I misunderstanding, or is this normal?
If this is normal(situation that due to the changed component in the middle of other components, other components below also have to be modified), then what is the advantage of React compared to plain DOM manipulating method, other than batch process or declarative method? Is this okay to call it "patch"?
Your concern is that changing the style of a parent component might trigger browser layout of its child components
However, this problem still occurs regardless of whether you are using react's virtual dom or not
The benefit in react's virtual dom, is that it aggregates dom operations and debounces (de-dupes) the redundant operations
This broad optimization usually results in fewer total dom operations than if you "hand-coded" it
In rare circumstances, you might be able to produce a more optimal result without react's virtual dom, by very carefully managing dom operations manually
Going 'manual' is rarely worth the consideration
React 'virtual DOM' is just a javascript object. It is nothing to do with styles and layouts at the time of the reconciliation. After each render React can diff this object with the result of the previous render and only updates the changed attribute of the corresponding DOM element.
Here is an explanatory image from React doc, you can see that the update is well localized.

What actually makes update using React faster that regular UI update?

I have already read 10 articles about React and Virtual DOM.
I understand that virtual DOM uses the diffing algorithm and only update the UI that was changed. But I still don't understand why that is faster than updating the actual DOM.
Following is an example:
<div id="test">
Hello React!
Let's say we created a component and changed it using React. Let's say we changed the text to Hello World!
I can do the same thing using plain JS right ? document.getElementById('test').innerHTML = Hello World!
My question:
Why is React faster ? I feel like React is doing exactly same thing under the hood right ?
I feel like I am missing something fundamental here.
In your case the plain js function will be definetly faster. React is just very good for really complicated UIs. The more complicated your UI gets, you either need to write a lot code to update it or you just rebuild the whole UI on every rerender. However those DOM updates are quite slow. React allows you to completely rerender your data but actually not rerender the whole DOM but just update some parts of it.
Actually the Virtual Dom is not faster than the actual Dom , The real DOM itself is fast, it can search, remove and modify elements from the DOM tree quickly. However the layout and painting elements in html tree is slow. But React virtual DOM is not faster. The real benefit from Virtual DOM is it allows calculation the different between each changes and make make minimal changes into the HTML document.
Now why react is better when it come to manipulating the DOM?,your browser does a lot of work to update the DOM. Changing the DOM can trigger reflows and repaints; when one thing changes, the browser has to re-calculate the position of other elements in the flow of the page, and also has to do work re-drawing.
The browser has its own internal optimization to reduce the impact of DOM changes (e.g. doing repaints on the GPU, isolating some repaints on their own layers, etc), but broadly speaking, changing a few things can trigger expensive reflows and repaints.
It's common even when writing everything from scratch to build UI off the DOM, then insert it all at once (e.g. document.createElement a div and insert a whole tree under it for attaching to the main DOM), but React is engineered to watch changes and intelligently update small parts of the DOM to minimize the impact of reflows and repaints
A few reasons off the top of my head:
React uses a virtual DOM, which are just JS objects, to represent the DOM. The "current" version of the virtual DOM are objects with references to the actual DOM elements while the "next" vDOM are just objects. Objects are incredibly fast to manipulate because they are just memory changes whereas real DOM changes require expensive style layout, paint and rasterization steps.
React diffs the current vDOM against the next vDOM to produce the smallest number of changes required to make the real DOM reflect the next vDOM. This is called reconciliation. The fewer changes you make to the DOM, the faster layout calculations will be.
React batches DOM changes together so that it touches the real DOM as few times as possible. It also uses requestAnimationFrame everywhere to ensure that real DOM changes play "nicely" with the browser's layout calculation cycles.
Finally (probably React's least appreciated feature), React has increasingly sophisticated scheduling step to distinguish between low- and high-priority updates. Low priority updates are UI updates that can afford to take longer e.g. data fetched from servers whereas high-priority updates are things that the user will notice right away e.g. user input fields. Low priority updates use the very new requestIdleCalback API to ensure that they run when the browser's main thread is actually idle and that they frequently yield back to the main thread to avoid locking up the UI.
why that is faster than updating the actual DOM.
It is not faster. Explicit and controllable DOM updates are faster than anything else.
React may schedule better update graphs on sites similar to facebook but with the cost of diff processing O(D*N). On other sites React could be just a waste of CPU power.
No silver bullet here - each framework is optimal for the site it was created for initially. For others you will be lucky if particular framework is at least sub-optimal.
Real and complex Web App UIs are not using any "framework" but their own primitives: GMail, Google Docs, etc.
You might just use vanilla-js as you described:
document.getElementById('test').innerHTML = Hello World!
that's great, but super hard for medium \ big projects.
why? because react handle all your dom interaction and minmize it (as much as it could), when you would use vanilla-js most of your code would be just manipulation on the dom, extract data and insert data, with react you can put those worries aside and put all your afforts to create the best site\project.
more over, the virtual dom makes all the calculation behinde the sense, when you would try to do it manulay you have to deal with all the calculation every time (when you update an list and when you update another one), most probably from some point most of your code would be calculation about the dom updates
sound familiar? well, just for that you already got react.
Don't Repeat Yourself
if someone already done it, reuse it.
Separation Of Concerns
one part of your project should manipulate the ui, another should manipulate the logic
and the list can go on and on, but in conclusion the most important thing, vanilla-js is faster, in the end with the virtual dom and without it, you would have to use vanilla-js in the end. make your life simpler, make your code readable.
React is NOT faster then PURE Javascript.
The big difference between them is :
Pure Javascript: if you can master the Javascript language and have time to spend to find the best solution (with the lowest impact in browser performance) you definitively got an UI render system more powerful then React (because you have created a specific engine oriented to your necessity)
React: if you want to spend more time in data structure with no worries on UI update performance React (or Vue.js the future candidate for UI developing) is the best choice

Decoupling UI components in React

I am new to React but have not found a suitable solution to my first problem on the job.
The specific context is of a navigation component that composes several other components and together they are a redistributable unit, independently testable as a whole module.
The use case of the component is to sometimes render it in desktop mode using React media queries, and other times in mobile - in which case it needs decorated with flyout behaviour.
So I want to decouple the navigation component from having to know about flyout. In respect of the 'tell don't ask' principle or event driven I want to be able to notify a parent that navigation has changed and depending on how this component is implemented respond accordingly (in mobile, the flyout needs to get hidden, in desktop there is no flyout decorator).
I looked at redux-ui which is a nice syntactic sugar using annotations but falls down when a property it is trying to set in the state hierarchy doesn't exist. And besides, this breaks the decoupling model.
I am a little abstract here I realise but does anyone have a recommendation on how I might approach this? I suspect that a possible solution might involve not having a hierarchy (is-a) imposed by the decorating wrapper and rather has-a flyout capability but would welcome industry experience on this.
There are a few ways to handle this. The simplest would be to do it purely in CSS. Have all the HTML for the component always in the component and only the CSS would know about mobile or not.
Alternatively, you could have a piece of global state that gets set when the app loads and tells the app whether it's on mobile or desktop, and then pass that down to any relevant components. This method would be a bit of a pain because 'mobile' and 'desktop' are really just 'small screen' and 'larger screen' and as a result, this may change while the user is in the middle of using the app (like changing screen size, for example). So you'd have to keep track of all that with a bunch of listeners that are constantly listening for window resize events.
The simplest solution does seem to be pure CSS here.

Render all possible elements or render on request

So I have an app that has a right sidebar whose visibility is toggled via a button. In that sidebar there can be one of several things [at a time] - chat, help, search. I was looking at some plain HTML from apps which have a similar feature and noticed that they have all nodes rendered, but are just hidden via CSS.
Since I need to do the same thing, I was thinking whether this would be a good idea to do with React. But then I realized that React elements have a state which when updated calls the render method. So I can use the state to store both whether the sidebar is opened, and what is inside the sidebar.
Is that the React way of doing things? Is it better to have all nodes rendered even if they are not visible, or is it better to have the nodes rendered on request via state changes?
My feeling is that only rendering what is visible would be the more standard React way, but in this case, this is mainly a performance decision. If you render everything and just toggle visibility with CSS, the first render will take longer (but the time difference may not be relevant or even noticeable). If you render only the part that's visible, React needs to do a small rerender every time the sidebar content changes. (This may also not be noticeable time.)
My recommendation would be to try both, if you want to test the performance. But I think you won't go too wrong either way.

How to preserve a component's instance while moving it to another parent component in react?

Suppose we have two sibling react components called OldContainer and NewContainer. There is a child component inside OldContainer that contains a <video> tag, and the video is currently playing.
The user can now drag the child component (with the video) and drop it in the NewContainer, and they expect the video to keep playing while it's being dragged and after being dropped.
So the video appears to stick to the mouse position, and when dragged and dropped in the new container, it animates to its new position (again, it doesn't get paused).
How would you implement this? Can we implement this in a pure way (in line with the spirit of pure functions)?
Clarification: I could have used some other element instead of a video tag for explaining this problem. A NumberEasing element would be a better example, since it would require the props and state of the component to be preserved during and after the interaction.
Update 1: Code examples obviously would be nice, but what I'm mainly looking for is just a general description of how you would approach this problem in a "functional" way. How do you keep your view code simple and easy to reason about? Who handles the drag-and-drop gesture? How do you model the data that's fed into the views?
Take a look at this library : react-reverse-portal
What is it that you want to preserve? Is it Javascript objects that the component holds as state, or is it state in the DOM (like how long a video has played, or text selection in an input box)?
If it's just Javascript objects as state, you're better of moving the source of that state to another service (something like Flux). That way, it doesn't matter if the component gets recreated because it can be recreated with the state that was there before.
The way to keep your view code simple and easy to reason about is to not keep state inside your components. Instead, all data that the component needs should be passed into the component as props. That way, the component is "pure" in that it renders the same output given the same props. That also makes the problem of wanting to reuse a component instance a non-issue, since it doesn't matter when the same input gives the same output.
For drag and drop, I'd suggest looking at:
How you model the data you pass to view components is up to you and the needs of your application. The components shouldn't care, they should just expect to get data passed as props, and to render them. But the popular approach to dealing with this is of course Flux, and there are many libraries that implements Flux in different ways.
Regarding if you have a subtree with hundreds of components that you want to move: I'd still start off by making the state external (pure components), and render that tree in a new place. That means that React will probably recreate that entire subtree, which is fine. I wouldn't deviate from that path unless the performance of it turned out to be horrible (just guessing that it might be horrible isn't enough).
If the performance turned out to be horrible, I would wrap that entire subtree in a component that caches the actual DOM tree and reuses it (if it gets passed the same props). But you should only do this when absolutely needed, since it goes against what React tries to do for you.
About gestures: I'd start out with listening to gesture events in componentDidMount, and in the event callback call setState on the component with the coordinates it should have. And then render the component in render with the coordinates given. React won't recreate the component when you call setState but it will re-render it (and diff the output). If the only thing you changed was the coordinates, it should render fast enough.
If that turns out to be too slow, like if the subtree of that component is huge and it becomes a bottleneck to recreate the subtree of vDOM, I'd reposition the DOM node directly in a RAF-loop outside of Reacts control. And I'd also put a huge comment on why that was needed, because it might seem wierd for some other developer later.
Create a new variable using const or var. Put the instance of data using rest spread operator, update the necessary data to pass and send the data to the component without mutating the state of component.
Just like:
const data = {
new_data : 'abc'

