Button not executing window.location - javascript

Im actually having a problem with html5 button in visualforce pages. I have a requirement where when i click on a button, it should redirect to a certain page (user do not want link). For some reason which i don't know, the function i'm executing do not work with HTML5 button (in fact the page only refresh but do not redirect) but when i use input of type button, the function is executed as expected.
I want to use the html5 button as there are some specific css already defined for button in the plugin im using. Find below codes for my button and javascript function :
<button class="butt" onclick="newContact()" >Nouveau</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
function newContact(){
window.location = "/apex/VFP01_NewContact";
What did I do wrong here, and what is the limitation of html5 button ?

Got to know the answer. In visualforce page, the html5 button execute a submit of my form. A way to prevent this, was to specify the attribute type="button".

You really have two options.
You could consider wrapping a element with an anchor tag that points to the URL that you want to target as seen below :
<!-- Target the "YourAction" action in your "YourController" controller -->
<a href='#Url.Action("YourAction","YourController")'>
<input type="Button" id="mybutton" name="url button" value="Next" />
or you could handle this purely through Javascript and perform your navigation that way :
<!-- The onclick event will trigger a Javascript call to navigate -->
<input type="Button" id="mybutton" name="url button" value="Next" onclick="window.location.href='#Url.Action("YourAction","YourController")';" />


Form submitting when clicking button that invokes javascript function to hide inputs [duplicate]

I have a form. Outside that form, I have a button. A simple button, like this:
<button>My Button</button>
Nevertheless, when I click it, it submits the form. Here's the code:
<form id="myform">
<input />
<button>My Button</button>
All this button should do is some JavaScript. But even when it looks just like in the code above, it submits the form. When I change the tag button to span, it works perfectly. But unfortunately, it needs to be a button. Is there any way to block that button from submitting the form? Like e. g.
<button onclick="document.getElementById('myform').doNotSubmit();">My Button</button>
I think this is the most annoying little peculiarity of HTML... That button needs to be of type "button" in order to not submit.
<button type="button">My Button</button>
Update 5-Feb-2019: As per the HTML Living Standard (and also HTML 5 specification):
The missing value default and invalid value default are the Submit
Button state.
return false; at the end of the onclick handler will do the job. However, it's be better to simply add type="button" to the <button> - that way it behaves properly even without any JavaScript.
By default, html buttons submit a form.
This is due to the fact that even buttons located outside of a form act as submitters (see the W3Schools website: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_button_form.asp)
In other words, the button type is "submit" by default
<button type="submit">Button Text</button>
Therefore an easy way to get around this is to use the button type.
<button type="button">Button Text</button>
Other options include returning false at the end of the onclick or any other handler for when the button is clicked, or to using an < input> tag instead
To find out more, check out the Mozilla Developer Network's information on buttons: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/HTML/Element/button
Dave Markle is correct. From W3School's website:
Always specify the type attribute for
the button. The default type for
Internet Explorer is "button", while
in other browsers (and in the W3C
specification) it is "submit".
In other words, the browser you're using is following W3C's specification.
Another option that worked for me was to add onsubmit="return false;" to the form tag.
<form onsubmit="return false;">
Semantically probably not as good a solution as the above methods of changing the button type, but seems to be an option if you just want a form element that won't submit.
It's recommended not to use the <Button> tag. Use the <Input type='Button' onclick='return false;'> tag instead. (Using the "return false" should indeed not send the form.)
Some reference material
For accessibility reason, I could not pull it off with multiple type=submit buttons. The only way to work natively with a form with multiple buttons but ONLY one can submit the form when hitting the Enter key is to ensure that only one of them is of type=submit while others are in other type such as type=button. By this way, you can benefit from the better user experience in dealing with a form on a browser in terms of keyboard support.
Late in the game, but you don't need ANY JavaScript code to use a button as a button. The default behavior is to submit the form, most people don't realize that. The type parameter has three options: submit (default), button and reset. The cool thing about this is if you add an event handler it will bypass submitting the form.
<button type="button">My Button</button>
There is also way to prevent doing the submit when clicking the button.
To achieve this, you have to use event.preventDefault() method.
document.querySelector("button#myButton").addEventListener("click", (event) => {
document.getElementById("output-box").innerHTML += "Sorry! <code>preventDefault()</code> won't let you submit this!<br>";
}, false);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="src/style.css">
<form id="myform">
<input />
<button id="myButton">My Button</button>
<div id="output-box"></div>
<script src="src/script.js"></script>

Click button in webpage with Javascript

Currently, I'm doing an application and I need login to this one particular website. Basically, I need to make this button click using a javascript but I have no idea how to.
This is the button code I retrieved from the website:
<button type="submit" class="uk-width-1-1 uk-button uk-button-primary uk-button-large">Sign in</button>
Thank you for your help in advance
You can click on the button programmatically, in case of pure javascript :
In case of Android JS Interface :
The general way to have button click events is to use something like jQuery. For example lets set the button to have an ID
<button id="my-button" type="submit" class="uk-width-1-1 uk-button uk-button primary uk-button-large">Sign in</button>
Then we would apply a click event to it with jQuery
$('#my-button').click(function(){alert('button has been clicked');})
Instead of the alert you could put whatever code you want in there :D
Example: Codepen example
EDIT: Example for a class:
Example for a class
(Note that we use a "." instead of "#" in the call)

How to create button event occurs without page load?

I am working on an asp.net application where I have button written like this:-
<button onclick='javascript:imagech(this);' class='close_product color_dark tr_hover'><i class='fa fa-times'></i></button>
I have also a client-side javascript function for the above button:
<script type="text/javascript">
function imagech() {
alert('image clicked.');
What I want that is whenever I click that function then the button click event should not fire page-load. The above object is not server control but it's event occurs page-load. I can also use another html control like this:
<input type='button' onclick='javascript:cartclicked(this);' value='X' class='close_product color_dark tr_hover' />
and this does not occurs page-load but I want icon also used as :
<i class='fa fa-times'></i>
inside <button> tag. but the <i> tag is not used in <input> tag. How I can <button> tag event without any page-load? Please help me someone here.
it seems you are using <button> inside a <form> element. By default a button acts as a submit button and it tries to submit your form on click.
In order to continue using button and avoid this issue you need to specify type as button as shown below
<button type="button" onclick='javascript:imagech(this);' class='close_product color_dark tr_hover'><i class='fa fa-times'></i></button>
If I understand you correctly the problem is that the button is inside a form (The main asp.net form) and the click event post the form to the server. That's why you the page load occurred.
The solution Just add to the button (it doesn't matter if you are using input or button) attribute type="button".

How to create an HTML button that show more text same page

I'm working with html and javascript. My problems is, in one webpage a show a plot and a few button. When the user press any of this button I need show 3 or 4 options but in the same page without switching pages.
Below is my code
<form action="MyPage">
<button type="submit" value="More Options">
redirect to an other page.What I can do?
First of all, get rid of type="submit". That's what's causing the page to do stuff you don't want. The second thing is to add an onclick handler. It should return false to avoid behavior like "submit". The variable 'this' will pass the button to your function, which you might need in that code. Then fill in the body of addMoreStuff() with your code to, well, add more stuff!
<form action="MyPage">
<button onclick="addMoreStuff(this); return false; ">More Options</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
function addMoreStuff(button) {
/* your code here */
Drop the form (use the button alone), and look into jQuery. It's extremely easy to use, and it'll help you quickly build code your application.
<button type="submit" value="More Options" id="more">
JavaScript (jQuery)
// run "add_options" when someone clicks on the button
jQuery('button#more').on('click', add_options)
function add_options() {
//code here to add more options

html5 form submission issue

I have a piece of javascript which is initialized on the click of a button, and takes information from a form input to perform geolocation etc based on the data.
The issue I am having is that I have to place the button outside of the form in the html, otherwise when it is clicked, no javascript is fired!
This of course means that my users cannot hit enter in the offending text box (as they lose their data!)
Is there a way I can stop this from happening and be able to include the button in the form?
The HTML is:
<input id="addyInput" placeholder="Don't forget postcode!" size="25">
<button id="start" onclick="initialize()">Find Me!</button>
I can also include some of the javascript if needs be! (although that works fine!) :)
use :
<button id="start" onclick="return initialize()">Find Me!</button>
and then make sure initialize() returns false.

