Getting error when import instanceMethods function in Sequelize - javascript

I have created inside a file a function and export it using
export function foo(params...) {
// do something
inside the initialization of the model I import the function in this way:
import { foo } from "../path/..."
instanceMethods: {
foo: foo
the problem is the model is not initialized correctly. Do you know why?

the problem is the model is not initialized correctly
The following code works fine.
export function foo(params...) {
// do something
import { foo } from "./foo";
let instanceMethods = {
foo: foo
Error is elsewhere. Perhaps you meant to use = and used :? Note that if you don't use the variable it is erased form the output (ref).


Pinia 'return {myStore}' vs 'return myStore'

I want to use a Pinia store in a component of my Vue app and I can't figure out why the store has to be returned in { }? What is the difference between return {foo} vs return foo?
import { usePiniaStore } from "../stores/mainStore";
export default {
setup() {
const piniaStore = usePiniaStore();
return { piniaStore }; // why isn't it 'return piniaStore' ?
This is really not about Pinia but about what Vue expects as a return value from setup() function. It expects an object. If you try to return something else, Vue gives you an error.
// this will give you an error "setup() should return an object. Received: number"
import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
export default defineComponent({
setup() {
let myVariable = 10
return myVariable
Reason for this is that Vue needs to iterate the properties of returned object (so it knows both the value and it's name) and create properties with same names on component instance (so they are accessible in template). This is important.
The code from your example:
return { piniaStore }
is actually same as:
// creating new JS object
const returnObject = {
// first is property name
// second is property value (from existing variable)
piniaStore: piniaStore
return returnObject
...and it is a valid code from Vue's point of view
Important thing to remember is that only properties of the returned object are accessible from the template
// you can do this BUT only inner properties of the "myObject" will be accessible in the template
import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
export default defineComponent({
setup() {
let myObject = {
variableA: 10,
variableB: "some string"
return myObject
Using <div v-if="variableA"> will work. Using <div v-if="myObject"> will not.
Pinia stores are actually objects so returning them directly from setup (without wrapping them in another object) is probably legal and will work. But all above still applies. Your template has no access to piniaStore only to properties (state or getters) and functions (actions) defined on that piniaStore store
This is called Object Destructring. If a module is returning multiple objects ie {foo, goo, loo} and you want to pick just one foo. you can use return {foo}.
But if the module is returning only one object foo, you can use return foo.

Unable to access Vue.js global function through plugin

I'm trying to refactor some commonly used functions into a globally available Util plugin for my app. I followed the instructions from the docs and this question, but I'm not sure how to use it the functions in the template and Vue keeps complaining about an undefined method. Ideally I just want to call isEmpty from any child component.
export default {
install(Vue, options) {
Vue.isEmpty = function (object) {
return false // dummy function for now to check if method works
Also tried:
Util.install = function (Vue, options) {
Vue.isEmpty = function () {
// this doesn't work either
// Vue.prototype.$isEmpty = function (object) {
// return false
// }
import util from './components/shared/util.js'
import comp from './components/shared/myComponent.js'
// Vue.component('util', util) this doesn't work
const app = new Vue({
components: {
None of the below work. The error thrown is TypeError: Cannot read property 'isEmpty' of undefined
component template
<p v-if="util.isEmpty(license)" class="margin-0">N/A</p>
<p v-if="Vue.isEmpty(license)" class="margin-0">N/A</p>
<p v-if="isEmpty(license)" class="margin-0">N/A</p>
You are almost done, are missing of prototype. Try this:
export default {
install(Vue, options) {
Vue.prototype.isEmpty = function (object) {
return false // dummy function for now to check if method works
<p v-if="isEmpty(license)" class="margin-0">N/A</p>
Here a example:

Mocking named imports and constructors ES6 & Ava

I have a class constructor, with a function I want to stub:
class Service {
async someFunction() {
try {
// does stuff
catch (e) {}
In the file I want to test, this is imported an used like so:
const { Service } = require('something')
const newService = new Service('xyz')
I'm struggling to get this to import & stub correctly in my tests.
Currently am importing like this:
t.context.service = {
Service: class Service {
constructor () {
this.someFunction = sinon.stub()
This import seems to work, but then I can't get a reference back to it through the constructed version. Any help on this one?
I want to be able to make an assertion like:
AVA doesn't provide any stubbing. Have a look at or

ES6 access exported 'default' instance from same file

I was wondering, when you export some data using the ES6 keyword export like so :
export default {
data: "Hello !"
How can you then from the same file, access that exact same exported data ?
EDIT: Of course, without declaring it before exporting the variable...
If you structure your file like that, you cannot.
Usually, you define functions and data that you want to expose before the export statement, and then reference them when you build the exported object/function.
Bad way:
export default {
data: 'Hello!',
myFn: function (str) {
Good way:
var data = 'Hello!';
var myFn = function (str) {
// code that uses data and myFn
// shorthand for { data: data, myFn: myFn }
export default { data, myFn };
Try the following
export const data = 'hello';
For my similar use case -- I wanted easy access to everything the ES6 module exported from within the same module just for debugging purposes. So:
export const data = 'hi'
export const someFunc = () => `important data: ${data}`
export default someFunc()
export const funcToDebug() => {
console.log(`what's going on here? ${myModule.exports.default}`)
var myModule = module
If you want to access internally the functions that you export, you should define them outside of the export statement. Like so:
const data = 'Hello !';
const someFunc = () => {
return data + ' Goodbye!'
export default {
Now the variables and functions can reference each other without being "stuck" inside the export function. For example the following will NOT work:
export default {
data: 'Hello !',
someFunc: () => {
return data + ' Goodbye!';

Possible strange behaviour with ES6 deconstruction syntax [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Babel 6 changes how it exports default
(4 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I've been using the deconstruction syntax { ...variable } for quite awhile now, but I've never really had a problem with it until today, while most of my use cases still work as expected this one is a bit confusing to myself.
I have a JS file that generates an object and exports it, ex:
var exports = {}
export default exports;
There are not any nested objects and by the end of the file it's a simple KVP.
When trying to import from this file any objects I attempt to get through deconstruction are undefined. For example:
import { Foo, Bar } from './my-object';; // Cannot read property bar of undefined
However, if I break it apart farther like so, everything is fine:
import MyObject from './my-object';
const { Foo, Bar } = MyObject;; // Works!
I've tried changing exports to a different variable name as I thought maybe, just maybe it was a confliction with module.exports, but that wasn't the problem.
In the past whenever I exported an object it was simple:
export default { ... }
I'm really confused on what the issue could be this time around as the result of console.log(exports) is the same thing:
{ Foo: foo, Bar: bar }
Where bar() is a function variable of foo
I should also add that trying to hack this to have the proper results doesn't work either, for example:
export default {
Foo: { bar: () => {} },
Bar: { foo: () => {} }
Still throws the same Cannot read property __ of undefined
If you are using Babel, it's because the export default statement is roughly translated to:
var foo = {};
exports["default"] = foo;
And import MyObject from './my-object' is translated to: var MyObject = require('./my-object').default;. Which is why your second example works.
However, when you're doing import { Foo, Bar } from './my-object', it is translated to var { Foo, Bar } = require('./my-object');
See this question for extra details.
In your case, I recommend just using the normal export statement. For example:
export class Foo {
myMethod() {}
export const Bar = { a: '1' };
Then you can do import { Foo, Bar } from './my-object';.
I think You just miss the basic concept.
In this case You are exporting a single object not multiple classes that is why your import is not working as you are thinking.
The syntax works when we have a file say sample.js with
export var A = (function () {
function A() {
return A;
export var B = (function () {
function B() {
return B;
export var C = (function () {
function C() {
return C;
And if you are importing in other file with the following manner :
import { A, B, C } from './sample';
I have not tried this but I think It is working like this.
if you want to import { Foo, Bar} from './my-object', you need to explicitly export the Foo and Bar. e.g.
export const Foo = { bar() {} };
export const Bar = { foo() {} };

