Converting an XML file into an object - javascript

I'm trying to use the Planetside 2 database to create a simple application for educational purposes. However, I'm stuck. I need to convert an XML file to a Javascript object so i can use the data easily and display it on my app. Problem is, the file is a link, i suppose. I tried it just like you would with a file located on the same server/PC however that doesnt work.
This is the link:
My question is, How do i convert/turn this onto an object usable in Javascript? (I have absolute no experience in javascript, hence the reason i'm not using the JSON verion of the file)


PHP and React.js - Best way to store a <svg> element. And read/return/fetch for both languages

Background information##
I'm working on a Wordpress Gutenberg project. And as you might know, Gutenberg uses React on the backend. But PHP on the frontend. (if can't store it pre-rendered.)
First I stored the <svg> HTML elements inside the post content. But after 3 SVG images, it gets too big to store for MySQL. So, now I can't store the Post pre-rendered in the backend I just have to get it dynamically each page load with PHP.
The question
Moving on the question itself. Is there a way to store an HTML <svg> element (with CSS animations) to an external file that both React and PHP can load/fetch?
at first (with react) I had stored it in a .jsxfiletype. Exported it as a const returning a multi-line string.
I thought of placing it within a .JSON filetype. But then I would have to JSON.stringify() it first to escape the characters. But that would result in a human unfriendly way to edit it.
Saving it an SVG won't help, since it's animated.
I could translate all JSX constants containing all the svgs to a PHP function. But that would make it less flexible if I decide to go back to React.
Any help or pointers are very welcome

Display image using Nodejs only

I am trying to display an image by only using Node js. I have been searching for a way to do this, but the only examples that I can find involve HTML and ID's within the HTML which I do not want to use. Sorry I do not have any code to go along with my question, but is there a way to avoid all HTML and just use Node js or a specific node js module to store the image in a variable which would later be used to display the image?
store the image in a variable which would later be used to display the image
You can achieve this by having NodeJS print you the Data URI of the image. It will be a rather large block of string, so quite cumbersome, but certainly will let you fetch an image from NodeJS without using a web browser/HTML.
You can also launch an arbitrary image viewer of your choice by having NodeJS launch a child process.

Transfer big data to php server-script

Currently I´m creating a little IDE in Javascript on my webpage and I´m struggling at the concept of the saving process. For the beginning I want to save the whole code written in my IDE to be saved in a .txt.
So far I know how to pass values from client-JS to server-PHP with HTTP-request, but my case I basically have to transfer a very long string. From within the php script I want to create/manipulate a .txt to save the data outside of the root of the webserver.
So I was wondering if there is a good solution to pass a lot of data at once to my php running on the server.
Do you mean something like this?

search an xml file for specific attribute values in testcomplete

I have this one xml file in which i need the value of the specific tag. I am using testcomplete as a tool and using c# script to code it in. Any suggestions on how to do it?
To work with XML files in TestComplete, you can use the following objects:
XML DOM objects. You can use these objects to work with any XML file. Working with these objects requires more efforts and knowledge of XML DOM. However, we suggest that you use these objects to work with XML files.
TestComplete’s Storages object. You use the methods and properties of this object to write data to and read it from XML files. However, this object works only with XML files created with the Storage.XML method (such files have a specific format, they include sections, subsections and options). For more information on this, see Section Object. If you try to open an XML file that has another format by using the Storage.XML method, an error will occur.
enter link description here
Well, TestComplete is shipped with an extremely useful Help file that is also available online. For example, the Working With XML Files From Scripts topic explains how you can solve your task in several ways with examples.

Create javascript reference file of JSON object for intellisense

I am using C# to create a rather complicated data object that contains a couple of lists of objects that is then serialized and sent to the client. I like this approach a lot because I am using the same object definition in both my client and server side code.
I'd like to create some sort of reference file for Visual Studio 2012 so that intellisense can help me out, typos in my javascript code seem to be my biggest problem in debugging.
Does anybody have any tips for doing this? I understand that as I add new properties to the C# class I will need to refresh this reference file.
You can use T4 template to generate javascipt viewmodel file from your C# class.
Take a look at this article.
Also some more information available.

