jQuery hiding child element opens its child - javascript

Im using a table and rows can have child rows and it can go down a few levels,
what is happening now is that when hiding a child element it then opens that childs child element.
Heres my jQuery:
$(document).ready(function() {
function getChildren($row) {
var children = [], level = $row.attr('data-level');
while($row.next().attr('data-level') > level) {
$row = $row.next();
return children;
$('.parent').on('click', function() {
var children = getChildren($(this));
$.each(children, function() {
$(".parent a").click(function(e) {
I have set up a jsfiddle so you can see whats happening
If you click the first "+" you will see what im trying to describe.
Cant think how to sort it out
have sorted it and updated jsfiddle https://jsfiddle.net/rhvye8k0/5/
There may be a way to reduce the jQuery but it works for now

Your problem is the $(this).toggle(); in .parent's onclick handler. The tr at level 3 has style="display:none", the others don't. toggle() will toggle the receiving element(s) visibility so the others are show (their display is implicitly block) and level 3's is hidden.


Why is the outcome different

Building a simple dropdown menu with JS for Wordpress
I was wondering why do I get a different outcome when
function intDropDownMobile() {
$('.menu-item-has-children').click(function () {
// e.preventDefault();
var subMenus = $(this).siblings();
var subMenuItems = $('.menu-mobile .sub-menu');
$(this).children('.menu-mobile .sub-menu').slideToggle(300);
if (subMenus.children('.menu-mobile .sub-menu').is(':visible')); {
subMenus.children('.menu-mobile .sub-menu').hide(300);
and this
// Te submenu
function intDropDownMobile() {
$('.menu-item-has-children').click(function () {
// e.preventDefault();
var subMenus = $(this).siblings();
var subMenuItems = $('.menu-mobile .sub-menu');
if (subMenus.children(subMenuItems).is(':visible')); {
They both work but in the second option acts different and collapse the all menu also the non submenu items, was wondering why this happens,
Both look suspect in that selector sub-menu probably should be .sub-menu (prefixed with a .)
In the second example, you're using subMenuItems to filter the children of $(this), but subMenuItems is probably going to always contain no elements because of the issue I pointed out above. Accordingly, $(this).children(subMenuItems). will contain no elements as well.
-- EDIT --
This is from your first example:
var subMenuItems = $('.menu-mobile .sub-menu');
$(this).children('.menu-mobile .sub-menu').slideToggle(300);
I don't think that logically, this selector can work when used with the children() function. Because there is a space in the selector, its results span TWO levels of hierarchy (the elements with class menu-mobile, and their respective sub-elements with class sub-menu). Since the results span two levels, it'd be ambiguous to the function as to which -- the inner, or outer -- to return as 'child'. So none are returned!!!
This is from your second example:
var subMenuItems = $('.menu-mobile .sub-menu');
In this example, all elements in subMenuItems will have class sub-menu. SOME of them may be children of $(this), and those are returned.
So in the second example, you selected all elements matching $('.menu-mobile .sub-menu') in the document, and filtered to children of $(this). But in the first, you gave a selector that will never work.

jQuery Accordion | Open first element on pageload & active state confusion

I am using the Javascript below to animate an accordion (it's a slightly modified variant of the one explained here: http://tympanus.net/codrops/2010/04/26/elegant-accordion-with-jquery-and-css3/.
Now I wanted to have the first element to be open on pageload, so I figured I just give it some sort of extra-class via Javascript (and define that .active state via CSS) to have it open up.
This worked, however if I hover over any but the first-element with said .active class, the first element keeps its state, and stays open until I hover over it at least once.
So, what I want is: the first element of my accordion is open and collapses if the user hovers over any of the elements that are not the first. I think I need to add a line in the hover function to either take the class away of the first element or to give the new element the active state, but I don't know how to do it and keep breaking the thing.
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(function() {
activeItem = jQuery("#accordion li:first");
jQuery('#accordion > li, #accordion > li.heading').hover(
function () {
var jQuerythis = jQuery(this);
function () {
var jQuerythis = jQuery(this);
Looks like this is happening because each accordion item has its own hover event that takes care of its own animation. You can refactor the code slightly to make this easier to understand and reuse:
var activeItem = jQuery("#accordion li:first");
jQuery('#accordion > li, #accordion > li.heading').hover(
function () { hoverMe(jQuery(this)); },
function () { unhoverMe(jQuery(this)); }
//This gets called when cursor hovers over any accordion item
var hoverMe = function(jQuerythis) {
//If the first item is still active
if (activeItem) {
contract(activeItem); //...Shrink it!
activeItem = false;
//Expand the accordion item
//This gets called when cursor moves out of accordion item
var unhoverMe = function(jQuerythis) {
//I have moved the hover animation out into a separate function, so we can call it on page load
var expand = function(jQuerythis) {
//I have moved the unhover animation out into a separate function, so we can contract the first active item from hoverMe()
var contract = function() {
//Now expand the first item
I have put together a simplified version demonstrating the logic. Please let me know how you get on.

Checking if Element hasClass then prepend and Element

What I am trying to achieve here is when a user clicks an element it becomes hidden, once this happens I want to prepend inside the containing element another Element to make all these items visible again.
var checkIfleft = $('#left .module'),checkIfright = $('#right .module');
if(checkIfleft.hasClass('hidden')) {
$('#left').prepend('<span class="resetLeft">Reset Left</span>');
} else if(checkIfright.hasClass('hidden')) {
right.prepend('<span class="resetRight">Reset Right</span>');
I tried multiple ways, and honestly I believe .length ==1 would be my best bet, because I only want one element to be prepended. I believe the above JS I have will prepend a new element each time a new item is hidden if it worked.
Other Try:
var checkIfleft = $('#left .module').hasClass('hidden'),
checkIfright = $('#right .module').hasClass('hidden');
if(checkIfleft.length== 1) {
$('#left').prepend('<span class="resetLeft">Reset Left</span>');
} else if(checkIfright.length== 1) {
right.prepend('<span class="resetRight">Reset Right</span>');
else if(checkIfleft.length==0){
} else if (checkIfright.length==0){
Basically if one element inside the container is hidden I want a reset button to appear, if not remove that reset button...
hasClass() only works on the first item in the collection so it isn't doing what you want. It won't tell you if any item has that class.
You can do something like this instead where you count how many hidden items there are and if there are 1 or more and there isn't already a reset button, then you add the reset button. If there are no hidden items and there is a reset button, you remove it:
function checkResetButtons() {
var resetLeft = $('#left .resetLeft').length === 0;
var resetRight = $('#left .resetRight').length === 0;
var leftHidden = $('#left .module .hidden').length !== 0;
var rightHidden = $('#right .module .hidden').length !== 0;
if (leftHidden && !resetLeft) {
// make sure a button is added if needed and not already present
$('#left').prepend('<span class="resetLeft">Reset Left</span>');
} else if (!leftHidden) {
// make sure button is removed if no hidden items
// if no button exists, this just does nothing
$('#left .resetLeft').remove();
if (rightHidden && !resetRight) {
$('#right').prepend('<span class="resetRight">Reset Right</span>');
} else if (!rightHidden) {
$('#right .resetRight').remove();
// event handlers for the reset buttons
// uses delegated event handling so it will work even though the reset buttons
// are deleted and recreated
$("#left").on("click", ".resetLeft", function() {
$("#left .hidden").removeClass("hidden");
$("#left .resetLeft").remove();
$("#right").on("click", ".resetRight", function() {
$("#right .hidden").removeClass("hidden");
$("#right .resetRight").remove();
FYI, if we could change the HTML to use more common classes, the separate code for left and right could be combined into one piece of common code.
Add the reset button when hiding the .module, if it's not already there :
$('#left .module').on('click', function() {
var parent = $(this).closest('#left');
if ( ! parent.find('.resetLeft') ) {
var res = $('<span />', {'class': 'resetLeft', text : 'Reset Left'});
res.one('click', function() {
repeat for right side !
I've recently experimented with using CSS to do some of this stuff and I feel that it works quite well if you're not trying to animate it. Here is a jsfiddle where I can hide a module and show the reset button in one go by adding/removing a 'hideLeft' or 'hideRight' class to the common parent of the two modules.
It works by hiding both reset button divs at first. Then it uses .hideLeft #left { display:none;} and .hideLeft #right .resetLeft { display: block; } to hide the left module and display the reset button when .hideLeft has been added to whichever element both elements descend from. I was inspired by modernizr a while back and thought it was a neat alternative way to do things. Let me know what you think, if you find it helpful, and if you have any questions :)

Collapsible list with jQuery - How to update Expand/Collapse all button

I've got a list of items which can be expanded/collapsed individually or all at once with an Expand All/Collapse All button.
All the items start collapsed, but if you manually expand item so that every item is expanded, the 'Expand All' button should change to 'Collapse All'. Similarly if you collapse all the items it should change to 'Expand All'.
So every time you click on an individual line, it should check to see if ALL the items have now been collapsed/expanded, and if so, update the Expand/Collapse All button.
My problem is that I'm not sure how to iterate over all the items on a click to see if they are collapsed or not and properly update.
Here is a JSFiddle for this: JSFiddle
Here is my current code:
var expand = true;
jQuery(function() {
.attr("title", "Click to expand/collapse")
.click(function() {
jQuery(this).siblings('#childrow-' + this.id).toggle();
jQuery(this).toggleClass("expanded collapsed");
jQuery('[id^=parentrow]').each(function() {
jQuery(this).siblings('#childrow-' + this.id).hide();
if (jQuery(this).siblings('#childrow-' + this.id).length == 0)
jQuery('#childrow-' + this.id).hide("slide", { direction: "up" }, 1000).children('td');
function CollapseItems() {
jQuery('[id^=parentrow]').each(function() {
jQuery(this).siblings('#childrow-' + this.id).hide();
if (!jQuery(this).hasClass('expanded collapsed'))
jQuery(this).addClass("expanded collapsed");
function ExpandItems() {
jQuery('[id^=parentrow]').each(function() {
jQuery(this).siblings('#childrow-' + this.id).show();
if (jQuery(this).hasClass('expanded collapsed'))
jQuery(this).removeClass("expanded collapsed");
function ExpandCollapseChildren() {
if (!expand) {
jQuery('.expander').html('Expand All');
else {
jQuery('.expander').html('Collapse All');
expand = !expand;
return false;
function ExpandCollapseCheck() {
if ((jQuery('[id^=parentrow]').hasClass('expanded collapsed')) && (expand)) {
jQuery('.expander').html('Expand All');
expand = !expand;
else if ((!jQuery('[id^=parentrow]').hasClass('expanded collapsed')) && (!expand)) {
jQuery('.expander').html('Collapse All');
expand = !expand;
A couple of things I see with your code.
It seems that you may have multiple children with the same ID, such as #childrow-parent0. This is not legal HTML, and can lead to problems with JavaScript. Use classes instead.
Manipulating ID's to find children is more difficult than using built-in jQuery selectors to find children. I realize that in this case, they are siblings rather than true children, but you can still use .nextUntil(".parent") to find all of the "children" of a parent.
Use your click handlers to do the expanding/collapsing instead of repeating code. One you have a click handler, you can call .click() on a parent, and it will toggle as if you clicked it.
If half of your elements are collapsed, do you want "Expand All" or "Collapse All"? You might want both.
With all of that in mind, I wrote your code with a lot less lines. To answer your specific question, I just compared the number of '.parent.expanded' elements to the number of '.parent' elements to see if they were all expanded or not. (I changed to using a single .parent class.)
The relevant code to your question:
$('#expand_all').toggleClass("disabled", $('.parent.expanded').length == $('.parent').length);
$('#collapse_all').toggleClass("disabled", $('.parent.collapsed').length == $('.parent').length);
This uses toggleClass(), with the second argument returning true/false depending on the number of collapsed/expanded parents. This is used by toggleClass to determine whether the disabled class is applied.
Don't bother iterating, just use a selector to get a count of all the elements & their classes:
var $all = jQuery('selector to return all lines');
if($all.length == $all.filter('.collapsed').length)
//all the rows are collapsed
if($all.end().length == $all.filter('.expanded').length)
//all the rows are expanded

jQuery UI Sortable on Click

I have the jQuery UI sorting functionality working fine, but I would also like to add in a basic click action to cause the draggable items to change <ul>. I have the <div class="click_area"> disabled from dragging. What I would like is in the first <ul> if the click_area is clicked then the sortable <li> would move to the second <ul> just as if I had dragged it over. Same deal if the click_area is clicked in the second <ul> it will be moved to the first <ul>. I have created a JS Fiddle for testing: http://jsfiddle.net/helpinspireme/wMnsa/
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
$("#unassigned_list, #recipients_list").sortable({
connectWith: ".connected_sortable",
items: "li",
handle: ".draggable_area",
stop: function(event, ui) {
}).disableSelection().on("click", ".click_area", function() {
// First figure out which list the clicked element is NOT in...
var otherUL = $("#unassigned_list, #recipients_list").not($(this).closest("ul"));
var li = $(this).closest("li");
// Move the li to the other list. prependTo() can also be used instead of appendTo().
// Finally, switch the class on the li, and change the arrow's direction.
function updateLi(li) {
var clickArea = li.find(".click_area");
if (li.closest("ul").is("#recipients_list")) {
} else {
Here is a starting place for you,
.on('click', '.click_area', function(){
$(this).parent().appendTo($("#unassigned, recipients").not($(this).closest("ul")));
The trick being that the click handler is on the parent container not the individual children, so when they are moved you don't need to keep managing their handlers.
All you need to do is update the stylings.

