JavaScript Timer clearInterval complications - javascript

So I'm attempting to make a Pomodoro Timer without using an API (I know, stupid choice) but I feel as if I'm over-complicating this issue.
I forked my CodePen so I could post the current code here without confusing anyone. My Code Pen
To see my issue: Just set Timer to .1 and Break to .1 - You'll see the Start to Resume works fine, but the Resume to start has issues.
I built in consoleLogs to track it and I see the Work Timer TRIES to start but then breakTimer over-runs it, and duplicates on every pass.
Why isn't my clearInterval working?
Things I've tried:
Adjusting names of clearInterval,
Setting it so it goes back to startTimer instead of start
force quitting it (instead of looping it back to startInterval.
The function is virtually identical to my startFunction yet fails to work properly. Would appreciate any input (I'm new to clearInterval but I believe I am using it right.)
function breakTimer() {
$('.jumbotron').css('visibility', 'visible');
setInterval(function() {
console.log("Break Timer...");
if (breakTime < 0) {
working = false;
} else {
}, 1000);
To answer the reply:
function start() {
if (working == true){ //This keeps it from being spammable
} //Else
workTime = $('#work').val()*60;
breakTime = $('#break').val()*60;
working = true;
timer = startTimer();
Unsure if I should post every Function here

As per definition, the value returned by setInterval(...) is the ID of the created timer. As such, with your code you can only stop the last created timer because the ID in the timer variable gets overwritten, causing it to lose control over the previously created (and still running) timers.
The ID is what you pass on to clearInterval(...) to stop a timer. You will have to do this in a different way. You may ask for a different way in


clearInterval does not reset the setinterval value

I'm making a slot machine simulator to learn javascript and messing around with setInterval() and clearInterval(). To simulate the slow stopping of the rows I set asetTimeout() to clear the Intervals of my 3 columns, but the timer doesn't reset the function is still called, I also tried a console log inside the setTimeout and the calls are correct 1sec after 2sec another log and then the third. what I'm doing wrong?
Here try the game and the full code with HTML:
//Here i initialize my setInterval
wheelIntervals[i] = setInterval(function(){
columns[i][numberStart[i]].style.background = "white";
numberStart[i] = (numberStart[i]+1)<10 ? numberStart[i]+1 : 0;
columns[i][numberStart[i]].style.background = "red";
//Here i try to clear it
setTimeout(endGame(), 3000);
}); ```
Will be always called with i equal to 2
Using setTimeout inside loops might be a little bit tricky because of closures.
Here is an explanation how to do it correctly:

Sending a JavaScript interpreter back to the top of your code

Say I have 20 rows of JS code and I want the interpreter to execute only half of the code (<11 rows), then stop, without functions and returns, or without commenting the rest of the code (I already tried a return, see in advance).
A location.reload(true); in row 10 is a close solution but I'm looking for a client side stop.
My question
Is there like a stop command (or functionality) in JavaScript, that asks the interpreter to stop and behave as if no code ran so far?
Why I ask
The background for this question is a problem I have calling a function in more than one keydown event.
Given the keydown event is triggered only once, I consider sending the interpreter back to the start after the keydown event was triggered disposably, and without refreshing the page (Sorry if it seems absurd, I'm new to JS and failed finding the source of the bug).
Of course, the above question is different than the question "why does the keydown event triggered only once", which I already asked here - here's a link for context.
Preventing an XY problem
On one hand, I want to make sure there is no XY problem. On the other hand, I am not allowed to copywrite the previous question to this session hence linked to it above.
Either way, I would be glad to know if what I just described (client side stop of a JS interpreter) is even possible in the current release of the language.
Note: I decided to carefully rewrite the question after some comments earlier today (there were no answers) and did my best ensuring the question is informative and communal.
There is no stop command, but I experienced the need of it before when there was a long-running client-side operation.
The solution:
1) Divide the problem into small packets
2) Make sure you are able to make your function work only for activeMilliseconds milliseconds:
function doStuff(packets, currentIndex, activeMilliseconds) {
var start = new Date(); //Start of chunk
while((currentIndex < packets.length) && (new Date() - start < activeMilliseconds)) {
//Do something with packets[currentIndex]
return currentIndex;
3) Now that we are able to work for activeMilliseconds milliseconds, we need to use this asynchronously:
//Define packets
var currentIndex = 0;
var intervalID = setTimeout(function() {
If(currentIndex = doStuff(packets, currentIndex, activeMilliseconds) >= packets.length) clearInterval(intervalID);
}, totalMilliseconds);
Node: totalMilliseconds > activeMilliseconds should be true. For example, if totalMilliseconds is 250, and activeMilliseconds is 200, then in each 250 milliseconds a chunk will run for 200 milliseconds, leaving the browser to do its stuff for 50 milliseconds every 250 milliseconds even if there is a lot of work to do.
4) Make sure a job stops a previous similar job:
function doJob(packets, intervalID, activeMilliseconds, totalMilliseconds) {
//Define packets
var currentIndex = 0;
var intervalID = setTimeout(function() {
If(currentIndex = doStuff(packets, currentIndex, activeMilliseconds) >= packets.length) clearInterval(intervalID);
return intervalID;
}, totalMilliseconds);
If you use this idea for your key event, then it will stop the previous keyboard, your maximum wait time to do so will be activeMilliseconds, which is an acceptable compromise in my opinion.
That said, this methodology should be only used in the case when you have no other option. You need to know that Javascript has a single thread, so even if you trigger a function execution while a previous instance of the event is still running, your new event will sequentially be executed when the other event is finished.

setTimeout blocking issue

I'm writing a "Game of Life" in javascript. I have all the logic done in a function called doGeneration(). I can repeatedly call this from the console and everything goes as planned, however, if I put it in a while loop the execution blocks the UI and I just see the end result (eventually).
while (existence) {
If I add a setTimeout(), even with a generation limit of say 15, the browser actually crashes (Canary, Chrome).
while (existence) {
setTimeout(function() {
How can I call doGeneration() once every second or so without blocking the DOM/UI?
You want setInterval
var intervalId = setInterval(function() {
}, 1000);
// call this to stop it
I would use requestAnimationFrame(doGeneration). The idea of this function is to let the browser decide at what interval the game logic or animation is executed. This comes with potential benefits.
Rather than using setINterval or setTimeout and assume some random time interval will be enough for the UI to update you shoul/could make the doGeneration smart enough to call itself after dom was updated and if the condition of existence is satisfied.

clearInterval - something's amiss

It seems that everyone has a few problems with clearInterval. I have built a slider that allows people to hover a click on arrows. The banner also rotates ever few seconds. I want to be able to have the auto-rotate turn off after someone clicks on one of the arrows.
Here's my code:
var intvl = 0;
intvl = setInterval(heroTransitionNext, 2000);
Here is the function it is calling:
function heroTransitionNext() {
$('.HP-hero li').filter(':visible').fadeOut('normal', function () {
if ($(this).next().length != 0) {
activeZone = parseInt(activeZone) + 1;
$(this).next().fadeIn('normal', heroNavHighlight(activeZone));
} else {
activeZone = 1;
$('.HP-hero li:first-child').fadeIn('normal', heroNavHighlight(activeZone));
To stop the animation you can use jquery's .stop() but not sure whether it'll solve the problem or not that you are facing (didn't visualize) but you can give it a try
$('.HP-hero li').stop(1,1); // or try $('.HP-hero li').stop()
As say2joe said that clearInterval will just stop the function from invoking next time but it won't clear the current queue (he is right) so in that case stop could be used.
About Stop.
Depending on how much work your heroTransitionNext function is doing, it may still be executing even though the interval is cleared -- in other words, clearing the interval will stop the function from being invoked -- but, any instance of the function(s) executing in memory will continue to execute until finished.
To be more clear, here's a use case (you can check this out yourself by using a profiler in Firebug or Developer Tools):
heroTransitionNext execution time is 2.1 seconds.
clearInterval is invoked 6.1 seconds after setInterval is invoked.
At 6.1 seconds, heroTransitionNext has been invoked four times. The first three executions have completed, however, the fourth will not complete until it finishes executing (at 8.1 seconds since setInterval was called). Note: In this use case, each successive invokation will execute while the last invokation's execution is still continuing (for 100 more ms) -- in other words, you'll have execution overlap from 2 to 2.1, 4 to 4.1, and 6 to 6.1 second intervals.
If the function takes longer to execute than the interval set, use a recursive function with setTimeout(). The following link will give you a good example.
Also, a good reference for explanation is

When using setInterval, if I switch tabs in Chrome and go back, the slider goes crazy catching up

I have a jQuery slider on my site and the code going to the next slide is in a function called nextImage. I used setInterval to run my function on a timer, and it does exactly what I want: it runs my slides on a timer. BUT, if I go to the site in Chrome, switch to another tab and return, the slider runs through the slides continuously until it 'catches up'. Does anyone know of a way to fix this. The following is my code.
setInterval(function() {
}, 8000);
How to detect when a tab is focused or not in Chrome with Javascript?
window.addEventListener('focus', function() {
document.title = 'focused';
window.addEventListener('blur', function() {
document.title = 'not focused';
To apply to your situation:
var autopager;
function startAutopager() {
autopager = window.setInterval(nextImage, 8000);
function stopAutopager() {
window.addEventListener('focus', startAutopager);
window.addEventListener('blur', stopAutopager);
Note that in the latest version of Chromium, there is either a bug or a 'feature' which is making this less reliable, requiring that the user has clicked at least once anywhere in the window. See linked question above for details.
I post an answer here: How can I make setInterval also work when a tab is inactive in Chrome?
Just do this:
setInterval(function() {
}, 1000);
inactive browser tabs buffer some of the setInterval or setTimeout functions.
stop(true,true) - will stop all buffered events and execute immadietly only last animation.
The window.setTimeout() method now clamps to send no more than one timeout per second in inactive tabs. In addition, it now clamps nested timeouts to the smallest value allowed by the HTML5 specification: 4 ms (instead of the 10 ms it used to clamp to).
A few ideas comes to mind:
Idea #1
You can make it so that a short burst is idempotent. For example, you could say:
function now() {
return (new Date()).getTime();
var autopagerInterval = 8000;
function startAutopager() {
var startImage = getCurrentImageNumber();
var startTime = now();
var autopager = setInterval(
function() {
var timeSinceStart = now() - startTime();
var targetImage = getCurrentImageNumber + Math.ceil(timeSinceStart/autopagerInterval);
if (getCurrentImageNumber() != targetImage)
setImageNumber(targetImage); // trigger animation, etc.
return autopager;
This way even if the function runs 1000 times, it will still run in only a few milliseconds and animate only once.
note: If the user leaves the page and comes back, it will have scrolled. This is probably not what the original poster wants, but I leave this solution up since it is sometimes what you want.
Idea #2
Another way to add idempotence (while still keeping your nextImage() function and not having it scroll to the bottom of the page) would be to have the function set a mutex lock which disappears after a second (cleared by another timeout). Thus even if the setInterval function was called 1000 times, only the first instance would run and the others would do nothing.
var locked = false;
var autopager = window.setInterval(function(){
if (!locked) {
locked = true;
}, 1000);
}, 8000);
edit: this may not work, see below
Idea #3
I tried the following test:
function f() {
console.log((new Date()) + window.focus());
window.setTimeout(f, 1000);
It seems to indicate that the function is being called every second. This is odd... but I think this means that the callbacks are being called, but that the page renderer refuses to update the page in any graphical way while the tab is unfocused, delaying all operations until the user returns, but operations keep piling up.
Also the window.focus() function doesn't say if the window has focus; it GIVES focus to the window, and is thus irrelevant.
What we want is probably this: How to detect when a tab is focused or not in Chrome with Javascript? -- you can unset your interval when the window loses focus (blur), and reset it when it gains focus.
I don't know exactly what is going on in your function nextImage(), but I had a similar issue. I was using animate() with setInterval() on a jQuery image slider that I created, and I was experiencing the same thing as you when I switched to a different tab and back again. In my case the animate() function was being queued, so once the window regained focus the slider would go crazy. To fix this I just stopped the animate() function from queuing.
There are a couple ways you can do this. the easiest is with .stop(), but this issue and ways to fix it are documented in the jQuery docs. Check this page near the bottom under the heading additional notes:
I had faced similar issue, somehow this code below works fine for me.
var t1= window.setInterval('autoScroll()', 8000);
window.addEventListener('focus', function() {
focused = true;
t1 = window.setInterval('autoScroll()', 8000);
window.addEventListener('blur', function() {
focused = false;
function autoScroll()
if ( running == true){
if ( focused = true){
else {
running = true;
If you are using Soh Tanaka's image slider then just add solve your Google Chrome issue:
$(".image_reel").stop(true, true).fadeOut(300).animate({ left: -image_reelPosition}, 500 ).fadeIn(300);
Take note of the .stop() function. Ignore the fading in and out stuff, that's what I used on my version
Seconding the comment by jgerstle to use page visibility events instead, see for more around subscribing to 'visibilitychange' for hidden/visible states.
This seems to be more useful than focus/blur these days as it covers visible-but-not-selected windows if concerned also about multi-window operating systems.

