Javascript to redirect URL not working - javascript

I am using an iframe reference on my site with src= However, I want to have the Javascript that handles creating the URL to redirect to this will be invisible and seamless to the applicant.
I have created the code below, but the redirect is not happening.
<iframe id="careersiframe" src="" frameborder="0" marginwidth="1"
style="position:absolute;top:100px;width:800px;height:400px;border:solid 1 px">
This is the script I wrote to redirect the end user:
<script language="JavaScript">
document.getElementById('careersiframe').src = "" +;

Try to reload the iframe after changing src attribute:

That seems right; however, there must be something else here at play. My first guess is that the issue is that you're using HTTPS in your iframe, which is a different domain ( than the parent page ( This is causing a cross-origin request.
If you have access to the code on, I would recommend updating that to do a server redirect. It's really the best option for any redirect because you bypass the browser's security concerns. You will want to send an HTTP 301 or 307 request depending on your specific needs. Sending this is dependent on the server side programming language.
Still having issues? Remember, the issue could be something else. If you post more code or any errors you are seeing, we will be able to help better.


How to view a web page including JQuery with an iframe in Google Chrome

We have an intranet website, lets call it Note that I can't access its source code.
I would like to use it in another web page in an IFrame, so I am creating a very basic HTML page like:
<iframe id="myIframe" width="100%" height="1200px" src=""></iframe>
When I open the HTML page with Microsoft Edge, it works, however Google Chrome does not work and it shows the error below:
When I do F12 in the browser, the error message I see in the console is on below:
Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined
at login?isajax=true:19
As I understand, JQuery is used in the and Chrome does not load it for some reason, probably security related... Version of Chrome: 81.0.4044.122 (64bit)
How can I overcome this issue? I've tried those but no help:
clearing the cache,
adding myintranetsite to trusted sites in internet options,
clearing SSL Stage,
disabling cookies in
I've checked this but it did not help either: jQuery/iframe not working in Chrome
Any help or advice would be appreciated.
Your understanding that this is prevented by security measures is correct, basically you get a jQuery error because jQuery would be loaded by the inner page, but since the inner page is not loaded, it's not loading jQuery either. You will need to create some proxy pages, let's see the steps:
Step 1
Create a separate page, let's call it myintranetproxy. I will assume that the location of this page you create is /myintranetproxy, so, if you have different routes, feel free to make the changes you need.
Step 2
Make sure that myintranetproxy shows a text or something at this stage, like 'Hello World', just to ensure that it's loaded at the next step.
Step 3
Load myintranetproxy:
<iframe id="myIframe" width="100%" height="1200px" src="/myintranetproxy"></iframe>
now you should see your temporary content inside the iframe.
Step 4
Change myintranetproxy, it should now send a GET request to and once the response arrives, write that HTML as it is instead of your "Hello World"
Step 5
Make sure that you change any URL in the response you get to the absolute URL of the page. This will affect iframe, script, link, img tags. You can implement this, or use an HTML parser for this purpose.
The most likely cause is that your somehow mixing HTTP and HTTPS. Chrome really does not like this, make sure your parent page and the page in the iframe are both using the same protocol
Sometimes iFrames are disabled as mitigation against clickjacking attempts.
In order for the intranet site to be framed, all of the mitigations below would need to be disabled.
Content Security Policy (CSP) frame-ancestors directive
X-Frame-Options Response Headers
Legacy Browser Frame Breaking Script
more about those clickjacking mitigations and how to enable/disable those protections can be found here
Also, if your site requires session cookies, the end-user will have to ensure that third party cookies are enabled. (Safari has them turned off by default for example).

Embed BBC News Live Stream Onto Web Page [duplicate]

I'm writing a tiny webpage whose purpose is to frame a few other pages, simply to consolidate them into a single browser window for ease of viewing. A few of the pages I'm trying to frame forbid being framed and throw a "Refused to display document because display forbidden by X-Frame-Options." error in Chrome. I understand that this is a security limitation (for good reason), and don't have access to change it.
Is there any alternative framing or non-framing method to display pages within a single window that won't get tripped up by the X-Frame-Options header?
I had a similar issue, where I was trying to display content from our own site in an iframe (as a lightbox-style dialog with Colorbox), and where we had an server-wide "X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN" header on the source server preventing it from loading on our test server.
This doesn't seem to be documented anywhere, but if you can edit the pages you're trying to iframe (eg., they're your own pages), simply sending another X-Frame-Options header with any string at all disables the SAMEORIGIN or DENY commands.
eg. for PHP, putting
header('X-Frame-Options: GOFORIT');
at the top of your page will make browsers combine the two, which results in a header of
...and allows you to load the page in an iframe. This seems to work when the initial SAMEORIGIN command was set at a server level, and you'd like to override it on a page-by-page case.
All the best!
If you are getting this error for a YouTube video, rather than using the full url use the embed url from the share options. It will look like
You may also replace watch?v= with embed/ so becomes
If you are getting this error while trying to embed a Google Map in an iframe, you need to add &output=embed to the source link.
UPDATE 2019: You can bypass X-Frame-Options in an <iframe> using just client-side JavaScript and my X-Frame-Bypass Web Component. Here is a demo: Hacker News in an X-Frame-Bypass. (Tested in Chrome & Firefox.)
There is a plugin for Chrome, that drops that header entry (for personal use only):
Adding a
to my link in the facebook tab fixed the issue for me...
If you're getting this error trying to embed Vimeo content, change the src of the iframe, from: to:
I had same issue when I tried embed moodle 2 in iframe, solution is Site administration ► Security ► HTTP security and check Allow frame embedding
Solution for loading an external website into an iFrame even tough the x-frame option is set to deny on the external website.
If you want to load a other website into an iFrame and you get the Display forbidden by X-Frame-Options” error then you can actually overcome this by creating a server side proxy script.
The src attribute of the iFrame could have an url looking like this: /proxy.php?url=
Then proxy.php would look something like:
if (isValidRequest()) {
echo file_get_contents($_GET['url']);
function isValidRequest() {
return $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'GET' && isset($_GET['key']) &&
$_GET['key'] === 'somekey';
This by passes the block, because it is just a GET request that might as wel have been a ordinary browser page visit.
Be aware: You might want to improve the security in this script. Because hackers could start loading in webpages via your proxy script.
This is the solution guys!!
FB.Event.subscribe('edge.create', function(response) { = 'url';
The only thing that worked for facebook apps!
I tried nearly all suggestions. However, the only thing that really solved the issue was:
Create an .htaccess in the same folder where your PHP file lies.
Add this line to the htaccess:
Header always unset X-Frame-Options
Embedding the PHP by an iframe from another domain should work afterwards.
Additionally you could add in the beginning of your PHP file:
header('X-Frame-Options: ALLOW');
Which was, however, not necessary in my case.
It appears that X-Frame-Options Allow-From https://... is depreciated and was replaced (and gets ignored) if you use Content-Security-Policy header instead.
Here is the full reference:
I had the same problem with mediawiki, this was because the server denied embedding the page into an iframe for security reasons.
I solved it writing
$wgEditPageFrameOptions = "SAMEORIGIN";
into the mediawiki php config file.
Hope it helps.
Not mentioned but can help in some instances:
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState !== 4) return;
if (xhr.status === 200) {
var doc = iframe.contentWindow.document;;
}'GET', url, true);
We had a situation where we needed to kill our iFrame when this "breaker" code showed up. So, I used the PHP function get_headers($url); to check out the remote URL before showing it in an iFrame. For better performance, I cached the results to a file so I was not making a HTTP connection each time.
I was using Tomcat 8.0.30, none of the suggestions worked for me. As we are looking to update the X-Frame-Options and set it to ALLOW, here is how I configured to allow embed iframes:
Navigate to Tomcat conf directory, edit the web.xml file
Add the below filter:
Restart Tomcat service
Access the resources using an iFrame.
The only question that has a bunch of answers. WElcome to the guide i wish i had when i was scrambling for this to make it work at 10:30 at night on the deadline day... FB does some weird things with canvas apps, and well, you've been warned. If youa re still here and you have a Rails app that will appear behind a Facebook Canvas, then you will need:
gem "rack-facebook-signed-request", :git => 'git://'
key: "123123123123"
secret: "123123123123123123secret12312"
config.middleware.use Rack::Facebook::SignedRequest, app_id: "123123123123", secret: "123123123123123123secret12312", inject_facebook: false
OmniAuth.config.logger = Rails.logger
SERVICES = YAML.load("#{::Rails.root}/config/oauth.yml").read)
Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
provider :facebook, SERVICES['facebook']['key'], SERVICES['facebook']['secret'], iframe: true
before_filter :add_xframe
def add_xframe
headers['X-Frame-Options'] = 'GOFORIT'
You need a controller to call from Facebook's canvas settings, i used /canvas/ and made the route go the main SiteController for this app:
class SiteController < ApplicationController
def index
#user =
def canvas
redirect_to '/auth/failure' if request.params['error'] == 'access_denied'
url = params['code'] ? "/auth/facebook?signed_request=#{params['signed_request']}&state=canvas" : "/login"
redirect_to url
def login
&lt% content_for :javascript do %>
var oauth_url = '';
oauth_url += '?client_id=471466299609256';
oauth_url += '&redirect_uri=' + encodeURIComponent('');
oauth_url += '&scope=email,status_update,publish_stream';
top.location.href = oauth_url;
&lt% end %>
The config i think came from omniauth's example.
The gem file (which is key!!!) came from: slideshare things i learned...
This stack question had the whole Xframe angle, so you'll get a blank space, if
you don't put this header in the app controller.
And my man #rafmagana wrote this heroku guide, which now you can adopt for rails with this answer and the shoulders of giants in which you walk with.
The only real answer, if you don't control the headers on your source you want in your iframe, is to proxy it. Have a server act as a client, receive the source, strip the problematic headers, add CORS if needed, and then ping your own server.
There is one other answer explaining how to write such a proxy. It isn't difficult, but I was sure someone had to have done this before. It was just difficult to find it, for some reason.
I finally did find some sources:
^ preferred. If you need rare usage, I think you can just use his heroku app. Otherwise, it's code to run it yourself on your own server. Note sure what the limits are.
^ second choice, but quite old. supposedly newer choice in python:
then there's the third choice:
Which seems to allow a little free usage, but will put you on a public shame list if you don't pay and use some unspecified amount, which you can only be removed from if you pay the fee...
<form target="_parent" ... />
Using Kevin Vella's idea, I tried using the above on the form element made by PayPal's button generator. Worked for me so that Paypal does not open in a new browser window/tab.
Here's an example:
Generating a button as of today (01-19-2021), PayPal automatically includes target="_top" on the form element, but if that doesn't work for your context, try a different target value. I suggest _parent -- at least that worked when I was using this PayPal button.
See Form Target Values for more info.
<form action="" method="post" target="_parent">
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick">
<input type="hidden" name="business" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="lc" value="US">
<input type="hidden" name="button_subtype" value="services">
<input type="hidden" name="no_note" value="0">
<input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="USD">
<input type="hidden" name="bn" value="PP-BuyNowBF:btn_buynowCC_LG.gif:NonHostedGuest">
<input type="image" src="" border="0" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!">
<img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1">
I'm not sure how relevant it is, but I built a work-around to this. On my site, I wanted to display link in a modal window that contained an iframe which loads the URL.
What I did is, I linked the click event of the link to this javascript function. All this does is make a request to a PHP file that checks the URL headers for X-FRAME-Options before deciding whether to load the URL within the modal window or to redirect.
Here's the function:
function opentheater(link, title){
$.get( "url_origin_helper.php?url="+encodeURIComponent(link), function( data ) {
if(data == "ya"){
$(".modal-title").html("<h3 style='color:480060;'>"+title+" <small>"+link+"</small></h3>");
$("#linkcontent").attr("src", link);
window.location.href = link;
Here's the PHP file code that checks for it:
$url = rawurldecode($_REQUEST['url']);
$header = get_headers($url, 1);
if(array_key_exists("X-Frame-Options", $header)){
echo "nein";
echo "ya";
Hope this helps.
I came across this issue when running a wordpress web site. I tried all sorts of things to fix it and wasn't sure how, ultimately the issue was because I was using DNS forwarding with masking, and the links to external sites were not being addressed properly. i.e. my site was hosted at http://123.456.789/index.html but was masked to run at When i entered http://123.456.789/index.html in the browser clicking on those same links resulted in no X-frame-origins issues in the JS console, but running did. In order to properly mask you must add your host's DNS name servers to your domain service, i.e. should have name servers of example,,,, if you were using as your hosting service.
It's surprising that no one here has ever mentioned Apache server's settings (*.conf files) or .htaccess file itself as being a cause of this error. Search through your .htaccess or Apache configuration files, making sure that you don't have the following set to DENY:
Header always set X-Frame-Options DENY
Changing it to SAMEORIGIN, makes things work as expected:
Header always set X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN
i had this problem, and resolved it editing httd.conf
<IfModule headers_module>
<IfVersion >= 2.4.7 >
Header always setifempty X-Frame-Options GOFORIT
<IfVersion < 2.4.7 >
Header always merge X-Frame-Options GOFORIT
and restarted server
Site owners use the X-Frame-Options response header so that their website cannot be opened in an Iframe. This helps to secure the users against clickjacking attack
There are a couple of approaches that you can try if you want to disable X-Frame-Options on your own machine.
Configuration at Server-Side
If you own the server or can work with the site owner then you can ask to set up a configuration to not send the Iframe buster response headers based on certain conditions. Conditions could be an additional request header or a parameter in the URL.
For example - The site owner can add an additional code to not send Iframe buster headers when the site is opened with ?in_debug_mode=true query param.
Use Browser extension like Requestly to remove response headers
You can use any browser extension like Requestly which allows you to modify the request & response headers. Here's a Requestly blog that explains how to embed sites in Iframe by bypassing Iframe buster headers.
Configure a Pass-through Proxy and remove headers from it
If you need to bypass Iframe buster headers for multiple folks, then you can also configure a pass-through proxy that just removes the frame buster response headers and return back the response. This is however a lot complicated to write, set up. There are some other challenges like authentication etc with the sites opened in Iframe through a proxy but this approach can work for simple sites pretty well.
PS - I have built both solutions and have first-hand experience with both.
Edit .htaccess if you want to remove X-Frame-Options from an entire directory.
And add the line: Header always unset X-Frame-Options
[contents from: Overcoming "Display forbidden by X-Frame-Options"
Use this line given below instead of header() function.
echo "<script> = '';</script>";
Try this thing, i dont think anyone suggested this in the Topic, this will resolve like 70% of your issue, for some other pages, you have to scrap, i have the full solution but not for public,
ADD below to your iframe
sandbox="allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-popups allow-forms"

How to open website on division?

I'm trying to open a website in my division, but it does not seem to work.
Considering we have division <div id='container'></div>
We have <a href='' onClick='dothis()'>Doit</a>
And we have function
function dothis({$("#container").html('<objectdata=""/>'); }
Why doesn't this code open website to chosen division? (Source of jquery is included aswell)
Google won't allow you to do this. Other syntax issues maybe?
Change <objectdata... to <object data..
Working example:
Remove the capitalization in onClick
Put a space between object and data.
First thing is that some websites don't allow you to open it in another origin and google is one of those.
Another is that you should use <iframe src=""> tag for that purpose. (I'm not sure what <objectdata> is)
It should be,
function dothis({$("#container").html(''); }
After this is executed, an error will be thrown,
Refused to display in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'DENY/SAMEORIGIN'
because of the X-Frame-Options option configured in the server for the HTTP response
The X-Frame-Options HTTP response header can be used to indicate whether or not a browser should be allowed to render a page in a , or . Sites can use this to avoid clickjacking attacks, by ensuring that their content is not embedded into other sites.

Unable to access iframe content (same-origin policy)

I have the following page
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript">
function loopLink(i)
{$('#iframe_a').contents().find('.image-navigator-mid a').attr('href'),'iframe_a');
if (i < 3) loopLink(i+1);
}, 5000);
// Wait for the page to load first
window.onload = function() {
var a = document.getElementById("mylink");
a.onclick = function() {
return false;
<iframe src="" width="500" height="500" name="iframe_a" id="iframe_a"></iframe>
<br />
<a id="mylink" href="">Execute</a>
the idea is that in it's current form, when you click Execute, the javascript will cause the iframe to use the "previous" link 4 times, waiting 5 second each time, however when i click the link it just reloads the page and even after waiting 10 seconds the iframe is doing nothing
i am wondering what i have done wrong
Due to Same Origin Policy restrictions, you can not access contents of iframe if it is running a page from another domain. There are solutions to same domain policy like
Opening a page via a proxy
Check out Tomodo. It is just to give you a hint how they used proxy to bypass same origin policy constraint and access iframe content. So the implementation idea goes like this
Create a proxy and host it at
Host your main page at
Now, request your proxy to give you content of iframe_url something like this
Please note this is not a trivial task and you may have to handle a lot of cases at your proxy like handling relative URLs, cookie reading by iframe_url etc etc.
So go for it only if you need it desperately.
Another solution might be this:
If you want to download some images for a particular domain, just ask your server side code to it for you. Your backend code will fetch the html of page and use some HTML parser like
BeautifulSoup for python (Documentation Link)
Jsoup for Java (Documentation Link)
to parse img tags and extract the source and fetch the images and download them.
PS: Just for some good information, please read Ways to circumvent same origin policy
I think what you are doing is subject to the same origin policy. This should be the reason why you are getting permission denied type errors.

Checking if a website doesn't permit iframe embed

I am writing a simple lightbox-like plugin for my app, and I need to embed an iframe that is linked to an arbitrary page. The problem is, many web sites (for example, facebook, nytimes, and even stackoverflow) will check to see if is being embedded within a frame and if so, will refresh the page with itself as the parent page. This is a known issue, and I don't think there's anything that can be done about this. However, I would like the ability to know before hand if a site supports embed or not. If it doesn't, I'd like to open the page in a new tab/window instead of using an iframe.
Is there a trick that allows me to check this in javascript?
Maybe there is a server-side script that can check links to see if they permit an iframe embed?
I am developing a browser extension, so there is an opportunity to do something very creative. My extension is loaded on every page, so I'm thinking there's a way to pass a parameter in the iframe url that can be picked up by the extension if it destroys the iframe. Then I can add the domain to a list of sites that don't support iframe embed. This may work since extensions aren't loaded within iframes. I will work on this, but in the meantime....
I am willing to accept that there's no way to "bust" the "frame buster," i.e. I know that I can't display a page in an iframe that doesn't want to be in one. But I'd like for my app to fail gracefully, which means opening the link in a new window if iframe embed is not supported. Ideally, I'd like to check iframe embed support at runtime (javascript), but I can see a potential server-side solution using a proxy like suggested in the comments above. Hopefully, I can build a database of sites that don't allow iframe embed.
Check x-frame-options header by using following code
$url = "";
$header = get_headers($url, 1);
echo $header["X-Frame-Options"];
If return value DENY, SAMEORIGIN or ALLOW-FROM then you can't use iframe with that url.
Probably pretty late but what you need to do is make a request, likely from your server and look for the x-frame-options header. If it's there at all you can just open a new tab because if it is there is is one of the following: DENY, SAMEORIGIN, ALLOW-FROM. In any of these cases it's likely that you don't have access to open it in an iframe.
This subject has been discussed forever on the web with a particularly interesting (failed) attempt here:
Frame Buster Buster ... buster code needed
The bottom line is that even if you are able to construct a proxy that parses the contents of the page that you want in your iframe and removes the offending code before it is served to the iframe you may still come under "cease and desist" from the site if they get to hear about you doing it.
If you don't want your development to be widely available, you could probably get away with it. If you want your development to become popular, forget about it, and build a less underhand way of dealing with it.
Or develop it for mobile only... ;)
UPDATE: OK following on from your comment here's a bit of taster:
in javascript capture the click on the link
preventDefault(e); // make sure the click doesn't happen
// call a server side script using ajax and pass the URL this.href
// return either a true or false; true = iframe breakout
// set the target attribute of the link to "_blank" for new window (if true)
// set the target attribute of the link to "yourframename" for iframe (if false)
// only now load the page in the new window or iframe
server side in PHP
$d = file_get_contents($url); // $url is the url your sent from the browser
// now parse $d to find .top .parent etc... in the <head></head> block
// return true or false

