Updating Data between two components in React - javascript

I am new to React and I don't know what's the best way to do this.
I have a list of cars and on clicking each row it should show slide to full page details of that car.
My code structure is:
I have App which renders two components. CarList and CarDetails. Car Details is hidden initially. The reason I rendered carDetails in app is because it's a massive fix template so I would like to render this once when app is loaded and only update it's data when each row clicked.
CarList also renders CarRow component which is fine.
Now my problem is I have a getDetails function on CarRow component which is making a call to get the details based on the car id. How to get carDetails component data updated ? I used
but seems state of the carRow is not the same reference as state in carDetails.
Any help?

This is a fundamental issue that lots of thought and man-hours has gone into in order to try and solve. It probably can't be answered, except on a surface level, in a StackOverflow post. It's not React-centric, either. This is an issue across most applications, regardless of the framework you're using.
Since you asked in the context of React, you might consider reading into flux, which is the de-facto implementation of this one-way data-flow idea in concert with React. However, that architecture is by no means "the best". There are simply advantages and disadvantages to it like everything else.
Some people don't like the idea of the global "event bus" that flux proposes. If that's the case, you can simply implement your own intermediate data layer API that collects query callbacks and A) invokes the callbacks on any calls to save data and B) refreshes any appropriate queries to the server. For now, though, I'd stick with flux as it will give you an idea of the general principles involved in having the things that most people consider to be "good", like a single source of truth for your data, one way flow, etc.
To give a concrete example of the callback idea:
// data layer
const listeners = [];
const data = {
save: save,
query: query
function save(someData) {
// save data to the server, and then...
.then(data => {
listeners.forEach(listener => listener(data));
function query(params, callback) {
// query the server with the params, then
// component
componentWillMount() {
data.query(params, data => this.setState({ myData: data }));
save() {
// when the save operation is complete, it will "refresh" the query above
This is a very distilled example and doesn't address optimization, such as potential for memory leaks when moving to different views and invoking "stale" callbacks, however it should give you a general idea of another approach.
The two approaches have the same policy (a single source of truth for data and one way data flow) but different implementations (global "event bus" which necessitates keeping track of events, or the simple callback method, which can necessitate a form of memory management).


Redux/Java: Managing normlized data & multiple model representations per entity

We are building a new app using React/Redux which is rendered server side.
We wish to follow best practice for Redux and normalize our data on the server before it's passed into the initial state for the store.
For this example, let's say we have a generic 'Products' entity that can be quite complex and is normalized on the root of our store and page level state in another object on the root of the store. So the structure and Reducers follow the typical 'slice reducer' pattern and will look like this:
page_x_state: PageReducer
products: ProductsReducer
We are using combine reducers to merge the reducers before passing them into the store.
Theoretical use case: We have a 'products' page that shows a list of basic product info. A user can click on a product to show a modal which then loads and shows the complete product data.
For the above example, the state sent from the server will contain only basic product models (3 or 4 fields), this is enough to render the table and fetching all product information at this point is wasteful and not very performant.
When a user clicks a product we will do an AJAX call fetch all data for that product. Once we have all data for the single product, should we update the instance in the products store with a full model? If so, we would then end up with a set of objects all of which could be different states (some could have minimal fields vs some which are full-blown objects with 10s of fields). Is this the best way to handle it?
Also, I would be interested to hear any thoughts of managing different representations of the same underlying model on the server and how to map it to the Redux store (in Java ideally).
Explicitly answering your first question, if your reducers are built up correctly your whole state tree should initialize with absolutely no data in it. But should be the correct shape. Your reducers should always have a default return value - when rendering server side - Redux should only render the initial state
After server-side rendering, when the store (that is now client side) needs updating because of a user action, your state shape for all of your product data is already there (it's just that some of it will probably be default values.). Rather than overwriting an object, your just filling in the blanks so to speak.
Lets say, in your second level view you need name, photo_url, price and brand and the initial view has 4 products on it, your rendered store would look something like this:
products: {
by_id: {
"1": {
id: "1",
name: "Cool Product",
tags: [],
brand: "Nike",
price: 1.99,
photo_url: "http://url.com",
category: "",
product_state: 0,
is_fetching: 0,
etc: ""
"2": {
id: "2",
name: "Another Cool Product",
tags: [],
brand: "Adidas",
price: 3.99,
photo_url: "http://url2.com",
category: "",
product_state: 0,
is_fetching: 0,
etc: ""
"3": {
id: "3",
name: "Crappy Product",
tags: [],
brand: "Badidas",
price: 0.99,
photo_url: "http://urlbad.com",
category: "",
product_state: 0,
is_fetching: 0,
etc: ""
"4": {
id: "4",
name: "Expensive product",
tags: [],
brand: "Rolex",
price: 199.99,
photo_url: "http://url4.com",
category: "",
product_state: 0,
is_fetching: 0,
etc: ""
all_ids: ["1", "2", "3", "4"]
You can see in the above data some keys are just empty strings or an empty array. But we have our data we need for the actual initial rendering of the page.
We could then make asynchronous calls on the client in the background immediately after the server has rendered and the document is ready, the chances are the server will return those initial calls before the user tries to get the data anyway. We can then load subsequent products on user request. I don't think that's the best approach but it's the one that makes most sense to me. Some other people might have some other ideas. It entirely depends on your app and use-case.
I would only keep one products object in state though and keep ALL the data pertaining to products in there.
I recently deployed an app into production and i'll share some of my
insights. The app, whilst not being too large in size, had a complex
data structure and having gone through the whole process as a newbie
to Redux in production (and having guidance from my architect) – These
are some of our takeaways. There's no right way in terms of architecture but there certainly are some things to avoid or do.
1. Before firing into writing your reducers design a 'static' state
If you don't know where you are going, you can't get there. Writing the whole structure of your state out flat will help you reason about how your state will change over time. We found this saved us time because we didn't have to really rewrite large sections.
2. Designing you state
keep it simple. The whole point of Redux is to simplify state management. We used a lot of the tips from the egghead.io tutorials on Redux that were created by Dan Abramov. They are clear really helped solve a lot of issues we were encountering. i'm sure you've read the docs about normalising state but the simple examples they gave actually carried through in most data patterns we implemented.
Rather than creating complex webs of data each chunk of data only held it's own data if it needed to reference another piece of it data it only referenced it by id we found this simple pattern covered most of our needs.
products: {
by_id: {
"1": {
id: "1",
name: "Cool Product",
tags: ["tag1", "tag2"],
product_state: 0,
is_fetching: 0,
etc: "etc"
all_ids: ["1"]
In the example above, tags might be another chunk of data with a similiar data structure using by_id and all_ids. All over the docs and tut, Abramov keeps referencing relational data and relational databases this was actually key for us. At first we kept looking at the UI and designing our state around how we thought we were going to show it. When this clicked and we started grouping the data based on it's relationship to other pieces of data, things started to click into place.
Quickly flipping to your question, I would avoid duplicating any data, as mentioned in another comment, personally i'd simply create a key in the state object called product_modal. let the modal take care of it's own state...
products: {
product_modal: {
current_product_id: "1",
is_fetching: true,
is_open: true
We found following this pattern with page state worked really well as well...we just treated it like any other piece of data with an id/name etc.
3. Reducer Logic
make sure reducers keep track of their own state. a lot of our reducers looked quite similiar, at first this felt like DRY hell but then we quickly realised the power of more reducers...say an action is dispatched and you want to update a whole chunk of state..no probs just check in your reducer for the action and return the new state. If you only want to update one or two fields in the same state...then you just do the same thing but only in the fields you want changing. most of our reducers were just simply a switch statement with an occasional nested if statement.
Combining Reducers
We didnt use combineReducers, we wrote our own. It wasn't hard, it helped us understand what was going on in Redux, and it allowed us to get a little smarter with our state. This tut was invaluable
Middleware is your friend...we used fetch API with redux-thunk to make RESTful requests. We split the required data requests into separate actions which called store.dispatch() for each data chunk that needed updating for the call. Each dispatch dispatched another action to update state. This kept our state updated modularly and allowed us to update large sections, or granularly as needed.
Dealing with an API
Ok so there's way too much to deal with here. I'm not saying our way is the best...but it has worked for us. Cut short...we have an internal API in java with publically exposed endpoints. The calls from this API didn't always map to the front end easily. We haven't implemented this, but ideally, an initial init endpoint could have been written on their end to get a lump of initial data that was needed to get things rolling on the front end for speeds sake.
We created a public API on the same server as the app, written in PHP. This API abstracted the internal API's endpoints (and in some cases the data too) away from the front end and the browser.
When the app would make a GET request to /api/projects/all the PHP API would then call our internal API, get the necessary data (sometimes across a couple of requests) and return that data in a usable format that redux could consume.
This might not be the ideal approach for a javascript app but we didn't have the option to create a new internal API structure, we needed to use one that has existed for several years, we have found the performance acceptable.
should we update the instance in the products store with a full model
It should be noted that Java and ReactJs+Redux don't have much conceptual overlap. Everything is a Javascript Object, not an Object with a Class.
Generally, storing all the data you receive in the Redux store state is the way to go. To work around the fact that some of the data will be minimal and some will be fully loaded you should make a conditional ajax call in the onComponentWillMount method of the individual product display container.
class MyGreatProduct extends React.Component {
onComponentWillMount() {
if(!this.props.thisProduct.prototype.hasProperty( 'somethingOnlyPresentInFullData' )) {
doAjaxCall(this.props.thisProduct.id).then((result) => {
}).catch(error=>{ ... })
// the rest of the component container code
const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => {
return {
thisProduct: state.products.productInfo[ownProps.selectedId] || {id: ownProps.selectedId}
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch, ownProps) => {
return {
storeNewResult: (data) => { dispatch(productDataActions.fullProductData(data)) }
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(MyGreatProduct);
With this code, it should be somewhat clear how agnostic the components and containers can be regarding the exact data available in the Store at any given time.
Edit: In terms of managing different representations of the same underlying model on the server and how to map it to the Redux store, I'd try to use the same relative looseness you are dealing with once you have JSON. This should eliminate some coupling.
What I mean by this is just add the data you have to a JSObject to be consumed by React + Redux, without worrying too much about what values could potentially be stored in the Redux state during the execution of the application.
There's probably no right answer, just which strategy you prefer:
The simplest strategy is to add another piece to your reducer called selectedProduct and always overwrite it with the full object of the currently selected product. Your modal would always display the details of the selectedProduct. The downfalls of this strategy are that you aren't caching data in the case when a user selects the same product a second time, and your minimal fields aren't normalized.
Or you could update the instance in your Products store like you said, you'll just need logic to handle it. When you select a product, if it's fully loaded, render it. If not, make the ajax call, and show a spinner until its fully loaded.
If you don't have a concern with storing extra that data in the redux store it's not actually going to hit your performance very much if you use a normalized state. So on that front I would recommend caching as much as you can without risking security.
I think the best solution for you would be to use some redux middleware so your front end doesn't care how it gets the data. It will dispatch an action to the redux store and the middleware can determine whether or not it needs an AJAX call to get the new data. If it does need to fetch the data then the middleware can update the state when the AJAX resolves, if it doesn't then it can just discard the action because you already have the data. This way you can isolate the issue of having two different representations of the data to the middleware and implement a resolution there for it so your front end just asks for data and doesn't care how it gets it.
I don't know all the implementation details so as Jeff said its probably more what you prefer but I would definitely recommend adding some middleware to handle your AJAX calls if you haven't already it should make interfacing with the store much simpler.
If you want to read more on middleware the Redux documentation is pretty good.
You could store each entity as an object of its various representations. In the action creator that updates the entity, include the representation as an argument:
const receiveProducts = (payload = [], representation = 'summary') => ({
payload, representation
const productReducer = (state = {}, action) => {
const { payload, representation } = action;
return {
...payload.reduce((next, entity) => {
next[entity.id] = {
[representation]: entity
return next
}, {})
This means that whoever is calling receiveProducts() needs to know which representation is returned.

Watch on parent method Vuejs

I want to do something like this (it's inside a watcher property) :
this: {
$parent: {
$parent: {
resizedEvent() {
I tried to put some 'deep' property inside them like that :
this: {
$parent: {
$parent: {
resizedEvent() {
}, deep: true
}, deep: true
}, deep: true
My goal is to reach a method called resizedEvent which can be called like that in code :
How can I watch on this method?
If your question is understood correctly, you're trying to reach a method when something happens. Either in a child component or somewhere else in a "component far far away"? It would be better if you provided some more context to your problem. Anyway;
In short, with parent <-> child relationships there is a golden rule:
Parent send props to their children
Children emit events to their parent
"it is also very important to keep the parent and the child as
decoupled as possible via a clearly-defined interface"
In general when you're nesting yourself deep into wild component territory, especially when two components that are not related need to exchange info, there are only two things you should consider: Event bus and Flux data management.
They both help you combat application spagetti and keeps both co-workers' and your own sanity in check.
Event bus
A global event bus allows you to avoid cases like these. Whenever something happens somewhere in your app that something else needs to listen to, they can $emit events and then listen to their respective $on returns.
Like so:
In your main entry point of your application (usually something like main.js):
Vue.prototype.bus = new Vue()
This allows for accessing this.bus in your components. It then follows that whenever there is a message that needs to be sent across, you can perform something similar like this:
In a component deep down
created () { this.bus.$emit('component-created', true) }
Some other component that relies on this information
created () { this.bus.$on('component-created', (data) => { // Do something with this information })
Please note though: too much of anything contradicts its use. Sending messages all over the place makes it hard for others (and even yourself) to know what messages go where and how they all tie together. If you find yourself relying on $emit and $on too much, flux state management is the way to go.
Flux data management
Flux data management allows for storing application wide data so it's accessible throughout your application in a manner that's logical and , most importantly, trackable. In VueJS that job is handled by the excellent Vuex. It allows for time travel, persistent storage and much more.
Migrate common functionality to a library
Another alternative, depending on what you're actually trying to do (which, at the time of writing still is a bit unclear) is to scope out methods like these into an API that can be imported by the components that needs it.
In each component that needs it, you can then do something like:
import api from '#/libraries/api'
and then access all your functional niceness through, for example: api.resize().
Both you and others that work with on the project later on will thank you.
Further reading
State management patterns with Vuex: https://vuex.vuejs.org/en/intro.html
Global event bus: https://alligator.io/vuejs/global-event-bus/

Is connect() in leaf-like components a sign of anti-pattern in react+redux?

Currently working on a react + redux project.
I'm also using normalizr to handle the data structure and reselect to gather the right data for the app components.
All seems to be working well.
I find myself in a situation where a leaf-like component needs data from the store, and thus I need to connect() the component to implement it.
As a simplified example, imagine the app is a book editing system with multiple users gathering feedback.
At different levels of the app, users may contribute to the content and/or provide comments.
Consider I'm rendering a Chapter, it has content (and an author), and comments (each with their own content and author).
Currently I would connect() and reselect the chapter content based on the ID.
Because the database is normalised with normalizr, I'm really only getting the basic content fields of the chapter, and the user ID of the author.
To render the comments, I would use a connected component that can reselect the comments linked to the chapter, then render each comment component individually.
Again, because the database is normalised with normalizr, I really only get the basic content and the user ID of the comment author.
Now, to render something as simple as an author badge, I need to use another connected component to fetch the user details from the user ID I have (both when rendering the chapter author and for each individual comment author).
The component would be something simple like this:
(state) => state.entities.get('users'),
(state,props) => props.id,
(users,id) => ( { user:users.get(id)})
class User extends Component {
render() {
const { user } = this.props
if (!user)
return null
return <div className='user'>
<Avatar name={`${user.first_name} ${user.last_name}`} size={24} round={true} />
User.propTypes = {
id : PropTypes.string.isRequired
export default User
And it seemingly works fine.
I've tried to do the opposite and de-normalise the data back at a higher level so that for example chapter data would embed the user data directly, rather than just the user ID, and pass it on directly to User – but that only seemed to just make really complicated selectors, and because my data is immutable, it just re-creates objects every time.
So, my question is, is having leaf-like component (like User above) connect() to the store to render a sign of anti-pattern?
Am I doing the right thing, or looking at this the wrong way?
I think your intuition is correct. Nothing wrong with connecting components at any level (including leaf nodes), as long as the API makes sense -- that is, given some props you can reason about the output of the component.
The notion of smart vs dumb components is a bit outdated. Rather, it is better to think about connected vs unconnected components. When considering whether you create a connected vs unconnected components, there are a few things to consider.
Module boundaries
If you divided your app into smaller modules, it is usually better to constrain their interactions to a small API surface. For example, say that users and comments are in separate modules, then I would say it makes more sense for <Comment> component to use a connected <User id={comment.userId}/> component rather than having it grab the user data out itself.
Single Responsibility Principle
A connected component that has too much responsibility is a code smell. For example, the <Comment> component's responsibility can be to grab comment data, and render it, and handle user interaction (with the comment) in the form of action dispatches. If it needs to handle grabbing user data, and handling interactions with user module, then it is doing too much. It is better to delegate related responsibilities to another connected component.
This is also known as the "fat-controller" problem.
By having a big connected component at the top that passes data down, it actually negatively impacts performance. This is because each state change will update the top-level reference, then each component will get re-rendered, and React will need to perform reconciliation for all the components.
Redux optimizes connected components by assuming they are pure (i.e. if prop references are the same, then skip re-render). If you connect the leaf nodes, then a change in state will only re-render affected leaf nodes -- skipping a lot of reconciliation. This can be seen in action here: https://github.com/mweststrate/redux-todomvc/blob/master/components/TodoItem.js
Reuse and testability
The last thing I want to mention is reuse and testing. A connected component is not reusable if you need to 1) connect it to another part of the state atom, 2) pass in the data directly (e.g. I already have user data, so I just want a pure render). In the same token, connected components are harder to test because you need to setup their environment first before you can render them (e.g. create store, pass store to <Provider>, etc.).
This problem can be mitigated by exporting both connected and unconnected components in places where they make sense.
export const Comment = ({ comment }) => (
<User id={comment.userId}/>
{ comment.text }
export default connect((state, props) => ({
comment: state.comments[props.id]
// later on...
import Comment, { Comment as Unconnected } from './comment'
I agree with #Kevin He's answer that it's not really an anti-pattern, but there are usually better approaches that make your data flow easier to trace.
To accomplish what you're going for without connecting your leaf-like components, you can adjust your selectors to fetch more complete sets of data. For instance, for your <Chapter/> container component, you could use the following:
export const createChapterDataSelector = () => {
const chapterCommentsSelector = createSelector(
(state) => state.entities.get('comments'),
(state, props) => props.id,
(comments, chapterId) => comments.filter((comment) => comment.get('chapterID') === chapterId)
return createSelector(
(state, props) => state.entities.getIn(['chapters', props.id]),
(state) => state.entities.get('users'),
(chapter, users, chapterComments) => I.Map({
title: chapter.get('title'),
content: chapter.get('content')
author: users.get(chapter.get('author')),
comments: chapterComments.map((comment) => I.Map({
content: comment.get('content')
author: users.get(comment.get('author'))
This example uses a function that returns a selector specifically for a given Chapter ID so that each <Chapter /> component gets its own memoized selector, in case you have more than one. (Multiple different <Chapter /> components sharing the same selector would wreck the memoization). I've also split chapterCommentsSelector into a separate reselect selector so that it will be memoized, because it transforms (filters, in this case) the data from the state.
In your <Chapter /> component, you can call createChapterDataSelector(), which will give you a selector that provides an Immutable Map containing all of the data you'll need for that <Chapter /> and all of its descendants. Then you can simply pass the props down normally.
Two major benefits of passing props the normal React way are traceable data flow and component reusability. A <Comment /> component that gets passed 'content', 'authorName', and 'authorAvatar' props to render is easy to understand and use. You can use that anywhere in your app that you want to display a comment. Imagine that your app shows a preview of a comment as it's being written. With a "dumb" component, this is trivial. But if your component requires a matching entity in your Redux store, that's a problem because that comment may not exist in the store yet if it's still being written.
However, there may come a time when it makes more sense to connect() components farther down the line. One strong case for this would be if you find that you're passing a ton of props through middle-man components that don't need them, just to get them to their final destination.
From the Redux docs:
Try to keep your presentation components separate. Create container
components by connecting them when it’s convenient. Whenever you feel
like you’re duplicating code in parent components to provide data for
same kinds of children, time to extract a container. Generally as soon
as you feel a parent knows too much about “personal” data or actions
of its children, time to extract a container. In general, try to find
a balance between understandable data flow and areas of responsibility
with your components.
The recommended approach seems to be to start with fewer connected container components, and then only extract more containers when you need to.
Redux suggests that you only connect your upper-level containers to the store. You can pass every props you want for leaves from containers. In this way, it is more easier to trace the data flow.
This is just a personal preference thing, there is nothing wrong to connect leaf-like component to the store, it just adds some complexity to your data flow, thus increase the difficulty to debug.
If you find out that in your app, it is much easier to connect a leaf-like component to the store, then I suggest do it. But it shouldn't happen very often.

Flux store dependency with async actions

I'm having problems understanding what is the best way to do this using the Flux pattern. Say for example that I have a userStore and I listen to it. Once it changed, I need get the user.name and access colors[user.name] - but the colors object comes from another colorsStore store I have. Here's the essence of it:
var self = {};
userStore.addListener(function(user) {
// dependency with the colors store
var color = self.colors[user.name]
colorsStore.addListener(function(colors) {
self.colors = colors;
actions.getUser() // modifies userStore
actions.getColors() // modifies colorsStore
The problem is that the two actions are async (they get the data from an AJAX call for instance). With this in mind, the userStore might change before the self.colors variable is populated from the other store.
How is this handled using the Flux pattern? Does the Dispatcher help with this somewhat? Sorry but I'm new to the Flux pattern. Intuitively I would simply call the async actions in the appropriate order such as:
actions.getColors() // need to populate self.colors before running getUser()
But was wondering if there was a more Flux-way of doing this.
Your setup is fine from flux perspective.
Your component needs to be able to handle different possible (stores) states generated by your actions, which could possibly include:
user store has old/no data, colors store already has newest data
user store has newest user data, colors store still has old data
If you want any of these states to be visible to the user in some way (eg show loading indicator, show old color/ default color while waiting for newest color), then the react-flux way is to deal with these states inside your component.
If you do not want to show anything about these states to user, you have two options:
inside your component, fire the actions.getUser() from inside the colorStore listener function (quick and dirty solution)
change the setup to prevent the unwanted store state to trigger component update
For the second solution, you could typically do:
have you component fire both actions
both listeners trigger the same function getStateFromStores()
this function fetches state from both stores, and only does component update (setState()) if user and colors match
That way, your async calls can come back in any order.
If I understand your problem correctly, you can use waitFor for this case. Also there's the discussion about "waitFor vs combining stores into one", so a combined store can solve your problem as well.

Where do sockets fit into the Flux unidirectional data flow?

Where do sockets fit into the Flux unidirectional data flow? I have read 2 schools of thought for where remote data should enter the Flux unidirectional data flow. The way I have seen remote data for a Flux app fetched is when a server-side call is made, for example, in a promise that is then resolved or rejected. Three possible actions could fire during this process:
An initial action for optimistically updating the view (FooActions.BAR)
A success action for when an asynchronous promise is resolved (FooActions.BAR_SUCCESS)
An error action for when an asynchronous promise is rejected (FooActions.BAR_ERROR)
The stores will listen for the actions and update the necessary data. I have seen the server-side calls made from both action creators and from within the stores themselves. I use action creators for the process described above, but I'm not sure if data fetching via a web socket should be treated similarly. I was wondering where sockets fit into the diagram below.
There's really no difference in how you use Flux with WebSockets or plain old HTTP requests/polling. Your stores are responsible for emitting a change event when the application state changes, and it shouldn't be visible from the outside of the store if that change came from a UI interaction, from a WebSocket, or from making an HTTP request. That's really one of the main benefits of Flux in that no matter where the application state was changed, it goes through the same code paths.
Some Flux implementations tend to use actions/action creators for fetching data, but I don't really agree with that.
Actions are things that happen that modifies your application state. It's things like "the user changed some text and hit save" or "the user deleted an item". Think of actions like the transaction log of a database. If you lost your database, but you saved and serialized all actions that ever happened, you could just replay all those actions and end up with the same state/database that you lost.
So things like "give me item with id X" and "give me all the items" aren't actions, they're questions, questions about that application state. And in my view, it's the stores that should respond to those questions via methods that you expose on those stores.
It's tempting to use actions/action creators for fetching because fetching needs to be async. And by wrapping the async stuff in actions, your components and stores can be completely synchronous. But if you do that, you blur the definition of what an action is, and it also forces you to assume that you can fit your entire application state in memory (because you can only respond synchronously if you have the answer in memory).
So here's how I view Flux and the different concepts.
This is obviously where your application state lives. The store encapsulates and manages the state and is the only place where mutation of that state actually happens. It's also where events are emitted when that state changes.
The stores are also responsible for communicating with the backend. The store communicates with the backend when the state has changed and that needs to be synced with the server, and it also communicates with the server when it needs data that it doesn't have in memory. It has methods like get(id), search(parameters) etc. Those methods are for your questions, and they all return promises, even if the state can fit into memory. That's important because you might end up with use cases where the state no longer fits in memory, or where it's not possible to filter in memory or do advanced searching. By returning promises from your question methods, you can switch between returning from memory or asking the backend without having to change anything outside of the store.
My actions are very lightweight, and they don't know anything about persisting the mutation that they encapsulate. They simply carry the intention to mutate from the component to the store. For larger applications, they can contain some logic, but never things like server communication.
These are your React components. They interact with stores by calling the question methods on the stores and rendering the return value of those methods. They also subscribe to the change event that the store exposes. I like using higher order components which are components that just wrap another component and passes props to it. An example would be:
var TodoItemsComponent = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function () {
return {
todoItems: null
componentDidMount: function () {
var self = this;
TodoStore.getAll().then(function (todoItems) {
self.setState({todoItems: todoItems});
TodoStore.onChange(function (todoItems) {
self.setState({todoItems: todoItems});
render: function () {
if (this.state.todoItems) {
return <TodoListComponent todoItems={this.state.todoItems} />;
} else {
return <Spinner />;
var TodoListComponent = React.createClass({
createNewTodo: function () {
text: 'A new todo!'
render: function () {
return (
{this.props.todoItems.map(function (todo) {
return <li>{todo.text}</li>;
<button onClick={this.createNewTodo}>Create new todo</button>
In this example the TodoItemsComponent is the higher order component and it wraps the nitty-gritty details of communicating with the store. It renders the TodoListComponent when it has fetched the todos, and renders a spinner before that. Since it passes the todo items as props to TodoListComponent that component only has to focus on rendering, and it will be re-rendered as soon as anything changes in the store. And the rendering component is kept completely synchronous. Another benefit is that TodoItemsComponent is only focused on fetching data and passing it on, making it very reusable for any rendering component that needs the todos.
higher order components
The term higher order components comes from the term higher order functions. Higher order functions are functions that return other functions. So a higher order component is a component that just wraps another component and returns its output.

