Need help in lodash combinations to get the below object - javascript

Below is my object First step is to check the socialAuth array of objects and get the platformName which has the showStats value as false.
I have accomplished the step1 as below
var arrList2 = _.pluck(_.where(creatorObj.socialAuth, {'showStats': false}), "platformName");
['Twitter'] is the output of the arrList2
var creatorObj =
"_id": "55e5b32f3874c964cc3dfe2e",
"firstName": "xyz",
"lastName": "abc",
"socialStats": [
"reach": 205976,
"_id": "asdfasdfasdf",
"profileUrl": null,
"engagements": 126,
"platformName": "Twitter"
"socialAuth": [
"screenName": "abc",
"userId": "12341234",
"_id": "55e5b3573874c964cc3dfe33",
"showStats": false,
"platformName": "Twitter"
"channelTitle": "xyz",
"channelId": "sdfgsdfgsdfg",
"_id": "55e5a040991c1321a5b9bd79",
"showStats": true,
"platformName": "Youtube"
Second step is to check the above arrList2 with the sociaStats array and remove the value from it and print the object again.
I need help in this second step.
I need the resulting object as
var creatorObj =
"_id": "55e5b32f3874c964cc3dfe2e",
"firstName": "xyz",
"lastName": "abc",
"socialStats": [],
"socialAuth": [
"screenName": "abc",
"userId": "12341234",
"_id": "55e5b3573874c964cc3dfe33",
"showStats": false,
"platformName": "Twitter"
"channelTitle": "xyz",
"channelId": "sdfgsdfgsdfg",
"_id": "55e5a040991c1321a5b9bd79",
"showStats": true,
"platformName": "Youtube"

You need to use _.remove() to remove the elements from array based on your condition.
var creatorObj = {
"_id": "55e5b32f3874c964cc3dfe2e",
"firstName": "xyz",
"lastName": "abc",
"socialStats": [{
"reach": 205976,
"_id": "asdfasdfasdf",
"profileUrl": null,
"engagements": 126,
"platformName": "Twitter"
"socialAuth": [{
"screenName": "abc",
"userId": "12341234",
"_id": "55e5b3573874c964cc3dfe33",
"showStats": false,
"platformName": "Twitter"
}, {
"channelTitle": "xyz",
"channelId": "sdfgsdfgsdfg",
"_id": "55e5a040991c1321a5b9bd79",
"showStats": true,
"platformName": "Youtube"
var arrList2 = _.pluck(_.where(creatorObj.socialAuth, {
'showStats': false
}), "platformName");
creatorObj.socialStats = _.remove(creatorObj.socialStats, function(n) {
return !_.includes(arrList2, n.platformName);
<script src=""></script>


How to get actual keys from MongoDB result array?

let array =[
{name:"xyz", email:"", date:"22/10/2020" },
{name:"abc", email:"", date:"29/12/2020" },
{name:"efg", email:"", date:"20/01/2021" },
{name:"pqr", email:"", date:"12/08/2020", age:"20" },
{name:"stu", email:"", date:"19/09/2020", age:"21" },
After performing certain operations I got the above array of objects as output from mongodb collection. From that array I want to get all keys and compare each and every object in an array and if any property present in any object not there in another object then I want to assign the property with empty string value.
To perform that operation I have written the code as shown below-
const keys = array.reduce(
(acc, curr) => (Object.keys(curr).forEach((key) => acc.add(key)), acc),
new Set()
const output = =>
[...keys].reduce((acc, key) => ((acc[key] = item[key] ?? ""), acc), {})
By performing above operations along with my original keys I am getting unnecessary keys like "$__", "$isNew", "_doc"
"$__": {
"activePaths": {
"paths": {
"_id": "init"
"states": {
"ignore": {},
"default": {},
"init": {
"_id": true
"modify": {},
"require": {}
"stateNames": [
"strictMode": false,
"skipId": true,
"selected": {},
"fields": {},
"exclude": null
"$isNew": false,
"_doc": {
"_id": "62e6791b049e103f612f0882",
"name": "pqr",
"email": "",
"date": "12/8/2020",
"age": "20",
"name": "pqr",
"email": "",
"date": "12/8/2020",
"age": "20",
"name": "xyz",
"email": "",
"date": "22/10/2020",
"age": ""
"name": "abc",
"email": "",
"date": "29/12/2020",
"age": ""
"name": "efg",
"email": "",
"date": "20/01/2021",
"age": ""
"name": "pqr",
"email": "",
"date": "12/08/2020",
"age": "20"
"name": "stu",
"email": "",
"date": "19/09/2020",
"age": "21"
If I am using same code for normal array instead of resultant array from mongoodb I am getting correct output.
Please help me in resolving the above issue.
if you have few fields and you know their names you can do it on server like bellow, in simple way
check if field (if missing it will be false) if its there keep old value, else add it with ""
the bellow doesn't work with boolean fields, if you have those you should check if type="missing" but in your case you dont have boolean fields so it will be ok
{"name": {"$cond": ["$name", "$name", ""]},
"email": {"$cond": ["$email", "$email", ""]},
"date": {"$cond": ["$date", "$date", ""]},
"age": {"$cond": ["$age", "$age", ""]}}}])

How could I take only the items in an array of objects that match the users input

I have a response body that looks something like this:
"id": "provider-a7d49a99-53c0-4b7c-9be3-8b9efc828f1b",
"fullName": "Dr. Tim Lucca, FSE",
"firstName": "Tim",
"lastName": "Lucca",
"prefix": "Dr.",
"suffix": "FSE",
"phone": "(303) 520-4571",
"state": "CO",
"doseSpotID": 185012,
"active": "active",
"capabilities": {
"demographic": [
"geographic": [
"linguistic": [
"credentialedPayors": null
"invitePending": false
"id": "provider-450de310-fcb5-4e71-9d72-b6b320b2eb0a",
"fullName": "Mr Doc Torr",
"firstName": "Doc",
"lastName": "Torr",
"prefix": "Mr",
"suffix": "",
"phone": "(303) 520-4571",
"state": "CO",
"doseSpotID": 186856,
"active": "active",
"capabilities": {
"demographic": [
"geographic": [
"linguistic": [
"credentialedPayors": null
"invitePending": false
I have a search field for the user that they are able to search by fullName, phone, and geographic. Im trying to understand how to sort the list returned and display only the items in the list that have a match for the users input. What would be a good way to sort through the array of objects and creating an array of matches for the users search? Right now my component is just displaying all of the items returned.
for an exect match i would do this
let to_sort =
"id": "provider-a7d49a99-53c0-4b7c-9be3-8b9efc828f1b",
"fullName": "Dr. Tim Lucca, FSE",
"firstName": "Tim",
"lastName": "Lucca",
"prefix": "Dr.",
"suffix": "FSE",
"phone": "(303) 520-4571",
"state": "CO",
"doseSpotID": 185012,
"active": "active",
"capabilities": {
"demographic": [
"geographic": [
"linguistic": [
"credentialedPayors": null
"invitePending": false
"id": "provider-450de310-fcb5-4e71-9d72-b6b320b2eb0a",
"fullName": "Mr Doc Torr",
"firstName": "Doc",
"lastName": "Torr",
"prefix": "Mr",
"suffix": "",
"phone": "(303) 520-4571",
"state": "CO",
"doseSpotID": 186856,
"active": "active",
"capabilities": {
"demographic": [
"geographic": [
"linguistic": [
"credentialedPayors": null
"invitePending": false
let user_fullName = 'Dr. Tim Lucca, FSE'
let phone = '(303) 520-4571'
let geographic = 'CO'
let result = to_sort.filter((obj)=>{
if(obj.fullName !== user_fullName){
return false
if( !== phone){
return false
return false
return true
to check if 1 of the properties is the same (not gonna put the data in is its quite big)
let user_fullName = 'Dr. Tim Lucca, FSE'
let phone = '(303) 520-4571'
let geographic = 'CO'
let result = to_sort.filter((obj)=>{
if(obj.fullName === user_fullName || === phone || obj.capabilities.geographic.includes(geographic)){
return true
return false
in both cases result is an array of objects which have met the criteria

how to remove sessionID:null value objects from the array nested inside the array of objects in js

"_id": "5edfb4e587a1873120735dcf",
"firstname": "abc",
"lastname": "abc",
"sessions": [
"_id": "5efc68d146d8330a449e7108",
"sessionID": null
"_id": "5efc68e646d8330a449e710a",
"sessionID": null
"_id": "5eedf5685bdb7d33c83186e7",
"firstname": "sam",
"lastname": "ple",
"sessions": [
"_id": "5efc692d46d8330a449e710c",
"sessionID": null
"_id": "5ef04df83e41dd5b78fe6908",
"firstname": "User",
"lastname": "name1",
"sessions": [
"_id": "5efc6a8846d8330a449e710e",
"sessionID": null
"_id": "5efc6abd46d8330a449e7110",
"sessionID": null
"_id": "5efe0d0c7300073244d765d9",
"sessions": [],
"firstname": "User",
"lastname": "name1"
You need to map over your array and filter out sessions with null
let originalArray = [
"_id": "5edfb4e587a1873120735dcf",
"firstname": "abc",
"lastname": "abc",
"sessions": [
"_id": "5efc68d146d8330a449e7108",
"sessionID": null
"_id": "5efc68e646d8330a449e710a",
"sessionID": null
.... the rest of your orignal object
let newArray = => {
let sessions = item.sessions.filter(session => {
return session.sessionID !== null
return {

How we remove full object of array from array of object using JavaScript or lodash?

My JSON looks like this:
"success": true,
"data": [
"user": {
"firstname": "demo",
test1": {
"role": {
"name": "demo"
"status": "pending",
"test2": {
"telephone": "+demo"
"authData": [
"_key": "demo",
"_id": "demo",
"session": {
"_key": "demo",
"uid": "demo",
I want to remove authData array from JSON.
First your JSON is invalid. This is corrected version:
"success": true,
"data": [
"user": {
"firstname": "demo",
"test1": {
"role": {
"name": "demo"
"status": "pending",
"test2": {
"telephone": "+demo"
"authData": [
"_key": "demo",
"_id": "demo"
"session": {
"_key": "demo",
"uid": "demo"
Now you can use DELETE operator to delete your key.

Getting a variable from a multidimentional JSON array using Jquery

I am retrieving a multidimensional JSON array using JQUERY.
I need to print out various items from the array, but am having a hard time figuring out how to go through the array and get these items so I can insert them into the HTML.
Here is an example of the array (this is what is taken from the jsonpage.php referenced below.
"full_name":"John Doe",
"name":"Johnson, NY",
"stub":"frisco tx",
"name":"Top Customers",
"stub":"top customers",
"address_country":"United States"
"value":"Johnson, NY\nUnited States"
"label":"Current Credits",
"label":"Total Purchased Amount",
"label":"Last Login",
"value":"2014-05-25 23:14:19"
And here is the jquery success code:
$.post('/jsonpage.php', post_data, function(response) {
Now, if I put alert(response); within the function i.e.:
$.post('/jsonpage.php', post_data, function(response) {
Then, it 'does' alert the entire JSON string as listed above.
However, if I put this:
$.post('/jsonpage.php', post_data, function(response) {
Then, I get UNDEFINED in the alert box. I have tried a few different variables to 'alert' and they all come back undefined.
Thanks for your help!
And so on.
Here are some ways of using the data in your json response. Hope it helps.
$.post('/jsonpage.php', post_data, function(response) {
if (!response.contacts || !response.contacts.length) {
alert("Error loading that/those contact(s)");
for (var i=0, c; c = response.contacts[i]; i++) {
// c is each contact, do stuff with c
alert("That contact was created at " + c.created_at + " and last updated at " + c.updated_at);
var cities = [];
for (var j=0, a; a = c.addresses[j]; j++) {
// a refers to each address
alert(c.full_name + " lives in " + cities.join(" and ") + ".");
for (var j=0, cf; cf = c.custom_fields[j]; j++) {
// cf is each custom_field
// build a form or something
// element label is cf.label
// element value is currently cf.value
var p = document.createElement("p");
var el = document.createElement("input");
el.type = "text";
el.value = cf.value;
Try this
var data = { "count": 1, "total_count": 1, "contacts": [{ "id": 92840643, "user_id": 55536, "first_name": "John", "last_name": "Doe", "full_name": "John Doe", "initials": "JD", "title": null, "company": null, "email": "", "avatar": "", "avatar_url": "", "last_contacted": null, "visible": true, "twitter": null, "facebook_url": null, "linkedin_url": null, "first_contacted": null, "created_at": "2014-05-26T19:06:55Z", "updated_at": "2014-05-26T19:12:42Z", "hits": 0, "user_bucket_id": 486405, "team_parent_id": null, "snoozed_at": null, "snooze_days": null, "groupings": [{ "id": 21554286, "type": "Grouping::Location", "name": "Johnson, NY", "stub": "frisco tx", "bucket_id": null, "user_id": 55536, "domain_id": null, "editable": null, "conversable": null, "locked": null, "derived_from_id": null }, { "id": 21553660, "type": "Grouping::Bucket", "name": "Top Customers", "stub": "top customers", "bucket_id": 486405, "user_id": 55536, "domain_id": null, "editable": null, "conversable": null, "locked": null, "derived_from_id": null, "has_followups": true, "num_days_to_followup": 30, "program_id": null}], "email_addresses": [""], "tags": [], "contact_status": 3, "team_last_contacted": null, "team_last_contacted_by": null, "phone_numbers": [], "addresses": [{ "_id": "538390cfcc0fb067d8000353", "created_at": "2014-05-26T19:06:55Z", "deleted_at": null, "extra_data": { "address_city": "Johnson", "address_state": "NY", "address_country": "United States" }, "label": "Address", "primary": null, "remote_id": null, "updated_at": "2014-05-26T19:06:55Z", "username": null, "value": "Johnson, NY\nUnited States"}], "social_profiles": [], "websites": [], "custom_fields": [{ "_id": "538390cfcc0fb067d8000354", "custom_field_id": 46639, "deleted_at": null, "label": "WeeklyNews", "value": "YES" }, { "_id": "538390cfcc0fb067d8000355", "custom_field_id": 46640, "deleted_at": null, "label": "Current Credits", "value": "142" }, { "_id": "538390cfcc0fb067d8000356", "custom_field_id": 46641, "deleted_at": null, "label": "Total Purchased Amount", "value": "400" }, { "_id": "538390cfcc0fb067d8000357", "custom_field_id": 46642, "deleted_at": null, "label": "VDownloads", "value": "112" }, { "_id": "538390cfcc0fb067d8000358", "custom_field_id": 46643, "deleted_at": null, "label": "AEDownloads", "value": "9" }, { "_id": "538390cfcc0fb067d8000359", "custom_field_id": 46644, "deleted_at": null, "label": "ADownloads", "value": "53" }, { "_id": "538390cfcc0fb067d800035a", "custom_field_id": 46638, "deleted_at": null, "label": "Last Login", "value": "2014-05-25 23:14:19" }, { "_id": "538390cfcc0fb067d800035b", "custom_field_id": 46649, "deleted_at": null, "label": "Label", "value": "Group1"}]}] };
//get count
alert(data["count"]); //1
//get first contacts data
data["contacts"][0]["id"] //retruns 92840643
//do same for others to get data

