Filter ng-repeat in Angular - javascript

I searched a lot in google and I found nothing for my problem. My problem is how can I filter my menu option value? I have placed my entire code in below location.
I have a CSS menu, which have href link but it is located at different div. So how can I filter my result according to menu selection? Please help me for this.
Also My search box is hiding below the menu. I tried to give z-index to it. But it isn't working. How can resolve this?
My Menu div is as follows:
<div id="menu-button">Menu</div>
<ul style="display:block;">
<li id="deptMenu">
<a href='#'>Department</a>
<ul style="display: block;">
<li ng-repeat="dept in empDetails | unique:'department'">
But container is on different location as below:
<div class="container">
<div id="userlist" class="row">
<p data-ng-show="(empDetails | filter:searchTxt).length==0"><font color="red">There are no results for this search</font></p>
<div id="userDiv{{$index}}" class="shadow col-sm-1" ng-repeat="info in empDetails | filter:menuFilter | orderBy:'Name' | filter:searchTxt" tweenmax-animating-directive ng-click="openDetail()">
<div class="employeeDetail">
<div style="line-height:25px">
<b>number :</b>{{info.number}}<br/>
<b>Post :</b>{{}}<br/>
I placed "menuFilter" but that is not working.

Just save the value of the selected department and use that in the filter. So, your links would change to:
The $scope gets a new field, filter, and method:
$scope.selectedDepartment = null;
$scope.departmentFilter = function (info) {
return !$scope.selectedDepartment || info.department === $scope.selectedDepartment;
$scope.selectDepartment = function (dept) {
$scope.selectedDepartment = dept;
And the ng-repeat changes to:
ng-repeat="info in empDetails | filter: departmentFilter | orderBy:'Name' | filter:searchTxt"
A working version is here:

You can also checkout this version:
In your menu:
In your controller:
$scope.showDept = false;
$scope.dept = {};
$scope.setDept = function(d) {
$scope.dept = d;
$scope.showDept = true;
ANd in your main container:
<div class="container">
<div id="userlist" class="row">
<p data-ng-show="(empDetails | filter:searchTxt).length==0"><font color="red">There are no results for this search</font></p>
<div id="userDiv{{$index}}" ng-show="showDept" class="shadow col-sm-1" tweenmax-animating-directive ng-click="openDetail()">
<div class="employeeDetail">
<div style="line-height:25px">
<b>number :</b>{{dept.number}}<br/>
<b>Post :</b>{{}}<br/>


Advanced filling of prev and next buttons with jQuery

In a hidden list I have a variable list with this data (in this example is the current URL):
<ul id="WalkingYears" style="visibility: hidden; display:none;">
<li id="Walk2011"><img src="some-imga.jpg"></li>
<li id="Walk2010"><img src="some-imgs.jpg"></li>
<li id="Walk2008"><img src="some-imgf.jpg"></li>
<li id="Walk2007"><img src="some-imgg.jpg"></li>
<li id="Walk2006"><img src="some-imgh.jpg"></li>
<li id="Walk2005"><img src="some-imgj.jpg"></li>
<li id="Walk2004"><img src="some-imgk.jpg"></li>
<li id="Walk2003"><img src="some-imgl.jpg"></li>
<li id="Walk2002"><img src="some-imgz.jpg"></li>
<li id="Walk2001"><img src="some-imgx.jpg"></li>
The above list is auto-generated and I can change this if I like; for example into:
<div id="Walk2011" data-target="" data-img="some-imga.jpg" data-title="2011"></div>
<div id="Walk2010" data-target="" data-img="some-imgs.jpg" data-title="2010"></div>
<div id="Walk2008" data-target="" data-img="some-imgd.jpg" data-title="2008"></div>
<div id="Walk2007" data-target="" data-img="some-imgf.jpg" data-title="2007"></div>
<div id="Walk2006" data-target="" data-img="some-imgg.jpg" data-title="2006"></div>
<div id="Walk2005" data-target="" data-img="some-imgh.jpg" data-title="2005"></div>
<div id="Walk2004" data-target="" data-img="some-imgj.jpg" data-title="2004"></div>
<div id="Walk2003" data-target="" data-img="some-imgk.jpg" data-title="2003"></div>
<div id="Walk2002" data-target="" data-img="some-imgl.jpg" data-title="2002"></div>
<div id="Walk2001" data-target="" data-img="some-imgz.jpg" data-title="2001"></div>
You see that the current URL ( is not showing in this list.
Now I'd like to fill the prev and next navigation, based on the current url, using the values mentioned above (title, href, image src):
<a href="" title="2008" id="balk-prev-btn" class="prev-btn left">
<img src="some-imgd.jpg" alt="2008">
<span class="icon"></span>
<a href="" title="2010" id="balk-next-btn" class="next-btn right">
<img src="some-imgs.jpg" alt="2010">
<span class="icon"></span>
I guess I need to
first find out what the current URL is
then compare it to the data in the list
somehow point out the prev and next page
Also when having selected a certain variable (the name of a walker) the links in the list will be different and the URL will be
<div id="Walk2011" data-target="" data-img="some-imga.jpg" data-title="2011"></div>
<div id="Walk2010" data-target="" data-img="some-imgs.jpg" data-title="2010"></div>
<div id="Walk2008" data-target="" data-img="some-imgd.jpg" data-title="2008"></div>
<div id="Walk2007" data-target="" data-img="some-imgf.jpg" data-title="2007"></div>
<div id="Walk2006" data-target="" data-img="some-imgg.jpg" data-title="2006"></div>
<div id="Walk2005" data-target="" data-img="some-imgh.jpg" data-title="2005"></div>
<div id="Walk2004" data-target="" data-img="some-imgj.jpg" data-title="2004"></div>
<div id="Walk2003" data-target="" data-img="some-imgk.jpg" data-title="2003"></div>
<div id="Walk2002" data-target="" data-img="some-imgl.jpg" data-title="2002"></div>
<div id="Walk2001" data-target="" data-img="some-imgz.jpg" data-title="2001"></div>
In this case the prev and next button should only show the links with the walker name in it :) and should look like this:
<a href="" title="2006" id="balk-prev-btn" class="prev-btn left">
<img src="some-imgg.jpg" alt="2006">
<span class="icon"></span>
<a href="" title="2010" id="balk-next-btn" class="next-btn right">
<img src="some-imgs.jpg" alt="2010">
<span class="icon"></span>
Can someone help me?
Okay so if you have this layout, this script should do the job
<div id="Walk2011" data-target="" data-img="some-imga.jpg" data-title="2011"></div>
<div id="Walk2010" data-target="" data-img="some-imgs.jpg" data-title="2010"></div>
<div id="Walk2008" data-target="" data-img="some-imgd.jpg" data-title="2008"></div>
<div id="Walk2007" data-target="" data-img="some-imgf.jpg" data-title="2007"></div>
<div id="Walk2006" data-target="" data-img="some-imgg.jpg" data-title="2006"></div>
<div id="Walk2005" data-target="" data-img="some-imgh.jpg" data-title="2005"></div>
<div id="Walk2004" data-target="" data-img="some-imgj.jpg" data-title="2004"></div>
<div id="Walk2003" data-target="" data-img="some-imgk.jpg" data-title="2003"></div>
<div id="Walk2002" data-target="" data-img="some-imgl.jpg" data-title="2002"></div>
<div id="Walk2001" data-target="" data-img="some-imgz.jpg" data-title="2001"></div>
jQuery based script:
var xlocation = "".match(/(\/[a-zA-Z]+\/)(\d+)/); //sorry for ugly regexp --> ["/walkername/2009", "/walkername/", "2009"], also here should be used window.location.href , but for example lets use static string;
//find and filter only links which have 'walkername' in data-tagert
$el = $('#WalkingYears div[id^=Walk]').filter(function(i,el){
return $(el).attr('data-target').indexOf(xlocation[1]) > 0;
//sort if divs is scrambeled
$elSorted = $el.sort(sorter);
prev = jQuery.grep($elSorted,function(el,i){
return $(el).attr('data-title').replace(/^\D+/g, '')*1<xlocation[2]*1
next = jQuery.grep($elSorted,function(el,i){
return $(el).attr('data-title').replace(/^\D+/g, '')*1>xlocation[2]*1
var sorter = function(a,b){
var a = $(a).attr('data-title').replace(/^\D+/g, '')*1,
b = $(b).attr('data-title').replace(/^\D+/g, '')*1
return b-a
//ADD href to buttons...
You`ll need to check if prevEl and NextEl still exists in case if current page is first or last. Also you will need to review regexp used for parsing url :)

jQuery to iterate through class elements, grab text, insert elsewhere

I need to programmatically extract titles within a webpage, inject anchor links right above those titles and then inject navigation links near the top of the page that will link to those anchors within the same page.
I need jQuery to select all headings with the class of 'iphorm-group-title’ and extract the text.
Above each heading, excluding the first heading, an anchor tag needs to be injected so that a visitor can link to that section of the page.
The text of each heading, excluding the first heading, needs to be injected before the first heading and linked to all the anchor tags that were injected in the previous step.
This form is generated by a plugin or I would just edit the HTML.
For reference, the page is located at:
Here is an example of the HTML as of now.
<div class="iphorm-group-title">VOTER INFO</div>
<div class="iphorm-group-title">SHOPPING & GOODS</div>
<div class="iphorm-group-title">FOOD & DRINK</div>
<div class="iphorm-group-title">ENTERTAINMENT & LEISURE</div>
Here is some JS that will grab the elements and loop through the text, which is the point where I'm stuck.
jQuery('.iphorm-group-title').each(function () {
Here is how the HTML is expected to look after injecting the code.
SHOPPING & GOODS | FOOD & DRINK | <a href="#entertainmentleisure">ENTERTAINMENT & LEISURE</ a>
<div class="iphorm-group-title">VOTER INFO</div>
<a name="shoppinggoods"></a>
<div class="iphorm-group-title">SHOPPING & GOODS</div>
<a name="fooddrink"></a>
<div class="iphorm-group-title">FOOD & DRINK</div>
<a name="entertainmentleisure"></a>
<div class="iphorm-group-title">ENTERTAINMENT & LEISURE</div>
I just made a code snippet for you hope so it's the exact what you needed.
var listElement=jQuery("<div id='menuList'></div>").insertBefore(".iphorm-elements");
jQuery(".iphorm-elements .iphorm-group-wrap:not(:first-child)")
.each(function() {
if (jQuery(this)
.not(".iphorm-group-wrap:first")) {
var heading = jQuery(this)
var headingName = heading.text()
.split(' ')
.replace('&', '');
var lowerHeading = headingName.toLowerCase();
var anchorUrl = [lowerHeading.slice(0, 0), lowerHeading.slice(0)].join('');
var anchorText = heading.text();
var anchorLink=jQuery('<a name="' + anchorUrl + '"></a>')
var anchorLink2=jQuery('' + anchorText + '' +"<span> | </span>")
jQuery("#menuList span:last-child").remove();
<script src=""></script>
<div class="iphorm-elements">
<div class="iphorm-group-wrap">
<div class="iphorm-group-title-description-wrap">
<div class="iphorm-group-title">VOTER INFO</div>
<div class="iphorm-group-wrap">
<div class="iphorm-group-title-description-wrap">
<div class="iphorm-group-title">SHOPPING & GOODS</div>
<div class="iphorm-group-wrap">
<div class="iphorm-group-title-description-wrap">
<div class="iphorm-group-title">FOOD & DRINK</div>
<div class="iphorm-group-wrap">
<div class="iphorm-group-title-description-wrap">
<div class="iphorm-group-title">FOOD & DRINK</div>
<div class="iphorm-group-wrap">
<div class="iphorm-group-title-description-wrap">
<div class="iphorm-group-title">ENTERTAINMENT & LEISURE</div>

Selecting only one child element in AngularJS with jquery

So, I had a working function in jQuery but then I decided to use Angular for my application. Just can't find the way so it adds the CSS to only one child element.
Jquery code that was working
$('.list-div').on('mouseenter', function(){
}).on('mouseleave', function() {
Current html
<li ng-repeat="one in ones | orderBy:'-date'">
<div class="list-div">
<div class="row jar-div first-jar-div" ng-mouseover="showButton()" ng-mouseleave="hideButton()">
<div class="col-xs-7 description-div">
<p class="version">{{ one.version }}</p>
<p class="date">{{ }}</p>
<div class="col-xs-5 buttons-div">
<div class="list-button client-jar">
<a class="list-link" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal">create server</a>
<div class="list-button server-jar">
<a class="list-link">Server jar</a>
And Current Angular JS
$scope.showButton = function(){
$scope.hideButton = function(){
I would use:
<button ng-mouseenter="hoverState = true">mouse in mouse out</button>
Then use with:
<button ng-mouseenter="hoverState = true" ng-mouseleave="hoverState = false">mouse in mouse out</button>
At this point you have a hover over and off flag. You can now pick this flag up with ng-class to set and unset a CSS class which contains your opacity stuff, and any future CSS animations etc etc:
<button ng-mouseenter="hoverState = true" ng-mouseleave="hoverState = false" ng-class="{'opacity-class':hoverState}">mouse in mouse out</button>
No jQuery required, AngularJS is just a totally different way of going about things.
.opacity-class .client-jar{
<li ng-repeat="one in ones | orderBy:'-date'">
<div class="list-div">
<div class="row jar-div first-jar-div" ng-mouseenter="hoverState = true" ng-mouseleave="hoverState = false" ng-class="{'opacity-class':hoverState}">
<div class="col-xs-7 description-div">
<p class="version">{{ one.version }}</p>
<p class="date">{{ }}</p>
<div class="col-xs-5 buttons-div">
<div class="list-button client-jar">
<a class="list-link" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal">create server</a>
<div class="list-button server-jar">
<a class="list-link">Server jar</a>
angular.module('App').directive('listFade', function() {
return function(scope, element) {
element.bind('mouseover', function(children) {
element.bind('mouseout', function(children) {
then just add the directive to your ng-repeat markup, list-fade=""
you don't need children but its a easy way to call the children of each element. This should help you out. Then get rid of that ng-mouseover showButton();
Updating your code to use inline CSS, would be like this.
var element = document.querySelector('.list-div .client-jar');
$scope.showButton = function(){
$scope.hideButton = function(){
As in AngularJS .element documentation, it's said that you need to pass a element.
You can also use ng-class, creating a class for opacity:
<div class="client-jar" ng-class="{class: expression}"></div>
Or use ng-show and ng-hide for display control:
<div class="client-jar" ng-show="expression"></div>
You could even use ng-style for inline css:
<div class="client-jar" ng-style="{'opacity': '1'}"></div>

ng-class to be only added if <a> exists after given element

I have a list of items that are grouped by labels, and am using filter to search through this list. The issue is that labels for lists are still showing in the search, however lists themselves are empty, hence I need to hide appropriate label. To do so I can check if anchor tag exists after my label with class .item, if it doesn't then I want to add .hidden class to the label.
I tried following, but as I am new to angular it obviously didn't work:
<div class="label" ng-class="next(a).length <= 0 ? 'hidden'">
My Label
And this is how whole group/section looks if there are items in the list:
<div class="list search-list">
<div class="label" ng-class="next(a).length <= 0 ? 'hidden'">
My Label
<a class="item> .. </a>
<!-- More a tags here -->
<div class="label" ng-class="next(a).length <= 0 ? 'hidden'">
My Label 2
<a class="item> .. </a>
<!-- More a tags here -->
I checked with inspector, relevant a tags are indeed being removed if they don't match search.
added false case to ng-class, but still no luck
<div class="label" ng-class="next(a).length <= 0 ? 'hidden' : 'shown'">
My Label
UPDATE2: Full structure
<ion-view view-title="Search">
<ion-content ng-controller="SearchCtrl">
<div class="list search-bar">
<label class="item item-input">
<i class="icon ion-ios-search-strong placeholder-icon"></i>
<input type="text" placeholder="What are you looking for?" ng-model="searchFilter">
<div class="list search-list">
<!-- Group 1 -->
<div class="item item-divider" ng-class="'a').length <= 0 ? 'hidden' : 'shown'">
My Title
class="item item-avatar"
ng-repeat="item in items | filter:searchFilter">
<img src="img/item.png">
<!-- Group 2 -->
<div class="item item-divider" ng-class="'a').length <= 0 ? 'hidden' : 'shown'">
My Title 2
class="item item-avatar"
ng-repeat="item2 in items2 | filter:searchFilter">
<img src="img/item2.png">
<p>Description 2</p>
In case you want to follow the original approach of checking if there is <a/> element after your <div> you can write a custom directive. Here is one that checks for that condition:
.directive('conditionalDisplay', function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
if ('a.item').length == 0)
element.css('display', 'none');
And here is how I used it:
<div class="list search-list">
<div conditional-display class="label">
My Label (Not Displayed, because there is no next a element)
<!--<a class="item"> .. </a>-->
<!-- More a tags here -->
<div conditional-display class="label">
My Label 2 (Displayed)
<a class="item"></a>
<!-- More a tags here -->
Here is a working plunker:
One important thing: Make sure you include jquery for the next() selector to work. JQLite does not support next() with selectors.
Personally, I like #pgreen2 's approach. It more like angular way of doing stuff.
As described by ng-init, you could store the results of the filter and then reference like below:
<!-- Group 1 -->
<div ng-init="filteredItems = (items | filter:searchFilter)" ng-if="filteredItems">
<div class="item item-divider">
My Title
<a class="item item-avatar" href="#/app/{{}}" ng-repeat="item in filteredItems">
<img src="img/item.png">
I wrapped the whole group in a div that has ng-init which creates a variable called filteredItems that us it two other places. The first is to conditinally render the entire div using ng-if. I believe this will resolve your actual question. Secondly, I use filteredItems in the ng-repeat for the anchor tags.

iterating a multidimensional Json with AngularJS(Ng-Repeat)

I have problem to show all elements of subcategory with Ng-Repeat. Actually i can show all events from selected category with this code, but i don't know how to show all activities from specific event.
i have this code....
<div class = "categorias_eventos">
<li value = "0" class = "active">
<img src="images1" ng-click="categorySelected = {categoryName: '1'}">
<li value = "1" class = "active">
<img src="images2" ng-click="categorySelected = {categoryName: '2'}">
<li value = "2">
<img src="images3" ng-click="categorySelected = {categoryName: '3'}">
<li value = "3" >
<img src="images4" ng-click="categorySelected = {categoryName: '4'}">
<li value = "4">
<img src="images5" ng-click="categorySelected = {categoryName: '5'}">
<div ng-controller="Test">
<div ng-repeat="evento in eventos | filter:categorySelected" ng-click = "eventSelected = {id: '{{}}'}">
<div class="infoEvento">
<div class="name_event">
<!-- Activitys -->
<div ng-controller="Test">
<div ng-repeat="activity in evento.activitys | filter:eventSelected">
<div class="infoEvento">
<div class="name_event">
function Test($scope) {
$scope.eventos = [
"categoryName":"Category 1",
"description":"Picture of a computer",
"description":"Picture of a computer",
"description":"Picture of a computer",
The problem you have is that your inner ng-repeat is sitting outside your outer, which means the activity context is unknown. To fix this, you simply need to rethink your div layout to include one ng-repeat inside the other. For example:
<div ng-controller="Test">
<div ng-repeat="evento in eventos | filter:categorySelected">
<div ng-click = "eventSelected = {id: '{{}}'}">
<div class="infoEvento">
<div class="name_event">
<!-- Activitys -->
<div ng-controller="Test">
<div ng-repeat="activity in evento.activitys | filter:eventSelected">
<div class="infoEvento">
<div class="name_event">

