Updating Parent scope from child doesnot update ngrepeat - javascript

Im having problem communicating child controller with parent controller,
i hv a function that push data to parent array which is included in ngrepeat.
after pushing the parent array is appended correctly, and its length is shown correctly in parent controller, yet the ngrepeat doesnot refresh.
<div ng-controller="parentCtrl">
This works {{shared.arr.length}} <br/>
This works Too{{shared.arr|json}} <br/>
<div ng-repeat="a in shared.arr">
{{a}} This dont, it only show old data.
<section ng-contoller="childCtrl">
<button ng-click="test()">Test</button>
.controller('parentCtrl', function ($scope) {
$scope.shared = {arr:[1,2]};
.controller('childCtrl', function ($scope) {
$scope.test = function(){$scope.shared.arr.push(4);}

angular.module('testApp', [])
.controller('parentCtrl', ['$scope', parentCtrl])
.controller('childCtrl', ['$scope', childCtrl]);
function parentCtrl ($scope) {
$scope.shared = {
arr: [1, 2]
function childCtrl ($scope) {
$scope.test = function (arr) {
<div ng-controller="childCtrl">
<button ng-click="test(shared.arr)">Test</button>
try this code.
there were 2 mistakes:
1) ng-controller="childCtrl", not ng-contoller="childCtrl"
2) you passed into 'test' function parent's variable. It can make a lot of errors that no so clear in this example, but it can be.
Use 'controller as' syntax. You can read about this here.

Since this code is working fine in my case, I will assume that in your code also you have done the mistake of writing controller as contoller in<ng-contoller="childCtrl"> , which is a very silly mistake :)


How to get the controller of a form

Say I have several forms each with their own controller that look like this
<div ng-controller="MyController1 as ctrl">
<label>Some label </label>
<div ng-controller="MyController2 as ctrl">
<label>Some label </label>
And I have a global controller, that gets the information about the form names. Now I want to find the controllers for each form. For instance, if in my global controller function, I get the name of the first form, how can I find out that its controller is MyController1? Is that even possible?
Calling a controller from another controller is possible. But, I believe the problem you're trying to solve is somewhere else: the architecture of your app.
Ideally, your app should 'react' to changes on the state. The state should be kept in a single place (also called 'single source of truth'), ie. a service. Then you share that service state with as many controllers as you need.
You can either update the service state directly from the controller, or by calling a method on the service itself.
Look at the example below. I hope that sheds some light.
angular.module('app', [])
.service('MyService', function(){
var self = this;
self.state = {
name: 'John'
self.changeNameFromService = function() {
self.state.name = 'Peter';
.controller('Ctrl1', function($scope, MyService){
$scope.state = MyService.state;
$scope.changeName = function(){
// update the state of the scope, which is shared with other controllers by storing the state in a service
$scope.state.name = 'Mary';
.controller('Ctrl2', function($scope, MyService){
$scope.state = MyService.state;
// call a method defined in service
$scope.changeName = MyService.changeNameFromService;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.23/angular.min.js"></script>
<div ng-app="app">
<div ng-controller="Ctrl1">
Ctrl1: {{state.name}}
<button ng-click="changeName()">Change name!</button>
<div ng-controller="Ctrl2">
Ctrl2: {{state.name}}
<button ng-click="changeName()">Change name from service!</button>

Angular Nested Controllers Access ng-repeat data

I have two controllers, one nested inside the other, both using ng-repeat to essentially list arrays of related data. I'd like to access one of the properties in the ng-repeat of the parent controller in the child controller. I'm pretty new to Angular and not sure how to get this working or if I'm approaching it the wrong way. Any guidance would be helpful.
<div class="container" ng-app="myApp">
<div class="task" ng-controller="TaskController as taskCtl" ng-repeat="task in tasks">
<li ng-controller="AttachmentController as attachmentCtl" ng-repeat="attachment in attachments">{{attachment.name}}</li>
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('TaskController', ['$scope', function ($scope) {
$scope.tasks = [{name:'thing1', id: '123456'}, ... ];
app.controller('AttachmentController', ['$scope', '$http', function ($scope, $http) {
$scope.attachments = [];
$scope.init = function init() {
$http.get('/api/attachments&task_id=' + **HOW_DO_I_GET_TASK_ID_HERE** )
.then(function(response) {
$scope.attachments = response.data;
I'd like to load the attachments as they relate to the tasks based on the task id for a given iteration through ng-repeat. Not sure if I'm going about this the wrong way.
Although it would be better to use a ng-repeat with a filter on all the attachments with the given id. Since now you are calling the /api/attachments&task_id for each task iteration.
Or to send the list of attachments directly on the /api/tasks call. Therefor you could loop them instantly when looping the tasks, without the need of fetching them on each iteration.
A possible solution according to your code provided:
<div class="container" ng-app="myApp">
<div class="task" ng-controller="TaskController as taskCtl" ng-repeat="task in tasks">
<li ng-controller="AttachmentController as attachmentCtl" ng-repeat="attachment in getAttachments(task.id)">{{attachment.name}}</li>
app.controller('AttachmentController', ['$scope', '$http', function ($scope, $http) {
$scope.getAttachments = function(id) {
$http.get('/api/attachments&task_id=' + id)
.then(function(response) {
return response.data;
Something like this from the child controller should work:
<div class="container" ng-app="myApp">
<div class="task" ng-controller="TaskController" ng-repeat="task in tasks">
<li ng-controller="AttachmentController" ng-repeat="attachment in fetchAttachments(task)">{{attachment.name}}</li>
Child Controller:
This fetchAttachments will be called for every iteration of the parent ngRepeat. You will have to "return" the result of the Ajax call to this function for it to work.
$scope.fetchAttachments = function (task) {
// call ajax
// return the result of ajax

Setting a scope variable from a directive with AngularJS

I've gone through what must be 20 similar questions asked on SO but have yet to find a solution for my situation, so I hope you guys can help me out.
The goal is to sort the list of names by the property that's provided in the "sort-type" attribute of the directive, but only for the list within each controller (not all lists at the same time).
<div ng-controller="TestController as testOne">
<b>By:</b> {{testOne.sortType}}<br>
<b>Reverse:</b> {{testOne.sortReverse}}<br>
<div ng-repeat="item in testOne.list">
<p table-sort sort-type="name" sort-reverse="false">Sort by name</p>
<li ng-repeat="childItem in testOne.childList | orderBy:testOne.sortType">{{childItem.name}}</li>
<div ng-controller="TestController as testTwo">
<b>By:</b> {{testTwo.sortType}}<br>
<b>Reverse:</b> {{testTwo.sortReverse}}<br>
<div ng-repeat="item in testTwo.list">
<p table-sort sort-type="name" sort-reverse="false">Sort by name</p>
<li ng-repeat="childItem in testTwo.childList | orderBy:testTwo.sortType">{{childItem.name}}</li>
Javascript (Angular)
var app = angular.module('demo', []);
app.controller('TestController', TestController);
function TestController() {
var vm = this;
vm.sortType = 'oldOrder';
vm.sortReverse = false;
vm.list = [1];
vm.childList = [{ name: 'Jimmy' },
{ name: 'Danny' },
{ name: 'Bobby' }];
app.directive('tableSort', tableSort);
function tableSort() {
var directive = {
restrict: 'A',
link: linkFunc,
return directive;
function linkFunc(scope, element, attr) {
element.on('click', function() {
if(scope.sortType === attr.sortType) {
scope.sortReverse = !scope.sortReverse;
} else {
scope.sortType = attr.sortType;
JSFiddle here
My actual application is a bit more complex but I've tried to abstract it as much as possible.
Thanks for looking :)
Ok Several things going on here:
you are using the controllerAs syntax on your templates but
you are changing scope variables in your directive. hence your
controller variables are never changed.
your directive is inside of the ng-repeat which means that
you are actuating actually on a child scope so if you are setting
variables directive on the scope your ng-repeat won't be able to
reach them because they are being set after the child scope are
you are using element.on which executes outside of angular
digest which means you would have to call scope.$apply to let
angular know that something happened.
Take a look at this
i hope it helps

how to trigger an event in controller2 based on an action in controller1

Here is the plunkr i have created.
Basically i am facing 2 issues with this piece of code -
I need help loading months in the drop down and
When month is changed in the dropdown from headerController, the sales for that month is displayed in detailController. I am trying to create a dependency between multiple controllers using a service.
I will appreciate any help fixing these 2 issues.
You can use $broadcast service for event purposes. Following is the link which explains the use of $broadcast and communicating between two controllers.
enter code herehttp://plnkr.co/edit/d98mOuVvFMr1YtgRr9hq?p=preview
You could simply achieve this by using $broadcast from one controller in $rootScope and listen that event in $scope using $on. Though I would suggest you to use service that will share data among to controller. Using dot rule will reduce your code. Take a look at below optimized code. Also you could replace your select with ng-repeat with ng-option to save object on select.
<div data-ng-controller="headerController">
<h3>Select Month</h3>
<select id="month" ng-model="sales.selectedMonth"
ng-options="month.monthId for month in sales.monthlySales">
<div data-ng-controller="detailsController">
<h3>Sales for Month</h3>
<div ng-bind="sales.selectedMonth"></div>
app.service('valuesService', [function() {
var factory = {};
factory.sales = {}
factory.sales.salesForMonthId = 10;
factory.sales.months = [1, 2];
factory.sales.monthlySales = [{monthId: 1,sales: 10}, {monthId: 2,sales: 20}];
factory.sales.selectedMonth = factory.sales.monthlySales[0];
return factory;
app.controller('headerController', ['$scope', 'valuesService',
function($scope, valuesService) {
$scope.sales = {};
function getData() {
$scope.sales = valuesService.sales;
app.controller('detailsController', ['$scope', 'valuesService',
function($scope, valuesService) {
$scope.sales = {};
function getData() {
$scope.sales = valuesService.sales;
Demo Plunkr
I can see the months are already loading fine.
For proper data binding to work across service and controller, you would need to bind one level above the actual data, resulting a dot in your expression. This is because javascript doesn't pass by reference for primitive type.
In service:
factory.data = {
salesForMonthId: 0
In controller:
app.controller('detailsController', ['$scope', 'valuesService',
function ($scope, valuesService) {
$scope.values = valuesService.data;
In template:

Can't get the datas in angularJs

I have html page like
<div ng-controller="userListControl">
<div ng-controller="userDetailsControl">
And i have angular Js code is
var userDirectory = angular.module('userDirectory',[]);
userDirectory.controller("userListControl", ['$scope','$http', function($scope, $http)
$http.get('data/userData.json').success (function(data){
$scope.users = data;
$scope.users.doClick = function(user,event) {
function userInfo(users)
userDirectory.controller("userDetailsControl", function($scope)
$scope.user = users;
Here Everything is working fine. But when we are calling click event, That userInfo called with particular Data. But Second controller gives an error(angular js Error).
I am new one in angular jS. I dont know this logic is correct or not.
I have list items in first Controller. When we are clicking on list, It gets data from particular list and passed to another design. That design have detailed data. So the 2nd controller shows particular list detailed Section
First, There is no need to declare your controller inside a function - I don't think that you're trying to lazy-load controllers. Make it available to your app when it starts.
Second, you need to pass data to the userDetailsControl controller. There are various ways to do this, but here you could just use the $rootScope.
var userDirectory = angular.module('userDirectory',[]);
userDirectory.controller("userListControl", function($scope, $rootScope, $http)
$scope.selectUser = function(user){
$rootScope.selectedUser = user;
.success (function(data){
$scope.users = data;
.controller("userDetailsControl", function($scope, $rootScope){
$rootScope.$watch("selectedUser", function(newVal){
$scope.user = newVal;
and in your HTML:
<div ng-controller="userListControl">
<button ng-repeat="user in users" ng-click="selectUser(user)">{{user.name}}</button>
<div ng-controller="userDetailsControl">

