I have a route as below which serves the static pages:
method: 'GET',
path: '/webapp/{param*}',
config: {
handler: {
directory :{
path : Path.join(__dirname, '../../webapp/'),
index: true
So, I want to check if the user is logged in or not before it takes user to that url "/webapp/#blabla".
User Can only access that url if user is logged in.
I tried to add pre option with a function in the above route but no luck.
method: 'GET',
path: '/webapp/{param*}',
pre:[{method:checkUrl, assign:'m1'}],
config: {
handler: {
directory :{
path : Path.join(__dirname, '../../webapp/'),
index: true
And the checkUrl function is as:
var checkUrl = function(request, reply) {
if (!request.auth.isAuthenticated) {
// redirect to login page
return true;
Why is that i cannot get redirected to login page?
It depends slightly on which auth scheme you're using but the same principle applies. Here's an example using hapi-auth-basic (adapted from the example in the README):
var Bcrypt = require('bcrypt');
var Hapi = require('hapi');
var Path = require('path');
var Inert = require('inert');
var server = new Hapi.Server();
server.connection({ port: 4000});
var users = {
john: {
username: 'john',
password: '$2a$10$iqJSHD.BGr0E2IxQwYgJmeP3NvhPrXAeLSaGCj6IR/XU5QtjVu5Tm', // 'secret'
name: 'John Doe',
id: '2133d32a'
var validate = function (request, username, password, callback) {
var user = users[username];
if (!user) {
return callback(null, false);
Bcrypt.compare(password, user.password, function (err, isValid) {
callback(err, isValid, { id: user.id, name: user.name });
], function (err) {
server.auth.strategy('simple', 'basic', { validateFunc: validate });
method: 'GET',
path: '/webapp/{param*}',
config: {
auth: 'simple', // THIS IS THE IMPORTANT BIT
handler: {
directory :{
path : Path.join(__dirname, 'files'),
index: true
server.start(function (err) {
if (err) {
throw err;
console.log('Server started!');
The important point is just to add an auth property to the route config with the strategy name. It's the same as you would do for any routes. Have a read of this tutorial, it might clear it up for you.
Are you able to adapt that to your needs?
I've made some vimeo api calls to get videos, but when I do a get request on the server it responds with the html on that path instead of the data from the server. I'm also using angular-client-side-auth (https://github.com/fnakstad/angular-client-side-auth). I'm new to this, so I'm struggling to understand why this happens.
app.get('/api/mostviewed', function (req, res) {
MostViewed.find({}, { _id: 0, iframe: 1 }, function (err, docs) {
inside client-side-auth's routes.js there's this, which causes it all(This file is on the server-side):
path: '/*',
httpMethod: 'GET',
middleware: [function(req, res) {
var role = userRoles.public, username = '';
if(req.user) {
role = req.user.role;
username = req.user.username;
res.cookie('user', JSON.stringify({
'username': username,
'role': role
How can I solve this? I want to maintain the path: '/*', or change it while keeping the function similar, so I can get my data from the server. Or is there a different way to solve this?
path: '/api/mostviewed',
httpMethod: 'GET',
middleware: [Video.getmostviewed]
inside Video.js I made this:
getmostviewed: function(req,res){
MostViewed.find({}, { _id: 0, iframe: 1 }, function (err, docs) {
In your case, client could not find logic corresponding to /api/mostviewed, thus reached /* and displayed html instead of json.
Possible solution
Add following similar logic before /*
path: '/api/*',
httpMethod: 'GET',
middleware: [function(req, res) { // sample middleware logic
var role = userRoles.public, username = '';
if(req.user) {
role = req.user.role;
username = req.user.username;
res.cookie('user', JSON.stringify({
'username': username,
'role': role
I have an overloaded fetch function on an Angular service 'PostSvc'
if a user is provided as an argument the idea is to only return that users posts. Otherwise fetch all posts from the database....
The user is an 'object' passed from the post.ctrl.js with the following keys
username: $scope.currentUser,
body: $scope.postBody,
user_id: $scope.currentUser._id
this is giving me the _id field mongodb/mongoose generate as expected
Here's the Mongoose Post model:
var db = require('../db')
var Post = db.model('Post', {
username : { type: String, required: true },
body : { type: String, required: true },
user_id: { type: String, required: true },
date : { type: String, required: true, default: Date.now },
module.exports = Post
Here's a snippet from the server.js file assigning the router:
app.use("/api/posts", require("./controllers/api/posts"))
Here's the Express './controllers/api/post.js' Router:
var Post = require('../../models/post')
var router = require('express').Router()
var websockets = require('../../websockets')
// this route works just fine
// returns All posts from the db
router.get("/", function(req, res, next) {
// find all posts from db
.exec(function(err, posts) {
if (err) { return next(err) }
the probelem....
router.get("/:user_id", function(req, res, next) {
var query = {}
// these messages aren't being logged to console
// so there's no way the route is being used
console.log("from the get 'api/posts' method" )
if (req.params.user_id) {
query = { user_id: req.params.user_id } // sent from posts.svc.js
// this query is not executing properly
// I have no access to the `req.params.user_id`
Post.find({ user_id: req.params.user_id })
.exec(function(err, posts) {
if (err) { return next(err) }
router.post("/", function(req, res, next) {
var post = new Post({ body: req.body.body })
if (!req.auth) { return res.sendStatus(401) }
post.username = req.auth.username
post.user_id = req.body.user_id
post.save(function(err, post) {
if (err) { return next(err) }
websockets.broadcast("new_post", post)
module.exports = router
And last but not least here is the Angular Service that sends the initial 'GET' request to the 'server.js' -> './controllers/api/posts.js' and awaits the response:
angular.module("app").service('PostsSvc', function($http) {
this.fetch = function(user) {
var credentials = {}
if (user) {
credentials = user
// checkpoint
console.dir("from the fetch function " + credentials._id)
// only return authencated users posts
return $http.get("/api/posts", {
params: {
user_id: credentials._id // to the posts.js router
// return all posts otherwise
} else { return $http.get("/api/posts") }
this.create = function(post) {
return $http.post("/api/posts", post)
I have being in this same trouble with the router.get in express. The body is empty. I finally turned to use instead a router.post() which worked perfectly for me, as long as you also call the api with a post request whit angular.
I am having a hard time wondering why, when i access my HTTP server http://localhost:8000/, i get a "Cannot GET /" message. I use express js for routing server side and angular at client-side.
I have read that this error is there because i haven't set a route for "/" path, but i don't want to route anything there, just want to let my angular handle "/".
FYI, my express server is in a different path than the angular app.
MY node code:
var bcrypt = require('bcryptjs');
var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
var cors = require('cors');
var express = require('express');
var jwt = require('jwt-simple');
var moment = require('moment');
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var path = require('path');
var request = require('request');
var compress = require('compression');
var config = require('./config');
var User = mongoose.model('User', new mongoose.Schema({
instagramId: { type: String, index: true },
email: { type: String, unique: true, lowercase: true },
password: { type: String, select: false },
username: String,
fullName: String,
picture: String,
accessToken: String
var app = express();
app.set('port', process.env.PORT || 8000);
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }));
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public'), { maxAge: 2628000000 }));
| Login Required Middleware
function isAuthenticated(req, res, next) {
if (!(req.headers && req.headers.authorization)) {
return res.status(400).send({ message: 'You did not provide a JSON Web Token in the Authorization header.' });
var header = req.headers.authorization.split(' ');
var token = header[1];
var payload = jwt.decode(token, config.tokenSecret);
var now = moment().unix();
if (now > payload.exp) {
return res.status(401).send({ message: 'Token has expired.' });
User.findById(payload.sub, function(err, user) {
if (!user) {
return res.status(400).send({ message: 'User no longer exists.' });
req.user = user;
| Generate JSON Web Token
function createToken(user) {
var payload = {
exp: moment().add(14, 'days').unix(),
iat: moment().unix(),
sub: user._id
return jwt.encode(payload, config.tokenSecret);
| Sign in with Email
app.post('/auth/login', function(req, res) {
User.findOne({ email: req.body.email }, '+password', function(err, user) {
if (!user) {
return res.status(401).send({ message: { email: 'Incorrect email' } });
bcrypt.compare(req.body.password, user.password, function(err, isMatch) {
if (!isMatch) {
return res.status(401).send({ message: { password: 'Incorrect password' } });
user = user.toObject();
delete user.password;
var token = createToken(user);
res.send({ token: token, user: user });
| Create Email and Password Account
app.post('/auth/signup', function(req, res) {
User.findOne({ email: req.body.email }, function(err, existingUser) {
if (existingUser) {
return res.status(409).send({ message: 'Email is already taken.' });
var user = new User({
email: req.body.email,
password: req.body.password
bcrypt.genSalt(10, function(err, salt) {
bcrypt.hash(user.password, salt, function(err, hash) {
user.password = hash;
user.save(function() {
var token = createToken(user);
res.send({ token: token, user: user });
| Sign in with Instagram
app.post('/auth/instagram', function(req, res) {
var accessTokenUrl = 'https://api.instagram.com/oauth/access_token';
var params = {
client_id: req.body.clientId,
redirect_uri: req.body.redirectUri,
client_secret: config.clientSecret,
code: req.body.code,
grant_type: 'authorization_code'
// Step 1. Exchange authorization code for access token.
request.post({ url: accessTokenUrl, form: params, json: true }, function(error, response, body) {
// Step 2a. Link user accounts.
if (req.headers.authorization) {
User.findOne({ instagramId: body.user.id }, function(err, existingUser) {
var token = req.headers.authorization.split(' ')[1];
var payload = jwt.decode(token, config.tokenSecret);
User.findById(payload.sub, '+password', function(err, localUser) {
if (!localUser) {
return res.status(400).send({ message: 'User not found.' });
// Merge two accounts. Instagram account takes precedence. Email account is deleted.
if (existingUser) {
existingUser.email = localUser.email;
existingUser.password = localUser.password;
existingUser.save(function() {
var token = createToken(existingUser);
return res.send({ token: token, user: existingUser });
} else {
// Link current email account with the Instagram profile information.
localUser.instagramId = body.user.id;
localUser.username = body.user.username;
localUser.fullName = body.user.full_name;
localUser.picture = body.user.profile_picture;
localUser.accessToken = body.access_token;
localUser.save(function() {
var token = createToken(localUser);
res.send({ token: token, user: localUser });
} else {
// Step 2b. Create a new user account or return an existing one.
User.findOne({ instagramId: body.user.id }, function(err, existingUser) {
if (existingUser) {
var token = createToken(existingUser);
return res.send({ token: token, user: existingUser });
var user = new User({
instagramId: body.user.id,
username: body.user.username,
fullName: body.user.full_name,
picture: body.user.profile_picture,
accessToken: body.access_token
user.save(function() {
var token = createToken(user);
res.send({ token: token, user: user });
app.get('/api/feed', isAuthenticated, function(req, res) {
var feedUrl = 'https://api.instagram.com/v1/users/self/feed';
var params = { access_token: req.user.accessToken };
request.get({ url: feedUrl, qs: params, json: true }, function(error, response, body) {
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
app.get('/api/media/:id', isAuthenticated, function(req, res) {
var mediaUrl = 'https://api.instagram.com/v1/media/' + req.params.id;
var params = { access_token: req.user.accessToken };
request.get({ url: mediaUrl, qs: params, json: true }, function(error, response, body) {
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
app.post('/api/like', isAuthenticated, function(req, res) {
var mediaId = req.body.mediaId;
var accessToken = { access_token: req.user.accessToken };
var likeUrl = 'https://api.instagram.com/v1/media/' + mediaId + '/likes';
request.post({ url: likeUrl, form: accessToken, json: true }, function(error, response, body) {
if (response.statusCode !== 200) {
return res.status(response.statusCode).send({
code: response.statusCode,
message: body.meta.error_message
app.listen(app.get('port'), function() {
console.log('Express server listening on port ' + app.get('port'));
In that case, then you should catch all the routes in / to angular.
Put this code at the very last of your route definitions before error handlers.
app.get('*', function (req, res) {
As you are using Angular for your web app, you would want your express server to serve all the files related to the front-end so when you land on the link "http://localhost:8000/", Express would serve the related files back. This folder would include .js, .css and .html files as well as all the other resources (images, videos etc.) so you can link them in your markup. (eg link href="/logo.png").
You can serve these files using Express by telling express to use the Static Middleware.
Using the Middleware, you would tell Express to serve the contents of a specific folder as static resources. Putting your Angular App in the folder would then let Angular handle the routes.
var publicFolder = path.join(__dirname, '../client')
You would register other endpoints to create an API for your web app. So express server would be able to provide data to the Angular app through those endpoints.
I am working on a rest API first project written with HapiJS.
After the login process the user gets a token to pass in the header of every request.
Users have different roles (admin, standard, guest, partners) and some Api endpoint are reachable only by users with a certain role.
Someone could help me in defining this check in a nice way, so without writing the check everytime inside the route?
You can use scopes in hapi. When you authenticate the request by checking the header, you can set the scope property of the user's credentials:
var validateFunc = function (username, password, callback) {
... // Your logic here
return callback(null, true, {scope: 'admin'});
When defining a route you can set the scopes which are permitted to that endpoint in the config.auth.scope property:
config: {
auth: {
strategy: 'simple',
scope: ['user', 'admin']
Now, only users who are authenticated with the scope of user or admin, will be able to access that route.
Decide on some scopes (admin, superuser, guest etc)
Configure your authentication routine to correctly set the scope on the user's credentials
Configure your routes by setting the config.auth.scope to whomever is allowed to access it
Runnable Example
var Hapi = require('hapi');
var server = new Hapi.Server();
server.connection({ port: 4000 });
server.register(require('hapi-auth-basic'), function (err) {
if(err) {
throw err;
server.auth.strategy('simple', 'basic', {
validateFunc: function (username, password, callback) {
if (username === 'admin') {
return callback(null, true, {scope: 'admin'}); // They're an `admin`
if (username === 'user') {
return callback(null, true, {scope: 'user'}); // They're a `user`
return callback(null, false);
config: {
auth: {
strategy: 'simple',
scope: ['admin'] // Only admin
method: 'GET',
path: '/admin',
handler: function(request, reply) {
reply('Admin page');
}, {
config: {
auth: {
strategy: 'simple',
scope: ['user', 'admin'] // user or admin
method: 'GET',
path: '/user',
handler: function(request, reply) {
reply('User page');
server.start(function () {
console.log('Started server');
I'm building a node.js app that is a REST api using express and mongoose for my mongodb. I've got the CRUD endpoints all setup now, but I was just wondering two things.
How do I expand on this way of routes, specifically, how do I share modules between routes. I want each of my routes to go in a new file, but obviously only one database connection as you can see i've included mongoose at the top of people.js.
Do I have to write out the schema of the model 3 times in my people.js? The first schema defines the model, then I list all the vars out in the createPerson and updatePerson functions. This feels like how I made php/mysql CRUD back in the day lol. For the update function, I've tried writing a loop to loop through "p" to auto detect what fields to update, but to no avail. Any tips or suggestions would be great.
Also, I'd love any opinions on the app as a whole, being new to node, it's hard to know that the way you are doing something is the most efficient or "best" practice. Thanks!
// Node Modules
var express = require('express');
app = express();
app.port = 3000;
// Routes
var people = require('./routes/people');
var locations = require('./routes/locations');
var menus = require('./routes/menus');
var products = require('./routes/products');
// Node Configure
// Start the server on port 3000
// People
app.get('/people', people.allPeople); // Return all people
app.post('/people', people.createPerson); // Create A Person
app.get('/people/:id', people.personById); // Return person by id
app.put('/people/:id', people.updatePerson); // Update a person by id
app.delete('/people/:id', people.deletePerson); // Delete a person by id
console.log('Server started on port ' + app.port);
var mongoose = require("mongoose");
// Schema
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var Person = new Schema({
first_name: String,
last_name: String,
address: {
unit: Number,
address: String,
zipcode: String,
city: String,
region: String,
country: String
image: String,
job_title: String,
created_at: { type: Date, default: Date.now },
active_until: { type: Date, default: null },
hourly_wage: Number,
store_id: Number, // Inheirit store info
employee_number: Number
var PersonModel = mongoose.model('Person', Person);
// Return all people
exports.allPeople = function(req, res){
return PersonModel.find(function (err, person) {
if (!err) {
return res.send(person);
} else {
return res.send(err);
// Create A Person
exports.createPerson = function(req, res){
var person = new PersonModel({
first_name: req.body.first_name,
last_name: req.body.last_name,
address: {
unit: req.body.address.unit,
address: req.body.address.address,
zipcode: req.body.address.zipcode,
city: req.body.address.city,
region: req.body.address.region,
country: req.body.address.country
image: req.body.image,
job_title: req.body.job_title,
hourly_wage: req.body.hourly_wage,
store_id: req.body.location,
employee_number: req.body.employee_number
person.save(function (err) {
if (!err) {
return res.send(person);
} else {
return res.send(404, { error: "Person was not created." });
return res.send(person);
// Return person by id
exports.personById = function (req, res){
return PersonModel.findById(req.params.id, function (err, person) {
if (!err) {
return res.send(person);
} else {
return res.send(404, { error: "That person doesn't exist." });
// Delete a person by id
exports.deletePerson = function (req, res){
return PersonModel.findById(req.params.id, function (err, person) {
return person.remove(function (err) {
if (!err) {
return res.send(person.id + " deleted");
} else {
return res.send(404, { error: "Person was not deleted." });
// Update a person by id
exports.updatePerson = function(req, res){
return PersonModel.findById(req.params.id, function(err, p){
return res.send(err)
} else {
p.first_name = req.body.first_name;
p.last_name = req.body.last_name;
p.address.unit = req.body.address.unit;
p.address.address = req.body.address.address;
p.address.zipcode = req.body.address.zipcode;
p.address.city = req.body.address.city;
p.address.region = req.body.address.region;
p.address.country = req.body.address.country;
p.image = req.body.image;
p.job_title = req.body.job_title;
p.hourly_wage = req.body.hourly_wage;
p.store_id = req.body.location;
p.employee_number = req.body.employee_number;
return res.send(p);
} else {
return res.send(404, { error: "Person was not updated." });
I have taken another approach here. Not saying it is the best, but let me explain.
Each schema (and model) is in its own file (module)
Each group of routes for a particular REST resource are in their own file (module)
Each route module just requires the Mongoose model it needs (only 1)
The main file (application entry point) just requires all route modules to register them.
The Mongo connection is in the root file and is passed as parameter to whatever needs it.
I have two subfolders under my app root - routes and schemas.
The benefits of this approach are:
You only write the schema once.
You do not pollute your main app file with route registrations for 4-5 routes per REST resource (CRUD)
You only define the DB connection once
Here is how a particular schema file looks:
File: /schemas/theaterSchema.js
module.exports = function(db) {
return db.model('Theater', TheaterSchema());
function TheaterSchema () {
var Schema = require('mongoose').Schema;
return new Schema({
title: { type: String, required: true },
description: { type: String, required: true },
address: { type: String, required: true },
latitude: { type: Number, required: false },
longitude: { type: Number, required: false },
phone: { type: String, required: false }
Here is how a collection of routes for a particular resource looks:
File: /routes/theaters.js
module.exports = function (app, options) {
var mongoose = options.mongoose;
var Schema = options.mongoose.Schema;
var db = options.db;
var TheaterModel = require('../schemas/theaterSchema')(db);
app.get('/api/theaters', function (req, res) {
var qSkip = req.query.skip;
var qTake = req.query.take;
var qSort = req.query.sort;
var qFilter = req.query.filter;
return TheaterModel.find().sort(qSort).skip(qSkip).limit(qTake)
.exec(function (err, theaters) {
// more code
app.post('/api/theaters', function (req, res) {
var theater;
theater.save(function (err) {
// more code
return res.send(theater);
app.get('/api/theaters/:id', function (req, res) {
return TheaterModel.findById(req.params.id, function (err, theater) {
// more code
app.put('/api/theaters/:id', function (req, res) {
return TheaterModel.findById(req.params.id, function (err, theater) {
// more code
app.delete('/api/theaters/:id', function (req, res) {
return TheaterModel.findById(req.params.id, function (err, theater) {
return theater.remove(function (err) {
// more code
And here is the root application file, which initialized the connection and registers all routes:
File: app.js
var application_root = __dirname,
express = require('express'),
path = require('path'),
mongoose = require('mongoose'),
http = require('http');
var app = express();
var dbProduction = mongoose.createConnection('mongodb://here_insert_the_mongo_connection_string');
app.configure(function () {
app.use(express.static(path.join(application_root, "public")));
app.use('/images/tmb', express.static(path.join(application_root, "images/tmb")));
app.use('/images/plays', express.static(path.join(application_root, "images/plays")));
app.use(express.errorHandler({ dumpExceptions: true, showStack: true }));
app.get('/api', function (req, res) {
res.send('API is running');
var theatersApi = require('./routes/theaters')(app, { 'mongoose': mongoose, 'db': dbProduction });
// more code
Hope this was helpful.
I found this StackOverflow post very helpful:
File Structure of Mongoose & NodeJS Project
The trick is to put your schema into models directory. Then, in any route, you can require('../models').whatever.
Also, I generally start the mongoose db connection in app.js, and only start the Express server once the connection is up:
mongoose.connection.on('error', function(err) {
console.log("Error while connecting to MongoDB: " + err);
mongoose.connection.on('connected', function(err) {
console.log('mongoose is now connected');
// start app here
http.createServer(app).listen(app.get('port'), function(){
console.log('Express server listening on port ' + app.get('port'));
I'd take a look at this project https://github.com/madhums/node-express-mongoose-demo . It is a great example on how to build a nodejs application in a standard way.