how to handle onTouchMove event in react [duplicate] - javascript

How can you detect that a user swiped his finger in some direction over a web page with JavaScript?
I was wondering if there was one solution that would work for websites on both the iPhone and an Android phone.

Simple vanilla JS code sample:
document.addEventListener('touchstart', handleTouchStart, false);
document.addEventListener('touchmove', handleTouchMove, false);
var xDown = null;
var yDown = null;
function getTouches(evt) {
return evt.touches || // browser API
evt.originalEvent.touches; // jQuery
function handleTouchStart(evt) {
const firstTouch = getTouches(evt)[0];
xDown = firstTouch.clientX;
yDown = firstTouch.clientY;
function handleTouchMove(evt) {
if ( ! xDown || ! yDown ) {
var xUp = evt.touches[0].clientX;
var yUp = evt.touches[0].clientY;
var xDiff = xDown - xUp;
var yDiff = yDown - yUp;
if ( Math.abs( xDiff ) > Math.abs( yDiff ) ) {/*most significant*/
if ( xDiff > 0 ) {
/* right swipe */
} else {
/* left swipe */
} else {
if ( yDiff > 0 ) {
/* down swipe */
} else {
/* up swipe */
/* reset values */
xDown = null;
yDown = null;
Tested in Android.

Simple vanilla JS example for horizontal swipe:
let touchstartX = 0
let touchendX = 0
function checkDirection() {
if (touchendX < touchstartX) alert('swiped left!')
if (touchendX > touchstartX) alert('swiped right!')
document.addEventListener('touchstart', e => {
touchstartX = e.changedTouches[0].screenX
document.addEventListener('touchend', e => {
touchendX = e.changedTouches[0].screenX
You can use pretty same logic for vertical swipe.

I merged a few of the answers here into a script that uses CustomEvent to fire swiped events in the DOM. Add the 0.7k swiped-events.min.js script to your page and listen for swiped events:
document.addEventListener('swiped', function(e) {
console.log(; // the element that was swiped
console.log(e.detail.dir); // swiped direction
document.addEventListener('swiped-left', function(e) {
console.log(; // the element that was swiped
document.addEventListener('swiped-right', function(e) {
console.log(; // the element that was swiped
document.addEventListener('swiped-up', function(e) {
console.log(; // the element that was swiped
document.addEventListener('swiped-down', function(e) {
console.log(; // the element that was swiped
You can also attach directly to an element:
document.getElementById('myBox').addEventListener('swiped-down', function(e) {
console.log(; // the element that was swiped
Optional config
You can specify the following attributes to tweak how swipe interaction functions in your page (these are optional).
<div data-swipe-threshold="10"
Swiper, get swiping!
To set defaults application wide, set config attributes on topmost element:
<body data-swipe-threshold="100" data-swipe-timeout="250">
<div>Swipe me</div>
<div>or me</div>
Source code is available on Github

Based on #givanse's answer, this is how you could do it with classes:
class Swipe {
constructor(element) {
this.xDown = null;
this.yDown = null;
this.element = typeof(element) === 'string' ? document.querySelector(element) : element;
this.element.addEventListener('touchstart', function(evt) {
this.xDown = evt.touches[0].clientX;
this.yDown = evt.touches[0].clientY;
}.bind(this), false);
onLeft(callback) {
this.onLeft = callback;
return this;
onRight(callback) {
this.onRight = callback;
return this;
onUp(callback) {
this.onUp = callback;
return this;
onDown(callback) {
this.onDown = callback;
return this;
handleTouchMove(evt) {
if ( ! this.xDown || ! this.yDown ) {
var xUp = evt.touches[0].clientX;
var yUp = evt.touches[0].clientY;
this.xDiff = this.xDown - xUp;
this.yDiff = this.yDown - yUp;
if ( Math.abs( this.xDiff ) > Math.abs( this.yDiff ) ) { // Most significant.
if ( this.xDiff > 0 ) {
} else {
} else {
if ( this.yDiff > 0 ) {
} else {
// Reset values.
this.xDown = null;
this.yDown = null;
run() {
this.element.addEventListener('touchmove', function(evt) {
}.bind(this), false);
You can than use it like this:
// Use class to get element by string.
var swiper = new Swipe('#my-element');
swiper.onLeft(function() { alert('You swiped left.') });;
// Get the element yourself.
var swiper = new Swipe(document.getElementById('#my-element'));
swiper.onLeft(function() { alert('You swiped left.') });;
// One-liner.
(new Swipe('#my-element')).onLeft(function() { alert('You swiped left.') }).run();

I have found #givanse brilliant answer to be the most reliable and compatible across multiple mobile browsers for registering swipe actions.
However, there's a change in his code required to make it work in modern day mobile browsers that are using jQuery.
event.toucheswon't exist if jQuery is used and results in undefined and should be replaced by event.originalEvent.touches. Without jQuery, event.touches should work fine.
So the solution becomes,
document.addEventListener('touchstart', handleTouchStart, false);
document.addEventListener('touchmove', handleTouchMove, false);
var xDown = null;
var yDown = null;
function handleTouchStart(evt) {
xDown = evt.originalEvent.touches[0].clientX;
yDown = evt.originalEvent.touches[0].clientY;
function handleTouchMove(evt) {
if ( ! xDown || ! yDown ) {
var xUp = evt.originalEvent.touches[0].clientX;
var yUp = evt.originalEvent.touches[0].clientY;
var xDiff = xDown - xUp;
var yDiff = yDown - yUp;
if ( Math.abs( xDiff ) > Math.abs( yDiff ) ) {/*most significant*/
if ( xDiff > 0 ) {
/* left swipe */
} else {
/* right swipe */
} else {
if ( yDiff > 0 ) {
/* up swipe */
} else {
/* down swipe */
/* reset values */
xDown = null;
yDown = null;
Tested on:
Android: Chrome, UC Browser
iOS: Safari, Chrome, UC Browser

what i've used before is you have to detect the mousedown event, record its x,y location (whichever is relevant) then detect the mouseup event, and subtract the two values.

jQuery Mobile also includes swipe support:
$("#divId").on("swipe", function(event) {
alert("It's a swipe!");

Some mod of uppest answer(can't comment...) to deal with to short swipes
document.addEventListener('touchstart', handleTouchStart, false);
document.addEventListener('touchmove', handleTouchMove, false);
var xDown = null;
var yDown = null;
function handleTouchStart(evt) {
xDown = evt.touches[0].clientX;
yDown = evt.touches[0].clientY;
function handleTouchMove(evt) {
if ( ! xDown || ! yDown ) {
var xUp = evt.touches[0].clientX;
var yUp = evt.touches[0].clientY;
var xDiff = xDown - xUp;
var yDiff = yDown - yUp;
if(Math.abs( xDiff )+Math.abs( yDiff )>150){ //to deal with to short swipes
if ( Math.abs( xDiff ) > Math.abs( yDiff ) ) {/*most significant*/
if ( xDiff > 0 ) {/* left swipe */
} else {/* right swipe */
} else {
if ( yDiff > 0 ) {/* up swipe */
} else { /* down swipe */
/* reset values */
xDown = null;
yDown = null;

I've repackaged TouchWipe as a short jquery plugin: detectSwipe

threshold, timeout swipe, swipeBlockElems add.
document.addEventListener('touchstart', handleTouchStart, false);
document.addEventListener('touchmove', handleTouchMove, false);
document.addEventListener('touchend', handleTouchEnd, false);
let xDown = null;
let yDown = null;
let xDiff = null;
let yDiff = null;
let timeDown = null;
const TIME_THRESHOLD = 200;
const DIFF_THRESHOLD = 130;
function handleTouchEnd() {
let timeDiff = - timeDown;
if (Math.abs(xDiff) > Math.abs(yDiff)) { /*most significant*/
if (Math.abs(xDiff) > DIFF_THRESHOLD && timeDiff < TIME_THRESHOLD) {
if (xDiff > 0) {
SWIPE_LEFT(LEFT) /* left swipe */
} else {
// console.log(xDiff)
SWIPE_RIGHT(RIGHT) /* right swipe */
} else {
console.log('swipeX trashhold')
} else {
if (Math.abs(yDiff) > DIFF_THRESHOLD && timeDiff < TIME_THRESHOLD) {
if (yDiff > 0) {
/* up swipe */
} else {
/* down swipe */
} else {
console.log('swipeY trashhold')
/* reset values */
xDown = null;
yDown = null;
timeDown = null;
function containsClassName (evntarget , classArr) {
for (var i = classArr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if( evntarget.classList.contains(classArr[i]) ) {
return true;
function handleTouchStart(evt) {
let touchStartTarget =;
if( containsClassName(touchStartTarget, SWIPE_BLOCK_ELEMS) ) {
timeDown =
xDown = evt.touches[0].clientX;
yDown = evt.touches[0].clientY;
xDiff = 0;
yDiff = 0;
function handleTouchMove(evt) {
if (!xDown || !yDown) {
var xUp = evt.touches[0].clientX;
var yUp = evt.touches[0].clientY;
xDiff = xDown - xUp;
yDiff = yDown - yUp;

I wanted to detect left and right swipe only, but trigger the action only when the touch event ends, so I slightly modified the #givanse's great answer to do that.
Why to do that? If for example, while swiping, the user notices he finally doesn't want to swipe, he can move his finger at the original position (a very popular "dating" phone application does this ;)), and then the "swipe right" event is cancelled.
So in order to avoid a "swipe right" event just because there is a 3px difference horizontally, I added a threshold under which an event is discarded: in order to have a "swipe right" event, the user has to swipe of at least 1/3 of the browser width (of course you can modify this).
All these small details enhance the user experience.
Note that currently, a "touch pinch zoom" might be detected as a swipe if one of the two fingers does a big horizontal move during the pinch zoom.
Here is the (Vanilla JS) code:
var xDown = null, yDown = null, xUp = null, yUp = null;
document.addEventListener('touchstart', touchstart, false);
document.addEventListener('touchmove', touchmove, false);
document.addEventListener('touchend', touchend, false);
function touchstart(evt) { const firstTouch = (evt.touches || evt.originalEvent.touches)[0]; xDown = firstTouch.clientX; yDown = firstTouch.clientY; }
function touchmove(evt) { if (!xDown || !yDown ) return; xUp = evt.touches[0].clientX; yUp = evt.touches[0].clientY; }
function touchend(evt) {
var xDiff = xUp - xDown, yDiff = yUp - yDown;
if ((Math.abs(xDiff) > Math.abs(yDiff)) && (Math.abs(xDiff) > 0.33 * document.body.clientWidth)) {
if (xDiff < 0)
xDown = null, yDown = null;

If anyone is trying to use jQuery Mobile on Android and has problems with JQM swipe detection
(I had some on Xperia Z1, Galaxy S3, Nexus 4 and some Wiko phones too) this can be useful :
//Fix swipe gesture on android
if(android){ //Your own device detection here
$.event.special.swipe.verticalDistanceThreshold = 500
$.event.special.swipe.horizontalDistanceThreshold = 10
Swipe on android wasn't detected unless it was a very long, precise and fast swipe.
With these two lines it works correctly

I had trouble with touchend handler firing continuously while the user was dragging a finger around. I don't know if that's due to something I'm doing wrong or not but I rewired this to accumulate moves with touchmove and touchend actually fires the callback.
I also needed to have a large number of these instances and so I added enable/disable methods.
And a threshold where a short swipe doesn't fire. Touchstart zero's the counters each time.
You can change the target_node on the fly. Enable on creation is optional.
/** Usage: */
touchevent = new Modules.TouchEventClass(callback, target_node);
* Touch event module
* #param method set_target_mode
* #param method __touchstart
* #param method __touchmove
* #param method __touchend
* #param method enable
* #param method disable
* #param function callback
* #param node target_node
Modules.TouchEventClass = class {
constructor(callback, target_node, enable=false) {
/** callback function */
this.callback = callback;
this.xdown = null;
this.ydown = null;
this.enabled = false;
this.target_node = null;
/** move point counts [left, right, up, down] */
this.counts = [];
/** Enable on creation */
if (enable === true) {
* Set or reset target node
* #param string/node target_node
* #param string enable (optional)
set_target_node(target_node, enable=false) {
/** check if we're resetting target_node */
if (this.target_node !== null) {
/** remove old listener */
/** Support string id of node */
if (target_node.nodeName === undefined) {
target_node = document.getElementById(target_node);
this.target_node = target_node;
if (enable === true) {
/** enable listener */
enable() {
this.enabled = true;
this.target_node.addEventListener("touchstart", this.__touchstart.bind(this));
this.target_node.addEventListener("touchmove", this.__touchmove.bind(this));
this.target_node.addEventListener("touchend", this.__touchend.bind(this));
/** disable listener */
disable() {
this.enabled = false;
this.target_node.removeEventListener("touchstart", this.__touchstart);
this.target_node.removeEventListener("touchmove", this.__touchmove);
this.target_node.removeEventListener("touchend", this.__touchend);
/** Touchstart */
__touchstart(event) {
this.xdown = event.touches[0].clientX;
this.ydown = event.touches[0].clientY;
/** reset count of moves in each direction, [left, right, up, down] */
this.counts = [0, 0, 0, 0];
/** Touchend */
__touchend(event) {
let max_moves = Math.max(...this.counts);
if (max_moves > 500) { // set this threshold appropriately
/** swipe happened */
let index = this.counts.indexOf(max_moves);
if (index == 0) {
} else if (index == 1) {
} else if (index == 2) {
} else {
/** Touchmove */
__touchmove(event) {
if (! this.xdown || ! this.ydown) {
let xup = event.touches[0].clientX;
let yup = event.touches[0].clientY;
let xdiff = this.xdown - xup;
let ydiff = this.ydown - yup;
/** Check x or y has greater distance */
if (Math.abs(xdiff) > Math.abs(ydiff)) {
if (xdiff > 0) {
this.counts[0] += Math.abs(xdiff);
} else {
this.counts[1] += Math.abs(xdiff);
} else {
if (ydiff > 0) {
this.counts[2] += Math.abs(ydiff);
} else {
this.counts[3] += Math.abs(ydiff);

Adding to this answer here. This one adds support for mouse events for testing on desktop:
class SwipeEventDispatcher {
constructor(element, options = {}) {
this.evtMap = {
this.xDown = null;
this.yDown = null;
this.element = element;
this.isMouseDown = false;
this.listenForMouseEvents = true;
this.options = Object.assign({ triggerPercent: 0.3 }, options);
element.addEventListener('touchstart', evt => this.handleTouchStart(evt), false);
element.addEventListener('touchend', evt => this.handleTouchEnd(evt), false);
element.addEventListener('mousedown', evt => this.handleMouseDown(evt), false);
element.addEventListener('mouseup', evt => this.handleMouseUp(evt), false);
on(evt, cb) {
off(evt, lcb) {
this.evtMap[evt] = this.evtMap[evt].filter(cb => cb !== lcb);
trigger(evt, data) {
this.evtMap[evt].map(handler => handler(data));
handleTouchStart(evt) {
this.xDown = evt.touches[0].clientX;
this.yDown = evt.touches[0].clientY;
handleMouseDown(evt) {
if (this.listenForMouseEvents==false) return;
this.xDown = evt.clientX;
this.yDown = evt.clientY;
this.isMouseDown = true;
handleMouseUp(evt) {
if (this.isMouseDown == false) return;
const deltaX = evt.clientX - this.xDown;
const deltaY = evt.clientY - this.yDown;
const distMoved = Math.abs(Math.abs(deltaX) > Math.abs(deltaY) ? deltaX : deltaY);
const activePct = distMoved / this.element.offsetWidth;
if (activePct > this.options.triggerPercent) {
if (Math.abs(deltaX) > Math.abs(deltaY)) {
deltaX < 0 ? this.trigger('SWIPE_LEFT') : this.trigger('SWIPE_RIGHT');
} else {
deltaY > 0 ? this.trigger('SWIPE_UP') : this.trigger('SWIPE_DOWN');
handleTouchEnd(evt) {
const deltaX = evt.changedTouches[0].clientX - this.xDown;
const deltaY = evt.changedTouches[0].clientY - this.yDown;
const distMoved = Math.abs(Math.abs(deltaX) > Math.abs(deltaY) ? deltaX : deltaY);
const activePct = distMoved / this.element.offsetWidth;
if (activePct > this.options.triggerPercent) {
if (Math.abs(deltaX) > Math.abs(deltaY)) {
deltaX < 0 ? this.trigger('SWIPE_LEFT') : this.trigger('SWIPE_RIGHT');
} else {
deltaY > 0 ? this.trigger('SWIPE_UP') : this.trigger('SWIPE_DOWN');
// add a listener on load
window.addEventListener("load", function(event) {
const dispatcher = new SwipeEventDispatcher(document.body);
dispatcher.on('SWIPE_RIGHT', () => { console.log('I swiped right!') })
dispatcher.on('SWIPE_LEFT', () => { console.log('I swiped left!') })

If you just need swipe, you are better off size wise just using only the part you need.
This should work on any touch device.
This is ~450 bytes' after gzip compression, minification, babel etc.
I wrote the below class based on the other answers, it uses percentage moved instead of pixels, and a event dispatcher pattern to hook/unhook things.
Use it like so:
const dispatcher = new SwipeEventDispatcher(myElement);
dispatcher.on('SWIPE_RIGHT', () => { console.log('I swiped right!') })
export class SwipeEventDispatcher {
constructor(element, options = {}) {
this.evtMap = {
this.xDown = null;
this.yDown = null;
this.element = element;
this.options = Object.assign({ triggerPercent: 0.3 }, options);
element.addEventListener('touchstart', evt => this.handleTouchStart(evt), false);
element.addEventListener('touchend', evt => this.handleTouchEnd(evt), false);
on(evt, cb) {
off(evt, lcb) {
this.evtMap[evt] = this.evtMap[evt].filter(cb => cb !== lcb);
trigger(evt, data) {
this.evtMap[evt].map(handler => handler(data));
handleTouchStart(evt) {
this.xDown = evt.touches[0].clientX;
this.yDown = evt.touches[0].clientY;
handleTouchEnd(evt) {
const deltaX = evt.changedTouches[0].clientX - this.xDown;
const deltaY = evt.changedTouches[0].clientY - this.yDown;
const distMoved = Math.abs(Math.abs(deltaX) > Math.abs(deltaY) ? deltaX : deltaY);
const activePct = distMoved / this.element.offsetWidth;
if (activePct > this.options.triggerPercent) {
if (Math.abs(deltaX) > Math.abs(deltaY)) {
deltaX < 0 ? this.trigger('SWIPE_LEFT') : this.trigger('SWIPE_RIGHT');
} else {
deltaY > 0 ? this.trigger('SWIPE_UP') : this.trigger('SWIPE_DOWN');
export default SwipeEventDispatcher;

I have merged a few of the answers too, mostly the first one and the second with classes, and here is my version:
export default class Swipe {
constructor(options) {
this.xDown = null;
this.yDown = null;
this.options = options;
this.handleTouchStart = this.handleTouchStart.bind(this);
this.handleTouchMove = this.handleTouchMove.bind(this);
document.addEventListener('touchstart', this.handleTouchStart, false);
document.addEventListener('touchmove', this.handleTouchMove, false);
onLeft() {
onRight() {
onUp() {
onDown() {
static getTouches(evt) {
return evt.touches // browser API
handleTouchStart(evt) {
const firstTouch = Swipe.getTouches(evt)[0];
this.xDown = firstTouch.clientX;
this.yDown = firstTouch.clientY;
handleTouchMove(evt) {
if ( ! this.xDown || ! this.yDown ) {
let xUp = evt.touches[0].clientX;
let yUp = evt.touches[0].clientY;
let xDiff = this.xDown - xUp;
let yDiff = this.yDown - yUp;
if ( Math.abs( xDiff ) > Math.abs( yDiff ) ) {/*most significant*/
if ( xDiff > 0 && this.options.onLeft) {
/* left swipe */
} else if (this.options.onRight) {
/* right swipe */
} else {
if ( yDiff > 0 && this.options.onUp) {
/* up swipe */
} else if (this.options.onDown){
/* down swipe */
/* reset values */
this.xDown = null;
this.yDown = null;
Afterward can use it as the following:
let swiper = new Swipe({
onLeft() {
console.log('You swiped left.');
It helps to avoid console errors when you want to call only let's say "onLeft" method.

Used two:
jQuery mobile: work in most of cases and specially when you are developing applicaion which uses other jQuery plugin then better to use jQuery mobile controls for this. Visit it here:
Hammer Time ! one of the best,lightweight and fast javascript based library. Visit it here:

I reworked #givanse's solution to function as a React hook. Input is some optional event listeners, output is a functional ref (needs to be functional so the hook can re-run when/if the ref changes).
Also added in vertical/horizontal swipe threshold param, so that small motions don't accidentally trigger the event listeners, but these can be set to 0 to mimic original answer more closely.
Tip: for best performance, the event listener input functions should be memoized.
function useSwipeDetector({
// Event listeners.
// Threshold to detect swipe.
verticalSwipeThreshold = 50,
horizontalSwipeThreshold = 30,
}) {
const [domRef, setDomRef] = useState(null);
const xDown = useRef(null);
const yDown = useRef(null);
useEffect(() => {
if (!domRef) {
function handleTouchStart(evt) {
const [firstTouch] = evt.touches;
xDown.current = firstTouch.clientX;
yDown.current = firstTouch.clientY;
function handleTouchMove(evt) {
if (!xDown.current || !yDown.current) {
const [firstTouch] = evt.touches;
const xUp = firstTouch.clientX;
const yUp = firstTouch.clientY;
const xDiff = xDown.current - xUp;
const yDiff = yDown.current - yUp;
if (Math.abs(xDiff) > Math.abs(yDiff)) {/*most significant*/
if (xDiff > horizontalSwipeThreshold) {
if (onRightSwipe) onRightSwipe();
} else if (xDiff < -horizontalSwipeThreshold) {
if (onLeftSwipe) onLeftSwipe();
} else {
if (yDiff > verticalSwipeThreshold) {
if (onUpSwipe) onUpSwipe();
} else if (yDiff < -verticalSwipeThreshold) {
if (onDownSwipe) onDownSwipe();
function handleTouchEnd() {
xDown.current = null;
yDown.current = null;
domRef.addEventListener("touchstart", handleTouchStart, false);
domRef.addEventListener("touchmove", handleTouchMove, false);
domRef.addEventListener("touchend", handleTouchEnd, false);
return () => {
domRef.removeEventListener("touchstart", handleTouchStart);
domRef.removeEventListener("touchmove", handleTouchMove);
domRef.removeEventListener("touchend", handleTouchEnd);
}, [domRef, onLeftSwipe, onRightSwipe, onUpSwipe, onDownSwipe, verticalSwipeThreshold, horizontalSwipeThreshold]);
return (ref) => setDomRef(ref);

On top of what was suggested here, I would keep track of finger numbers, because if you touch with two fingers at the same time, it will pick up the X position without the ~swipe~ motion which leads to a weird behavior, and also, you could want to set a "distance" minimum so the user won't trigger the swipe by mistake when touch through your website or application.
let touchstartX = 0
let touchendX = 0
let fingerCount = 0
const checkDirection = () => {
const distance = 50 //Minimum distance for the swipe to work
if (touchendX < touchstartX && (touchstartX - touchendX) > distance ){
//Do something cool
if (touchendX > touchstartX && (touchendX - touchstartX) > distance){
//Do something cooler
document.addEventListener('touchstart', e => {
fingerCount = e.touches.length
touchstartX = e.changedTouches[0].clientX
document.addEventListener('touchend', e => {
touchendX = e.changedTouches[0].clientX
if(fingerCount === 1){

You might have an easier time first implementing it with mouse events to prototype.
There are many answers here, including the top, should be used with caution as they do not consider edge cases especially around bounding boxes.
Touch Events
Mouse Events
You will need to experiment to catch edge cases and behaviours such as the pointer moving outside of the element before ending.
A swipe is a very basic gesture which is a higher level of interface pointer interaction processing roughly sitting between processing raw events and handwriting recognition.
There's no single exact method for detecting a swipe or a fling though virtually all generally follow a basic principle of detecting a motion across an element with a threshold of distance and speed or velocity. You might simply say that if there is a movement across 65% of the screen size in a given direction within a given time then it is a swipe. Exactly where you draw the line and how you calculate it is up to you.
Some might also look at it from the perspective of momentum in a direction and how far off the screen it has been pushed when the element is released. This is clearer with sticky swipes where the element can be dragged and then on release will either bounce back or fly off the screen as if the elastic broke.
It's probably ideal to try to find a gesture library that you can either port or reuse that's commonly used for consistency. Many of the examples here are excessively simplistic, registering a swipe as the slightest touch in any direction.
Android would be the obvious choice though has the opposite problem, it's overly complex.
Many people appear to have misinterpreted the question as any movement in a direction. A swipe is a broad and relatively brief motion overwhelmingly in a single direction (though may be arced and have certain acceleration properties). A fling is similar though intends to casually propel an item away a fair distance under its own momentum.
The two are sufficiently similar that some libraries might only provide fling or swipe, which can be used interchangeably. On a flat screen it's difficult to truly separate the two gestures and generally speaking people are doing both (swiping the physical screen but flinging the UI element displayed on the screen).
You best option is to not do it yourself. There are already a large number of JavaScript libraries for detecting simple gestures.

An example of how to use with offset.
// at least 100 px are a swipe
// you can use the value relative to screen size: window.innerWidth * .1
const offset = 100;
let xDown, yDown
window.addEventListener('touchstart', e => {
const firstTouch = getTouch(e);
xDown = firstTouch.clientX;
yDown = firstTouch.clientY;
window.addEventListener('touchend', e => {
if (!xDown || !yDown) {
const {
clientX: xUp,
clientY: yUp
} = getTouch(e);
const xDiff = xDown - xUp;
const yDiff = yDown - yUp;
const xDiffAbs = Math.abs(xDown - xUp);
const yDiffAbs = Math.abs(yDown - yUp);
// at least <offset> are a swipe
if (Math.max(xDiffAbs, yDiffAbs) < offset ) {
if (xDiffAbs > yDiffAbs) {
if ( xDiff > 0 ) {
} else {
} else {
if ( yDiff > 0 ) {
} else {
function getTouch (e) {
return e.changedTouches[0]

I had to write a simple script for a carousel to detect swipe left or right.
I utilised Pointer Events instead of Touch Events.
I hope this is useful to individuals and I welcome any insights to improve my code; I feel rather sheepish to join this thread with significantly superior JS developers.
function getSwipeX({elementId}) {
this.e = document.getElementsByClassName(elementId)[0];
this.initialPosition = 0;
this.lastPosition = 0;
this.threshold = 200;
this.diffInPosition = null;
this.diffVsThreshold = null;
this.gestureState = 0;
this.getTouchStart = (event) => {
if (window.PointerEvent) {
return this.initalTouchPos = this.getGesturePoint(event);
this.getTouchMove = (event) => {
return this.lastPosition = this.getGesturePoint(event);
this.getTouchEnd = (event) => {
if (window.PointerEvent) {
this.initialPosition = 0;
this.getGesturePoint = (event) => {
this.point = event.pageX
return this.point;
this.whatGestureDirection = (event) => {
this.diffInPosition = this.initalTouchPos - this.lastPosition;
this.diffVsThreshold = Math.abs(this.diffInPosition) > this.threshold;
(Math.sign(this.diffInPosition) > 0) ? this.gestureState = 'L' : (Math.sign(this.diffInPosition) < 0) ? this.gestureState = 'R' : this.gestureState = 'N';
return [this.diffInPosition, this.diffVsThreshold, this.gestureState];
this.doSomething = (event) => {
let [gestureDelta,gestureThreshold,gestureDirection] = this.whatGestureDirection();
if (gestureThreshold) {
(gestureDirection == 'L') ? // LEFT ACTION : // RIGHT ACTION
if (window.PointerEvent) {
this.e.addEventListener('pointerdown', this.getTouchStart, true);
this.e.addEventListener('pointermove', this.getTouchMove, true);
this.e.addEventListener('pointerup', this.getTouchEnd, true);
this.e.addEventListener('pointercancel', this.getTouchEnd, true);
You can call the function using new.
window.addEventListener('load', () => {
let test = new getSwipeX({
elementId: 'your_div_here'

I reworked #ruben-martinez answer for using the amazing solution from #givanse for handling swipe events using custom react hooks.
import React, { useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react";
export default function useSwiper() {
const [domRef, setDomRef] = useState<any>();
const xDown: React.MutableRefObject<number | null> = useRef(null);
const yDown: React.MutableRefObject<number | null> = useRef(null);
useEffect(() => {
if (!domRef) return;
function getTouches(event: React.TouchEvent<HTMLDivElement>) {
return event.touches;
function handleTouchStart(event: any) {
const firstTouch = getTouches(event)[0];
xDown.current = firstTouch.clientX;
yDown.current = firstTouch.clientY;
function handleTouchMove(event: React.TouchEvent<HTMLDivElement>) {
if (!xDown.current || !yDown.current) return;
const firstTouch = getTouches(event)[0];
const xUp = firstTouch.clientX;
const yUp = firstTouch.clientY;
const xDiff = xDown.current - xUp;
const yDiff = yDown.current - yUp;
if (Math.abs(xDiff) > Math.abs(yDiff)) {
// handle horizontal swipes
if (xDiff > 0) {
// we swiped right
} else {
// we swiped left
} else {
// handle vertical swipes
if (yDiff > 0) {
// we swiped down
} else {
// we swiped up
function handleTouchEnd(event: React.TouchEvent<HTMLDivElement>) {
xDown.current = null;
yDown.current = null;
domRef.addEventListener("touchstart", handleTouchStart, false);
domRef.addEventListener("touchmove", handleTouchMove, false);
domRef.addEventListener("touchend", handleTouchEnd, false);
return () => {
domRef.removeEventListener("touchstart", handleTouchStart, false);
domRef.removeEventListener("touchmove", handleTouchMove, false);
domRef.removeEventListener("touchend", handleTouchEnd, false);
}, [domRef]);
return (ref: any) => setDomRef(ref);
My major challenge with implementing his answer was not knowing how to bind the swipe element's ref to the ref from the custom hook.
Basically, what is happening is that we return a function from the custom hook. This function would allow us pass in a ref from the element we want to listen to swipe actions on. The custom hook on receipt of the ref then updates the hook state with the element's ref which triggers a re render so we have the actual element!
This functional ref style also allows us to use the hook for multiple elements. As shown below, I wanted to use it for a list of items to enable swipe to delete :)
import useSwiper from "./hooks/useSwipe";
const EntryCard = ({ entry, godMode, reload }: EntryProps) => {
const swiperRef = useSwiper();
const handleEntryClick =
(entry: Entry) => async (event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => {
if (!godMode) return;
try {
reload((state) => !state);
} catch (err) {
console.log("Error deleting entry: ", err);
return (
<div className="item" onClick={handleEntryClick(entry)} ref={swiperRef}>
<div className="username">{entry.userName}</div>
<div className="score">{entry.weekScore}</div>
PS: You can pass in functions to your hook to receive the swipe values. Thank YOU :) Vote if you like :)

handle by touchStart and touchEnd :
var handleSwipe = function(elem,callbackOnRight, callbackOnLeft, callbackOnDown,
callbackOnUp) => {
elem.ontouchstart = handleTouchStart;
elem.ontouchend = handleTouchEnd;
var xDown = null;
var yDown = null;
function getTouches(evt) {
return evt.touches || // browser API
evt.originalEvent.touches; // jQuery
function handleTouchStart(evt) {
const firstTouch = getTouches(evt)[0];
xDown = firstTouch.clientX;
yDown = firstTouch.clientY;
function handleTouchEnd(evt) {
if (!xDown || !yDown) {
var xUp = evt.changedTouches[0].clientX;
var yUp = evt.changedTouches[0].clientY;
var xDiff = xDown - xUp;
var yDiff = yDown - yUp;
var minDif = 30;
console.log(`xDiff:${xDiff}, yDiff:${yDiff}`);
if (Math.abs(xDiff) > Math.abs(yDiff)) {
if (xDiff > minDif) {
if (callbackOnLeft)
} else if (xDiff < -1 * minDif){
if (callbackOnRight)
} else {
if (yDiff > minDif) {
if (callbackOnDown)
} else if (yDiff < -1* minDif){
if (callbackOnUp)
xDown = null;
yDown = null;

You can listen to touchstart and touchend events and compute the direction and force based on the event data (Codepen):
let start = null;
document.addEventListener('touchstart', e => {
const touch = e.changedTouches[0];
start = [touch.clientX, touch.clientY];
document.addEventListener('touchend', e => {
const touch = e.changedTouches[0];
const end = [touch.clientX, touch.clientY];
document.body.innerText = `${end[0] - start[0]},${end[1] - start[1]}`;
Swipe here
Or you can build a more ergonomic API around this same concept (Codepen):
const removeListener = addSwipeRightListener(document, (force, e) => {'Swiped right with force: ' + force);
// removeListener()
// swipe.js
const {
} = (function() {
// <element, {listeners: [...], handleTouchstart, handleTouchend}>
const elements = new WeakMap();
function readTouch(e) {
const touch = e.changedTouches[0];
if (touch == undefined) {
return null;
return [touch.clientX, touch.clientY];
function addListener(element, cb) {
let elementValues = elements.get(element);
if (elementValues === undefined) {
const listeners = new Set();
const handleTouchstart = e => {
elementValues.start = readTouch(e);
const handleTouchend = e => {
const start = elementValues.start;
if (start === null) {
const end = readTouch(e);
for (const listener of listeners) {
listener([end[0] - start[0], end[1] - start[1]], e);
element.addEventListener('touchstart', handleTouchstart);
element.addEventListener('touchend', handleTouchend);
elementValues = {
start: null,
elements.set(element, elementValues);
return () => deleteListener(element, cb);
function deleteListener(element, cb) {
const elementValues = elements.get(element);
const listeners = elementValues.listeners;
if (listeners.size === 0) {
element.removeEventListener('touchstart', elementValues.handleTouchstart);
element.removeEventListener('touchend', elementValues.handleTouchend);
function addSwipeLeftListener(element, cb) {
return addListener(element, (force, e) => {
const [x, y] = force;
if (x < 0 && -x > Math.abs(y)) {
cb(x, e);
function addSwipeRightListener(element, cb) {
return addListener(element, (force, e) => {
const [x, y] = force;
if (x > 0 && x > Math.abs(y)) {
cb(x, e);
function addSwipeUpListener(element, cb) {
return addListener(element, (force, e) => {
const [x, y] = force;
if (y < 0 && -y > Math.abs(x)) {
cb(x, e);
function addSwipeDownListener(element, cb) {
return addListener(element, (force, e) => {
const [x, y] = force;
if (y > 0 && y > Math.abs(x)) {
cb(x, e);
return {
// app.js
function print(direction, force) {
document.querySelector('#direction').innerText = direction;
document.querySelector('#data').innerText = force;
addSwipeLeftListener(document, (force, e) => {
print('left', force);
addSwipeRightListener(document, (force, e) => {
print('right', force);
addSwipeUpListener(document, (force, e) => {
print('up', force);
addSwipeDownListener(document, (force, e) => {
print('down', force);
<h1>Swipe <span id="direction"></span></h1>
Force (px): <span id="data"></span>

Function checks both horizontal and vertical direction to determine which swipe was longer to prevent executing 2 instructions, because it's impossible to make a perfect one-directioned swipe. A swipe always has deviation on X and Y.
let touchstartX = 0;
let touchendX = 0;
let touchstartY = 0;
let touchendY = 0;
function checkDirection() {
let difX = touchstartX - touchendX;
let difY = touchstartY - touchendY;
if (Math.abs(difX) > Math.abs(difY)) {
if (touchendX < touchstartX) {/*left*/}
if (touchendX > touchstartX) {/*right*/}
} else {
if (touchendY < touchstartY) {/*up*/}
if (touchendY > touchstartY) {/*down*/}
document.addEventListener('touchstart', e => {
touchstartX = e.changedTouches[0].screenX;
touchstartY = e.changedTouches[0].screenY;
document.addEventListener('touchend', e => {
touchendX = e.changedTouches[0].screenX;
touchendY = e.changedTouches[0].screenY;


Dragenter, dragover and dragend not firing in safari

i'm trying to do a drag and drop card game (solitaire). It works in all browsers and mobile devices. But the drag events are not firing in safari desktop only (only the dragstart,mousedown and mouse up work). I tried adding the e.preventDefault() in the dragenter but it doesn't work. I put a console log in the beginning of every drag event but only the dragstart message show.
Do you have any suggestions please?
enter image description here
This is the code for each event:
var dragIcon = doc.createElement('img');
Game.prototype.dragstart = function(e) {
console.log('start dragstart')
e.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'copy';
e.dataTransfer.setData('text/html', '');
// Create blank image to hide the ghost
e.dataTransfer.setDragImage(dragIcon, -10, -10);
this.dragging = true;
console.log('end dragstart')
Game.prototype.dragenter = function(e) {
console.log('drag enter')
var t =;
var column = t.classList.contains("column");
var stack = t.classList.contains("stack");
var canDrop = t.card || column || stack;
if ( this.activeColumn ) {
if ( canDrop ) {
if ( column || stack ) {
this.activeColumn = t;
} else {
this.activeColumn = t.parentNode;
console.log('end dragenter')
Game.prototype.dragover = function(e) {
e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'over';
// Physically drag the card instead of using the D&D ghost
if ( this.activeCard && this.dragging ) {
var c = this.activeCard;
var x = e.pageX - c.origin.x;
var y = e.pageY - c.origin.y;
var css = "pointer-events: none; transform: scale(1.05, 1.05) rotateX(0deg) translate3d("+x+"px, "+y+"px, 0px);"; = css;
console.log('end dragover')
Game.prototype.dragend = function(e) {
if ( this.activeCard && this.dragging ) {
var c = this.activeCard;
var x = e.pageX - c.origin.x;
var y = e.pageY - c.origin.y; = "";
if ( this.activeColumn ) {
if ( this.isLegalMove() ) {
var prev = c.el.previousElementSibling;
// Flip the last card
if ( prev ) {
var card =[prev.idx];
if ( !card.flipped ) {
card.prevState = card.flipped;
this.score += 5;
this.stackToColumn = c.el.parentNode.classList.contains("stack");
this.pickCount = c.el.parentNode.childElementCount;
this.dropCount = this.activeColumn.childElementCount;
this.startParent.classList.toggle("empty", !this.startParent.childElementCount);
this.activeColumn.classList.toggle("empty", !this.activeColumn.childElementCount);
console.log('end dragend')

Can I capture the mouse pointer in a Figma plugin window?

I have some code that I've used to create controls for a long time, and it works well, in that it properly captures and releases the mouse (at least in chrome).
function createSlider(slider, width, height)
slider.width = width;
slider.height = height; = 'inline';
slider.onchange = new Event('onchange');
slider.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e)
var e = window.event || e;
if (e.button == 0)
if (slider.setCapture)
slider.mouseDown0 = true; = e.clientX; = slider.value;
slider.addEventListener('losecapture', function()
slider.mouseDown0 = false;
document.addEventListener('mouseup', function(e)
var e = window.event || e;
if (e.button == 0 && slider.mouseDown0)
slider.mouseDown0 = false;
}, true);
(slider.setCapture ? slider : document).addEventListener('mousemove', function(e)
if (slider.mouseDown0)
var dx = - e.clientX;
var adaptive = 10 * Math.pow(Math.abs(dx), slider.acc);
slider.value = Math.min(Math.max(slider.min, - dx*slider.scale*adaptive), slider.max);
//TODO: if (log) do log scaling
}, true);
slider.onmousewheel = function(e)
var s =;
s.value = Math.min(Math.max(s.min, s.value + (e.wheelDeltaY > 0 ? 1 : -1) * s.scale), s.max);
slider.paint = function()
But when I tried using this code inside of a Figma plugin window, it loses mouse capture as soon as the mouse leaves the window. Is there something that I need to adjust for this to work?
Apparently you cannot, but you can use pointer lock to solve the issue for some situations.

JQuery and JS NoConflict() Not Working

I have a website that uses smooth scroll which works great.. But once I added the following code:
var $ = jQuery.noConflict();
$(document).ready(function() {
$(function() {
var $ticker = $('#news-ticker'),
$first = $('.news-ticket-class li:first-child', $ticker);
// put an empty space between each letter so we can
// use break word
$('.news-ticket-class li', $ticker).each(function() {
var $this = $(this),
text = $this.text();
// begin the animation
function tick($el) {
.one('webkitAnimationEnd oanimationend msAnimationEnd animationend', function() {
var $next = $'li');
$next = $next.length > 0 ? $next : $first;
It breaks the smooth scroll. I have tried using the noconflict and that doesn't help as you can see.
The template I use is here that has the smooth scrolling option.
I am stuck with either the above code or my menus working. If you have any other suggestions that mimic someone typing, like this website, please send over my way.
EDIT: This is the smooth scroll script:
// SmoothScroll for websites v1.4.0 (Balazs Galambosi)
// Licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
// You may use it in your theme if you credit me.
// It is also free to use on any individual website.
// Exception:
// The only restriction is to not publish any
// extension for browsers or native application
// without getting a written permission first.
(function () {
// Scroll Variables (tweakable)
var defaultOptions = {
// Scrolling Core
frameRate : 150, // [Hz]
animationTime : 500, // [ms]
stepSize : 100, // [px]
// Pulse (less tweakable)
// ratio of "tail" to "acceleration"
pulseAlgorithm : true,
pulseScale : 4,
pulseNormalize : 1,
// Acceleration
accelerationDelta : 50, // 50
accelerationMax : 3, // 3
// Keyboard Settings
keyboardSupport : true, // option
arrowScroll : 50, // [px]
// Other
touchpadSupport : false, // ignore touchpad by default
fixedBackground : true,
excluded : ''
var options = defaultOptions;
// Other Variables
var isExcluded = false;
var isFrame = false;
var direction = { x: 0, y: 0 };
var initDone = false;
var root = document.documentElement;
var activeElement;
var observer;
var refreshSize;
var deltaBuffer = [];
var isMac = /^Mac/.test(navigator.platform);
var key = { left: 37, up: 38, right: 39, down: 40, spacebar: 32,
pageup: 33, pagedown: 34, end: 35, home: 36 };
* Tests if smooth scrolling is allowed. Shuts down everything if not.
function initTest() {
if (options.keyboardSupport) {
addEvent('keydown', keydown);
* Sets up scrolls array, determines if frames are involved.
function init() {
if (initDone || !document.body) return;
initDone = true;
var body = document.body;
var html = document.documentElement;
var windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
var scrollHeight = body.scrollHeight;
// check compat mode for root element
root = (document.compatMode.indexOf('CSS') >= 0) ? html : body;
activeElement = body;
// Checks if this script is running in a frame
if (top != self) {
isFrame = true;
* Please duplicate this radar for a Safari fix!
* rdar://22376037
* Only applies to Safari now, Chrome fixed it in v45:
* This fixes a bug where the areas left and right to
* the content does not trigger the onmousewheel event
* on some pages. e.g.: html, body { height: 100% }
else if (scrollHeight > windowHeight &&
(body.offsetHeight <= windowHeight ||
html.offsetHeight <= windowHeight)) {
var fullPageElem = document.createElement('div'); = 'position:absolute; z-index:-10000; ' +
'top:0; left:0; right:0; height:' +
root.scrollHeight + 'px';
// DOM changed (throttled) to fix height
var pendingRefresh;
refreshSize = function () {
if (pendingRefresh) return; // could also be: clearTimeout(pendingRefresh);
pendingRefresh = setTimeout(function () {
if (isExcluded) return; // could be running after cleanup = '0'; = root.scrollHeight + 'px';
pendingRefresh = null;
}, 500); // act rarely to stay fast
setTimeout(refreshSize, 10);
addEvent('resize', refreshSize);
// TODO: attributeFilter?
var config = {
attributes: true,
childList: true,
characterData: false
// subtree: true
observer = new MutationObserver(refreshSize);
observer.observe(body, config);
if (root.offsetHeight <= windowHeight) {
var clearfix = document.createElement('div'); = 'both';
// disable fixed background
if (!options.fixedBackground && !isExcluded) { = 'scroll'; = 'scroll';
* Removes event listeners and other traces left on the page.
function cleanup() {
observer && observer.disconnect();
removeEvent(wheelEvent, wheel);
removeEvent('mousedown', mousedown);
removeEvent('keydown', keydown);
removeEvent('resize', refreshSize);
removeEvent('load', init);
var que = [];
var pending = false;
var lastScroll =;
* Pushes scroll actions to the scrolling queue.
function scrollArray(elem, left, top) {
directionCheck(left, top);
if (options.accelerationMax != 1) {
var now =;
var elapsed = now - lastScroll;
if (elapsed < options.accelerationDelta) {
var factor = (1 + (50 / elapsed)) / 2;
if (factor > 1) {
factor = Math.min(factor, options.accelerationMax);
left *= factor;
top *= factor;
lastScroll =;
// push a scroll command
x: left,
y: top,
lastX: (left < 0) ? 0.99 : -0.99,
lastY: (top < 0) ? 0.99 : -0.99,
// don't act if there's a pending queue
if (pending) {
var scrollWindow = (elem === document.body);
var step = function (time) {
var now =;
var scrollX = 0;
var scrollY = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < que.length; i++) {
var item = que[i];
var elapsed = now - item.start;
var finished = (elapsed >= options.animationTime);
// scroll position: [0, 1]
var position = (finished) ? 1 : elapsed / options.animationTime;
// easing [optional]
if (options.pulseAlgorithm) {
position = pulse(position);
// only need the difference
var x = (item.x * position - item.lastX) >> 0;
var y = (item.y * position - item.lastY) >> 0;
// add this to the total scrolling
scrollX += x;
scrollY += y;
// update last values
item.lastX += x;
item.lastY += y;
// delete and step back if it's over
if (finished) {
que.splice(i, 1); i--;
// scroll left and top
if (scrollWindow) {
window.scrollBy(scrollX, scrollY);
else {
if (scrollX) elem.scrollLeft += scrollX;
if (scrollY) elem.scrollTop += scrollY;
// clean up if there's nothing left to do
if (!left && !top) {
que = [];
if (que.length) {
requestFrame(step, elem, (1000 / options.frameRate + 1));
} else {
pending = false;
// start a new queue of actions
requestFrame(step, elem, 0);
pending = true;
* Mouse wheel handler.
* #param {Object} event
function wheel(event) {
if (!initDone) {
var target =;
var overflowing = overflowingAncestor(target);
// use default if there's no overflowing
// element or default action is prevented
// or it's a zooming event with CTRL
if (!overflowing || event.defaultPrevented || event.ctrlKey) {
return true;
// leave embedded content alone (flash & pdf)
if (isNodeName(activeElement, 'embed') ||
(isNodeName(target, 'embed') && /\.pdf/i.test(target.src)) ||
isNodeName(activeElement, 'object')) {
return true;
var deltaX = -event.wheelDeltaX || event.deltaX || 0;
var deltaY = -event.wheelDeltaY || event.deltaY || 0;
if (isMac) {
if (event.wheelDeltaX && isDivisible(event.wheelDeltaX, 120)) {
deltaX = -120 * (event.wheelDeltaX / Math.abs(event.wheelDeltaX));
if (event.wheelDeltaY && isDivisible(event.wheelDeltaY, 120)) {
deltaY = -120 * (event.wheelDeltaY / Math.abs(event.wheelDeltaY));
// use wheelDelta if deltaX/Y is not available
if (!deltaX && !deltaY) {
deltaY = -event.wheelDelta || 0;
// line based scrolling (Firefox mostly)
if (event.deltaMode === 1) {
deltaX *= 40;
deltaY *= 40;
// check if it's a touchpad scroll that should be ignored
if (!options.touchpadSupport && isTouchpad(deltaY)) {
return true;
// scale by step size
// delta is 120 most of the time
// synaptics seems to send 1 sometimes
if (Math.abs(deltaX) > 1.2) {
deltaX *= options.stepSize / 120;
if (Math.abs(deltaY) > 1.2) {
deltaY *= options.stepSize / 120;
scrollArray(overflowing, deltaX, deltaY);
* Keydown event handler.
* #param {Object} event
function keydown(event) {
var target =;
var modifier = event.ctrlKey || event.altKey || event.metaKey ||
(event.shiftKey && event.keyCode !== key.spacebar);
// our own tracked active element could've been removed from the DOM
if (!document.body.contains(activeElement)) {
activeElement = document.activeElement;
// do nothing if user is editing text
// or using a modifier key (except shift)
// or in a dropdown
// or inside interactive elements
var inputNodeNames = /^(textarea|select|embed|object)$/i;
var buttonTypes = /^(button|submit|radio|checkbox|file|color|image)$/i;
if ( inputNodeNames.test(target.nodeName) ||
isNodeName(target, 'input') && !buttonTypes.test(target.type) ||
isNodeName(activeElement, 'video') ||
isInsideYoutubeVideo(event) ||
target.isContentEditable ||
event.defaultPrevented ||
modifier ) {
return true;
// spacebar should trigger button press
if ((isNodeName(target, 'button') ||
isNodeName(target, 'input') && buttonTypes.test(target.type)) &&
event.keyCode === key.spacebar) {
return true;
var shift, x = 0, y = 0;
var elem = overflowingAncestor(activeElement);
var clientHeight = elem.clientHeight;
if (elem == document.body) {
clientHeight = window.innerHeight;
switch (event.keyCode) {
case key.up:
y = -options.arrowScroll;
case key.down:
y = options.arrowScroll;
case key.spacebar: // (+ shift)
shift = event.shiftKey ? 1 : -1;
y = -shift * clientHeight * 0.9;
case key.pageup:
y = -clientHeight * 0.9;
case key.pagedown:
y = clientHeight * 0.9;
case key.home:
y = -elem.scrollTop;
case key.end:
var damt = elem.scrollHeight - elem.scrollTop - clientHeight;
y = (damt > 0) ? damt+10 : 0;
case key.left:
x = -options.arrowScroll;
case key.right:
x = options.arrowScroll;
return true; // a key we don't care about
scrollArray(elem, x, y);
* Mousedown event only for updating activeElement
function mousedown(event) {
activeElement =;
var uniqueID = (function () {
var i = 0;
return function (el) {
return el.uniqueID || (el.uniqueID = i++);
var cache = {}; // cleared out after a scrolling session
var clearCacheTimer;
//setInterval(function () { cache = {}; }, 10 * 1000);
function scheduleClearCache() {
clearCacheTimer = setInterval(function () { cache = {}; }, 1*1000);
function setCache(elems, overflowing) {
for (var i = elems.length; i--;)
cache[uniqueID(elems[i])] = overflowing;
return overflowing;
// (body) (root)
// | hidden | visible | scroll | auto |
// hidden | no | no | YES | YES |
// visible | no | YES | YES | YES |
// scroll | no | YES | YES | YES |
// auto | no | YES | YES | YES |
function overflowingAncestor(el) {
var elems = [];
var body = document.body;
var rootScrollHeight = root.scrollHeight;
do {
var cached = cache[uniqueID(el)];
if (cached) {
return setCache(elems, cached);
if (rootScrollHeight === el.scrollHeight) {
var topOverflowsNotHidden = overflowNotHidden(root) && overflowNotHidden(body);
var isOverflowCSS = topOverflowsNotHidden || overflowAutoOrScroll(root);
if (isFrame && isContentOverflowing(root) ||
!isFrame && isOverflowCSS) {
return setCache(elems, getScrollRoot());
} else if (isContentOverflowing(el) && overflowAutoOrScroll(el)) {
return setCache(elems, el);
} while (el = el.parentElement);
function isContentOverflowing(el) {
return (el.clientHeight + 10 < el.scrollHeight);
// typically for <body> and <html>
function overflowNotHidden(el) {
var overflow = getComputedStyle(el, '').getPropertyValue('overflow-y');
return (overflow !== 'hidden');
// for all other elements
function overflowAutoOrScroll(el) {
var overflow = getComputedStyle(el, '').getPropertyValue('overflow-y');
return (overflow === 'scroll' || overflow === 'auto');
function addEvent(type, fn) {
window.addEventListener(type, fn, false);
function removeEvent(type, fn) {
window.removeEventListener(type, fn, false);
function isNodeName(el, tag) {
return (el.nodeName||'').toLowerCase() === tag.toLowerCase();
function directionCheck(x, y) {
x = (x > 0) ? 1 : -1;
y = (y > 0) ? 1 : -1;
if (direction.x !== x || direction.y !== y) {
direction.x = x;
direction.y = y;
que = [];
lastScroll = 0;
var deltaBufferTimer;
if (window.localStorage && localStorage.SS_deltaBuffer) {
deltaBuffer = localStorage.SS_deltaBuffer.split(',');
function isTouchpad(deltaY) {
if (!deltaY) return;
if (!deltaBuffer.length) {
deltaBuffer = [deltaY, deltaY, deltaY];
deltaY = Math.abs(deltaY)
deltaBufferTimer = setTimeout(function () {
if (window.localStorage) {
localStorage.SS_deltaBuffer = deltaBuffer.join(',');
}, 1000);
return !allDeltasDivisableBy(120) && !allDeltasDivisableBy(100);
function isDivisible(n, divisor) {
return (Math.floor(n / divisor) == n / divisor);
function allDeltasDivisableBy(divisor) {
return (isDivisible(deltaBuffer[0], divisor) &&
isDivisible(deltaBuffer[1], divisor) &&
isDivisible(deltaBuffer[2], divisor));
function isInsideYoutubeVideo(event) {
var elem =;
var isControl = false;
if (document.URL.indexOf ('') != -1) {
do {
isControl = (elem.classList &&
if (isControl) break;
} while (elem = elem.parentNode);
return isControl;
var requestFrame = (function () {
return (window.requestAnimationFrame ||
window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
function (callback, element, delay) {
window.setTimeout(callback, delay || (1000/60));
var MutationObserver = (window.MutationObserver ||
window.WebKitMutationObserver ||
var getScrollRoot = (function() {
return function() {
var dummy = document.createElement('div'); = 'height:10000px;width:1px;';
var bodyScrollTop = document.body.scrollTop;
var docElScrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
window.scrollBy(0, 3);
if (document.body.scrollTop != bodyScrollTop)
(SCROLL_ROOT = document.body);
(SCROLL_ROOT = document.documentElement);
window.scrollBy(0, -3);
* PULSE (by Michael Herf)
* Viscous fluid with a pulse for part and decay for the rest.
* - Applies a fixed force over an interval (a damped acceleration), and
* - Lets the exponential bleed away the velocity over a longer interval
* - Michael Herf,
function pulse_(x) {
var val, start, expx;
// test
x = x * options.pulseScale;
if (x < 1) { // acceleartion
val = x - (1 - Math.exp(-x));
} else { // tail
// the previous animation ended here:
start = Math.exp(-1);
// simple viscous drag
x -= 1;
expx = 1 - Math.exp(-x);
val = start + (expx * (1 - start));
return val * options.pulseNormalize;
function pulse(x) {
if (x >= 1) return 1;
if (x <= 0) return 0;
if (options.pulseNormalize == 1) {
options.pulseNormalize /= pulse_(1);
return pulse_(x);
var userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent;
var isEdge = /Edge/.test(userAgent); // thank you MS
var isChrome = /chrome/i.test(userAgent) && !isEdge;
var isSafari = /safari/i.test(userAgent) && !isEdge;
var isMobile = /mobile/i.test(userAgent);
var isIEWin7 = /Windows NT 6.1/i.test(userAgent) && /rv:11/i.test(userAgent);
var isEnabledForBrowser = (isChrome || isSafari || isIEWin7) && !isMobile;
var wheelEvent;
if ('onwheel' in document.createElement('div'))
wheelEvent = 'wheel';
else if ('onmousewheel' in document.createElement('div'))
wheelEvent = 'mousewheel';
if (wheelEvent && isEnabledForBrowser) {
addEvent(wheelEvent, wheel);
addEvent('mousedown', mousedown);
addEvent('load', init);
function SmoothScroll(optionsToSet) {
for (var key in optionsToSet)
if (defaultOptions.hasOwnProperty(key))
options[key] = optionsToSet[key];
SmoothScroll.destroy = cleanup;
if (window.SmoothScrollOptions) // async API
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)
define(function() {
return SmoothScroll;
else if ('object' == typeof exports)
module.exports = SmoothScroll;
window.SmoothScroll = SmoothScroll;
I believe the purpose of noConflict is to relinquish control of the $ global variable for external libraries, so doing var $ = jQuery.noConflict(); just sets the global $ to what noConflict returns, which is the jQuery object. In other words, it doesn't buy you anything - it's simply setting $ to what $ would be, even without the noConflict() method.
Change the $ to $j like the following:
var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
$j(document).ready(function() {
$j(function() {
var $ticker = $j('#news-ticker'),
$first = $j('.news-ticket-class li:first-child', $ticker);
// put an empty space between each letter so we can
// use break word
$j('.news-ticket-class li', $ticker).each(function() {
var $this = $j(this),
text = $this.text();
// begin the animation
function tick($el) {
.one('webkitAnimationEnd oanimationend msAnimationEnd animationend', function() {
var $next = $'li');
$next = $next.length > 0 ? $next : $first;

Splitting HTML page into different sections using sliding panel dividers? How is it done?

I'm wanting to divide a web page up into different sections as shown here. I'm trying to figure it out what this technique is called and an efficient way to implement it?
The page is divided up into different sections giving the user the flexiblity to expand and contract the different sections using panel handles.
I'm assuming these aren't regular frames (which I'd like to avoid using anyways).
Does anybody know of a tutorial or good example out there besides the one on jsfiddle?
the idea is quite simple.
you break up the screen with some elements, it does not really matter which (say divs) with a given height.
then attach a onclick event to the handle that starts the drag. what the onclick does is attach a mousemove event to the body which will resize the elements.
here is something i wrote a while back (before my jquery days), i'm sure it could be written much better, and you might find a plugin for this, i don't know of one:
function WidenHandle(widenedELement, handleElement, ondblClick, startWidth, withCoverDiv, onDrop)
this.Handle = handleElement;
this.IsClosed = false;
this.Element = widenedELement;
this.LastX = 0;
this.LastY = 0;
this.AttachedDragFunction = null;
this.AttachedDropFunction = null;
this.StartWidth = startWidth ? startWidth : 300;
this.OnDrop = onDrop;
this.IsDragging = false;
if (withCoverDiv)
var coverDiv = document.createElement("div"); = "2000px"; = "2000px"; = "none"; = "fixed"; = "1000";
// = "red";
// = "0.3"; = '0px';
this.CoverDiv = coverDiv;
if (this.Handle.addEventListener)
this.Handle.addEventListener("mousedown", function(element)
return function(event)
if (element.CoverDiv) = "";
if (event.preventDefault)
} (this), true);
this.Handle.addEventListener("dblclick", function(element)
return function(event)
if (element.CoverDiv) = "none";
} (this), true);
this.Handle.attachEvent("onmousedown", function(element)
return function(event)
if (element.CoverDiv) = "";
if (event.preventDefault)
} (this));
this.Handle.attachEvent("ondblclick", function(element)
return function(event)
if (element.CoverDiv) = "none";
} (this), true);
WidenHandle.prototype.StartDragging = function(event)
this.IsDragging = true;
if (this.CoverDiv) = "none";
this.LastX = this.GetX(event);
// ** attach mouse move and mouse up events to document ** //
this.AttachedDragFunction = function(element)
return function(event)
} (this);
this.AttachedDropFunction = function(element)
return function(event)
} (this);
if (window.attachEvent) // ie
document.attachEvent('onmousemove', this.AttachedDragFunction);
document.attachEvent('onmouseup', this.AttachedDropFunction);
else // ff
document.onmousemove = this.AttachedDragFunction;
document.onmouseup = this.AttachedDropFunction;
// ** for repositioning popup while dragging ** //
WidenHandle.prototype.OnDragging = function(event)
// ** for release popup movement when dropping ** //
WidenHandle.prototype.OnDropping = function(event)
this.IsDragging = false;
if (this.CoverDiv) = "none";
if (this.OnDrop)
WidenHandle.prototype.ClearAttachedEvents = function()
// ** detach events from document ** //
if (window.attachEvent) // ie
document.detachEvent('onmousemove', this.AttachedDragFunction);
document.detachEvent('onmouseup', this.AttachedDropFunction);
else // ff
document.onmousemove = null;
document.onmouseup = null;
WidenHandle.prototype.GetX = function(event)
// ** return x position of mouse ** //
var posx = 0;
if (!event) event = window.event;
if (event.pageX)
posx = event.pageX;
else if (event.clientX)
posx = event.clientX;
return posx;
WidenHandle.prototype.WidenCell = function(event)
if (! = this.Element.offsetWidth - 9 + "px";
var width = parseInt( + (this.GetX(event) - this.LastX);
if (width > 13) = width + "px";
// ** remember last mouse position ** //
this.LastX = this.GetX(event);
WidenHandle.prototype.Close = function(event)
var width = parseInt(;
if (width < 30)
this.IsClosed = false; = "";
// width = this.StartWidth;
width = 14;
this.IsClosed = true;
} = width + "px";
function clearHtmlSelection()
var sel;
if (document.selection && document.selection.empty)
else if (window.getSelection)
sel = window.getSelection();
if (sel && sel.removeAllRanges) sel.removeAllRanges();

Detect a finger swipe through JavaScript on the iPhone and Android

How can you detect that a user swiped his finger in some direction over a web page with JavaScript?
I was wondering if there was one solution that would work for websites on both the iPhone and an Android phone.
Simple vanilla JS code sample:
document.addEventListener('touchstart', handleTouchStart, false);
document.addEventListener('touchmove', handleTouchMove, false);
var xDown = null;
var yDown = null;
function getTouches(evt) {
return evt.touches || // browser API
evt.originalEvent.touches; // jQuery
function handleTouchStart(evt) {
const firstTouch = getTouches(evt)[0];
xDown = firstTouch.clientX;
yDown = firstTouch.clientY;
function handleTouchMove(evt) {
if ( ! xDown || ! yDown ) {
var xUp = evt.touches[0].clientX;
var yUp = evt.touches[0].clientY;
var xDiff = xDown - xUp;
var yDiff = yDown - yUp;
if ( Math.abs( xDiff ) > Math.abs( yDiff ) ) {/*most significant*/
if ( xDiff > 0 ) {
/* right swipe */
} else {
/* left swipe */
} else {
if ( yDiff > 0 ) {
/* down swipe */
} else {
/* up swipe */
/* reset values */
xDown = null;
yDown = null;
Tested in Android.
Simple vanilla JS example for horizontal swipe:
let touchstartX = 0
let touchendX = 0
function checkDirection() {
if (touchendX < touchstartX) alert('swiped left!')
if (touchendX > touchstartX) alert('swiped right!')
document.addEventListener('touchstart', e => {
touchstartX = e.changedTouches[0].screenX
document.addEventListener('touchend', e => {
touchendX = e.changedTouches[0].screenX
You can use pretty same logic for vertical swipe.
I merged a few of the answers here into a script that uses CustomEvent to fire swiped events in the DOM. Add the 0.7k swiped-events.min.js script to your page and listen for swiped events:
document.addEventListener('swiped', function(e) {
console.log(; // the element that was swiped
console.log(e.detail.dir); // swiped direction
document.addEventListener('swiped-left', function(e) {
console.log(; // the element that was swiped
document.addEventListener('swiped-right', function(e) {
console.log(; // the element that was swiped
document.addEventListener('swiped-up', function(e) {
console.log(; // the element that was swiped
document.addEventListener('swiped-down', function(e) {
console.log(; // the element that was swiped
You can also attach directly to an element:
document.getElementById('myBox').addEventListener('swiped-down', function(e) {
console.log(; // the element that was swiped
Optional config
You can specify the following attributes to tweak how swipe interaction functions in your page (these are optional).
<div data-swipe-threshold="10"
Swiper, get swiping!
To set defaults application wide, set config attributes on topmost element:
<body data-swipe-threshold="100" data-swipe-timeout="250">
<div>Swipe me</div>
<div>or me</div>
Source code is available on Github
Based on #givanse's answer, this is how you could do it with classes:
class Swipe {
constructor(element) {
this.xDown = null;
this.yDown = null;
this.element = typeof(element) === 'string' ? document.querySelector(element) : element;
this.element.addEventListener('touchstart', function(evt) {
this.xDown = evt.touches[0].clientX;
this.yDown = evt.touches[0].clientY;
}.bind(this), false);
onLeft(callback) {
this.onLeft = callback;
return this;
onRight(callback) {
this.onRight = callback;
return this;
onUp(callback) {
this.onUp = callback;
return this;
onDown(callback) {
this.onDown = callback;
return this;
handleTouchMove(evt) {
if ( ! this.xDown || ! this.yDown ) {
var xUp = evt.touches[0].clientX;
var yUp = evt.touches[0].clientY;
this.xDiff = this.xDown - xUp;
this.yDiff = this.yDown - yUp;
if ( Math.abs( this.xDiff ) > Math.abs( this.yDiff ) ) { // Most significant.
if ( this.xDiff > 0 ) {
} else {
} else {
if ( this.yDiff > 0 ) {
} else {
// Reset values.
this.xDown = null;
this.yDown = null;
run() {
this.element.addEventListener('touchmove', function(evt) {
}.bind(this), false);
You can than use it like this:
// Use class to get element by string.
var swiper = new Swipe('#my-element');
swiper.onLeft(function() { alert('You swiped left.') });;
// Get the element yourself.
var swiper = new Swipe(document.getElementById('#my-element'));
swiper.onLeft(function() { alert('You swiped left.') });;
// One-liner.
(new Swipe('#my-element')).onLeft(function() { alert('You swiped left.') }).run();
I have found #givanse brilliant answer to be the most reliable and compatible across multiple mobile browsers for registering swipe actions.
However, there's a change in his code required to make it work in modern day mobile browsers that are using jQuery.
event.toucheswon't exist if jQuery is used and results in undefined and should be replaced by event.originalEvent.touches. Without jQuery, event.touches should work fine.
So the solution becomes,
document.addEventListener('touchstart', handleTouchStart, false);
document.addEventListener('touchmove', handleTouchMove, false);
var xDown = null;
var yDown = null;
function handleTouchStart(evt) {
xDown = evt.originalEvent.touches[0].clientX;
yDown = evt.originalEvent.touches[0].clientY;
function handleTouchMove(evt) {
if ( ! xDown || ! yDown ) {
var xUp = evt.originalEvent.touches[0].clientX;
var yUp = evt.originalEvent.touches[0].clientY;
var xDiff = xDown - xUp;
var yDiff = yDown - yUp;
if ( Math.abs( xDiff ) > Math.abs( yDiff ) ) {/*most significant*/
if ( xDiff > 0 ) {
/* left swipe */
} else {
/* right swipe */
} else {
if ( yDiff > 0 ) {
/* up swipe */
} else {
/* down swipe */
/* reset values */
xDown = null;
yDown = null;
Tested on:
Android: Chrome, UC Browser
iOS: Safari, Chrome, UC Browser
what i've used before is you have to detect the mousedown event, record its x,y location (whichever is relevant) then detect the mouseup event, and subtract the two values.
jQuery Mobile also includes swipe support:
$("#divId").on("swipe", function(event) {
alert("It's a swipe!");
Some mod of uppest answer(can't comment...) to deal with to short swipes
document.addEventListener('touchstart', handleTouchStart, false);
document.addEventListener('touchmove', handleTouchMove, false);
var xDown = null;
var yDown = null;
function handleTouchStart(evt) {
xDown = evt.touches[0].clientX;
yDown = evt.touches[0].clientY;
function handleTouchMove(evt) {
if ( ! xDown || ! yDown ) {
var xUp = evt.touches[0].clientX;
var yUp = evt.touches[0].clientY;
var xDiff = xDown - xUp;
var yDiff = yDown - yUp;
if(Math.abs( xDiff )+Math.abs( yDiff )>150){ //to deal with to short swipes
if ( Math.abs( xDiff ) > Math.abs( yDiff ) ) {/*most significant*/
if ( xDiff > 0 ) {/* left swipe */
} else {/* right swipe */
} else {
if ( yDiff > 0 ) {/* up swipe */
} else { /* down swipe */
/* reset values */
xDown = null;
yDown = null;
I've repackaged TouchWipe as a short jquery plugin: detectSwipe
threshold, timeout swipe, swipeBlockElems add.
document.addEventListener('touchstart', handleTouchStart, false);
document.addEventListener('touchmove', handleTouchMove, false);
document.addEventListener('touchend', handleTouchEnd, false);
let xDown = null;
let yDown = null;
let xDiff = null;
let yDiff = null;
let timeDown = null;
const TIME_THRESHOLD = 200;
const DIFF_THRESHOLD = 130;
function handleTouchEnd() {
let timeDiff = - timeDown;
if (Math.abs(xDiff) > Math.abs(yDiff)) { /*most significant*/
if (Math.abs(xDiff) > DIFF_THRESHOLD && timeDiff < TIME_THRESHOLD) {
if (xDiff > 0) {
SWIPE_LEFT(LEFT) /* left swipe */
} else {
// console.log(xDiff)
SWIPE_RIGHT(RIGHT) /* right swipe */
} else {
console.log('swipeX trashhold')
} else {
if (Math.abs(yDiff) > DIFF_THRESHOLD && timeDiff < TIME_THRESHOLD) {
if (yDiff > 0) {
/* up swipe */
} else {
/* down swipe */
} else {
console.log('swipeY trashhold')
/* reset values */
xDown = null;
yDown = null;
timeDown = null;
function containsClassName (evntarget , classArr) {
for (var i = classArr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if( evntarget.classList.contains(classArr[i]) ) {
return true;
function handleTouchStart(evt) {
let touchStartTarget =;
if( containsClassName(touchStartTarget, SWIPE_BLOCK_ELEMS) ) {
timeDown =
xDown = evt.touches[0].clientX;
yDown = evt.touches[0].clientY;
xDiff = 0;
yDiff = 0;
function handleTouchMove(evt) {
if (!xDown || !yDown) {
var xUp = evt.touches[0].clientX;
var yUp = evt.touches[0].clientY;
xDiff = xDown - xUp;
yDiff = yDown - yUp;
I wanted to detect left and right swipe only, but trigger the action only when the touch event ends, so I slightly modified the #givanse's great answer to do that.
Why to do that? If for example, while swiping, the user notices he finally doesn't want to swipe, he can move his finger at the original position (a very popular "dating" phone application does this ;)), and then the "swipe right" event is cancelled.
So in order to avoid a "swipe right" event just because there is a 3px difference horizontally, I added a threshold under which an event is discarded: in order to have a "swipe right" event, the user has to swipe of at least 1/3 of the browser width (of course you can modify this).
All these small details enhance the user experience.
Note that currently, a "touch pinch zoom" might be detected as a swipe if one of the two fingers does a big horizontal move during the pinch zoom.
Here is the (Vanilla JS) code:
var xDown = null, yDown = null, xUp = null, yUp = null;
document.addEventListener('touchstart', touchstart, false);
document.addEventListener('touchmove', touchmove, false);
document.addEventListener('touchend', touchend, false);
function touchstart(evt) { const firstTouch = (evt.touches || evt.originalEvent.touches)[0]; xDown = firstTouch.clientX; yDown = firstTouch.clientY; }
function touchmove(evt) { if (!xDown || !yDown ) return; xUp = evt.touches[0].clientX; yUp = evt.touches[0].clientY; }
function touchend(evt) {
var xDiff = xUp - xDown, yDiff = yUp - yDown;
if ((Math.abs(xDiff) > Math.abs(yDiff)) && (Math.abs(xDiff) > 0.33 * document.body.clientWidth)) {
if (xDiff < 0)
xDown = null, yDown = null;
If anyone is trying to use jQuery Mobile on Android and has problems with JQM swipe detection
(I had some on Xperia Z1, Galaxy S3, Nexus 4 and some Wiko phones too) this can be useful :
//Fix swipe gesture on android
if(android){ //Your own device detection here
$.event.special.swipe.verticalDistanceThreshold = 500
$.event.special.swipe.horizontalDistanceThreshold = 10
Swipe on android wasn't detected unless it was a very long, precise and fast swipe.
With these two lines it works correctly
I had trouble with touchend handler firing continuously while the user was dragging a finger around. I don't know if that's due to something I'm doing wrong or not but I rewired this to accumulate moves with touchmove and touchend actually fires the callback.
I also needed to have a large number of these instances and so I added enable/disable methods.
And a threshold where a short swipe doesn't fire. Touchstart zero's the counters each time.
You can change the target_node on the fly. Enable on creation is optional.
/** Usage: */
touchevent = new Modules.TouchEventClass(callback, target_node);
* Touch event module
* #param method set_target_mode
* #param method __touchstart
* #param method __touchmove
* #param method __touchend
* #param method enable
* #param method disable
* #param function callback
* #param node target_node
Modules.TouchEventClass = class {
constructor(callback, target_node, enable=false) {
/** callback function */
this.callback = callback;
this.xdown = null;
this.ydown = null;
this.enabled = false;
this.target_node = null;
/** move point counts [left, right, up, down] */
this.counts = [];
/** Enable on creation */
if (enable === true) {
* Set or reset target node
* #param string/node target_node
* #param string enable (optional)
set_target_node(target_node, enable=false) {
/** check if we're resetting target_node */
if (this.target_node !== null) {
/** remove old listener */
/** Support string id of node */
if (target_node.nodeName === undefined) {
target_node = document.getElementById(target_node);
this.target_node = target_node;
if (enable === true) {
/** enable listener */
enable() {
this.enabled = true;
this.target_node.addEventListener("touchstart", this.__touchstart.bind(this));
this.target_node.addEventListener("touchmove", this.__touchmove.bind(this));
this.target_node.addEventListener("touchend", this.__touchend.bind(this));
/** disable listener */
disable() {
this.enabled = false;
this.target_node.removeEventListener("touchstart", this.__touchstart);
this.target_node.removeEventListener("touchmove", this.__touchmove);
this.target_node.removeEventListener("touchend", this.__touchend);
/** Touchstart */
__touchstart(event) {
this.xdown = event.touches[0].clientX;
this.ydown = event.touches[0].clientY;
/** reset count of moves in each direction, [left, right, up, down] */
this.counts = [0, 0, 0, 0];
/** Touchend */
__touchend(event) {
let max_moves = Math.max(...this.counts);
if (max_moves > 500) { // set this threshold appropriately
/** swipe happened */
let index = this.counts.indexOf(max_moves);
if (index == 0) {
} else if (index == 1) {
} else if (index == 2) {
} else {
/** Touchmove */
__touchmove(event) {
if (! this.xdown || ! this.ydown) {
let xup = event.touches[0].clientX;
let yup = event.touches[0].clientY;
let xdiff = this.xdown - xup;
let ydiff = this.ydown - yup;
/** Check x or y has greater distance */
if (Math.abs(xdiff) > Math.abs(ydiff)) {
if (xdiff > 0) {
this.counts[0] += Math.abs(xdiff);
} else {
this.counts[1] += Math.abs(xdiff);
} else {
if (ydiff > 0) {
this.counts[2] += Math.abs(ydiff);
} else {
this.counts[3] += Math.abs(ydiff);
Adding to this answer here. This one adds support for mouse events for testing on desktop:
class SwipeEventDispatcher {
constructor(element, options = {}) {
this.evtMap = {
this.xDown = null;
this.yDown = null;
this.element = element;
this.isMouseDown = false;
this.listenForMouseEvents = true;
this.options = Object.assign({ triggerPercent: 0.3 }, options);
element.addEventListener('touchstart', evt => this.handleTouchStart(evt), false);
element.addEventListener('touchend', evt => this.handleTouchEnd(evt), false);
element.addEventListener('mousedown', evt => this.handleMouseDown(evt), false);
element.addEventListener('mouseup', evt => this.handleMouseUp(evt), false);
on(evt, cb) {
off(evt, lcb) {
this.evtMap[evt] = this.evtMap[evt].filter(cb => cb !== lcb);
trigger(evt, data) {
this.evtMap[evt].map(handler => handler(data));
handleTouchStart(evt) {
this.xDown = evt.touches[0].clientX;
this.yDown = evt.touches[0].clientY;
handleMouseDown(evt) {
if (this.listenForMouseEvents==false) return;
this.xDown = evt.clientX;
this.yDown = evt.clientY;
this.isMouseDown = true;
handleMouseUp(evt) {
if (this.isMouseDown == false) return;
const deltaX = evt.clientX - this.xDown;
const deltaY = evt.clientY - this.yDown;
const distMoved = Math.abs(Math.abs(deltaX) > Math.abs(deltaY) ? deltaX : deltaY);
const activePct = distMoved / this.element.offsetWidth;
if (activePct > this.options.triggerPercent) {
if (Math.abs(deltaX) > Math.abs(deltaY)) {
deltaX < 0 ? this.trigger('SWIPE_LEFT') : this.trigger('SWIPE_RIGHT');
} else {
deltaY > 0 ? this.trigger('SWIPE_UP') : this.trigger('SWIPE_DOWN');
handleTouchEnd(evt) {
const deltaX = evt.changedTouches[0].clientX - this.xDown;
const deltaY = evt.changedTouches[0].clientY - this.yDown;
const distMoved = Math.abs(Math.abs(deltaX) > Math.abs(deltaY) ? deltaX : deltaY);
const activePct = distMoved / this.element.offsetWidth;
if (activePct > this.options.triggerPercent) {
if (Math.abs(deltaX) > Math.abs(deltaY)) {
deltaX < 0 ? this.trigger('SWIPE_LEFT') : this.trigger('SWIPE_RIGHT');
} else {
deltaY > 0 ? this.trigger('SWIPE_UP') : this.trigger('SWIPE_DOWN');
// add a listener on load
window.addEventListener("load", function(event) {
const dispatcher = new SwipeEventDispatcher(document.body);
dispatcher.on('SWIPE_RIGHT', () => { console.log('I swiped right!') })
dispatcher.on('SWIPE_LEFT', () => { console.log('I swiped left!') })
If you just need swipe, you are better off size wise just using only the part you need.
This should work on any touch device.
This is ~450 bytes' after gzip compression, minification, babel etc.
I wrote the below class based on the other answers, it uses percentage moved instead of pixels, and a event dispatcher pattern to hook/unhook things.
Use it like so:
const dispatcher = new SwipeEventDispatcher(myElement);
dispatcher.on('SWIPE_RIGHT', () => { console.log('I swiped right!') })
export class SwipeEventDispatcher {
constructor(element, options = {}) {
this.evtMap = {
this.xDown = null;
this.yDown = null;
this.element = element;
this.options = Object.assign({ triggerPercent: 0.3 }, options);
element.addEventListener('touchstart', evt => this.handleTouchStart(evt), false);
element.addEventListener('touchend', evt => this.handleTouchEnd(evt), false);
on(evt, cb) {
off(evt, lcb) {
this.evtMap[evt] = this.evtMap[evt].filter(cb => cb !== lcb);
trigger(evt, data) {
this.evtMap[evt].map(handler => handler(data));
handleTouchStart(evt) {
this.xDown = evt.touches[0].clientX;
this.yDown = evt.touches[0].clientY;
handleTouchEnd(evt) {
const deltaX = evt.changedTouches[0].clientX - this.xDown;
const deltaY = evt.changedTouches[0].clientY - this.yDown;
const distMoved = Math.abs(Math.abs(deltaX) > Math.abs(deltaY) ? deltaX : deltaY);
const activePct = distMoved / this.element.offsetWidth;
if (activePct > this.options.triggerPercent) {
if (Math.abs(deltaX) > Math.abs(deltaY)) {
deltaX < 0 ? this.trigger('SWIPE_LEFT') : this.trigger('SWIPE_RIGHT');
} else {
deltaY > 0 ? this.trigger('SWIPE_UP') : this.trigger('SWIPE_DOWN');
export default SwipeEventDispatcher;
I have merged a few of the answers too, mostly the first one and the second with classes, and here is my version:
export default class Swipe {
constructor(options) {
this.xDown = null;
this.yDown = null;
this.options = options;
this.handleTouchStart = this.handleTouchStart.bind(this);
this.handleTouchMove = this.handleTouchMove.bind(this);
document.addEventListener('touchstart', this.handleTouchStart, false);
document.addEventListener('touchmove', this.handleTouchMove, false);
onLeft() {
onRight() {
onUp() {
onDown() {
static getTouches(evt) {
return evt.touches // browser API
handleTouchStart(evt) {
const firstTouch = Swipe.getTouches(evt)[0];
this.xDown = firstTouch.clientX;
this.yDown = firstTouch.clientY;
handleTouchMove(evt) {
if ( ! this.xDown || ! this.yDown ) {
let xUp = evt.touches[0].clientX;
let yUp = evt.touches[0].clientY;
let xDiff = this.xDown - xUp;
let yDiff = this.yDown - yUp;
if ( Math.abs( xDiff ) > Math.abs( yDiff ) ) {/*most significant*/
if ( xDiff > 0 && this.options.onLeft) {
/* left swipe */
} else if (this.options.onRight) {
/* right swipe */
} else {
if ( yDiff > 0 && this.options.onUp) {
/* up swipe */
} else if (this.options.onDown){
/* down swipe */
/* reset values */
this.xDown = null;
this.yDown = null;
Afterward can use it as the following:
let swiper = new Swipe({
onLeft() {
console.log('You swiped left.');
It helps to avoid console errors when you want to call only let's say "onLeft" method.
Used two:
jQuery mobile: work in most of cases and specially when you are developing applicaion which uses other jQuery plugin then better to use jQuery mobile controls for this. Visit it here:
Hammer Time ! one of the best,lightweight and fast javascript based library. Visit it here:
I reworked #givanse's solution to function as a React hook. Input is some optional event listeners, output is a functional ref (needs to be functional so the hook can re-run when/if the ref changes).
Also added in vertical/horizontal swipe threshold param, so that small motions don't accidentally trigger the event listeners, but these can be set to 0 to mimic original answer more closely.
Tip: for best performance, the event listener input functions should be memoized.
function useSwipeDetector({
// Event listeners.
// Threshold to detect swipe.
verticalSwipeThreshold = 50,
horizontalSwipeThreshold = 30,
}) {
const [domRef, setDomRef] = useState(null);
const xDown = useRef(null);
const yDown = useRef(null);
useEffect(() => {
if (!domRef) {
function handleTouchStart(evt) {
const [firstTouch] = evt.touches;
xDown.current = firstTouch.clientX;
yDown.current = firstTouch.clientY;
function handleTouchMove(evt) {
if (!xDown.current || !yDown.current) {
const [firstTouch] = evt.touches;
const xUp = firstTouch.clientX;
const yUp = firstTouch.clientY;
const xDiff = xDown.current - xUp;
const yDiff = yDown.current - yUp;
if (Math.abs(xDiff) > Math.abs(yDiff)) {/*most significant*/
if (xDiff > horizontalSwipeThreshold) {
if (onRightSwipe) onRightSwipe();
} else if (xDiff < -horizontalSwipeThreshold) {
if (onLeftSwipe) onLeftSwipe();
} else {
if (yDiff > verticalSwipeThreshold) {
if (onUpSwipe) onUpSwipe();
} else if (yDiff < -verticalSwipeThreshold) {
if (onDownSwipe) onDownSwipe();
function handleTouchEnd() {
xDown.current = null;
yDown.current = null;
domRef.addEventListener("touchstart", handleTouchStart, false);
domRef.addEventListener("touchmove", handleTouchMove, false);
domRef.addEventListener("touchend", handleTouchEnd, false);
return () => {
domRef.removeEventListener("touchstart", handleTouchStart);
domRef.removeEventListener("touchmove", handleTouchMove);
domRef.removeEventListener("touchend", handleTouchEnd);
}, [domRef, onLeftSwipe, onRightSwipe, onUpSwipe, onDownSwipe, verticalSwipeThreshold, horizontalSwipeThreshold]);
return (ref) => setDomRef(ref);
On top of what was suggested here, I would keep track of finger numbers, because if you touch with two fingers at the same time, it will pick up the X position without the ~swipe~ motion which leads to a weird behavior, and also, you could want to set a "distance" minimum so the user won't trigger the swipe by mistake when touch through your website or application.
let touchstartX = 0
let touchendX = 0
let fingerCount = 0
const checkDirection = () => {
const distance = 50 //Minimum distance for the swipe to work
if (touchendX < touchstartX && (touchstartX - touchendX) > distance ){
//Do something cool
if (touchendX > touchstartX && (touchendX - touchstartX) > distance){
//Do something cooler
document.addEventListener('touchstart', e => {
fingerCount = e.touches.length
touchstartX = e.changedTouches[0].clientX
document.addEventListener('touchend', e => {
touchendX = e.changedTouches[0].clientX
if(fingerCount === 1){
You might have an easier time first implementing it with mouse events to prototype.
There are many answers here, including the top, should be used with caution as they do not consider edge cases especially around bounding boxes.
Touch Events
Mouse Events
You will need to experiment to catch edge cases and behaviours such as the pointer moving outside of the element before ending.
A swipe is a very basic gesture which is a higher level of interface pointer interaction processing roughly sitting between processing raw events and handwriting recognition.
There's no single exact method for detecting a swipe or a fling though virtually all generally follow a basic principle of detecting a motion across an element with a threshold of distance and speed or velocity. You might simply say that if there is a movement across 65% of the screen size in a given direction within a given time then it is a swipe. Exactly where you draw the line and how you calculate it is up to you.
Some might also look at it from the perspective of momentum in a direction and how far off the screen it has been pushed when the element is released. This is clearer with sticky swipes where the element can be dragged and then on release will either bounce back or fly off the screen as if the elastic broke.
It's probably ideal to try to find a gesture library that you can either port or reuse that's commonly used for consistency. Many of the examples here are excessively simplistic, registering a swipe as the slightest touch in any direction.
Android would be the obvious choice though has the opposite problem, it's overly complex.
Many people appear to have misinterpreted the question as any movement in a direction. A swipe is a broad and relatively brief motion overwhelmingly in a single direction (though may be arced and have certain acceleration properties). A fling is similar though intends to casually propel an item away a fair distance under its own momentum.
The two are sufficiently similar that some libraries might only provide fling or swipe, which can be used interchangeably. On a flat screen it's difficult to truly separate the two gestures and generally speaking people are doing both (swiping the physical screen but flinging the UI element displayed on the screen).
You best option is to not do it yourself. There are already a large number of JavaScript libraries for detecting simple gestures.
An example of how to use with offset.
// at least 100 px are a swipe
// you can use the value relative to screen size: window.innerWidth * .1
const offset = 100;
let xDown, yDown
window.addEventListener('touchstart', e => {
const firstTouch = getTouch(e);
xDown = firstTouch.clientX;
yDown = firstTouch.clientY;
window.addEventListener('touchend', e => {
if (!xDown || !yDown) {
const {
clientX: xUp,
clientY: yUp
} = getTouch(e);
const xDiff = xDown - xUp;
const yDiff = yDown - yUp;
const xDiffAbs = Math.abs(xDown - xUp);
const yDiffAbs = Math.abs(yDown - yUp);
// at least <offset> are a swipe
if (Math.max(xDiffAbs, yDiffAbs) < offset ) {
if (xDiffAbs > yDiffAbs) {
if ( xDiff > 0 ) {
} else {
} else {
if ( yDiff > 0 ) {
} else {
function getTouch (e) {
return e.changedTouches[0]
I had to write a simple script for a carousel to detect swipe left or right.
I utilised Pointer Events instead of Touch Events.
I hope this is useful to individuals and I welcome any insights to improve my code; I feel rather sheepish to join this thread with significantly superior JS developers.
function getSwipeX({elementId}) {
this.e = document.getElementsByClassName(elementId)[0];
this.initialPosition = 0;
this.lastPosition = 0;
this.threshold = 200;
this.diffInPosition = null;
this.diffVsThreshold = null;
this.gestureState = 0;
this.getTouchStart = (event) => {
if (window.PointerEvent) {
return this.initalTouchPos = this.getGesturePoint(event);
this.getTouchMove = (event) => {
return this.lastPosition = this.getGesturePoint(event);
this.getTouchEnd = (event) => {
if (window.PointerEvent) {
this.initialPosition = 0;
this.getGesturePoint = (event) => {
this.point = event.pageX
return this.point;
this.whatGestureDirection = (event) => {
this.diffInPosition = this.initalTouchPos - this.lastPosition;
this.diffVsThreshold = Math.abs(this.diffInPosition) > this.threshold;
(Math.sign(this.diffInPosition) > 0) ? this.gestureState = 'L' : (Math.sign(this.diffInPosition) < 0) ? this.gestureState = 'R' : this.gestureState = 'N';
return [this.diffInPosition, this.diffVsThreshold, this.gestureState];
this.doSomething = (event) => {
let [gestureDelta,gestureThreshold,gestureDirection] = this.whatGestureDirection();
if (gestureThreshold) {
(gestureDirection == 'L') ? // LEFT ACTION : // RIGHT ACTION
if (window.PointerEvent) {
this.e.addEventListener('pointerdown', this.getTouchStart, true);
this.e.addEventListener('pointermove', this.getTouchMove, true);
this.e.addEventListener('pointerup', this.getTouchEnd, true);
this.e.addEventListener('pointercancel', this.getTouchEnd, true);
You can call the function using new.
window.addEventListener('load', () => {
let test = new getSwipeX({
elementId: 'your_div_here'
I reworked #ruben-martinez answer for using the amazing solution from #givanse for handling swipe events using custom react hooks.
import React, { useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react";
export default function useSwiper() {
const [domRef, setDomRef] = useState<any>();
const xDown: React.MutableRefObject<number | null> = useRef(null);
const yDown: React.MutableRefObject<number | null> = useRef(null);
useEffect(() => {
if (!domRef) return;
function getTouches(event: React.TouchEvent<HTMLDivElement>) {
return event.touches;
function handleTouchStart(event: any) {
const firstTouch = getTouches(event)[0];
xDown.current = firstTouch.clientX;
yDown.current = firstTouch.clientY;
function handleTouchMove(event: React.TouchEvent<HTMLDivElement>) {
if (!xDown.current || !yDown.current) return;
const firstTouch = getTouches(event)[0];
const xUp = firstTouch.clientX;
const yUp = firstTouch.clientY;
const xDiff = xDown.current - xUp;
const yDiff = yDown.current - yUp;
if (Math.abs(xDiff) > Math.abs(yDiff)) {
// handle horizontal swipes
if (xDiff > 0) {
// we swiped right
} else {
// we swiped left
} else {
// handle vertical swipes
if (yDiff > 0) {
// we swiped down
} else {
// we swiped up
function handleTouchEnd(event: React.TouchEvent<HTMLDivElement>) {
xDown.current = null;
yDown.current = null;
domRef.addEventListener("touchstart", handleTouchStart, false);
domRef.addEventListener("touchmove", handleTouchMove, false);
domRef.addEventListener("touchend", handleTouchEnd, false);
return () => {
domRef.removeEventListener("touchstart", handleTouchStart, false);
domRef.removeEventListener("touchmove", handleTouchMove, false);
domRef.removeEventListener("touchend", handleTouchEnd, false);
}, [domRef]);
return (ref: any) => setDomRef(ref);
My major challenge with implementing his answer was not knowing how to bind the swipe element's ref to the ref from the custom hook.
Basically, what is happening is that we return a function from the custom hook. This function would allow us pass in a ref from the element we want to listen to swipe actions on. The custom hook on receipt of the ref then updates the hook state with the element's ref which triggers a re render so we have the actual element!
This functional ref style also allows us to use the hook for multiple elements. As shown below, I wanted to use it for a list of items to enable swipe to delete :)
import useSwiper from "./hooks/useSwipe";
const EntryCard = ({ entry, godMode, reload }: EntryProps) => {
const swiperRef = useSwiper();
const handleEntryClick =
(entry: Entry) => async (event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => {
if (!godMode) return;
try {
reload((state) => !state);
} catch (err) {
console.log("Error deleting entry: ", err);
return (
<div className="item" onClick={handleEntryClick(entry)} ref={swiperRef}>
<div className="username">{entry.userName}</div>
<div className="score">{entry.weekScore}</div>
PS: You can pass in functions to your hook to receive the swipe values. Thank YOU :) Vote if you like :)
handle by touchStart and touchEnd :
var handleSwipe = function(elem,callbackOnRight, callbackOnLeft, callbackOnDown,
callbackOnUp) => {
elem.ontouchstart = handleTouchStart;
elem.ontouchend = handleTouchEnd;
var xDown = null;
var yDown = null;
function getTouches(evt) {
return evt.touches || // browser API
evt.originalEvent.touches; // jQuery
function handleTouchStart(evt) {
const firstTouch = getTouches(evt)[0];
xDown = firstTouch.clientX;
yDown = firstTouch.clientY;
function handleTouchEnd(evt) {
if (!xDown || !yDown) {
var xUp = evt.changedTouches[0].clientX;
var yUp = evt.changedTouches[0].clientY;
var xDiff = xDown - xUp;
var yDiff = yDown - yUp;
var minDif = 30;
console.log(`xDiff:${xDiff}, yDiff:${yDiff}`);
if (Math.abs(xDiff) > Math.abs(yDiff)) {
if (xDiff > minDif) {
if (callbackOnLeft)
} else if (xDiff < -1 * minDif){
if (callbackOnRight)
} else {
if (yDiff > minDif) {
if (callbackOnDown)
} else if (yDiff < -1* minDif){
if (callbackOnUp)
xDown = null;
yDown = null;
You can listen to touchstart and touchend events and compute the direction and force based on the event data (Codepen):
let start = null;
document.addEventListener('touchstart', e => {
const touch = e.changedTouches[0];
start = [touch.clientX, touch.clientY];
document.addEventListener('touchend', e => {
const touch = e.changedTouches[0];
const end = [touch.clientX, touch.clientY];
document.body.innerText = `${end[0] - start[0]},${end[1] - start[1]}`;
Swipe here
Or you can build a more ergonomic API around this same concept (Codepen):
const removeListener = addSwipeRightListener(document, (force, e) => {'Swiped right with force: ' + force);
// removeListener()
// swipe.js
const {
} = (function() {
// <element, {listeners: [...], handleTouchstart, handleTouchend}>
const elements = new WeakMap();
function readTouch(e) {
const touch = e.changedTouches[0];
if (touch == undefined) {
return null;
return [touch.clientX, touch.clientY];
function addListener(element, cb) {
let elementValues = elements.get(element);
if (elementValues === undefined) {
const listeners = new Set();
const handleTouchstart = e => {
elementValues.start = readTouch(e);
const handleTouchend = e => {
const start = elementValues.start;
if (start === null) {
const end = readTouch(e);
for (const listener of listeners) {
listener([end[0] - start[0], end[1] - start[1]], e);
element.addEventListener('touchstart', handleTouchstart);
element.addEventListener('touchend', handleTouchend);
elementValues = {
start: null,
elements.set(element, elementValues);
return () => deleteListener(element, cb);
function deleteListener(element, cb) {
const elementValues = elements.get(element);
const listeners = elementValues.listeners;
if (listeners.size === 0) {
element.removeEventListener('touchstart', elementValues.handleTouchstart);
element.removeEventListener('touchend', elementValues.handleTouchend);
function addSwipeLeftListener(element, cb) {
return addListener(element, (force, e) => {
const [x, y] = force;
if (x < 0 && -x > Math.abs(y)) {
cb(x, e);
function addSwipeRightListener(element, cb) {
return addListener(element, (force, e) => {
const [x, y] = force;
if (x > 0 && x > Math.abs(y)) {
cb(x, e);
function addSwipeUpListener(element, cb) {
return addListener(element, (force, e) => {
const [x, y] = force;
if (y < 0 && -y > Math.abs(x)) {
cb(x, e);
function addSwipeDownListener(element, cb) {
return addListener(element, (force, e) => {
const [x, y] = force;
if (y > 0 && y > Math.abs(x)) {
cb(x, e);
return {
// app.js
function print(direction, force) {
document.querySelector('#direction').innerText = direction;
document.querySelector('#data').innerText = force;
addSwipeLeftListener(document, (force, e) => {
print('left', force);
addSwipeRightListener(document, (force, e) => {
print('right', force);
addSwipeUpListener(document, (force, e) => {
print('up', force);
addSwipeDownListener(document, (force, e) => {
print('down', force);
<h1>Swipe <span id="direction"></span></h1>
Force (px): <span id="data"></span>
Function checks both horizontal and vertical direction to determine which swipe was longer to prevent executing 2 instructions, because it's impossible to make a perfect one-directioned swipe. A swipe always has deviation on X and Y.
let touchstartX = 0;
let touchendX = 0;
let touchstartY = 0;
let touchendY = 0;
function checkDirection() {
let difX = touchstartX - touchendX;
let difY = touchstartY - touchendY;
if (Math.abs(difX) > Math.abs(difY)) {
if (touchendX < touchstartX) {/*left*/}
if (touchendX > touchstartX) {/*right*/}
} else {
if (touchendY < touchstartY) {/*up*/}
if (touchendY > touchstartY) {/*down*/}
document.addEventListener('touchstart', e => {
touchstartX = e.changedTouches[0].screenX;
touchstartY = e.changedTouches[0].screenY;
document.addEventListener('touchend', e => {
touchendX = e.changedTouches[0].screenX;
touchendY = e.changedTouches[0].screenY;

