Three.js - Points - javascript

When I create a point using Three.js it looks like a square. How can I make it look round? I saw in the documentation some blending factors but I did not quite understand how to use them on my points and I don't even know whether it is the right way to do it.

One trick I used is to create an SVG circle element, render it to a canvas with canvg, and render that canvas to a texture to use in a point cloud.
By applying gradients on the circle, I can give the illusion of shininess on a 3D sphere with a 2D circle.
There's too much code to post into an answer but I have a project over at Github you can look at, if interested, which demonstrates the idea. See: and the associated demo at:
If you just want circles and no "shiny" effect, you could remove the gradients. Or draw a circle directly to a canvas element and skip SVG altogether.

Alex Reynolds' answer is correct. I add this one to give more details : as far as I know there are two ways to customize your points' look.
As the docs suggets, using textures (THREE.PointsMaterial({map:texture})):
The most intuitive is to use an image of yours :
var texture=THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture('url-to-my-image');
You can also draw something in a canvas and use it as a texture. This includes raw drawing in the canvas, SVG importing as Alex Reynolds suggests, or any other technique. You can check his link and look for threejs examples. This is particularly used to render 2D text on sprites, you will find more examples with that.
var texture=THREE.Texture(canvas);
Check three.js examples for more details on using textures on Points
Using shaders :
If you know about shaders, you can write a small fragment shader that will result in the lightest and most precise of those solutions.


Adding Post-Processing to Canvas

I'm working on a canvas-based heatmap using a library called simpleheat ( I've got the heatmap effect working, but does anyone here know how I'd be able to achieve a glow affect like the image below? I've tried implementing this effect with Pixi filters, but haven't had any luck so far.
If you do this manually, or point by point based on xy coordinates for a map that you might have, you could just make a canvas overlay for the map and then draw points on the canvas as overlays. I think you can also set the canvas colors as rgba to make them slightly transparent.
(srry i was gonna make this a comment but i dont have enough reputation for that lol)
hope this helps

"Liquify" Surface of Points Mesh in Three.js

I loaded a Mesh from a JSON File, here is my current result:
my Project
It is an object I exported from blender as JSON and then used its vertices to create a geometry of Points (THREE.Points) (which is important for the looks of it)
I am now looking for a way to "animate" the Points, so that the "surface" looks vivid / living. So basically it should be moving around a bit, something like this (without the rotation):
Link to animated Gif
I have ruled out displacementMap, as this does not work for the PointsMaterial (or does someone know a workaround?)
Does anyone have hints or ideas? I thought of maybe morphing 2-3 Objects .. but I am not sure if this will work for a points mesh.
One approach to achieve your desired effect is to use morph target animation (also called vertex morphing). As you can see at the following example, three.js does support morph target animations with points.
There is a lot of existing literature about vertex morphing, so it should be no problem to get familiar with this technique. I suggest you create your animations in Blender, export the model to glTF and the load the file via GLTFLoader into your app like shown in the example.

Display text with WebGL

I want to display text with WebGL, and I know that there is not a built in way to do this. However, I know it can be done, with textures. I am new to OpenGL, so I don't really have much experience with shaders, so if someone could add how to set up the shaders for this. I would like to draw the entire string on the same object, instead of a bunch of seperate letters, and the strings are NOT preset, they will not always be the same. How can I get the text to appear? Also, how do I know how to space each letter?
I read post #7 at this page, and that sounds like it's what I want to do, but I don't understand exactly what It all means. (It's mostly the shader stuff I don't understand).
By the way, I am using sylvester.js
There are many ways to render text but one of the simplest is called bitmap font rendering.
All you need to get started is a sprite sheet with all of the letters you might want to render. Then you simply render a quad with the texture coordinates set to the location of the character you want to draw. To render a full sentence, just draw a bunch of quads, each representing a single letter.
Your sprite sheet will look something like the following texture.
Once you have that, you'll need the texture coordinates, essentially (x, y) coordinates in the range 0 to 1, for each character in the sprite texture. Use these when generating quad meshes. You'll end up drawing something like this to the screen:
Now that you have text on the screen, you can get fancy and take into account the glyph kerning between the letters. This allows you to render more natural text.
Unfortunately, I can't find a tutorial to point you to. And its not really something that I can whip together for you here. There are many pieces to the puzzle and its no small task (matrix math, camera's, orthographic projection, texture coords, textures, sprites, generating meshes, etc...).
If you'd like you can look through one of my projects where I have done this with WebGL. I even generate the initial sprite sheet using javascript + 2d canvas.
Sprite Sheet generated here:
Quad Mesh generated in this file:
Wrapper around WebGL:
Or You Could
Watch Notch (the guy who made Minecraft) do this, in only about 30 minutes, in Java (fast forward to 2:21 hours in):
Good luck, and have fun :)
Three.js has actual text glyph support. In addition, uses textures on shapes. if you need source let me know.
There also is my library that can draw HTML text on a 2D canvas and then use it as textures on 3D objects drawn on a 3D/WebGL canvas.

Javascript & Canvas: Endless random animation of slightly morphing circle?

I'm completely new to canvas and animating objects with it. I did a little bit of research (e.g. I found RaphaelJS) however I couldn't find any general answer or tutorial on how to create a "morphing" circle.
The image I posted here is what I would like to do:
I'd like to create one circle that is endlessly animated via a randomizer and is slightly morphing its contours.
I know this might be not a "real" question for this forum, however I just wonder if anyone could provide a few tipps or tricks on how to do something like that.
By "how to do something like that" I'm speaking actually about the technique on how to morph a circle. Do I have to "mathematically" create a circle with dozens of anchor-points along the edge that are influenced by a randomized function?
I would really appreciate some starting help with this.
Thank you in advance.
A circle can be reasonably well approximated by 4 cubic curves (one for each quarter and the control points on the tangents - google for the correct length of the control segments or calculate them yourself - see here. You could then randomly animate the control points within a small radius to get a wobbling effect.
Do I have to "mathematically" create a circle with dozens of anchor-points along the edge that are influenced by a randomized function?
Yes, you do, although it should not be necessary to create "dozens".
You may find the .bezierCurveTo() and .quadraticCurveTo() functions useful to provide smooth interpolated curves between control points.
When you can use a raster image then for every point you can displace it along the x-axis with a sin function. You can run the same function along the y-axis but instead to simply displace the pixel you can double it. This should give you a morphing circle but it also works with other shapes.

clip-path in Raphaël.js

How can I use clip-path with Raphaël.js like this example. It seams that Raphael.js has only clip-rect in it.
You can cut a hole through a path drawn shape.
This is a technique known as donut holes and you can see an example on my index page
If this looks difficult it is not
See the information database and the technique labelled donut holes
My site index is
Err it used to be.
Now you can find a multiple clip path (Imagine seeing a view through several holes}
The carousel and the thumbnail holder are just one path...
See the Raphael Crousel
A much better example I include below. The central blue region has several holes cut into it. This has multi purpose usage.
It is part of what I call a DOM / SVG hybrid solution.
Cut multi purpose holes for a variety of reasons
I don't think you can do it via Raphael. You can do it by manipulating the DOM directly, but you will loose the ability to call Raphael methods for that element.
I find Raphael a bit obsolete, now that IE supports SVG. You can do much more with plain javascript and and the SVG specification.
If, like in the example image, it's a raster image (png, gif, jpg... bitmap pixel images) you are trying to clip, it's actually really easy. In Raphael 2, you just set the fill to point at the image file. It uses it as a background image.
If you want to crop an image or photograph with a Raphael path or shape like a clipping mask or clip-path for image files, just set the image as the path's fill.
somepath.attr({fill: 'someimage.png'});
Limitations (AFAIK):
Only one image per path
Only one path per image (use compound paths for complex masks)
Things like background position aren't easy - see this question for more
I think it's impossible to stop the image repeating

