Websocket on MAMP - javascript

I am working on a personal project that has a chat message system. I want the messages to update real time for both users when a new message is sent (like facebook chat). Although I have tried multiple ways to detect changes on the database and AJAX my PHP script that SELECTs the messages I can only update the sender's message in real time. The receiver can't see the new message unless they refresh their page. So I decided to use websockets on my local environment to keep the connection open and AJAX my messages.php script when there is a change on the database. However, when I create the websocket object:
var msgsSocket = new WebSocket("ws://www.localhost:8888/messages.php");
I am getting an error:
WebSocket connection to 'ws://www.localhost:8888/messages.php' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 200
I also tested with the following URL strings:
I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Any help is welcome.
P.S. I am using MAMP


RabbitMQ: Handshake Terminated by server (ACCESS-REFUSED)

I'm trying to send RabbitMQ messages from my host machine to a Minikube instance with a RabbitMQ cluster deployed.
When running my send script, I get hit with this error:
Handshake terminated by server: 403 (ACCESS-REFUSED) with message "ACCESS_REFUSED - Login was refused
using authentication mechanism PLAIN. For details see the broker logfile.
In the broker logfiles I can see this line:
Error on AMQP connection <0.13226.0> ( ->, state: starting):
PLAIN login refused: user 'rabbitmq-cluster-default-user' - invalid credentials
I'm sure I have the correct credentials since I got them directly from the RabbitMQ pod, following the official documentation (link).
My send script is below:
const amqp = require('amqplib/callback_api');
const cluster = "amqp://rabbitmq-cluster-default-user:dJhLl2aVF78Gn07g2yGoRuwjXSc6tT11#";
amqp.connect(cluster, function(error0, connection)
if (error0)
throw error0;
connection.createChannel(function(error1, channel)
if (error1)
throw error1;
const queue = "files";
var msg = {
name: "Hello World"
var msgJson = JSON.stringify(msg);
channel.assertQueue(queue, {
durable: false
channel.sendToQueue(queue, Buffer.from(msgJson));
I know the code works as I ran the exact same script for my localhost setup and it worked. The only thing I've changed is the URL (for the Minikube RabbitMQ service).
I've seen a few other posts that contain a similar issue but most solutions are about including the correct credentials in the URI, which I have done.
Any other ideas?
You can use port forwarding the rabbitMQ service to your local machine and use UI login and check the password with the UI given by the RabbitMQ itself.
kubectl port-forward svc/rabbitmq UI-PORT:UI-PORT (must be 15672)
then from a browser
must be enough
For clearance you can check if you can login from the container itself. If the login from the container fails you can also check the yaml file or the helm chart you are using for login methods and credentials. Plain login may be disabled.
Another situation may be with the distrubution. When deploying RabbitMQ I try to use bitnami charts. I can suggest them.
If all these fails there is another way you can use. You can try to create another user with admin privileges to connect to RabbitMQ and then keep using it.
For more information, you can post container/pod logs for us to see.
Good day.

How to send chat messages using converse library

I am using openfire as an XMPP server and using converse as client library. I want to send a chat message from my chat window to openfire. For this I want to send the text to a converse method which will send the message to the XMPP server.
I am trying to send the message using the following:
var msg = converse.env.$msg({
from: 'a1#localhost',
to: 'a6#localhost',
type: 'chat',
body: "Hi"
But this sends the following frame in network of console in websocket:
message from='a1#localhost' to='a6#localhost' type='chat' body='Hi' xmlns='jabber:client'/>
This does not transfer message to the other user neither it stores it in the table. I am pretty much sure I am calling a wrong function. Can anyone povide any help.
You are calling the right function.
What you'll probably miss:
Listener of messages in "a6#localhost" client: as I read in documentation there are few functions
Probably, the right name of server. "localhost" has problem. You can
check Openfire for real service name on his own web panel
To check if a message it's delivered in Openfire you'll can check
OF's log (check debug one, but probably you'll have to enable it).
Real time messages are not stored on database, only groupchat's ones
and not everytime AND offline messages. To not find them on db means nothing
converse.listen.on('message', function (event, messageXML) { ... });
The syntax is wrong. conversejs uses strophe plugin to construct and send messages. It exposes the strophe $msg message builder for constructing stanzas. It has to be in the following format:
converse.env.$msg({from: 'a1#localhost', to: 'a6#localhost', type: 'chat'}).c('body').t('Hi');
You need to add a body node and within it a text node for the message.
You can also create and add your own api method and internally create a method that sends your custom stanza, and expose it using the api.

Some users can't connect to websocket

I am using socket.io.Some users sending message to me 'I can't send a message why ?'.I researched this problem,guess firewall or antivirus blocking websocket.If browser doesn't support the websocket,socket.io automatically switching to xhr polling,there is no problem.But If browser supports the websocket and antivirus or firewall is blocking the websocket,socket.io is not switching to xhr,and users can't send messages.How can I resolve this problem ?
Here is a websocket test report a user
Websocket support is ok,data receive is no.
You can set Socket.IO to use only XHR polling in the configuration:
io.configure(function () {
io.set("transports", ["xhr-polling"]);
See Configuring Socket.IO in the official documentation.
I have found that a lot of users end up not being able to connect successfully with socket.io. Rather than trying to continually diagnose it, I have started to build my apps to have easy fallbacks to ajax. I can in fact, change my environment variable of useSocketIO to false, and the whole site, chatting, tipping, image sharing will fallback to ajax. This does not solve the underlying issue, but has saved me a lot of headaches in lost data not being transmitted.
pseudo code on the client
# check that I have a socket object
if socket != null
# if not connected, try to reconnect
if !socket.connected and !socket.connecting
# if now connected, send socket message
if socket.connected or socket.connecting
# not connected, send via ajax
# no socket object, send via ajax

socket.io in node.js: socket.emit doesn't complete before socket.disconnect

I'm trying to use node.js as a server with socket.io (over a https connection server object, client connecting with option secure: true) with a JavaScript front end.
On the server if a login attempt fails I am calling:
On the client side I have:
this.Socket = io.connect(server, { secure: true });
this.Socket.on('disconnect', this.Socket_Disconnect);
this.Socket.on('unauthorized', this.Socket_Unauthorized);
I am able to see the disconnect event firing (with arguments set as ['booted'] regardless of whether i pass any arguments to socket.disconnect(), but the unauthorized event never makes it. Am I attempting to pass this message the wrong way?
The rationale I have here is that I want to be able to send different types of disconnect events like:
logout - clients should stop trying to connect until a user logs in
server reboot - clients should reattempt connection until they get through
I need to be able to tell on the client side why a client was disconnected by the server, is there at least some way to make sure a message has sent before calling socket.disconnect()?
Edit: this appears specific to the node.js cluster code - when the application is run on a single thread it works as expected.
Solved this by setting up a Redis server and configuring socket.io to use it within node.js if anyone finds this looking for a solution to the issue.

Is there anyway in flex to get the status of server?

we have an application where button click in flex side restarts the server and makes the client logged out. once after logout, If user logs in it gives error since the server is not up by the time. In our scenario the server takes time to restart because of the stuff(like back up). I want the user to be notified of the webserver status if he tries to log in.
is there any way to monitor the status of server in Flex side. or Will javascript help in finding whether the server is up or not?.
Also I tried redirecting to html page using external interface but I am not sure how to automatically redirect it again to the swf file when the server becomes active.the server downtime is not known(may be 2 or 5 or 10 minutes.)
So what would be the best approach.Any help would be of greatly appreciated.
Using URLLoader you can try to download a file on the server and listen to ioError or httpStatus.
private var testLoader:URLLoader;
private var testRequest:URLRequest;
testRequest = new URLRequest("http://server/testFile");
testLoader = new URLLoader(request);
testLoader.addEventListener(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS, onStatus);
private function onStatus(HTTPStatusEvent:event):void
//test the status, if the server is up, reconnect, else...
Interesting problem. When you mean restart, do you mean just a specific service like Apache or like an actual reboot of the server? I ask because it would mean different scenarios. I'm not exactly sure what you're doing, but I'll assume that you're rebooting the server.
One of the problems here is that the client logs out, which is something we do not want. What I would do is have a second server which it's sole purpose would be authentication and giving status on the other server. This is a 'man in the middle' approach where this server doesn't log you out, but all calls are redirected to the other server.
From the Flex side, you can have it calls the 'man in the middle' to see what's the status. Depending on the technology you're using (polling vs pushing), you can get the data needed and show the user the status.

