jQuery jail plugin makes firefox extremely slow - javascript

I have images on page which are loaded if user scrolls down to them and this functionality is made by using jQuery plugin named JAIL.
Everything works fine and fast in chrome, but firefox lags very much (sometimes it takes a few seconds to scroll down a bit).
Images are "jailed" in this way:
Did somebody face the same issue?

As long as last time the library was updated a year ago I changed it to another. It didn't take much time and performance is much better in FF and slightly seen in Chrome.


jQuery ScrollTo Skips and is Notchy

I have an issue with jQuery ScrollTo.
It skips and there is a lag when applied to my page.
Here's a link to the jsFiddle example that works and here is the same code applied to my page that does not work.
It might function correctly on some machines but all the machines I have tested this on don't!
Might there be an issue with the amount of images I am using?
Is there anything I can do to overcome this?
The problem there is the background image. On "poor peformances machines", using a full page background image like you did and scrolling is not very efficient.
For instance, my machine at work lags as hell on your page, either using the top menu or regular scrollbar. On the otherhand, my MacBook Pro handles your page perfectly with a smooth feel when using the top menu to scroll.
I tested it using chrome on my machine, and removing the background image using developers tools. It now works perfectly. As soon as I put the background image back, it starts lagging again.
Its a bit jumpy on my machine (your site that is), but one thing i noticed that may help is that it is really nice and smooth smooth if i very quickly click back and fourth between 'Senior Executive' and 'Experienced Hire'.
Is there any callback or some calculation being done before, during or after the scroll perhaps?

Chrome jquery .animate() leaves 'movement' lines

I have a div, so that when I click, it will toggle to expand, or retract. It works pretty well on all browsers, though there is a thing that intrigues me. On Google Chrome when it retracts it leaves small lines from the movement.
www.rezoluz.com/login.php - The page
To see it, open that page with Google Chrome. And click on the register button twice, on the second time it will leave lines, normally, but not on other browsers. I'm using a standard .animate, with jquery. All help is greatly appreciated.
Also, here is a jsfiddle showing the result : http://jsfiddle.net/rwQPu/2/ . Error in Chrome 21.0.1180.81 beta-m Win7.
It's a bug of chrome. See a previously asked question here :
Odd “shaking” effect when animating width with jQuery (only in Chrome!)
This is not a coding problem but actually a bug in certain versions of Google Chrome, as unlikely that may sound.
There is no fix as far a I know, we just need to wait for Google to resolve their problem, knowing Google that will be done from the moment they find out about it.

Why is this website sooo slow in IE8

I just finished a website: http://www.basenharald.nl and all is good in IE9, chrome and firefox.
It does not support browsers < IE8, but that is planned.
However the website is really really slow in IE8 and for some reason some people encounter that the scrolling divs do not work (not all IE8 users).
Any help on these issues would be greatly appreciated since i cannot locate the problems.
Because IE8 just renders these animations VERY poorly. Also slow PC's will have issues with the animations.
You should detect IE8 (and lower) and disable those effects, because they are not functionally necessary
First of all well done on a good looking site. I have used Developer Toolbar in Chrome to detect the following problem. Your site uses or reference a page called daddy-shoutbox.php. This code in this page or calling code to this page is causing a infinite loop or continues call. From my results I could see that that page takes on aggregate about 500ms to load.
From the browser perspective I can only assume that IE8 actually shows the symptoms of this loop. My stats showed that the page has made over 130 requests and counting after 2mins.
Not modern browsers and, as douwe said, even slow PCs will be affected.
The parallax animation requires lots of CPU time and the effect is mainly related to the aesthetics of the website.
A good compromise between usability and aesthetics could be achieved by reducing the parallax effect.
I suggest you to remove the effect from the text ( class: contentwrapper). It will save you some CPU time and it will give you a more readable text.
You could even switch to a normal scroll bar. For my experience, customized scrollbars, always give some trouble with the users ;)
If you are happy with the experience on the modern browsers, you could simply discriminate older browsers.
With jquery you can use this
good luck
In Opera 11.52 it doesn't load at all..

Jquery Image Fade Lightbox-Like/Effect Stutter in Firefox

So I hand-made my own lightbox-like effect and I've run into a little bit of a problem on Firefox. In Chrome, the fade-in looks clean and smooth. And IE, well lets just say I have a conditional statement that opts out of the code if the user is browsing in IE.
Firefox looks a bit stuttered, but I'm pretty sure the image is loaded properly.
So I am wondering if there is a way to smooth these types of things out?
My code looks something like this for the click function, although I dont know if this will be of much help.
About all you can do (from my experience at least) is add more time to the transition. FF is just a little slow when it comes to these things.

jquery scrollTop performance in IE 8

I'm using jQuery .scrollTop to scroll image within a div. It works great in Firefox - scrolling is very smooth and fast. In IE 8 scrolling is very slow and glitchy - image scrolls once in about a second - two seconds. Image size is on average between 2000 * 2000 and 4000 * 4000 pixels.
Is there a way to improve this for IE 8?
Performance in IE 7 is slightly better, but still not good enough.
Thank you
Edit: I believe that an issue is in how scrolling is implemented in IE 7 and 8. I have enabled both scroll bars (overflow-x and overflow-y), and I have tried scrolling an image using these scroll bars. Issue is exactly the same. I've tried running this on a fairly underpowered PC - pentium dual core few years old with 2 GB of RAM as well as Core i7 desktop with 2.8GHz CPU 1600Mhz RAM and the results are nearly identical. FireFox scrolls a lot faster, however its CPU usage on average is 10% higher than IE CPU usage. This leaves me puzzled...surely Microsoft would have addressed this issue by now?
Another thing that I have found slightly odd is that scrolling ran faster on a Core 2 Duo laptop. I'm wondering whether this has anything to do with graphics card drivers...does IE 7/8 even make a use of GPU?
Excuse me if any of this sounds silly, but I'm really interested in solving this problem...IE can't be that bad..
jQuery's .scrollTop() is notoriously slow in ie, and if the markup is even slightly complex or large, you'll never get it to perform well.
The solution is to not use the jQuery .scrollTop() function, but build your own based on the native properties .scrollHeight and .scrollTop.
The reason is the way ie computes offsets, which is the base of jquery's .scrollTop() slowness - you have to walk up the DOM tree and calculate offsets for every parent in ie.
jQuery does this the best it can, but you will always be able to do it faster since you know the markup in advance and can optimize this - you can even do the offset calculations in advance most of the time and just use a constant as modifier.
All that said, this might not be jQuery's fault - it can simply be a problem with ie's rendering pipeline - depending on how you made your marklup and styling of it, a scroll might force ie to completely rerender/repaint the page for every pixel you scroll, and that will slow it all down to a crawl.

