Using the newest version of the froala editor (v2) doesn't seem to work when destroying an inline editor.
It leaves this element in the editor element: <i class="fa fa-code"></i>. You can see this behaviour if you go to the inline example-site:
And enter the following into the developer console: $('div#froala-editor').froalaEditor('destroy');
Does anyone know how to mend this? It also leaves the editors wrappers inside the editorcontainer and preserves editorclasses on it even though the documentation states that the destroy command will remove the editor in its entirety and the element back to its pre-init state.
Thank you very much!
Please refer this JSFiddle -
$(function() {
// Destroy action.
$('a#btn-destroy').on('click', function (e) {
if ($('div#froala-editor').data('froala.editor')) {
// Initialize action.
$('a#btn-init').on('click', function (e) {
if (!$('div#froala-editor').data('froala.editor')) {
In tinymce 4, the menu bar is rendered but each menu is rendered only on click.
To illustrate this, notice that each menu from the menu bar has the mce-menu class.
At any time, if no menu is open, if you try to get the set of menus, you'll fail because they aren't rendered yet:
var menuSet = $('.mce-menu');
// menuSet.length : 0
But if you click a menu bar header, let say the insert menu, it will be rendered and opened. Now, keeping it open, going to the console and retrying:
var menuSet = $('.mce-menu');
// menuSet.length : 1
and you'll get the opened menu.
Now if you close it clicking anywhere out of the opened menu, and retrying:
var menuSet = $('.mce-menu');
// menuSet.length : 1
... the menu is not removed from the DOM. It's a good news: since the menu was rendered once, we can get and manipulate it.
I have some DOM manipulation to do with each .mce-menu elements, but I'll have to now when each menu is opened the first time.
But how to handle a such event ?
I can't get any clue from the official documentation nor the forums, or anywhere.
It's definitely possible, but we both were not aware enough of how JS events are managed.
I tried to code my events handlers the old way :
$('body').on('click', function() {
While I had to do it the new, correct way :
$('body').on('click', '.mce-btn', function() {
With this, the events are correctly managed.
Try to use onPostrender funtion :
editor.addMenuItem("mybtn", {
type: "menuitem",
name: 'mybtn',
onPostRender:function (){
// write your code here//
I resolved the issue by writting a convenient `Tinymce 4 plugin focused on that purpose.
Of course this plugin is open-sourced by the GNU GPL v2 license, following the original Tinymce licensing policy.
Tinymce Plugin MenusController:
But I didn't wrote the documentation yet, my apologies.
However, here is how you can use it:
Install the plugin
Download the latest release tarball from github or, even better, install it from bower:
bower install tinymce-plugin-menuscontroller
If you don't know bower, discover it here: (npm i -g bower; bower --help).
The npm package isn't available yet, I'd provide it soon (but any Pull Request on github is welcome...).
By default, the plugin folder would be downoaded and placed in ./bower_components. If you've installed tinymce the same way, you've got also ./bower_components/tinymce or ./bower_components/tinymce-dist.
You don't need to add the script to your index.html file because tinymce load it itself if you setup it correctly.
So you need to :
symlink it to the tinymce plugin folder:
$ cd ./bower_components/tinymce/plugins
$ ln -s ../../tinymce-plugin-menuscontroller menuscontroller
load it in tinymce init. For example:
selector: 'textarea',
// [...]
plugins: 'menuscontroller'
Get the plugin instance:
var editor = window.tinymce.activeEditor
var menusCtl = editor.plugins.menuscontroller
// at this point, if menusCtl is undefined, something gone wrong in the setup step: please check the previous steps.
Plugin API (v0.2.1)
Instance Methods
Get the menu bar:
Get each menu by the name it was registered with:
menusCtl.getMenuByName(String: name)
Get the toolbars
Event: menusController:mceMenuRendered event
When any tinymce menu is rendered
$('body').on('menusController:mceMenuRendered', function (evt, menuDomNode) {
The menusController:mceMenuRendered event is called one for each menu of the active editor menubar, when it is rendered, so when the user click the dropdown menu (File link for the "file" menu, Insert for the "insert" menu, etc...).
Event: menusController:mceMenuItemRendered:<menuDomID>
When any menu item is rendered. Let's say we've created a menu item with the my-custom-menu-item identifier. So tinymce set its DOM ID to my-custom-menu-item. Thus, the MenusController plugin will create and bind to body the following event:
So you can handle the rendered event of your custom menu item listening on it:
function (evt, menuItemDomNode) {
MenusController API (v0.3.0+)
A the time of wrinting (Monday, mars the 13th, 2017), the last released version is the v0.2.1. But the v0.3.0 is planned to be released soon, and will provide a new event, more useful than the last.
Event: menusController:mceMenuItemRendered
When you need to know the menu item ID to handle the event menusController:mceMenuItemRendered:<menuDomID> and get the menu item DOM Node as callback argument, the event menusController:mceMenuItemRendered don't needs it but provides it as callback argument for each new rendered menu item:
function (evt, menuItemID) {
console.log(menuItemID) // 'my-custom-menu-item'
// So you can hanlde all menu item even if you don't know its ID
// And you can also handle the DOM Node with the selector by ID
var selector = '#' + menuItemID
var menuItem = $(selector)
console.log(menuItem) // jQuery object (the menu item)
With tinymce you can fully customize the menu buttons via the editor object:
setup: function(editor) {
editor.addButton('mybutton', {
type: 'menubutton',
text: 'My button',
icon: false,
onclick: function(){
alert('Some Message');
menu: [{
text: 'Menu item 1',
onclick: function() {
alert('Some Message');
Unfortunately you cannot insert html inside the text property, but i think you can do that with more research. You can also create a callback function for the click event on the menu button.
Personally, I will use tinymce official api to modify the dom instead of doing some other event driven dom manipulation.
You can find more a good example here
I have the following situation on a web application.
A dialog is built and opened on the fly when clicking on a link:
var dialogInitiator = $("<div id='dialog-initiator' style='background-color: "+bgcolor+";'>Loading...</div>");
autoOpen: false
}).on('keydown', function(evt) {
if (evt.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE) {
Right after that, I load a new html page into the dialog, with an < object >, like this:
var objectFrame = $('<object style="border: 0;width:'+(dlwidth-30)+'px;min-height:'+(dlheight-46)+'px;" type="text/html" style="overflow:auto;" data="'+url+'"></object>');
Now, the "url" variable contains a link to this new html document. When that page is ready, it will focus on an input field. This prevents the ESCAPE key from closing the dialog. So, I am trying to manually trigger the .dialog('close') event on escape keypress.
I do the following, from within the loaded document:
$('#dialog-initiator', window.parent.document).dialog('close');
It get the following error:
"Error: cannot call methods on dialog prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'close'"
Strange thing is, when i call:
console.log( $('#dialog-initiator', window.parent.document).html() );
it shows me the html from the dialog. So it actually IS initiated.
Well, I have tried to fix this error with the help of Google, but without success. I guess my situation is quite specific.
Note: we are forced to use the technique with loading this whole webpage into the dialog due to older functionality we used in modalDialogs. Since they are depricated in the latest Google Chrome, we've built a temporary solution with jQuery dialog.
I hope someone can help me out. I appreciate it!
You can try a global method created after the modal is created
modal: true,
autoOpen: false,
create: funtion(e,ui) {
window.closeMyDialog = function() {
Then call it by doing window.parent.closeMyDialog();.
Why not use JQuery UI? It's easier than making your own.
I have recently migrated from TinyMCE v3 to v4. I have a custom image inserter which was development on v3 and can't get some elements to work on v4.
I'm having issues opening the default image dialog box. In version 3 this was completed using tinyMCE.execCommand('mceAdvImage');. I am aware mceAdvImage has been removed and have tried using'mceImage');.
Anyone know how to do this? I'm ripping out my hair trying to find a solution.
I also faced this issue today and found a solution.
My usecase was to open image dialog on double click.
In tinyMCE.init function you need to add this (example):
ed.on('DblClick', function(e) {
if ('IMG') {
I used a command name 'mceImageDialog' but you can use whatever you want. The key to making this command work is to open image plugin.js and add these lines
Path: plugins/image/plugin.js (plugin.min.js):
editor.addCommand("mceImageDialog", function(ui, val) {
And thats it. After doubleclick on image element, the image dialog appears. For your solution you need i think only the plugin addCommand and use this command for your purposes.
Hope this helps.
I have made a webform that uses a TinyMCE editor. When the user clicks on a link to leave the page, I want a message to be displayed if he still has unsaved changes. For this, I was thinking of using the TinyMCE undoManager,
Essentially, I want the events onAdd, onUndo, OnRedo to fire. I will then keep track of the number of changes (if any) since the last save. But how do I get them to fire? Where do I set them up?
Also, it would be nice to have access to the hasUndo method in the rest of my javascript code. Again, not sure where to initiate this?
Not sure if it matters, but I'm using Django.
Edit: I have tried
setup : function(ed) {
ed.UndoManager.onAdd(function(ed) {
This gives me an error: Unable to get value of the property 'onAdd': object is null or undefined
I created a tinym fiddle for this: .
The solution is to use the oninit setting and to addresss the onAdd.add:
setup : function(ed) {
ed.onInit.add(function(ed) {
ed.undoManager.onAdd.add(function(ed) {
I'm using ExtJS 3.2.1 and I need a component almost identical to the bundled HtmlEditor, with one exception: it must start editing the HTML source code directly. The reason I don't use a normal TextArea is that the user should be able to preview the result of his actions before submitting.
I've tried calling toggleSourceEdit(), as per ExtJS documentation, with no success. Debugging, I see that the editor object has the sourceEditMode property set to true, and the Source Edit button seems as if it was "pressed", but clicking on it does not render the typed HTML, and clicking it again goes to the Source Mode.
I've tried calling toggleSourceEdit() after the container show() method, on the container afterLayout listener and on the editor afterRender listener. I've tried also calling it on another button that I added to the container. The result is the same on every try.
The only other option I see is updating ExtJS to 3.3.0, but I haven't seem anything related on the changelogs. Either way, it's going to be my next step. EDIT: The app had another problems when updating, we'll make a bigger effort to update later. As of right now, we are using the HtmlEditor in its original setting.
ran into the same problem (using 3.3.0 by the way)
stumbled upon a fix by dumb luck. i have no idea why this works, but second time is the charm. call it twice in a row to achieve the desired effect..
hope that helps!
Rather calling toggleSourceEdit(), try to setup the configuration while you create HtmlEditor Object
Using toggleSourceEdit() caused some problems for me. One was that this seemed to put the editor somewhere in limbo between source edit and WYSIWYG mode unless I used a timeout of 250ms or so. It also puts the focus in that editor, and I don't want to start the form's focus in the editor, especially since it's below the fold and the browser scrolls to the focused html editor when it opens.
The only thing that worked for me was to extend Ext.form.HtmlEditor and then overwrite toggleSourceEdit, removing the focus command. Then adding a listener for toggling to the source editor when the component is initialized. This is for Ext 4.1 and up. For older versions, replace me.updateLayout() with me.doComponentLayout().
var Namespace = {
SourceEditor: Ext.define('Namespace.SourceEditor', {
extend: 'Ext.form.HtmlEditor',
alias: 'widget.sourceeditor',
initComponent: function() {
toggleSourceEdit: function (sourceEditMode) {
var me = this,
iframe = me.iframeEl,
textarea = me.textareaEl,
hiddenCls = Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'hidden',
btn = me.getToolbar().getComponent('sourceedit');
if (!Ext.isBoolean(sourceEditMode)) {
sourceEditMode = !me.sourceEditMode;
me.sourceEditMode = sourceEditMode;
if (btn.pressed !== sourceEditMode) {
if (sourceEditMode) {
me.inputEl = textarea;
} else {
if (me.initialized) {
textarea.dom.setAttribute('tabindex', -1);
me.inputEl = iframe;
me.fireEvent('editmodechange', me, sourceEditMode);
Then to use it:
Ext.create('Namespace.SourceEditor', {
/*regular options*/
listeners: {
initialize: function(thisEditor) {
one time should be enough if you do this listening to the afterrender event of the editor.