Add chosen after adding id by dynamically - javascript

I am showing option with chosen plugin and latter add option to it.
I am trying below
<select id='one'>
and calling chosen plugin
it working fine now i am remove chosen part and adding new option to select box
$('#one').append(' <option>g</option>');
$('#one').addClass('abc').attr('id', '');
$('.abc').attr('id', 'myid');
as you can see that i have added id by class and calling chosen() on it but this time its not working. And i can not keep id one in select box if there is no chosen

You must clone the element in order to make it work:
$myid = $('#one').clone().attr('id', 'myid').insertBefore('#one');
$("#one, #one_chosen").remove();
Updated demo

i am not sure i understand your question. But you can refresh chosen with .trigger("chosen:updated"); i.e you can do something like
$('#one').addClass('abc').attr('id', '');
$('.abc').attr('id', 'myid');
Ideally, if you want to fully change the select chosen, it is better to just hide and show new select chosen. In case, if you want to add or remove option from select and want to gain fully functionality of chosen you can do it easily with
// add custom option
$(".select-chosen").append('<option>Custom Option</option>');
// remove existing option
$(".select-chosen option[value='a']").remove();
Refer :


How to reset specific selected option in select2

For example i have 2 records pre-selected as seen in screenshot below.
I noticed that aria-selected="true" for selected ones.
How can I find it by title and remove/reset it so it will not be part of current selected items.
Thanks in advance.
I think this should work:
$('#idSelect option[title="myTitle"]').first().remove();
Hope it helps.
select2 has link to particular <select> element in DOM. So, first you need to change select option, and then trigger change event of select2
For change option text you can like this
<select id="mySelect">
<option value="option1">Text</option>
var $select2 = $("#mySelect").select2();
$('#mySelect option[value="option1"]').text = 'Another text';
And then trigger change event for select2:
Remove item
$('#mySelect option[value="option1"]').remove();
Select one option
Select multiple options
$select2.val(["option1", "option2"]).trigger("change");
Remove one from selected
If you need remove one option from already selected, you need to get selected options, remove one, and set new options to select2.
var sel = $select2.val(); // array
sel.splice(sel.indexOf("option1"), 1);

Deselect top option in <select> - bootstrap multiselect

I have a bootstrap multiselect html element that i fill with data from a web service call that gets a list of regions in New Zealand. I need to load those options into the <select> and not select the top option by default.
I have tried everything that is done via the bootstrap multiselect built in functions and options. Nothing will work. So i am resorting to vanilla javascript or vanilla jquery to go straight into the plain html and deselect the first option.
All work on this can be done in this jsfiddle
I had to copy paste a minified external resource (xml2json.min.js) into the top of the javascript editor because it wasn't playing nicely when I tried to add it as an external resource.
I have tried this:
And it doesn't work. It removes the active class but doesn't deselect the option. How do I deselect the option?
I have tried this:
$("ul.multiselect-container").find('input[type="radio":checked]').prop('checked', false);
It doesn't deselect the option.
Please see if you can deselect the top option of the select.
So the jsfiddle at url same as above but ending in 182 is my refactoring to try and make it easier for people to understand but it didn't end up working correctly on my friends laptop.
When using the plugin as a <select multiple=true> it doesn't select the top option by default. However I need that same behaviour with a normal <select>
I just had a look in the plugin, And here is what I understood, To remove default selection you must have your selection set as multiple='multiple', This is when you can see a Checkbox in the drop down rather than radio buttons.
If you do not put this multiple option set then you will end up in having a radio button and this will set the first value by default. Here is the Fiddle which doesnt not select any default value. I just added the option multiple='multiple' to your dynamic select tag.
To have the option multi select set and also be able to select only one at a time use the below code. You need to replace your code block with this one
$("body").prepend("<select id=\"a-select\" multiple='multiple' >"
+ optionsText +
on: {
change: function(option, checked) {
var values = [];
$('#a-select').each(function() {
if ($(this).val() !== option.val()) {
$('#a-select').multiselect('deselect', values);
Logic taken from, see the 5th example from here which says Simulate single selections using checkboxes.
I have redefined the method "deselect" as follows.
this.deselect = function() {
$('input[type="radio"]:checked').attr('checked', false);
$(".multiselect-selected-text").text("None selected");
JsFiddle Demo
Add an empty option to the top of the select element.

jQuery dropdown option:first selected

I am using some jQuery to populate various dropdowns. I was able to get the jquery to show current value as the first option.
However, I need it to not only show as the first option, but as the currently selected option so that the selection doesn't appear twice in the dropdown.
As shown in the images below, you see the current value is Target. But after clicking the dropdown button, Target is listed twice:
Here is what the current jQuery looks like:
$eexist = $(this).attr('data-exist');
$('#eexist option:first').val($eexist).text($eexist);
Which goes into this modal form dropdown select:
<div id="editCustModal">
<form id="editCustForm" name="editCustForm">
<label for="eexist">Existing/Target</label>
<select class="form-control" id="eexist" name="eexist">
<option></option> // keeping this or not does nothing
The value and the text are the words Target and Existing.
To reiterate, if the current value is Target, then when you click on the dropdown, you should only see Target as the currently selected item AND only see it once.
If you want to select first option then below is the code:
$('select option:first-child').attr("selected", "selected");
But if you want to select the current value then below is the code:
$('#eexist option:first').val($eexist);
this should only work if $eexist exists as value in dropdown
Since you didn't provide much so it's hard to tell..At least provide a jsfiddle link when you ask a question
Do it this way...
var toR = $('<div>').append($('#myselect option:selected').clone()).html();
$("#myselect option:selected").remove();
Working Fiddle

Jquery Tablesorter filter and external select box

I'm using tablesorter and the filter widget. I found this jsfiddle example that allows filtering entries with a select box (Filter by age). I want to add that select box to my example, but it doesn't work when simply adding
$(".selectAge").bind('change', function (e) {
var cols=[]
cols[3] = $(this).val()
$('table').trigger('search', [cols]);
to my example code. Would you please tell me how to get the select box to work?
My example code is a copy from the official example.
It was working, it just didn't look like it. The one problem with the select is that the "reset" option needed an empty string as a value:
<select class="selectAge tablesorter-filter" data-column="3">
<option class="reset" value="">Filter by age</option>
Here is an updated demo (all I changed was the select and added the blue theme css).
Update: Just so you know, in the next update, you can just give that select a "search" class name like the other input, and be sure to include a data-column="#" attribute, and have it work automatically when you use bindSearch, so there would not be a need to add extra code:
$.tablesorter.filter.bindSearch( $('#mytable'), $('.search') );

Hide select option not reflecting

I am trying to hide some options from a select. The solution used is this:
this.selectBox is a jQuery object of the mentioned select.
In Firefox it works just fine, but in IE8 the changes are not reflected: if one should look at the select, it will seem unchanged. But if the user selects an option, the value respects the removed element.
Here is an example:
<option value="val1">Test1</option>
<option value="val2">Test2</option>
<option value="val3">Test3</option>
<option value="val4">Test4</option>
Now, when I select "Test1", a function is called and the above code is executed.
From the user's perspective, the options will remain the same. BUT if he now tries to select "Test1" again, the provided value will actually be "val2" and the option should be removed. Again, nothing happens, so he selects "Test1" again and the value will be "val3" and so on.
In order to display the occured changes, I have to hide and then show the select.
The code above will make the changes visible(hide the clicked options).
What is more curious is that this fiddle:
works as it should on the same browser.
I do not understand why is this all of a sudden happening.
Why is this happening? Where should I look for the issue?
I am not sure why you would want to hide the option instead of removing it, but here's an example on how you can do it. It's based on this solution for hiding options.
Fiddle here ->
JSBin here (should work in IE8) ->
var $select = $('select');
$select.prop('selectedIndex', -1); //ensure we can hide the first option
$select.change(function () {
//not sure why you would not want to remove the option instead of hiding it byt, if you want to hide...
$select.children('option:selected').wrap('<span class="hide-option"></span>');
//remove it
this.selectedIndex = -1; //ensure we can hide the last option

