Convert nested form fields to JSON in Jquery - javascript

Trying to do POST of Form object as JSON from front end javacsript/jquery to Spring MVC backend.
Form data has a string array and other string field, looks like below
var cityList = [];
document.forms["myForm"]["dstCities"].value = cityList;
document.forms["myForm"]["dstState"].value = "CA";
Below is my code for converting to JSON,
function convertFormToJSON(){
var jsonObject = {};
var array = $("myForm").serializeArray();
$.each(array, function() {
if (jsonObject[] !== undefined) {
jsonObject[].push(this.value || '');
} else {
jsonObject[] = this.value || '';
jsonObject = JSON.stringify(jsonObject);
console.log("json: " + jsonObject);
return jsonObject;
POST call:
url: "xxx",
type: "POST",
data: convertFormToJSON(),
contentType: "application/json",
dataType: 'json',
Json output:
{"dstCities":"SF,LA", "dstState":"CA"}
But I need it to look like
[{"dstCities": ["SF", "LA"], "dstState":"CA"}]

You are passing an array as value to :
document.forms["myForm"]["dstCities"].value = cityList;
but the browser is using toString() on it and it ends up as joined string "SF,LA"
If the intent is to pass it as string array can do:
document.forms["myForm"]["dstCities"].value = JSON.stringify(cityList);
No changes would be needed in convertFormToJSON this way.
If the cities need to be displayed as comma separated values then change
if (jsonObject[] !== undefined) {
jsonObject[].push(this.value || '');
} else {
var value = this.value;
if ( === 'dstCities') {
value = value.split(',');
jsonObject[] = value || '';


Cannot get DOT NET CORE MVC to return multiple LINQ results to a view

I am able to pass one value from the controller method, see first cal query to return just the calorie value from the SQL LINQ query. However, I cannot get two colums, see my code controller code and javascript in the view below (I cannot work out what is causing zero data to be populated
I can see var mytext in javascript code return : {"foodCal":101,"foodVarient":"Vegan"}
public JsonResult GetCalories(string Productdata)
//THis is the orginal code which returns one value, CALORIES
//var calquery = (from c in _context.Foods
// where c.FoodName == Productdata
// select c.FoodCal).FirstOrDefault();
var calquery = (from c in _context.Foods
where c.FoodName == Productdata
select new
{ c.FoodCal, c.FoodVarient }
if (calquery != null)
return Json(calquery);
calquery = null;
return Json(calquery);
<script src="/lib/jquery/dist/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function ()
document.getElementById("FoodType").onchange = function ()
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
url: '#Url.Action("GetCalories")',
data: { Productdata: document.getElementById("FoodType").value },
success: function (data)
var mytext = JSON.stringify(data);
var obj = JSON.parse(json);
document.getElementById("FoodCalories").value = obj.foodCal;
document.getElementById("FoodHealth").value = obj.foodVarient;
I figured out the problem
var object =JSON.parse(mytext), not json
problem solved.
Hope other people benefit from this code.

JSON array to and from MySql. Saving and Looping

$cl = $row["saved_json_string_column"];
expecting this output from the db query to create a new array
//cl = '[{"ifeid":1,"ans":"Yes","type":"SkipTo","target":"2"},{"ifeid":2,"ans":"Yes","type":"SkipTo","target":"5"}]';
cl = '<? echo $cl;?>';
// I would like to start with the saved 'cl' array and push new items to it.
skptoQarry = new Array();
//javascript function loop (not shown) generates vars and pushes to new array.
thisItem_eid = 1;
yes_no_is_this = 'No';
SkipToTartgetEID = 5;
var skptoQarry_temp = {
"ifeid" : thisItem_eid,
"ans" : yes_no_is_this,
"type" : "SkipTo",
"target" : SkipToTartgetEID
cl = JSON.stringify(skptoQarry); //for ajax post to php for saving
//this is what is in saved the DB via ajax post
//...but when PHP echos it out only this comes out: cl = "[,]"
// I think i'm saving it wrong or echoing the column data the wrong way.
//read text from mysql and append where needed.
cl = $.parseJSON(cl);
jQuery.each(cl, function (i) {
jQuery.each(this, function (key, value) {
if (key == "ifeid") {
$('div').append('if this id: '+value+'<br>');
} else if (key == "ans") {
$('div').append('is: '+value+'<br>');
} else if (key == "type") {
$('div').append('then: '+value+'<br>');
} else if (key == "target") {
$('div').append('this id: '+value+'<br><br>');
function saveit(){
saved_logic_dialog = JSON.stringify(skptoQarry);
var posturl = "myurl?event=save&saved_logic_dialog="+saved_logic_dialog;
traditional: true,
type: "POST",
url: posturl,
success: function(data) {
//messages and stuff
$loadvfsql = "SELECT `saved_logic_dialog` FROM `questions` WHERE `id` = '{$id}' ORDER BY `questions`.`question_order` ASC";
$clc = $rows['current_logic_cont'];
$cl = $rows['saved_logic_dialog'];
//more stuff
This will ensure your array of objects is properly encoded - jQuery will not encode the URL for you.
var posturl = "myurl?event=save&saved_logic_dialog=" + encodeURIComponent(saved_logic_dialog);
When saving to DB - check for properly escaping the value (as it will certainly contain quotes);
When echoing the value back into HTML - use htmlspecialchars($cl) to properly escape the symbols which might have special meaning in HTML.
Before using the value in JavaScript - use JSON.parse(cl) to convert from String into Array.

Add Property dynamically to the JSON array

I would like to two add property Id and ButtonId to the exisiting json result. I have pasted the below js code for reference and I would like to pass the jsonresult to MVC controller. As of now it returns null. please help to proceed. Thanks.
my final result should look like this
{"Id":"4","ButtonId":"1177","1178","1179"}} etc..
var btnlist = {Groups: {Id:"", ButtonId: ""}};
$.each($(".buttonData"), function (index, value) {
var values =':');
grpid = values[0].split('-')[1];
btnid = values[1].split('-')[1];
console.log('grpid=' + grpid + ' btnid=' + btnid);
if (typeof (btnlist['Groups'][grpid]) == 'undefined') {
btnlist['Groups'][grpid] = [];
type: "POST",
url: "#Url.Action("Home", "Menu")",
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
data: JSON.stringify(btnlist) ,
success: function (result) {
console.log('json' + JSON.stringify(btnlist));
error: function (request, error) {
This is the json result before pushing into the multidimensional array
The json result, where the properties Id and ButtonId is inserted behind.
null result passed to the controller
With assistance of my colleague, the desired output is as below. This is for other programmers who face similar issue with JSON array. Thanks.
var btnlist = [];
btngrps = $('.btn-sort-container');
$.each(btngrps, function(k, v) {
btnarr = {};
gid = $(this).attr('id');
grpid = gid.split('-')[1];
btnarr.Id = gid.split('-')[1];
btnobjs = $(v).find('.buttonData');
if (btnobjs.length) {
btnarr['btnId'] = [];
$.each(btnobjs, function(bk, bv) {
btnid = $(bv).attr('id').split('-')[2];
Output on console

JQuery AutoComplete with JSON Result Not Working

I am using a JQuery autocomplete to display a list of available courses. I am doing a post to get a list of Courses from the server, I manipulate the data to be in the expected format, and I pass it to the autocomplete function. The problem is that it does not work unless I hard copy and paste the values newSource and paste them into source.
The variable newSource = ["Enc1001","ENC1002","Enc1003","ENC1101"....etc].
The ajax post to get the data from the server
//Auto complete for search box
$('#AdditionalSearch').on('input', function () {
var source = [];
var inputValue = $('#AdditionalSearch').val();
if (inputValue !== '') { //the value is not empty, we'll do a post to get the data.
url = "/Course/CourseSearch";
method: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
contentType: 'application/json',
cache: false,
data: JSON.stringify({ "searchCourseValue": inputValue }),
url: url,
success: function (data) {
if (data.Ok) {
var myData = JSON.parse(;
var newSource = '[';
$.each(myData.ResultValue, function (index, item) {
if ((myData.ResultValue.length -1) == index)
newSource += '"' + item.Name+'"';
newSource += '"'+ item.Name + '",';
newSource += "]";
source = newSource;
error: function (jqXHR) {
} else { //The user either delete all the input or there is nothing in the search box.
//The value is empty, so clear the listbox.
//Passing the source to the auto complete function
var setNameAutoComplete = function (data) {
source: data
Is there something that I am missing here?
When you literally paste newSource = ["Enc1001","ENC1002","Enc1003","ENC1101"....etc]in your code, you are building an array object. However, in your success method, you are building a string (the string-representation of that same object). What you want to be doing is build an actual array in stead.
success: function (data) {
if (data.Ok) {
var myData = JSON.parse(;
var newSource = [];
$.each(myData.ResultValue, function (index, item) {
source = newSource;

Pass Json Object and String Value at once in Ajax

I want to pass a Json Object and String Value together in ajax call. I have attached my code below.
$('#ddcountryid').change(function () {
var jdata = ko.mapping.toJSON(viewModel);
var Cid = $(this).val();
url: '#Url.Action("PopulateDropDown", "Pepmytrip")',
type: 'POST',
data: jdata,
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
success: function (data) {
if (data.redirect) {
location.href = resolveUrl(data.url);
else {
ko.mapping.fromJS(data, viewModel);
error: function (error) {
alert("There was an error posting the data to the server: " + error.responseText);
My Action Method
public JsonResult PopulateDropDown(Wrapper wrapper, string cID)
wrapper.Destinations = new SelectList(context.Destinations.Where(c=>c.CountryId == cID), "id", "Name").ToList();
return Json(wrapper);
I am getting wrapper object with Values, but how can get the CID as well. Can anyone please help me on this??.
you can pass it as query string parameter:
var Cid = $(this).val();
url: '#Url.Action("PopulateDropDown", "Pepmytrip")' + '?cID=' + Cid,
server side:
public JsonResult PopulateDropDown(Wrapper wrapper, string cID)
wrapper.Destinations = new SelectList(context.Destinations.Where(c=>c.CountryId == cID), "id", "Name").ToList();
return Json(wrapper);
OR add a new property to your Wrapper object as Gavin Fang suggested:
var Cid = $(this).val();
viewModel.Cid = Cid;
var jdata = ko.mapping.toJSON(viewModel);
server side code:
public JsonResult PopulateDropDown(Wrapper wrapper)
var cid = wrapper.Cid;
wrapper.Destinations = new SelectList(context.Destinations.Where(c=>c.CountryId == cID), "id", "Name").ToList();
return Json(wrapper);
I think you can add a property to store you 'CID' to your viewModel.
and you can get the CID in the 'success' function in javascript in here, I think.
You can achieve this is two ways:
You can add extra field for existing json 'jdata' by defining field jdata.cid = null; and assigning it as jdata.cid = $(this).val();.
Prepare an object to hold both json data and string value:
var obj = {"json": jdata, "string":$(this).value()};
then pass obj in data parameter

