Cannot set property '0' of undefined in 2d array - javascript

I know this has been asked a lot of times, but how do I fix exactly this thing?
I have a map[][] array (contains tile ids for a game) and I need to copy it to pathmap[][] array (contains just 0's and 1's, it is a path map), however when I do so..
function updatepathmap(){
pathmap = [];
var upm_x = 0;
while (upm_x < map.length){
var upm_y = 0;
while (upm_y < map[upm_x].length){
if (canPassthrough(map[upm_x][upm_y])) {
pathmap[upm_x][upm_y] = 1;
} else {
pathmap[upm_x][upm_y] = 0;
} gives me Cannot set property '0' of undefined typeerror at line pathmap[upm_x][upm_y] = 0;

Despite the foo[0][0] syntactic sugar, multi-dimensional arrays do not really exist. You merely have arrays inside other arrays. One consequence is that you cannot build the array in the same expression:
> var foo = [];
> foo[0][0] = true;
TypeError: Cannot set property '0' of undefined
You need to create parent array first:
> var foo = [];
> foo[0] = [];
> foo[0][0] = true;
You can determine whether it exists with the usual techniques, e.g.:
> var foo = [];
> typeof foo[0]==="undefined"
> foo[0] = true;
> typeof foo[0]==="undefined"

I would have thought pathmap[][] was a syntax error, I'm surprised you're not seeing one.
Before you can use an array at pathmap[upm_x], you must create an array at pathmap[upm_x]:
pathmap[upm_x] = [];
This would be the first line in your outer while, so:
while (upm_x < map.length){
pathmap[upm_x] = [];
// ...
Remember that JavaScript doesn't have 2D arrays. It has arrays of arrays. pathmap = [] creates the outer array, but doesn't do anything to create arrays inside it.
Side note:
var upm_x = 0;
while (upm_x < map.length){
// ...
is an error-prone way to write:
for (var upm_x = 0; upm_x < map.length; upm_x++){
// ...
If you use while, and you have any reason to use continue or you have multiple if branches, it's really easy to forget to update your looping variable. Since looping on a control variable is what for is for, it's best to use the right construct for the job.
Side note 2:
Your code is falling prey to The Horror of Implicit Globals because you don't declare pathmap. Maybe you're doing that on purpose, but I wouldn't recommend it. Declare your variable, and if you need it outside your function, have your function return it.
Side note 3:
map would make this code a lot simpler:
function updatepathmap(){
var pathmap = {
return {
return canPassthrough(innerEntry) ? 1 : 0;


Add a key to an object with keys of an existing array with objects

I've got an array of objects array = [object1, object2, ...], each of them has some keys object1 = { key1: 'value1', ... }. I want to add a key this way:
$rootScope.array[i].newKey = 'someValue'
But angular tells me that $rootScope.array[i] is undefined.
What I've noticed from console is that the objects get the new key but the console still says the same.
You should use less than and not less or equal than comparator.
$scope.init = function () {
for (i = 0; i < /* not <= */ $rootScope.meatTypes.length; i++) {
console.log("I am showing the meatypes:");
$rootScope.meatTypes[i].counter = '0';
counterOperations.setCounters(i, 0);
$ = 0;
because when i equals $rootScope.meatTypes.length then $rootScope.meatTypes[i] is undefined.
You are trying to access a member of the array that does not exist.
You need to create a new object and push it onto the array:
$rootScope.array.push({'key1': 'someValue'});
You did not mention lodash, but when I see someone encounter an issue like this, I want to offer the recommendation of using lodash (or underscore.js).
With lodash, you would do something like so, using _.set, which defensively protects against your described issue by automatically adding the necessary elements in the path:
_.set($rootScope, ['array', i, 'newKey'], 'someValue');
This library, properly utilized, solves many issues that you can have with setting and getting variables, ase well as other super useful tools. It has been a major life-saver (and time-saver) for us on our projects.
Like this you can add
$rootScope.array[i] = {}; // first we should create an object on that array location
$rootScope.array[i]['newKey'] = 'someValue'; // then only we can add values
$scope.init = function () {
for (i = 0; i <= $rootScope.meatTypes.length; i++) {
console.log("I am showing the meatypes:");
**// This is needed**
$rootScope.meatTypes[i]={};// here we should tell that metaType[newItem] is an object other wise it treat it as undefined
$rootScope.meatTypes[i].counter = '0';
counterOperations.setCounters(i, 0);
$ = 0;

Object.create to create an object with costructor

I am learning Javascript and I am a C++ programmer. I have tried creating an object with a constructor with object.create and here is the result:
var PlayGround ={
initGrid : function(N) {
this.grid = new Array(N);
for (var i = 0; i < N; i++) {
this.grid[i] = new Array(N);
for (var j = 0; j < N; j++) {
this.grid[i][j] = false;
return true;
var PlayGround_property = {
value: 100,
var board= Object.create(PlayGround, PlayGround_property);
It works as I want: the object board contains the object grid, and now I can use the set and get keyword to define the behaviour of the = and () operator.
Anyway I have read around the web that the
keyword in Javascript is not safe and I want to be sure that it is referring always to the board object and not to the global window object. Is there a way or I am overthinking?
Other question, are there other ways to write object with a constructor (and maybe other members) in Javascript?
I want to be sure that [this] is referring always to the board object
A function's this is set either by how you call the function, or bind. So just make sure you call methods the right way. If you always call functions as methods of board, then this within the methods will always reference board.
If you are only going to have one instance of board, there doesn't seem much point in using a constructor. If you have multiple instances of board, then you want this to reference the particular instance that called the method so you don't want to fix this using bind.
Crockford just doesn't like the use of new, so encouraged Object.create, it fits his idea of how inheritance should work.
Your pattern could be rewritten to use a constructor something like:
function PlayGround (N) {
this.N = N;
this.grid = []; // Use array literal, it's less to type
for (var i = 0; i < N; i++) {
this.grid[i] = [];
for (var j = 0; j < N; j++) {
this.grid[i][j] = false; // Not sure why you bother with this
var board = new Playground(100);
I'm not exactly sure what you're doing, but that should be close. Note that javascipt is loosely typed, so only initialise variables and properties if you have something useful to assign. Variables are created with a value of undefined, Array properties are only created if you actually assign something to them, creating an array with length N does not create any indexes, e.g.
var arr = new Array(10);
console.log(arr.length); // 10
console.log(arr.hasOwnProperty(0)); // false

Count of "Defined" Array Elements

Given following array:
var arr = [undefined, undefined, 2, 5, undefined, undefined];
I'd like to get the count of elements which are defined (i.e.: those which are not undefined). Other than looping through the array, is there a good way to do this?
In recent browser, you can use filter
var size = arr.filter(function(value) { return value !== undefined }).length;
Another method, if the browser supports indexOf for arrays:
var size = arr.slice(0).sort().indexOf(undefined);
If for absurd you have one-digit-only elements in the array, you could use that dirty trick:
There are several methods you can use, but at the end we have to see if it's really worthy doing these instead of a loop.
An array length is not the number of elements in a array, it is the highest index + 1. length property will report correct element count only if there are valid elements in consecutive indices.
var a = [];
a[23] = 'foo';
a.length; // 24
Saying that, there is no way to exclude undefined elements from count without using any form of a loop.
No, the only way to know how many elements are not undefined is to loop through and count them. That doesn't mean you have to write the loop, though, just that something, somewhere has to do it. (See #3 below for why I added that caveat.)
How you loop through and count them is up to you. There are lots of ways:
A standard for loop from 0 to arr.length - 1 (inclusive).
A loop provided you take correct safeguards.
Any of several of the new array features from ECMAScript5 (provided you're using a JavaScript engine that supports them, or you've included an ES5 shim, as they're all shim-able), like some, filter, or reduce, passing in an appropriate function. This is handy not only because you don't have to explicitly write the loop, but because using these features gives the JavaScript engine the opportunity to optimize the loop it does internally in various ways. (Whether it actually does will vary on the engine.)
...but it all amounts to looping, either explicitly or (in the case of the new array features) implicitly.
Loop and count in all browsers:
var cnt = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i] !== undefined) {
In modern browsers:
var cnt = 0;
arr.foreach(function(val) {
if (val !== undefined) { ++cnt; }
Unfortunately, No. You will you have to go through a loop and count them.
var arrLength = arr.filter(Number);
If the undefined's are implicit then you can do:
var len = 0;
for (var i in arr) { len++ };
undefined's are implicit if you don't set them explicitly
//both are a[0] and a[3] are explicit undefined
var arr = [undefined, 1, 2, undefined];
arr[6] = 3;
//now arr[4] and arr[5] are implicit undefined
delete arr[1]
//now arr[1] is implicit undefined
arr[2] = undefined
//now arr[2] is explicit undefined
Remove the values then check (remove null check here if you want)
const x = A.filter(item => item !== undefined || item !== null).length
With Lodash
const x = _.size(_.filter(A, item => !_.isNil(item)))

In JavaScript, is there an easier way to check if a property of a property exists?

Is there an easy way to natively determine if a deep property exists within an object in JavaScript? For example, I need to access a property like this:
var myVal =;
But there is a chance that either foo,, or has not been defined yet. In Groovy, we can do something like this:
def myVal = appData?.foo?.bar?.setting
Is there a similar way to do this in JavaScript, without having to write a custom function or nested if statements? I've found this answer to be useful, but was hoping there was a more elegant and less custom way.
I find this very convenient:
var myVal = (myVal=appData) && ( && ( && myVal.settings;
If a property exists, the next part of the sequence will be attempted.
When the expression before && evaluates to false, the next part of the expression will not be checked. If either of is not defined, the value of myVal (undefined( will evaluate to false.
Sorry, it's not great:
var myVal = appData && && &&;
Another option:
try {
var myVal =;
} catch (e) {
var myVal = undefined;
The . operator is not really intended for accessing objects like this. Probably using a function would be a good idea.
The optional chaining operator (?.) was introduced in ES2020. Now, you should be able to write:
const myVal = appData?.foo?.bar?.setting
I find other approaches a bit immense. So, what would be the major drawback of the following approach:
// Pass the path as a string, parse it, and try to traverse the chain.
Object.prototype.pathExists = function(path) {
var members = path.split(".");
var currentMember = this;
for (var i = 0; i < members.length; i++) {
// Here we need to take special care of possible method
// calls and arrays, but I am too lazy to write it down.
if (currentMember.hasOwnProperty(members[i])) {
currentMember = currentMember[members[i]];
} else {
return false;
return true;
Basically, we define a method on the object (not necessarily) and that method takes the path to a nested object and returns existence confirmation, likeappData.pathExists("");
Check object[prop] == undefined is not semantically correct since it will return false even if the property is defined although its value is undefined; that is why I use hasOwnProperty to check is the property defined. This might not be important if one needs to just fetch the value.
If, after:
var myVal = && &&;
myVal is not undefined, it will hold the value of
You can try this
var x = {y:{z:{a:'b'}}}
x && x.y && x.y.z && x.y.z.a //returns 'b'
This is not as good as the groovy expression but it works. The evaluation stops after encountering the first undefined variable.
var product = ...,
offering = (product||{}).offering,
merchant = (offering||{}).merchant,
merchantName = (merchant||{}).name;
if (merchantName)
I just cooked this up so it might not work exactly right, I've also included two test cases.
function hasPropertyChain(o, properties) {
var i = 0,
currentPropertyChain = o;
if(!o) {
return false;
while(currentPropertyChain = currentPropertyChain[properties[i++]]);
return i - 1 === properties.length;
alert(hasPropertyChain({a:{b:{c:'a'}}}, ['a','b','c'])); // true
alert(hasPropertyChain({a:{b:{c:'a'}}}, ['a','b','c', 'd'])); // false

JavaScript setting variables?

Can someone explain the second line of this function? is it setting two variables to = 0 at one time? i.e. var i = 0 and var res = 0? If so, is it necessary to set var i = 0 considering that it does that in for(i = 0 ... etc
function sumOnSteroids () {
var i, res = 0;
var number_of_params = arguments.length;
for (i = o; i < number_of_params; i++) {
res += arguments[i];
return res;
No, the value of i will be undefined, the initializer only applies to "res" in that case. To assign the value you'd need:
var i = 0,
res = 0;
It is setting two variables at once with the var keyword being applied to both, scoping them. Without the var, they would be properties of window (essentially globals).
The first one (i) would be undefined and the second one (res) would be 0.
This is a powerful pattern because...
var should be implicit, but it is not, so we only have to repeat it once.
Less typing for you.
Better for minifying (smaller file size).

