Custom browser actions in Protractor - javascript

The problem:
In one of our tests we have a "long click"/"click and hold" functionality that we solve by using:
Which we would like to ideally solve in one line by having sleep() a part of the action chain:
Clearly, this would not work since there is no "sleep" action.
Another practical example could be the "human-like typing". For instance:
.sendKeys("t").sleep(50) // we should randomize the delays, strictly speaking
Note that these are just examples, the question is meant to be generic.
The Question:
Is it possible to extend browser.actions() action sequences and introduce custom actions?

Yes, you can extend the actions framework. But, strictly speaking, getting something like:
means messing with Selenium's guts. So, YMMV.
Note that the Protractor documentation refers to webdriver.WebDriver.prototype.actions when explaining actions, which I take to mean that it does not modify or add to what Selenium provides.
The class of object returned by webdriver.WebDriver.prototype.actions is webdriver.ActionSequence. The method that actually causes the sequence to do anything is webdriver.ActionSequence.prototype.perform. In the default implementation, this function takes the commands that were recorded when you called .sendKeys() or .mouseDown() and has the driver to which the ActionSequence is associated schedule them in order. So adding a .sleep method CANNOT be done this way:
webdriver.ActionSequence.prototype.sleep = function (delay) {
var driver = this.driver_;
return this;
Otherwise, the sleep would happen out of order. What you have to do is record the effect you want so that it is executed later.
Now, the other thing to consider is that the default .perform() only expects to execute webdriver.Command, which are commands to be sent to the browser. Sleeping is not one such command. So .perform() has to be modified to handle what we are going to record with .sleep(). In the code below I've opted to have .sleep() record a function and modified .perform() to handle functions in addition to webdriver.Command.
Here is what the whole thing looks like, once put together. I've first given an example using stock Selenium and then added the patches and an example using the modified code.
var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');
var By = webdriver.By;
var until = webdriver.until;
var chrome = require('selenium-webdriver/chrome');
// Do it using what Selenium inherently provides.
var browser = new chrome.Driver();
// Do it with an extended ActionSequence.
webdriver.ActionSequence.prototype.sleep = function (delay) {
var driver = this.driver_;
// This just records the action in an array. this.schedule_ is part of
// the "stock" code.
this.schedule_("sleep", function () { driver.sleep(delay); });
return this;
webdriver.ActionSequence.prototype.perform = function () {
var actions = this.actions_.slice();
var driver = this.driver_;
return driver.controlFlow().execute(function() {
actions.forEach(function(action) {
var command = action.command;
// This is a new test to distinguish functions, which
// require handling one way and the usual commands which
// require a different handling.
if (typeof command === "function")
// This puts the command in its proper place within
// the control flow that was created above
// (driver.controlFlow()).
driver.schedule(command, action.description);
}, 'ActionSequence.perform');
In my implementation of .perform() I've replaced the goog... functions that Selenium's code uses with stock JavaScript.

Here is what I did (based on the perfect #Louis's answer).
Put the following into onPrepare() in the protractor config:
// extending action sequences
protractor.ActionSequence.prototype.sleep = function (delay) {
var driver = this.driver_;
this.schedule_("sleep", function () { driver.sleep(delay); });
return this;
protractor.ActionSequence.prototype.perform = function () {
var actions = this.actions_.slice();
var driver = this.driver_;
return driver.controlFlow().execute(function() {
actions.forEach(function(action) {
var command = action.command;
if (typeof command === "function")
driver.schedule(command, action.description);
}, 'ActionSequence.perform');
protractor.ActionSequence.prototype.clickAndHold = function (elm) {
return this.mouseDown(elm).sleep(3000).mouseUp(elm);
Now you'll have sleep() and clickAndHold() browser actions available. Example usage:

I think it is possible to extend the browser.actions() function but that is currently above my skill level so I'll lay out the route that I would take to solve this issue. I would recommend setting up a "HelperFunctions.js" Page Object that will contain all of these Global Helper Functions. In that file you can list your browser functions and reference it in multiple tests with all of the code in one location.
This is the code for the "HelperFunctions.js" file that I would recommend setting up:
var HelperFunctions = function() {
this.longClick = function(targetElement) {
module.exports = new HelperFunctions();
Then in your Test you can reference the Helper file like this:
var HelperFunctions = require('../File_Path_To/HelperFunctions.js');
describe('Example Test', function() {
beforeEach(function() {
this.helperFunctions = HelperFunctions;
it('Should test something.', function() {
var Element = element(by.className('targetedClassName'));
In my Test Suite I have a few Helper files setup and they are referenced through out all of my Tests.

I have very little knowledge of selenium or protractor, but I'll give it a shot.
This assumes that
is valid syntax for your issue, if so then this would likely do the trick
browser.action().sleep = function(){
browser.sleep.apply(this, arguments);
return browser.action()


How do I perform object manipulation on an asynchronous result object?

I was wondering how I can manipulate a JS object from one file, in another, asynchronously.
I don't really have a lot of experience with asynchronous code principles.
I have a file, app.js, in which I dynamically create 'app panels' based on my HTML.
$("[data-panel]").each(function() {
// create panel objects for all html divs with class app-panel
var panel = {};
panel.div = $(this); = $(this).attr("data-panel");
panel.isActive = ($(this).attr("data-active-panel") == "true" ? true : false);
panel.onActive = () => {
// default functionality to execute when activating an app panel
panel.isActive = true;
$(panel.div).attr("data-active-panel", true);
panel.onInactive = () => {
// default functionality to execute when deactivating an app panel
panel.isActive = false;
$(panel.div).attr("data-active-panel", false);
Now I want to be able to override the onActive method in my other file, main.js, but how do I know if this code has finished running?
I can't apply .filter() or .find() on app.panels, it will return undefined.
I can console.log(app.panels), and it will return the array to my console... but I can't do:
panel = app.panels[0]
this will give me undefined.
I tried to create a function inside of object app, which accepts a callback function that will use app.panels as parameter. This however gives me the same results...
Then I tried to solve it this way:
app.getPanels = async () => {
var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
return promise;
var getPanels = async (callBack) => {
const appPanels = await Promise.all(app.getPanels());
this raises the error "TypeError: object is not iterable".
Anyhow, I think my code makes it quite clear that I am not familiar with promises at all, what am I doing wrong?
Promisers aren't the solution here. It's all to do with coordination of code loaded from different files.
A typical strategy would be for :
all .js files except "main.js" to contain classes/functions, but not execute anything.
"main.js" to coordinate everything by creating class instances and calling functions/methods.
"main.js" to be loaded last.

Karma - test function with no return and which sets no scope variable

I've been reading up on karma mainly and jasmine a little and have begun to implement testing on my app.
I have the following function :
$scope.popup1 = function (isinData) {
var popup1 ="views/Box_Ladder.html", "_blank",
"height = 400, width = 700");
How on earth do I test this using karma? The expected result is a popup window opening and the relevant data being passed to my service. How do I expect this?
You spy on and expect it to be called with the right arguments.
Even if the function doesn't return something, it should at the minimum cause some side-effect. You need to test the side-effects.
To do this, create and inject a mock object + object method. An example would be as follows:
var window = {
open: function(url, target, specs) {
var spec, specKey;
this.href = url; = target;
// Parse through the spec string to grab the parameters you passed through
var specArray = specs.split(',');
for (specKey in specArray) {
spec = specArray[specKey].split('=');
this[String.trim(spec[0])] = String.trim(spec[1]);
Now you can expect(window.href).toEqual(url), expect(, expect(window.height).toEqual(400), etc.
Additionally, you need to see if sharedDataService.setIsinClickValue was invoked. If you cannot access this service within your test, you're going to have to create another mock object + method.

Multiple browsers and the Page Object pattern

We are using the Page Object pattern to organize our internal AngularJS application tests.
Here is an example page object we have:
var LoginPage = function () {
this.username = element("username"));
this.password = element("password"));
this.loginButton = element("submit"));
module.exports = LoginPage;
In a single-browser test, it is quite clear how to use it:
var LoginPage = require("./../po/login.po.js");
describe("Login functionality", function () {
var scope = {};
beforeEach(function () {
browser.get("/#login"); = new LoginPage();
it("should successfully log in a user", function () {;;;;
// assert we are logged in
But, when it comes to a test when multiple browsers are instantiated and there is the need to switch between them in a single test, it is becoming unclear how to use the same page object with multiple browsers:
describe("Login functionality", function () {
var scope = {};
beforeEach(function () {
browser.get("/#login"); = new LoginPage();
it("should warn there is an opened session", function () {;;;;
// assert we are logged in
// fire up a different browser and log in
var browser2 = browser.forkNewDriverInstance();
// the problem is here - would be applied to the main "browser"
After we forked a new browser, how can we use the same Page Object fields and functions, but applied to a newly instantiated browser (browser2 in this case)?
In other words, all element() calls here would be applied to browser, but needed to be applied to browser2. How can we switch the context?
one possible approach here would be to redefine the global element = browser2.element temporarily while being in the context of browser2. The problem with this approach is that we also have browser.wait() calls inside the page object functions. This means that browser = browser2 should be also set. In this case, we would need to remember the browser global object in a temp variable and restore it once we switch back to the main browser context..
another possible approach would be to pass the browser instance into the page object, something like:
var LoginPage = function (browserInstance) {
browser = browserInstance ? browserInstance : browser;
var element = browser.element;
// ...
but this would probably require to change every page object we have..
Hope the question is clear - let me know if it needs clarification.
Maybe you could write few functions to make the the browser registration/start/switch smoother. (Basically it is your first option with some support.)
For example:
var browserRegistry = [];
function openNewBrowser(){
if(typeof browserRegistry[0] == 'undefined'){
browseRegistry[0] = {
browser: browser,
element: element,
$: $,
$$: $$,
... whatever else you need.
var tmp = browser.forkNewDriverInstance();
var id = browserRegistry.length;
browseRegistry[id] = {
browser: tmp,
element: tmp.element,
$: tmp.$,
$$: tmp.$$,
... whatever else you need.
return id;
function switchToBrowserContext(id){
And you use it this way in your example:
describe("Login functionality", function () {
var scope = {};
beforeEach(function () {
scope.page1 = new LoginPage();
scope.page2 = new LoginPage();
it("should warn there is an opened session", function () {
So you can leave your page objects as they are.
To be honest I think your second approach is cleaner...
Using global variables can bite back later.
But if you don't want to change your POs, this can also work.
(I did not test it... sorry for the likely typos/errors.)
(You can place the support functions to your protractor conf's onprepare section for example.)
Look at my solution. I simplified example, but we are using this approach in current project. My app has pages for both user permissions types, and i need to do some complex actions same time in both browsers. I hope this might show you some new, better way!
"use strict";
//In config, you should declare global browser roles. I only have 2 roles - so i make 2 global instances
//Somewhere in onPrepare() function
global.admin = browser;
admin.admin = true;
global.guest = browser.forkNewDriverInstance();
guest.guest = true;
//Notice that default browser will be 'admin' example:
// let someElement = $('someElement'); // this will be tried to be found in admin browser.
class BasePage {
//Other shared logic also can be added here.
constructor (browser = admin) {
//Simplified example
this._browser = browser
class HomePage extends BasePage {
//You will not directly create this object. Instead you should use .getPageFor(browser)
constructor(browser) {
this.rightToolbar = ToolbarFragment.getFragmentFor(this._browser); = ChatFragment.getFragmentFor(this._browser);
this.someOtherNiceButton = this._browser.$('');
//This function relies on params that we have patched for browser instances in onPrepare();
static getPageFor(browser) {
if (browser.guest) return new GuestHomePage(browser);
else if (browser.admin) return new AdminHomePage(browser);
openProfileMenu() {
let menu = ProfileMenuFragment.getFragmentFor(this._browser);;
return menu;
class GuestHomePage extends RoomPage {
constructor(browser) {
//Some feature that is only available for guest
login() {
// will be 'guest' browser in this case.
this._browser.$('input.login').sendKeys('sdkfj'); //blabla
this._browser.$('input.pass').sendKeys('2345'); //blabla
class AdminHomePage extends RoomPage {
constructor(browser) {
acceptGuest() {
let acceptGuestButton = this._browser.$('.request-admission .control-btn.admit-user');
this._browser.wait(EC.elementToBeClickable(acceptGuestButton), 10000,
'Admin should be able to see and click accept guest button. ' +
'Make sure that guest is currently trying to connect to the page');;
//Calling browser directly since we need to do complex action. Just example.
guest.wait(EC.visibilityOf(guest.$('.central-content')), 10000, 'Guest should be dropped to the page');
//Then in your tests
let guestHomePage = HomePage.getPageFor(guest);
let adminHomePage = HomePage.getPageFor(admin);

How to test that one function is called before another

I have some tightly coupled legacy code that I want to cover with tests. Sometimes it's important to ensure that one mocked out method is called before another. A simplified example:
function PageManager(page) { = page;
PageManager.prototype.openSettings = function(){;"Settings");
In the test I can check that both open() and setTitle() are called:
describe("PageManager.openSettings()", function() {
beforeEach(function() { = jasmine.createSpyObj("MockPage", ["open", "setTitle"]);
this.manager = new PageManager(;
it("opens page", function() {
it("sets page title to 'Settings'", function() {
But setTitle() will only work after first calling open(). I'd like to check that first is called, followed by setTitle(). I'd like to write something like this:
it("opens page before setting title", function() {
But Jasmine doesn't seem to have such functionality built in.
I can hack up something like this:
beforeEach(function() { = jasmine.createSpyObj("MockPage", ["open", "setTitle"]);
this.manager = new PageManager(;
// track the order of methods called
this.calls = []; {
}.bind(this)); {
it("opens page before setting title", function() {
expect(this.calls).toEqual(["open", "setTitle"]);
This works, but I'm wondering whether there is some simpler way to achieve this. Or some nice way to generalize this so I wouldn't need to duplicate this code in other tests.
PS. Of course the right way is to refactor the code to eliminate this kind of temporal coupling. It might not always be possible though, e.g. when interfacing with third party libraries. Anyway... I'd like to first cover the existing code with tests, modifying it as little as possible, before delving into further refactorings.
I'd like to write something like this:
it("opens page before setting title", function() {
But Jasmine doesn't seem to have such functionality built in.
Looks like the Jasmine folks saw this post, because this functionality exists. I'm not sure how long it's been around -- all of their API docs back to 2.6 mention it, though none of their archived older style docs mention it.
expect the actual value (a Spy) to have been called before another Spy.
Name Type Description
expected Spy Spy that should have been called after the actual Spy.
A failure for your example looks like Expected spy open to have been called before spy setTitle.
Try this:
it("setTitle is invoked after open", function() {
var orderCop = jasmine.createSpy('orderCop'); = jasmine.createSpy('openSpy').and.callFake(function() {
}); = jasmine.createSpy('setTitleSpy').and.callFake(function() {
EDIT: I just realized my original answer is effectively the same as the hack you mentioned in the question but with more overhead in setting up a spy. It's probably simpler doing it with your "hack" way:
it("setTitle is invoked after open", function() {
var orderCop = [] = jasmine.createSpy('openSpy').and.callFake(function() {
}); = jasmine.createSpy('setTitleSpy').and.callFake(function() {
Create a fake function for the second call that expects the first call to have been made
it("opens page before setting title", function() {
// When page.setTitle is called, ensure that has already been called {
Inspect the specific calls by using the .calls.first() and .calls.mostRecent() methods on the spy.
Basically did the same thing. I felt confident doing this because I mocked out the function behaviors with fully synchronous implementations.
it 'should invoke an options pre-mixing hook before a mixin pre-mixing hook', ->
call_sequence = []
mix_opts = {premixing_hook: -> call_sequence.push 1}
#mixin.premixing_hook = -> call_sequence.push 2
spyOn(mix_opts, 'premixing_hook').and.callThrough()
spyOn(#mixin, 'premixing_hook').and.callThrough()
class Example
Example.mixinto_proto #mixin, mix_opts, ['arg1', 'arg2']
expect(mix_opts.premixing_hook).toHaveBeenCalledWith(['arg1', 'arg2'])
expect(#mixin.premixing_hook).toHaveBeenCalledWith(['arg1', 'arg2'])
expect(call_sequence).toEqual [1, 2]
Lately I've developed a replacement for Jasmine spies, called strict-spies, which solves this problem among many others:
describe("PageManager.openSettings()", function() {
beforeEach(function() {
this.spies = new StrictSpies(); = this.spies.createObj("MockPage", ["open", "setTitle"]);
this.manager = new PageManager(;
it("opens page and sets title to 'Settings'", function() {
["setTitle", "Settings"],

Is there any way to use Jasmine default matchers within custom matchers?

I have a custom matcher in some Jasmine test specs of the form:
checkContains: function(elem){
var found = false;
$.each( this.actual, function( actualItem ){
// Check if these objects contain the same properties.
found = found || actualItem.thing == elem;
return found;
Of course, actualItem.thing == elem doesn't actually compare object contents- I have to use one of the more complex solutions in Object comparison in JavaScript.
I can't help but notice, though, that Jasmine already has a nice object equality checker: expect(x).toEqual(y). Is there any way to use that within a custom matcher? Is there any general way to use matchers within custom matchers?
Yes, it is slightly hacky but entirely possible.
The first thing we need to do is make the Jasmine.Env class available. Personally I have done this in my SpecRunner.html since its already setup there anyway. On the load of my SpecRunner I have the following script that runs:
(function() {
var jasmineEnv = jasmine.getEnv();
jasmineEnv.updateInterval = 1000;
var trivialReporter = new jasmine.TrivialReporter();
jasmineEnv.specFilter = function(spec) {
return trivialReporter.specFilter(spec);
var currentWindowOnload = window.onload;
window.onload = function() {
if (currentWindowOnload) {
function execJasmine() {
So after the execJasmine function declaration I push the jasmineEnv into the global namespace by adding this:
this.jasmineEnv = jasmineEnv;
Now, in any of my spec files I can access the jasmineEnv variable and that is what contains the matchers core code.
Looking at toEqual specifically, toEqual calls the jasmine.Env.prototype.equals_ function. This means that in your customMatcher you can do the following:
isJasmineAwesome : function(expected){
return jasmineEnv.equals_(this.actual, expected);
Unfortunately, using this method will only give you access to the following methods:
The rest of the matchers reside the jasmine.Matchers class but I have not been able to make that public yet. I hope this helps you out in someway or another

