How to make link with hidden URL - javascript

I was wondering whether it was possible to make a link with <a> tags that doesn't display its URL?
Put into other words, I would like a piece of HTML that either hides or obfuscates the URL that it links to.
I have found this StackOverflow question, but I'd prefer that the link would work in all browsers (not just chrome) and was not a popup. I already have access to jQuery, Bootstrap and PHP 5.5.
Any help would be appreciated.
UPDATE: I feel this needs clarification. I do not want it to be visible in ANY way - i.e. this is a link that must NOT be shared, so I cannot simply use redirects and just hide the URL when it is hovered over - I do not want it visible in the source code either. Sorry for any inconvenience :(

You can capture the link in a closure to hide it, then point the window there when the <a> is clicked, for example
function hideLink(anchor) {
var href = anchor.getAttribute('href');
anchor.className += ' pseudolink';
anchor.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
window.location.href = href;
window.addEventListener('load', function () {
.pseudolink {
color: blue;
cursor: pointer;
text-decoration: underline;
<a id="my_link" href="">Hover over me</a>

It is not possible to completely hide the URL you are attempting to navigate to. The URL must be present in some form - such as the 'href' attribute of the <a> - tag to tell the browser where to navigate to.
However, it is possible to mask the URL with access to your server settings. Using a .htaccess file it is possible to redirect from one entered URL to another, whilst maintaining the entered URL within the address bar of the browser. There are many sources online that explain how to do this.
Simply handling each link using some logic within a PHP file may be suitable to hide the link in the source. For example, you could send every link to handler.php and specify a value for which page to navigate to, ie handler.php?page=1.
handler.php would then contain something along the lines of:
if ($_GET['page'] == 1) header('Location: /where/you/want/to/go');
if ($_GET['page'] == 2) header('Location: /where/else/you/want/to/go');
This way, the user will not know where the link actually goes and (using the .htaccess settings) unaware of the URL they have navigated to.

You could use an url minifier like this one :

<a data-link="some link here"></a>
$('a').on('click', () => {
window.location.href = $(this).attr('data-link');
User won't see the link while hovering it.


Detect if tag is in URL and then remove hidden class

I have a form on my contract form, which submits to a third party site and then I can define a URL to return the user to. I currently return the user to the same /contact page but I wanted to give them a message that it had submitted (since ajax forms don't work with the third party) and I don't want to have a whole page for it.
Therefore I had the idea to return the user to /contact#thanks
I have some code on my site which goes like this:
<div id="alert" class="hidden">Form Submitted. We will reply soon.</div>
Now I want a small bit of javascript on my page which detects if the URL has the #thanks tag on it, as above, and then removes the hidden class from my alert div. Is javascript able to detect this and if so, how do I go about it?
Include jquery and script. I test and work
if(window.location.hash) {
Siii = Yes use hash
I'm not totally sure that I've understood what are you trying to achieve, but this might help you:
if (window.location.hash === '#thanks') {

Trying to make an anchor open with javascript and python

First of all, sorry for any mistakes, I'm an extreme novice coder.
What I'm trying to do is open a link on a page (which is html generated by python), have it open in another window to an anchor. This anchor is a reversedisplay javascript, which means that I want to open the contents of where the anchor is.
The initial python/html link is as follows:
print "/>TEXT HERE<a value=\"mg-auto\" onClick=\"Open('mg-auto')\" href=\"http://LINKHERE/#mg-auto\" target=\"_blank\"><font title=\"mg-auto\" >(<span class=\"tooltip\">?</span>)</font></a>"
which you would click to lead to this:
<div id="mg-auto" style="display:none;">
<hr />
The javascript function to open the reverse display is this:
function Open(d) {
document.getElementById(d).style.display = "block";
I have implemented this function in both the html and the python.
However, for some reason the anchor won't work at all. I fiddled around and discovered that a header + id like so:
<h3 id="IDNAME"></h3>
will make a valid anchor, but the div + id like I have will not.However, I can't combine a header and the javascript function without breaking the html.
Does anyone know of a way to make an anchor work? I guess my biggest problem is no matter how I try to implement the id, when I try to link to the anchor it will not recognize the '#IDNAME'
From what I can understand, you want someone clicking on the '(?)' to get a new window where the div that is display="none" to start with gets display="block".
Putting '#mg-auto' after the link (a fragment or hash) will take you to the element with that id attribute when the page loads (it will jump-scroll to it if it is off screen). But the problem is that the onClick="Open('mg-auto')" will get run before you follow the link, not after the new page loads in a new window. So in the new window the div still has display="none".
To run something when a page loads you can use the window.onload event, so all you then need is the hash. Check the code below.
window.onload = function() {
// Check if hash exists
if(window.location.hash) {
// Remove the "#" from the hash
hash = window.location.hash.substr(1);
// Display element with id == hash
document.getElementById(hash).style.display = "block";
That code will run when everything on the page has been loaded.
PS: You can essentially put an id on any element (including div and headings) and have the hash of you url take you to it.

Detect which link was clicked with javascript that got user to specific page

Been searching on the web for a solution, but couldn't find anything, so maybe it's not possible, although I hope it still is.
What Im trying to do is detect the button (class or id) that was clicked when being redirected to another page on my site.
What I have is a portfolio page that contains a large amount of divs with different classes, so when someone clicks on a specific button on the homepage and gets redirected to the portfolio page, is it possible to detect on the portfolio page how the visitor got directed from. So detect which button got clicked.
no idea how to approach this, something maybe with if previous window.location last action find class or id.
Hopefully my question makes sense and someone can give me an idea if even possible.
I imagine it would rather be possible to do with php, but unfortunately server side languages are not an option in this case.
Examples of methods you can use
add the information in the originating url - use or location.hash depending on your choice of ? or #
Set a cookie (or use session/localStorage in modern browsers) in originating page and read it in the target page
Interrogate document.referrer (not always set)
You can't do it without either modifying the links (adding a query string or hash), or having code on the source pages (where the links are).
The former is pretty obvious: Just add a query string or hash (I'd use a hash) that identifies where the click came from, and look for the hash on the portfolio page. E.g., links:
and in the portfolio page:
var from = location.hash;
If you don't want to do that, and you can put code on those pages, it's easy: Add a click handler that sets information about the link in sessionStorage (very well-supported on modern browsers), and look for it in sessionStorage when you get to the portfolio page.
$(document).on("click", "a", function(e) {
// Maybe check the link is going to portfolio, or refine the selector above
sessionStorage.setItem("linkFrom", this.className);
and then in the portfolio page:
var from = sessionstorage.getItem("linkFrom");
You can use window.localStorage to save the last id of the clicked element.
localStorage.setItem('last_clicked_id', id);
And then read it in the next page:
Before running you should check for localStorage support:
if(typeof(Storage) !== "undefined") {
//localStorage code
} else {
//no localStorage support
this is how it works: the recent page or url is set on the URL parameters like a GET server request, but instead the client will receive it and parse it not the server. the recent page or url is on the "fromurl" parameter. on every page put this in (it's a javascript code):
function getURIparams(s) {
loc = window.location.href;
loc = loc.substring((loc.indexOf("?")+1));
loc = loc.split("&");
for (l = 0; l < loc.length; l++) {
lcc = loc[l].split("=");
if (lcc[0] == s) {
return lcc[1];
next on every anchor link put this in href:
The Link to another page
after that, on every page execute this javascript:
from_url = getURIparams("fromurl");
the "from_url" variable will be the string variable of where the user clicked before it comes to that page.
if you are to lazy to put all those anchor one by one like this, do this work around but you need jquery for this. you dont need to put the parameter on the links for it to know where it comes from it will be automatically added by jquery.
$(document).on('click', 'a', function(e){
window.location.href = + "?fromurl=" + window.location.pathname;

document.location strange behaviour? / alternative jsTree link solution?

I've build up an menu with jQuery.jsTree and every item should contain a link to a specific page. With jsTree it isnt possible to click these links due to the prevention of the standard behaviour of
<a href="index.php?content=example" ... >....</a>
links (this is actually an example of one of my links. The index.php is my standard page and just the content will be replaced). In order to fix that I found this solution:
jQuery(".tree").bind("select_node.jstree", function (e, data) {
document.location = data.rslt.obj.children("a").attr("href");
This solution works partly for me, which means the clicked link works but in the opened window Firebug tells me that jQuery is not defined. Is it possible that on document.location the browser "forget" the library imports (as I mentioned I stay on the index.php page and just replace the content)?
and the other question is: does anyone may know a better solution for the enabling of the links in jsTree without edit the library itself ?
thanks in advance!
If your links at first look like:
<a href="index.php?content=example" ... >....</a>
And you want to load the content into a div with ID maincontent
You can do something like:
$(".tree a").each(function(){
var $this = $(this);
$("#maincontent").load($this.href, function(){
// this callback functions fires once load is complete,
// incase you need to do post-load operations
return false;
This will byposs loading the new page as a normal link would, and fetch the page via AJAX and load the returned HTML into the DIV with ID maincontent.
Code is untested, but I've done this in the past so should work as is.

jQuery to add a class to image links without messing up when the link passes variables

OK so I was using a bit of jquery to select all the <a> tags on the page and if they link to an image file to add a zoom class to it for the purposes of a lightbox.
This is the code which works
$(document).ready(function () {
$('a[href*=".png"], a[href*=".gif"], a[href*=".jpg"]').addClass('zoom');
There is a problem with this though;
Say I have a link which just goes to another page but passes an image url as a GET variable in the URL the lightbox is activated as a result of this and fails because the link is not actually to an image. For example:
Link text
In the above instance the jQuery script will add the zoom class to this anchor even though it doesn't actually link to a picture.
This wouldn't usually be an issue as you would leave the page to go to the link's destination before the lightbox has a chance to appear, but in times where a new tab/window is opened I get a failed lightbox coming up.
This is particularly prevalent on social media buttons such as Pinterest which passes an image url within the link.
[apologies for the title - I wasn't sure how best to phrase it. Please feel free to edit to something more suitable]
you could add the zoom class only if href attribute doesn't contain a ? (or, in other words, a querystring is not included), e.g.
$(document).ready(function () {
$('a[href*=".png"], a[href*=".gif"], a[href*=".jpg"]').each(function() {
if (this.href.indexOf('?') < 0) {
You can parse the href with a simple regex to check that the image is not in the query string, and filter out the false positives.
$(document).ready(function () {
$imgLinks = $('a[href$=".png"], a[href$=".gif"], a[href$=".jpg"]');
$imgLinks.filter(function() {
return !$(this)

