When the modifier option is true, validation object must have at least one operator - Collection 2 package - Meteor - javascript

I get the following error when trying to create a user :
Exception while invoking method 'createUser' Error: When the modifier option
is true, validation object must have at least one operator
Here is how I am calling the createUser method :
"submit #register_form": function(event) {
var $form = $("#register_form");
var attr = {};
var profile = {};
// We gather form values, selecting all named inputs
$("input[name]", $form).each(function(idx) {
var $input = $(this);
var name = $input.attr("name");
if (name == "email" || name == "password") {
attr[ name ] = $input.val();
else if (name != "repeat_password") {
profile[ name ] = $input.val();
attr.profile = profile;
// Creating user account (Cf Accounts module)
Accounts.createUser(attr, function(error) {
attr has the following value :
And here is how I define the users schema :
// Setting up Simple Schema (cf module)
var profile_schema = new SimpleSchema({
firstname: {
type: String,
regEx: /^[a-z0-9A-Z_]{3,15}$/
lastname: {
type: String,
regEx: /^[a-z0-9A-Z_]{3,15}$/
celular: {
type: String,
optional: true,
var schema = new SimpleSchema({
emails: {
type: [Object],
"emails.$.address": {
type: String,
regEx: SimpleSchema.RegEx.Email
"emails.$.verified": {
type: Boolean
profile: {
type: profile_schema,
optional: true,
createdAt: {
type: Date
// Attaching Simple Schema to the users collection (Cf collection2 module)
I can't find what is not right. Any suggestion is most welcomed!

Adding my comment as an answer for visibility
You need to add the services object to your user schema as follows
services: {
type: Object,
blackbox: true
You need to add this even though you are not using any oAuth because Meteor adds a "service" for email login. You should always have it.


Node.js + Mongoose: How to use a virtual property to associate an ObjectID with the property?

I'm trying to access a MongoDB database using Node.js and Mongoose.
I created a virtual property in Schema called username. See the code that follows.
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const User = require("../models/user");
const datatypes = ['temperature', 'humidity'];
const nodeSchema = new mongoose.Schema(
MACAddress: {
type: String,
required: true,
trim: true,
uppercase: true,
match: /^([0-9A-F]{2}[:-]){5}([0-9A-F]{2})$/,
alias: {
type: String,
trim: true,
coordinates: {
type: String,
required: false,
match: /^(\-?\d+(\.\d+)?),\s*(\-?\d+(\.\d+)?)$/,
address: {
type: String,
required: false,
userID: {
type: mongoose.Types.ObjectId,
nodeType: {
type: String,
enum: ['router', 'node'],
default: 'node',
dataTypes: {
type: [String],
enum: datatypes,
required: true,
timestamps: true,
The virtual property is used to set the userID property. See the code that follows.
// virtual field
nodeSchema.virtual("username").set(async function (username) {
this.userID = await this.getUserID(username);
// methods
nodeSchema.methods = {
getUserID: function (username) {
if (!username) return null;
return User.find({username: username}).then(userDoc => userDoc[0]._id);
To add a new document to the database, I am using the following code.
const newNode = new Node(newNodeData);
newNode.save().then( (node) => {
The problem is this... Calling the User.find function returns a promise. Even using await (see previous code), newNode.save() saves the document in the database without the userID property.
If I change the code to the following snippet, which doesn't use promise, the userID property is saved in the database with no problem. However, this is not what I want.
// virtual field
nodeSchema.virtual("username").set(async function (username) {
let ObjectId = mongoose.Types.ObjectId;
this.userID = new ObjectId("6245e896afe465a25047302e");
How can I force newNode.save() to wait for the promise result before saving the document to the database?

Check for not required property existing in mongoose model variable

So, I have this mongoose scheemas structure:
const execStatusScheema = new mongoose.Schema(...)
const notifyScheema = new mongoose.Schema({
sms: {
type: Boolean,
required: true
smsStatus: {
type: execStatusScheema
telegram: {
type: Boolean,
required: true
telegramStatus: {
type: execStatusScheema
voice: {
type: Boolean,
required: true
voiceStatus: {
type: execStatusScheema
const Notify = mongoose.model('Notify', notifyScheema)
module.exports.Notify = Notify
as you can see in Notify scheema smsStatus, voiceStatus and telegramStatus are not required. If sms is false, the smsStatus property is not assiged in my code, and for voice and telegram the same behavior. I want to check in Notify some of these propertys. I do the follow:
const uncomplitedNotifies = await Notify.find(...).select('smsStatus voiceStatus telegramStatus sms voice telegram')
uncomplitedNotifies.forEach(async notify => {
if ('telegramStatus' in notify) {
Result is:
{ _id: 5ba07aaa1f9dbf732d6cbcdb,
priority: 5,
sms: true,
telegram: false,
voice: false,
{ status: 'run',
_id: 5ba07aaa1f9dbf732d6cbcdc,
errMessage: 'Authentication failed',
statusDate: '2018-9-18 12:10:19' } }
Ok, I find one, and its ok, but my if statment is true even I have no this property in my object. I guess it check in scheema object, where its declared, but I want to check in my 'real' object I got by query.
I also try this checking case, but the same result:
if (typeof something === "undefined") {
alert("something is undefined");
How can I check this object correctly ?
The in operator checks the object's own properties and its prototype chain. The unset properties are in the prototype chain of your object, but not on the object's own properties:
const hasTelegramStatus = 'telegramStatus' in document; // true
const hasTelegramStatus = document.hasOwnProperty('telegramStatus') // false
One option is to convert the query into an object by doing document.toObject(), which will remove the prototype chain and only return the own properties.

Node.js: How to get the incorrect fields in the Error object

I have unique and required fields in my schema below.
An error is returned when any of them are left blank.
How do I find the paths in Error object with information on which fields were left blank?
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var uniqueValidator = require('mongoose-unique-validator');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var kullaniciShema = new Schema({
gsm: String,
email: String,
kullaniciAdi: { type: String, required: true, unique: true },
sifre: { type: String, required: true},
}, { collection: 'kullanici' });
var Kullanici = mongoose.model('Kullanici', kullaniciShema);
module.exports = Kullanici;
Below is the controller where I save submitted data into the database. Some of the incoming data is empty, so I get an error for the fields that were left blank.
How do I find the incorrect fields in the Error object?
var yeniKullanici = new Kullanici({
gsm: req.body.gsm,
email: req.body.email,
kullaniciAdi: req.body.kullaniciAdi,
sifre: req.body.sifre,
if (err) {
//var error=new err("hata");
selectAllFromKullanici((result) => {
forUsersError[forUsersError.length] = assert.equal(error.errors['ad'].message, 'Path `name` is required.');
res.render("kullanicilar", { kullanicilar: result, hata: forUsersError });
} else {
selectAllFromKullanici((result) => {
res.render("kullanicilar", { kullanicilar: result });
I'm sorry for my bad English.
I would check if the fields are empty BEFORE you try to run into a failure and extract data from an error message, which may fail on unknown errors.

Adding JSON array to a Mongoose schema (JavaScript)

I'm creating an Android App (A baseball app) where I'm using MongoDB to store my data. the way I want my JSON data to be stored into the database is like this.
"coachName": "Smith"
"position":"position not set",
"position":"position not set",
sorry if there is any syntax error, but essentially that is the layout i want for the JSON. Where the mongo page "id" is the persons email. and where "players" is an array of the list of players the coach has.
My question is, how can I
properly setup the Mongoose schema to look like this?
when the app sends the JSON data, how can I parse it to store the data?
and if possible (ill try and figure this part on my own if no one can) if multiple players are being added at once, how can i store them if there's already players in the array?
All of this is backend/server side, I have the android working properly, i just need help with storing it to look like this in JavaScript.
You dont want to use a dynamic variable as a field name. I'm talking about the email you have "email#domain.com". This wouldn't be good because how will you find the object. Its not common to search for object by there fields, you use the field name to describe what it is your looking for. You will need 2 models. One for player and one for coach. Coach refrences a Player in its Players array field.
If you format your JSON correctly you wont have to do any parsing, just make sure the JSON you are sending is correctly formatted.
Look at the addPlayer function.
Controller file (Answer for questions 2 and 3)
create = function(req, res) {
var coach = new Coach(req.body);
coach.user = req.user;
coach.save(function(err) {
if (err) {
return res.status(400).send({
// Put your error message here
} else {
read = function(req, res) {
addPlayer = function(req, res) {
var coach = req.coach;
console.log('updating coach', req.coach);
var player = new Player(req.newPlayer);
coach.save(function(err) {
if (err) {
return res.status(400).send({
// Put your error message here
} else {
'use strict';
* Module dependencies.
var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
Schema = mongoose.Schema;
* Player Schema
var PlayerSchema = new Schema({
created: {
type: Date,
default: Date.now
throws: {
type: Number,
name: {
type: String,
default: '',
trim: true
position: {
type: String,
default: '',
trim: true
playerNum: {
type: String,
default: '',
trim: true
position: {
type: Number,
default: 0,
trim: true
teamName: {
type: String,
default: '',
trim: true
mongoose.model('Player', PlayerSchema);
Coach Schema
'use strict';
* Module dependencies.
var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
Schema = mongoose.Schema;
* Coach Schema
var CoachSchema = new Schema({
created: {
type: Date,
default: Date.now
email: {
type: String,
unique: true,
lowercase: true,
trim: true,
default: ''
name: {
type: String,
default: '',
trim: true
players: [{
type: Schema.ObjectId,
ref: 'Player'
mongoose.model('Coach', CoachSchema);

Mongoose/MongoDb ,how to validate an array of Ids against another model

I have 2 moongose Schema:
var Schema2 = new Schema({
creator : { type: String, ref: 'User'},
schema_name : [{ type: String}],
var Schema1 = new Schema({
creator : { type: String, ref: 'User'},
schema_ref : [{ type: String, ref: 'Schema2' }],
Would like to know which is the best practice when I create a new Schema1 check that every element of array schema_ref, have the same creator.
Because schema1 elements are added by client form and so i have to check that the schema_ref elements are owned by same User that send the form
You can try with either validator function, or with a simple 'save' middleware:
Schema1.pre('save', function(next) {
let owner;
for (let entry in this.schema_ref) {
if (!owner) {
owner = entry;
} else {
if (entry !== owner) {
return next(new Error("owner mismatch");
Also, your schema might not work as you expect it to, it looks like you actually need:
schema_ref: [{
type: {type: String},
ref: "User"
Additionally, take a look at id-validator plugin, or some similar to that - it will, in addition to your validation, also check that all ref-type properties like this actually exist in the other (Users) collection.

