jQuery event handlers does not work? - javascript

var imgadd = $("<img/>",{
why does it not work?I got a little pizzled...

The code is structurally correct, the issue is that you made two typo's.
opacity takes a value between 0 and 1, not a percentage.
height was misspelled.
Here's code that will work:
var imgadd = $("<img/>",{
And a jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/jaredcrowe/3fvht8s2/

Change the values either 0 to 1
var imgadd = $("<img/>",{
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>


jquery click-function is executed when page loads but not when clicked

I use jQuery to get the height of a div #img-copyright when the page is loaded, write in the var copyrightHeight and set the height of the div to 0.
When a different div is clicked, the function showImgCopyright() should set the max-height of the div #img-copyright to the content of the var.
I made two tries.
First one:
var copyrightHeight;
$(document).ready(function () {
copyrightHeight = $("#img-copyright").height();
// just used to see if the height got written in the var - it is
$("img-copyright").css("max-height", 0);
function showImgCopyright() {
$("#img-copyright").css("max-height", copyrightHeight);
Second one:
var copyrightHeight;
$(document).ready(function () {
copyrightHeight = $("#img-copyright").height();
// just used to see if the height got written in the var - it is
$("img-copyright").css("max-height", 0);
$("#show-img-copyright").click(function (){
$("#img-copyright").css("max-height", copyrightHeight);
In the first example the function is directly executed after the page is loaded and NOT when clicking the div (not the way I wanted it to be).
In the second example it works as I wanted it - the function just is executed when clicking the div.
But I don't get why.
How can I make it work with an extra function like in the first example?
Thank you very much.
I also found out, I forgot a # in the line $("img-copyright").css("max-height", 0);.
So the right code would be:
var copyrightHeight;
$(document).ready(function () {
copyrightHeight = $("#img-copyright").height();
$("#img-copyright").css("max-height", 0);
function showImgCopyright() {
$("#img-copyright").css("max-height", copyrightHeight);

jQuery reset star-rating.js

I am using this plugin https://danielupshaw.com/jquery-star-rating/
I want to reset my form. But how can I reset these stars??
$("#btn-reset").on('click', function() {
//some other inputs reset
Please help on how to reset these stars to zero or null.
Here is the full code.
$("#btn-reset").on('click', function() {
jQuery(function($) {
click: function(clicked_rating, event) {
I don't know if this is the best approach, since I'm not familiar with this library...
But I achieved a reset like this:
$('.star-rating').replaceWith("<span class='rating'>0/10 stars</span>");
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<link href="//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.3.0/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src="https://danielupshaw.com/jquery-star-rating/jquery.star-rating.js"></script>
<h1>This is a good script!</h1>
<span class="rating">9.5/10 stars</span><br>
<button id="resetStars">Reset stars</button>
I'm not familiar with the plugin, but looking at the link you provided, can't you just update the text inside of the element to reflect an empty or zero rating? Something like:
$("#btn-reset").on('click', function() {
It looks like all you need to do is set the content to 0. Then re initialize the method.
You could try something like this; an attempt to set default blank stars on initial page load, or Click.
$(document).ready(function() {
Then refresh page to rest:
$( ".reset" ).click(function() {
If you don't want to refresh page, you could try:
$( ".reset" ).click(function() {
You may have to re-initiate your click feature on the star with similar jQuery to re add the appropriate Class when needed.
If this doesn't help or work; could you create a https://jsfiddle.net/ to fully replicate your issue; and then we could solve it. If it were me; I'd find a better plugin to use or just write it from scratch at that point.
A bit another approach by re-rendering your rating stars from scratch using custom renderRating function.
<div class="rating-stars"></div>
<button class="reset-rating">Reset rating</button>
var defaultRating = "0/5";
function renderRating(rating) {
var ratingEl = $('<span />').addClass('rating');
var ratingStr = rating || defaultRating;
$('.reset-rating').on('click', function() {
Preview on JSFiddle
This should reset it to 0:
$('#starrating').star_rating('rating', 0);
Here's the format to call the public methods:
Should your click event be inside the document ready? If it is outside document ready, that can sometimes cause issue. I hope this helps :)

Get a variable immediately after typing

I have this code
and this
<div> variable like a number </div>
var x = $('div').html();
I need that every time I change the div value, the span reflects the changes of the div
For example.
If I type 1 in the div, the span should immediately show me number 1
If I type 3283 in the div, the span should immediately show me number 3283
but with this code - I need to create
var x = $('div').html();
I do not want to use .click(function) . in need this function run Automatically
after your answer
I use this code
but doesn't work . whats the problem ?
This is very simple. If you add the contenteditable attribute to the div, you can use the keyup event:
var div = $('div'),
span = $('span');
div.on('keyup', function() {
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div contenteditable="true"> variable like a number </div>
here is a demo with input:
<input type="text" id="input01">
$( "#input01" ).on('keyup',function() {
var x = parseFloat($('#input01').val());
How can you edit in div element on browser?
It have to be any input type then only you can edit or change value.
So for that on click of that div you have to show some input/textarea at that place and on change event of that input you can update the value of input in span.
<div id="main-div">
<input type="text" id="input-box" />
var x = $('div').html();
This can be use with textbox or textarea, For div user cannot enter text.
.change() will not work with a DIV-element. Since you did not specify how the DIV is updated I would recommend either setting a timer or using .keypress()
Example with timer:
var oldVal = "";
var divEl = $("div");
var elTxt = divEl.text();
if (elTxt != oldVal) {
oldVal = elTxt;
}, 50);
You need a key listener, jquery provides a .keypress(), Examples are provided on keypress documentation.
I recommend to lookup the combination of .on() and .keyup() with some delay or throttle/debounce either via jquery or underscore.js library.
One of the reason or need for delay is to prevent too many event calls which will affect performance.
Here is an example of code in another question regarding throttle and keyup
Hope this helps.

Targetting and Changing HTML content using jQuery

I'm trying to change the "10" in the HTML below using jQuery:
<div id="ingredients">
<h4>Sugar: <span class="sugar">10</span></h4>
Here have been the iterations that I've gone through that have been unsuccessful:
$(document).ready(function() {
$(document).ready(function() {
In addition, how would I store the value of "10" in a variable? I'm trying to do this:
var $sugar = $('#ingredients.sugar').html();
Would that work?
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#ingredients .sugar').html("5");
Notice the space between; this says look for a .sugar child from the #ingredients parent. You should also be able to do:
var val = $('#ingredients .sugar').html();
You have missed space in your selector, this will work:
$('#ingredients .sugar').html("5");
Here's a version with a simplified selector (don't need #ingredients), factory caching and update without using quotes (5 works fine).
// Document ready
$(function () {
var $sugar = $( '.sugar' ), // Cache jQuery factory
originalValue = $sugar.html(); // Cache original value
// Update value
$sugar.html( 5 );

Trying to change 'margin-top' attribute

This is what I'm trying to do :
I want my '<div class="item"'>
to get style="margin-top:XXXXXX; top:50%"
where 'XXXXXX' is equal to (('div.item a img').height())/2
EDIT : ( solved )
Final code for those who are interested :
<script type="text/javascript">
theWindow.resize(function() {
( i used only top attribute instead of top + margin-top )
Thanks for help
I think this might be what you need, especially if you have more than one div.item
var r = $(this).find('img').first().height();
$(this).css('margin-top', r/2 + 'px');
You need to .find() the img and then select the .first() one.
Example: http://jsfiddle.net/jasongennaro/JNMhC/3/
From what I can tell, you are trying to do something like this :
But the image selector depends on your html configuration.
If you post some html markup, maby I could provide a better solution.

