How to apply keypress and mousedown event on dynamically created textbox - javascript

I am working in an application where i have three textboxes dynamically polulated,one is for input value 2nd one is for a time and 3 rd one is also for a time both 2nd and 3 rd boxes have timepicker api in it.So now what i need i will type something in the textbox and also select time from those two timepicker boxes and values will be appending on the respective textboxes on top of them.Like i am giving a fiddle where i have implemented the situation i have reached so far,This is it DEMO
So i will write something on textbox1 and that will be that will be showing on textbox on top of it and also i will select a time from 2 nd box and 3 rd box and that will be on the 2 nd and 3 box on top of that.I am trying to use keypress and mousedown but that is not working on dynamic population of the textboxes like i tried using
$('#TextBoxContainer').on('keypress', 'input', function () {
But this is not giving the value of the textboxes .Somebody please help

Try this code.
Note : I used comma to separate the values from different text boxes.
<input id="text1" type="text" value="" />
<input id="text2" type="text" value="" />
<input id="text3" type="text" value="" />
<div id="TextBoxContainer">
<input id="btnAdd" type="button" value="Add" />
$(function () {
$("#btnAdd").bind("click", function () {
var div = $("<div />");
$('.txt1,.txt2,.txt3').change(function () {
$("#btnGet").bind("click", function () {
var valuesarr = new Array();
var phonearr = new Array();
var phonearr1 = new Array();
$("input[name=DynamicTextBox]").each(function () {
$("input[name=phoneNum]").each(function () {
$("input[name=phoneNum1]").each(function () {
$("body").on("click", ".remove", function () {
function GetDynamicTextBox(value) {
return '<input class="txt1" name = "DynamicTextBox" type="text" value = "' + value + '" /> <input class="txt2 time" id="myPicker" class="time" type="text" /> <input name = "phoneNum1" id="phoneNum1" class="time txt3" type="text" /><input type="button" value="Remove" class="remove" />';
function UpdateData() {
var text1 = ''
$('#TextBoxContainer').find('.txt1').each(function (index, Obj) {
if ($(Obj).val()) text1 += $(Obj).val() + ','
var text2 = ''
$('#TextBoxContainer').find('.txt2').each(function (index, Obj) {
if ($(Obj).val()) text2 += $(Obj).val() + ','
var text3 = ''
$('#TextBoxContainer').find('.txt3').each(function (index, Obj) {
if ($(Obj).val()) text3 += $(Obj).val() + ','

If I understood you correctly, you don't need processing keypress and mousedown events.
You just need to process onsubmit event of your form. Just read values from textbox, DateTimeBox, DateTimeBox and paste them to newly created textbox2, DateTimeBox21, DateTimeBox22.

In case you want to create dynamicly 3 input boxes with the value of text1 text2 and text3 here is the result.
And this is pretty much what i've changed:
$("#btnAdd").bind("click", function () {
var a = $("#text1");
var b = $("#text2");
var c = $("#text3");
var div = $("div");
div.html(GetDynamicTextBox(a, b , c));
Obviously in GetDynamicTextBox() function i'm filling the InputBoxes with the expected values (from a, b and c).
In case you want to update text1 text2 and text3 with the values of the generated input boxes this would do it:
here is the relevant code i've changed on this one:
var code = e.which;
$('#text1').val($('#text1').val()+', '+$(this).val());
For the above solution to work, you've got to press enter after changing each input box.
In case you preffer to not press enter here you've got a solution which works when the generated input box loses the focus.
This is the relevant code:
$('#text1').val($('#text1').val()+', '+$(this).val());
You might want to check if the new value is the same that the old one or not in this one.
PS: I'm showing here the snippet of just the first inputbox since for the rest of them is pretty much the same. The complet solution is in the jsfiddle though.


getting the value of a textbox when user enters the name/id of the field

Using jquery to get the value of a textbox.
i need to enter the id of the textbox, then use that value to get the value of the textbox using jquery.
var tt = $("#fieldname").val()
that works
now how do i enter the fieldname at runtime, and get jquery to execute the val command as if it was hard coded?
There are a few ways that you could do this. One way is to listen to one of the keyboard or change events on the textbox you enter the id into, to help determine when the input has changed. So for example
$("#inputText").on("keyup", function(keyupEvent){
var textboxId = $("#inputText").val();
var textboxIdValue = $("#" + textboxId).val();
Or another way could be to use a click event with similar kind of logic, so for example
$("#clickMe").on("click", function(){
var textboxId = $("#inputText").val();
var textboxIdValue = $("#" + textboxId).val();
An example for the use case of both can be seen here
Here is an example for you to get started with:
<p>Type "one" or "two" below</p>
<input id="search" />
<input id="one" value="This input is #one" />
<input id="two" value="And this is #two" />
<p id="result">No input specified</p>
And the corresponding jQuery code:
// Cache jQuery elements for performance and readability
var $search = $("#search");
var $result = $("#result");
$search.on("change", function() {
var search_value = $search.val();
if (search_value.length) {
search_value = "#" + search_value.toLowerCase().trim(); // Sanitise user input
if ($(search_value).length) {
} else {
$result.text("Input not found");
} else {
$result.text("No input specified");
This will show the value of the specified input, if it exists.
You can see it in action here:

Javascript - prevent onclick event from being attached to all elements with same class

I'm working on a simple form that includes an input field where the user will fill in the required amount by clicking the incrementor/decrementor. The form is created based on data pulled dynamically from the database
Below is the problematic part: html and the jquery handling it:
The incrementor, decrementor and the input field:
<input type="text" id="purchase_quantity" class = "purchase_quantity" min="1" max="6" delta="0" style = "width: 32px;" value="1">
and the jquery handling the above:
jQuery(function ($) {
$('.addItem').on('click', function () {
var inputval = $(this).siblings('.purchase_quantity').val();
var num = +inputval;
return false;
$('.removeItem').on('click', function () {
var inputval = $(this).siblings('.purchase_quantity').val();
var num = +inputval;
return false;
Now, what's happening is: onclick of the incrementor/decrementor (+ and -) the value on the input field changes across all the fields in the page instead of the one clicked only. Have spent quite some time on this with no success and will appreciate some help
The line
says, literally, to change the value on all the fields. Earlier you used
to get the value, so why not also use
to set it?
That's because siblings will get you all items on the same level.
Get the siblings of each element in the set of matched elements,
optionally filtered by a selector.
Place them in separate div elements, and adjust your setter to actually only update the siblings inside that div.
jQuery(function ($) {
$('.addItem').on('click', function () {
var inputval = $(this).siblings('.purchase_quantity').val();
var num = +inputval;
return false;
$('.removeItem').on('click', function () {
var inputval = $(this).siblings('.purchase_quantity').val();
var num = +inputval;
return false;
<script src=""></script>
<input type="text" id="purchase_quantity2" class = "purchase_quantity" min="1" max="6" delta="0" style = "width: 32px;" value="1">
<input type="text" id="purchase_quantity1" class = "purchase_quantity" min="1" max="6" delta="0" style = "width: 32px;" value="1">
you should change $(".purchase_quantity").val(num) to $("#purchase_quantity").val(num)

Jquery :How to store textbox value clientside and display?

The below code will update the display value enter by user in textbox when button clicked but in this code it will not preserve the previous value enter by user .
<h1>Type your comment below </h1>
<input id="txt_name" type="text" value="" />
<button id="Get">Submit</button>
<div id="textDiv"></div> -
<div id="dateDiv"></div>
$("button").click(function() {
var value = $("#txt_name").val();
$("#dateDiv").text(new Date().toString());
Now I want preserve all the value enter by user and when user will submit the button show both value previous as well as current.
How to achieve this ?
Can below code will help to preserve all the value
var $input = $('#inputId');
$'persist', $input.val() );
If yes how to display all value previous,current etc. when user click on button ?
If i got this right, this is what you need?
<h1>Type your comment below </h1>
<input id="txt_name" type="text" value="" />
<button id="Get">Submit</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
$("button").click(function() {
var value = $("#txt_name").val();
$("#section").prepend('<div class="textDiv">'+value+'</div>')
$("#section").prepend('<div class="dateDiv">'+new Date().toString()+'</div>')
<!-- each time you press submit, a new line will be pushed here -->
<div id="section">
If you want to display only the previous and current value the user submitted and use the data function then:
$("button").click(function() {
var input = $("#txt_name").val();
var previous = $("#textDiv").data('previous') || '';
$("#dateDiv").text(new Date().toString());
If you want all the values and you want to store them, then I would create an array. But you could always concatenate the string.
var arr = [];
$("button").click(function() {
var input = $("#txt_name").val();
var previous = $("#textDiv").data('previous') || '';
$("#dateDiv").text(new Date().toString());
Without using .data() you can do this:
$("button").click(function() {
var input = $("#txt_name").val();
$("#dateDiv").text(new Date().toString());
Instead of using two separate divs for message and date, you can use a single div.
<h1>Type your comment below </h1>
<input id="txt_name" type="text" value="" />
<button id="Get">Submit</button>
<div id="msgDiv"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
var preservedTxt = '';
$("button").click(function() {
var input = $("#txt_name").val();
var date = new Date().toString();
var msg = input + ' - ' + date;
preservedTxt = preservedTxt + '<br>' + msg;
Jsfiddle :
Storing values in array will help
var name=[];
var time=[];
$("button").click(function() {
var value = $("#txt_name").val();
time.push(new Date().toString())

press button and value increases in text box

So when the page loads the text box will contain a stored value. I want the user to press the '+' button and the value in the text box will increase by one. Im guessing this is done with JQuery...Any ideas on where to get started so far I have...
<input type="text" name="BoqTextBox" id="BoqTextBox" value="0" />
<input type="Button" value="+" onclick="AddOne(document.getElementById('BoqTextBox').value)" />
function Add(data) {
//so the current digit is passed to here, where I need to do some funky code
//where it increments the current digit by one and stores it in BoqTextBox - replacing the old digit.
//Also to note if the text box contains 124.54 for example and + is pressed
//then new value will be 125.54
Any assistance with this would be great.
Thank you
...something like data = data + 1, but then how do I return the value into the text box?
You can use jQuery's val() to fetch and set a value. In this case the code you need could look like this (demo):
<input type="text" name="BoqTextBox" id="BoqTextBox" value="0" />
<input type="Button" id='AddButton' value="+" />
$('#AddButton').on('click', function () {
var input = $('#BoqTextBox');
input.val(parseFloat(input.val()) + 1);
$('input[type="button"]').on('click', function() { // bind click event to button
$('#BoqTextBox').val(function() { // change input value using callback
return ++parseFloat( this.value, 10); // make value integer and increment 1
you are callin Addone function inline so that means your function should be AddOne()
try this
function AddOne(obj){
var value=parseFloat(obj) + 1;
var txtBox = $("#boqtextbox");
txtBox.val(parsFloat(txtBox.val())+1) ;
//do validation or set it to 0

Fill data in input boxes automatically

I have four input boxes. If the user fills the first box and clicks a button then it should autofill the remaining input boxes with the value user input in the first box. Can it be done using javascript? Or I should say prefill the textboxes with the last data entered by the user?
On button click, call this function
function fillValuesInTextBoxes()
var text = document.getElementById("firsttextbox").value;
document.getElementById("secondtextbox").value = text;
document.getElementById("thirdtextbox").value = text;
document.getElementById("fourthtextbox").value = text;
Yes, it's possible. For example:
<form id="sampleForm">
<input type="text" id="fromInput" />
<input type="text" class="autofiller"/>
<input type="text" class="autofiller"/>
<input type="text" class="autofiller"/>
<input type="button"value="Fill" id="filler" >
<input type="button"value="Fill without jQuery" id="filler2" onClick="fillValuesNoJQuery()">
with the javascript
function fillValues() {
var value = $("#fromInput").val();
var fields= $(".autofiller");
fields.each(function (i) {
assuming you have jQuery aviable.
You can see it working here:
Although I would like to note that you shouldn't include jQuery just for this functionality... if you already have it, it's great, but else just go with a:
fillValuesNoJQuery = function () {
var value = document.getElementById("fromInput").value;
var oForm = document.getElementById("sampleForm");
var i = 0;
while (el = oForm.elements[i++]) if (el.className == 'autofiller') el.value= value ;
You can see that in action too:
or if input:checkbox
document.getElementById("checkbox-identifier").checked=true; //or ="checked"

