Why using $rootScope with functions is not recommended? - javascript

While am looking into the FEQs of Angularjs I've seen below article:
$rootScope exists, but it can be used for evil
Scopes in Angular form a hierarchy, prototypally inheriting from a root scope at the top of the tree. Usually this can be ignored, since most views have a controller, and therefore a scope, of their own.
Occasionally there are pieces of data that you want to make global to the whole app. For these, you can inject $rootScope and set values on it like any other scope. Since the scopes inherit from the root scope, these values will be available to the expressions attached to directives like ng-show just like values on your local $scope.
Of course, global state sucks and you should use $rootScope sparingly, like you would (hopefully) use with global variables in any language. In particular, don't use it for code, only data. If you're tempted to put a function on $rootScope, it's almost always better to put it in a service that can be injected where it's needed, and more easily tested.
Conversely, don't create a service whose only purpose in life is to store and return bits of data.
— AngularJS FAQ - $rootScope exists, but it can be used for evil
So My doubt is why $rootScope is not recommended for functions as a global function? Is there any performance issue?

I've answered this in the past, but it's good that you're asking these questions.
$rootScope exists, but it can be used for evil Scopes in Angular form a hierarchy, prototypally inheriting from a root scope at the top of the tree. Usually this can be ignored, since most views have a controller, and therefore a scope, of their own.
Non-isolated scopes are hierarchical, but most developers should be using directives that have isolated scopes. The very hierarchical nature of AngularJS's scope is the source of many bugs in angular apps. It's a problem I like to call scope bleeding where a scope property is modified magically somewhere in the DOM tree and you don't know why.
Angular's default behavior is to inherent scopes and this makes it tempting for one controller to update something managed by another controller, so on, and so on. This is how spaghetti connections between source code is created. Making it very difficult to maintain that code.
Occasionally there are pieces of data that you want to make global to the whole app. For these, you can inject $rootScope and set values on it like any other scope.
No that's not correct. AngularJS allows you to define things like constants, values, and services. These are things that can be injected into routes, controllers and directives. That is how you make things accessible globally to your app, and this how you do it if you want to make your controllers or directives testable. A unit test writer doesn't know what properties should be in the $rootScope that a directive or controller depends upon. They have to assume that the $rootScope has not mutated to provide a service or data.
Of course, global state sucks and you should use $rootScope sparingly, like you would (hopefully) use with global variables in any language.
The problem isn't $rootScope but what people are doing with it. Many apps add the current user, the auth tokens, and the session data into the rootScope. This ends up getting used heavily in templates (shows X if user logged in otherwise show Y). The problem is that the HTML doesn't communicate scope hierarchy. So when you see {{user.firstname + ' ' + user.lastname}} you have no idea where the variable user came from. The second problem is child scopes can shadow root properties. As in the previous example if a directive does this scope.user = 'bla bla bla'. It hasn't replaced the value on the rootScope. It's hidden it. Now you get some strange unexpected things in the templates, and you don't know why the variable user has changed.
Conversely, don't create a service whose only purpose in life is to store and return bits of data.
Angular's $cacheFactory and $templateCache are examples of services that exist only too store data. I think the author was trying to encourage the use of constants and values in Angular's modules, but that's not a good description to do that.
So My doubt is why $rootScope is not recommended for functions as a global function? Is there any performance issue?
The $rootScope is the only scope available during angular.config(..). It's during this time that the scope can be modified if this is the only time that you can do it. For example; you may need to inject an API key or Google anayltics variable before the app starts.
Functions on any scope are generally a bad idea. Mainly for the reason that everything in scopes is digested in expressions on the templates. Functions tent to hide heavy operations. It's impossible to tell how heavy a template is by reading the HTML when it calls a function. I've seen scope functions like getHeight() where the function itself performed 3 levels of nested loops. That function has to get called every time angular digests the watchers to see if it's changed. You should try to keep your templates as dry as possible.

Global Variables are Abused
$rootScope is pretty much a global variable and has its place but is definitely abused by most of the people that use it. These are the reasons Globals in general should not be used.
Non-locality -- Source code is easiest to understand when the scope of its individual elements are limited. Global variables can be read or modified by any part of the program, making it difficult to remember or reason about every possible use.
No Access Control or Constraint Checking -- A global variable can be get or set by any part of the program, and any rules regarding its use can be easily broken or forgotten. (In other words, get/set accessors are generally preferable over direct data access, and this is even more so for global data.) By extension, the lack of access control greatly hinders achieving security in situations where you may wish to run untrusted code (such as working with 3rd party plugins).
Implicit coupling -- A program with many global variables often has tight couplings between some of those variables, and couplings between variables and functions. Grouping coupled items into cohesive units usually leads to better programs.
Concurrency issues -- if globals can be accessed by multiple threads of execution, synchronization is necessary (and too-often neglected). When dynamically linking modules with globals, the composed system might not be thread-safe even if the two independent modules tested in dozens of different contexts were safe.
Namespace pollution -- Global names are available everywhere. You may unknowingly end up using a global when you think you are using a local (by misspelling or forgetting to declare the local) or vice versa. Also, if you ever have to link together modules that have the same global variable names, if you are lucky, you will get linking errors. If you are unlucky, the linker will simply treat all uses of the same name as the same object.
Memory allocation issues -- Some environments have memory allocation schemes that make allocation of globals tricky. This is especially true in languages where "constructors" have side-effects other than allocation (because, in that case, you can express unsafe situations where two globals mutually depend on one another). Also, when dynamically linking modules, it can be unclear whether different libraries have their own instances of globals or whether the globals are shared.
Testing and Confinement - source that utilizes globals is somewhat more difficult to test because one cannot readily set up a 'clean' environment between runs. More generally, source that utilizes global services of any sort (e.g. reading and writing files or databases) that aren't explicitly provided to that source is difficult to test for the same reason. For communicating systems, the ability to test system invariants may require running more than one 'copy' of a system simultaneously, which is greatly hindered by any use of shared services - including global memory - that are not provided for sharing as part of the test.
Source: http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?GlobalVariablesAreBad
Sharing data in Angular
When it comes to sharing data across controllers in Angular you should use a service. With your custom service you can create a getter and a setter method. You inject it to the controllers you need it and can use it in your app.

There exist no performance issues. It would actually boost your performance by a fraction of time, because you dont need to dependency-inject a lot of services.
But it's a big concern of design. Consider a large application with dozens and dozens of views, complex components and tied to a number of well known APIs (e.g. Twitter, Flickr, Facebook, OAuth, ...).
You wont develop this application alone. The following issues will arise:
You are working on the Facebook API, someone else is working on the Twitter API. You both think that using $rootScope for functions is a good idea and both write a $rootScope.login function. How would you resolve this when doing git merge? You need namespacing, alas, you need to develop two services myFacebookAPI, myTwitterAPI which then can implement the same interface for loggin in. (login(user,pw)). Note that this gives you the ability to abstract away the actual social network you are dealing with in the controller, when you can do something like:
$scope.callAction = function (action) {
var service;
if ($scope.serviceSelected === 'fb') {
service = myFacebookAPI;
} else {
service = myTwitterAPI;
When developing professionally, you write tests. Angular gives you tools to do automated tests for services, etc., but you wont be able to test something you assign to $rootScope in the same comfortable manner.
Other issues will arise too, but i think this should be enough for you to think about it on your own.


JS: Best practice on global "window" object

Following a rapid-prototyping approach, I am developing an application in Marionette.js/backbone.js and heavily used the window-object to bind collections and views to the global stack (e.g. window.app.data, window.app.views).
Of course, it is always better (smoother!) to encapsulate objects in a single class and pass them as parameters where needed. However, this has some limitations when an app and its potential use-cases become really big. And as the data I deal with comes from an API and therefore would be anyway accessible to anybody interested, does that justify storing data in the window-object? Or are there other best-practices in ES6 (or especially Marionette.js) to achieve the same results, but in a more private manner?!
I already go into details about a simple namespacing pattern in JavaScript in another answer. You seem to be already close to this with window.app.data etc.
But it looks like you have a lot of misconceptions about how JavaScript works.
a namespace-based solution that integrates nicely with Browserify/AMD-modules
Then why not use RequireJS? Browserify? or Webpack? There's nothing that a global ridden spaghetti code can do that a modular approach can't do better.
such would be read-only
No. While not impossible to set an object property to read-only, you must explicitly do it with something like Object.seal or Object.freeze.
I do not want to attach objects to the namespace, but actual instances
JavaScript do not have "namespaces" as part of the language, it's just a pattern to scope all your code within literal objects (key-value).
You can put whatever you'd like.
const MyNamespace = {
MyType: Backbone.Model.extend({ /*...*/ }),
instance: new Backbone.Model(),
anyValue: "some important string",
Ideally, you would define the namespace within an IIFE to avoid leaking any variable to the global scope.
const app = app || {};
app.MyModel = (function(app){
return Backbone.Model.extend({
// ...
[...] data I deal with comes from an API and therefore would be anyway accessible to anybody interested
Even if the data is contained within a module that do not leak to the global scope, anybody can access the data. That's how JavaScript works, it's in the user's browser, he can do whatever he wants with the code and the data.
does that justify storing data in the window-object?
Or are there other best-practices in ES6
ES6 has nothing to do with the architecture and patterns you take for your app.
but in a more private manner?!
Like I said earlier, privacy in JavaScript can't be expected.
[encapsulate objects in a single class and pass them as parameters where needed] has some limitations when an app and its potential use-cases become really big.
That's just incorrect. It's the other way around. Software patterns exist solely to help alleviate any limitations that arise as a project grows in scope.
There are multiple patterns you can use that will help deal with the complexity of a bigger app, like:
Modular approach with components
Dependency injection
Service containers
I didn't read specifically this book, but JavaScript Design Patterns seems to be a good way to learn more and it demonstrates specific implementations of software patterns in JS.

Passing $scope to angularJs service/factory a bad idea?

I am working on a project where in there are almost 90+ modules.
All modules has a set of input fields and on submit the data should be saved on the server.
At any given point in time only one module is active. But there can be open modules in the background.
Submit button is common to all modules, meaning there is only one Submit button throughout the application.
Below picture explains it more.
The prime motto is to keep the individual module changes to minimum and a way to handle certain things(validation, reload etc) in the module from a central place.
The current approach I am planning is,
Use a 'moduleInit' directive that all module should include in its
The directive takes the $scope of the module and pass it to a
common service/factory (pushConfigService)
The pushConfigService stores and keep this scope as long as the
module is open. Once the scope is destroyed the reference of the
same will be removed from the pushConfigService.
The footer panel is another directive with Submit button in it and
calls a save function in the pushConfigService which in turn calls
a $scope function in the module to get the form data.
pushConfigService talks to a bunch of other services like
dirtyChecker, apiGenerator and finally post data to the server.
Each module will have a set of scope methods defined with some standard names. Eg: _submit, _onSubmit, _cancel, _reload etc.
Another way to handle this, broadcast the submit event and each module listens to the same. There is possibility more actions will be added to the footer panel.
So I am little bit hesitant to use the broadcast approach.
My question, Is it a good idea to pass controller scope to a service? Any alternate suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
I believe your core concept is a nice way to handle this setup. Yet I'd suggest to split business logic from UI. I don't have a sample of your code so it is a little hard to build an exact example. Yet since you're using the $scope variable I'm going to assume you're not using a styleguide like or similar to John Papa's. His ways encourage you to not use the $scope and to stay close to actual JavaScript "classes".
How does this make a difference?
Instead of passing the whole scope, you'd be able to just pass the instance of your specific module. For one it is less confusing to you and colleagues to have a concrete interface to operate on instead of having to figure out the composition of given scope. In addition it prevents services from being able to alter the $scope.
The latter could be considered a good practice. Having just the controllers alter the scope make it easy to find the code which alters and manages the UI. From there on the controller could access services to do the actual logic.
Taking it one step further
So passing the class instance instead of scope should be an easy adjustment to the already proposed setup. But please consider the following setup as well.
It seems there are quite some different ways to handle and process the data provided by the module/end user. This logic is now implemented in the controller. One might think some of these modules share similar handling methods (big assumption there). You could move this logic to, so to speak, saving strategies, in services. On activation of a module, this module will set its preferred saving strategy in the service which handles the submit button click. Or more precisely, the save data method which should be called from the onClick handler in the controller.
Now these services/strategies might be shared among controllers, potentially setting up for a better workflow and less duplicated code.

Why would you ever use the $rootScope?

Ok so I was reading here
basically when I have this
MyApp = MyApp || {};
MyApp.settings = {
isFooEnabled: false
if I use the rootscope and want to check if isFooEnabled I have to inject the rootScope into whatever object I want to do the check.
How does that make sense?
What is the advantage of using $rootScope.isFooEnabled over using straight standard javascript MyApp.isFooEnabled?
what is better for what?
when should I use one over the other?
The $rootScope is the top-most scope. An app can have only one $rootScope which will be shared among all the components of an app. Hence it acts like a global variable. All other $scopes are children of the $rootScope.
The rootScope's variable is set when the module initializes, and then each of the inherited scope's get their own copy which can be set independently.
When you use ng-model with $rootScope objects then AngularJS updates those objects under a specific $scope of a controller but not
at global level $rootScope.
The $rootScope shouldn't be used to share variables when we have things like services and factories.
Finally, Angular FAQ says this at the bottom of the page: "Conversely, don't create a service whose only purpose in life is to store and return bits of data." See from here.
Actually, I would argue that you shouldn't use $rootScope in this case, you should create a separate service (or factory) that stores your settings, however, the usage and reasons are the same.
For simply storing values, the primary reason is consistency. Modules and dependency injection are a big part of angular to ensure you write testable code, and these all use dependency injection so that unit tests can be written easily (dependencies can be mocked). Whilst there are not many obvious gains from injecting a simple object, it's consistent with the way more complex code is accessed, and there is a lot to be said for that. On a similar note, if you were to upgrade your settings object to fetch data from the server (e.g. for environment specific settings), you might want to start unit testing that functionality, which you can't really do properly without modularising it.
There is also the (frankly weak) namespacing argument - what if another library you import uses window.MyApp?
TL;DR: It's a strongly recommended best-practice. It might seem a bit clunky now, but you'll benefit from doing it in the long run.

Angular practice - using scope inheritance vs injection

I have a question that came up in a meeting that I would like to get some expert opinion on.
lets say I have a 'userService' that many controllers in my app need. (in fact most of them).
It was my belief that any parent controllers would inject this userService and expose properties of that service to child controllers. Since any 'child' controllers have access to parent scope, there is no need to inject the 'userService' into every controller.
Another person's opinion was to inject the 'userService' into every controller that needs it, regardless if the service is already inherited from it's parent, basically because it makes the code easier to read and easy to find where your variables are coming from.
To me, this view seems wrong, and misses the point of Angular and how it uses prototype inheritance, and the power of scope. Doesn't this actually create unnecessary instances in memory that reference the same thing ? why would you want to do that ?
I would love to hear some experience opinions on this.
The references in memory are cheap. Don't worry about those. More importantly, you're implicitly creating a dependency that leads to a non-reusable component when you put something on scope that a child needs to do its' job. You should instead declare your dependencies upfront--via the argument list. You'll thank yourself later when you come to testing. Scope inheritance is for templates--not controllers.
There's some arguments both ways, but I avoid scope inheritance whenever possible. I even isolate scopes on most of my directives. The reason is that you can more naturally de-couple and encapsulate your code. Encapsulation is less of a problem on controllers in general, but it's nice to know that wherever you are in a scope hierarchy you can always get to your service.
Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it works like this.
Controller A injects service A. It can access it via A.method
Controller B inherits from Controller A but cannot access service A as it doesn't know what it is.
Scope inheritance comes into play when you assign that service to a scope variable. If we change it now so that Controller A sets $scope.A = A THEN Controller B will be able to access the service via $scope.A.method as it has inherited this.
I don't think the injected services themselves are inherited.
In terms of memory, I wouldn't worry too much. Angular won't be creating a new instance, just a reference to it. Services are singletons and won't get recreated unless they're destroyed. If you're using Factories, then you may get new objects but that's different.

AngularJS GlobalCtrl vs $rootScope vs Service

I am confused on a couple of things with Globals in Angular. Below is my pseudo code.
1) With the way I have my GlobalCtrl placed, I am able to reference my $scope.modalOptions from all of my controllers. That being the case, I'm confused as to why I see people adding global properties to $rootScope instead of just adding them like I am doing here. Is that just in case they want to inject it into a service or something?
2) Should I be using a service instead of adding properties and methods to my GlobalCtrl? If so, why?
<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="GlobalCtrl">
<div ng-view></div>
function GlobalCtrl($scope, $location) {
$scope.modalOptions = {
backdropFade: true,
dialogFade: true
The 'Main Controller' approach is definitely preferable to using $rootScope.
Scope inheritance is there, so why not leverage it. In my opinion, that solution works well for most cases, i.e. unless you need to have a parallel controller somewhere (that wouldn't be a child of Main). In that case, the best way to go is to use a service and inject it where needed. Services (or rather factories, because that's what you'll probably be using -- read more about them here) are singletons and work well for sharing data across controllers.
Important to know about scopes
Scope inheritance is pretty much regular JavaScript inheritance at play. You should tend to use objects for your data, because they are passed by reference.
If you have a primitive like $scope.myString = 'is of a primitive data type'; in your parent controller and try to overwrite the value in a child controller, the result won't be what you'd expect -- it will create a new string on the child controller instead of writing to the parent.
Suggested reading here
Final thoughts
If you are using the nested controllers approach, do not forget to still inject $scope (and other dependencies) in the child controller. It might work without, but it's slower and hard to test, and last but not least -- the wrong way to do it.
Finally, if you have a lot of state variables to keep track of and/or a lot of usage points, it's definitely a good idea to extract them into a service.
Generally speaking global variables are considered bad practice, as they don't encourage encapsulation, make debugging difficult, and promote bloated code. Here's a good discussion of global variables: http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?GlobalVariablesAreBad.
A good rule of thumb is to add properties and methods to the most local scope possible and use services to share data between modules.

