How to empty an Array in a Script - javascript

I have a script that uses AJAX/PHP/SQL to query data and pushes it into an array with a bunch of IF's statements. The changeData function is called every 6 seconds. The first query I return I have 6 arrays. The second time i send a request, my push array(IsVacant1) is double and went to 12. after a while, I have over 500 arrays going into my .each statement.
How do I 'clear' this every time I make a request so that I am not adding arrays? Any help is most appreciated.
function changeData() {
isPaused = true;
var mydata0 = null;
$.post('php/ProductionChange.php', {
'WC': cc
}, function(data) { // This is Where I use an AJAX call into a php file.
mydata0 = data; // This takes the array from the call and puts it into a variable
var pa = JSON.parse(mydata0); // This parses the data into arrays and elements
var temp = {};
var bayData = '';
if (pa != null) {
for (var i = 0; i <= pa.length - 1; i++) {
var job = pa[i][0];
var shipdate = pa[i][1];
var status = pa[i][2];
var name = pa[i][3];
var EnclLoc = pa[i][13];
var Enclsize = pa[i][14];
var backpan = pa[i][15];
var percentCom = pa[i][16];
var IsVisible = pa[i][17];
var png = pa[i][18];
var WorkC = pa[i][20];
baydata = 'bayData' + i + '';
temp = {
job, shipdate, name, EnclLoc, Enclsize, backpan, percentCom, IsVisible, png, WorkC, status
baydata: temp
} else {
ii = 1;
//alert("There are no more job numbers in this bay location. Thank you. ");
$.each(isVacant1, function(key, value) {
var job = value.baydata.job;
var ship = value.baydata.shipdate;
var name =;
var encl = value.baydata.EnclLoc;
var EnclSize = value.baydata.EnclLoc;
var percentCom = value.baydata.percentCom;
var backpan = value.baydata.backpan;
var PngLogo = value.baydata.png;
var IsVisible = value.baydata.IsVisible;
var WorkC = value.baydata.WorkC;
var status = value.baydata.status;
var p = WorkC;
WorkC = (WorkC < 10) ? ("0" + WorkC) : WorkC;
//// remember if the encl location matches the workcell cell then do stuff based on that....... hint encl image not hiding becase of duplicate 17s
if (((encl == p) || (backpan == p)) && job != 123) {
$('#WC' + p).show();
document.getElementById("bayData" + p).innerHTML = name + ' ' + ship; // Work Cell Name and Ship Date
document.getElementById("bayData" + p + "a").innerHTML = job; // Work cell Job Number
document.getElementById("percentCom" + p).innerHTML = percentCom + '%'; // Work Cell Percent Complete
} else {
$('#WC' + p).hide();

From your question it looks like you want to clear the isVacant1 array.
In your ajax callback just put isVacant1 = []; as the first line. Like this
function(data) { // This is Where I use an AJAX call into a php file.
isVacant1 = [];
mydata0 = data; // This takes the array from the call and puts it into a variable
var pa = JSON.parse(mydata0); // This parses the data into arrays and elements
var temp = {};
var bayData = '';
From your code it's not clear how you are declaring/initializing isVacant1 so i have suggested isVacant1 = [] otherwise you can also use isVacant1.length = 0.
You can also take a look here How do I empty an array in JavaScript?


Faster way to collect data from JSON than looping in spreadsheet

I am learning Javascript and this is my first time working with Google Sheets Apps Script. What I am doing is taking a large JSON file and importing it into my sheet. After that I am populating a few hundred properties based on the key:value found in the JSON.
This is how it kinda works right now:
Go to first column and first row of my sheet.
Get the name (property name).
Search the JSON for the key and then grab the value.
Update a neighbor cell with the value found in the JSON.
Right now it all works the only issue is it seems to be pretty slow. It takes about .5-1 second per lookup and when I have 200+ properties it just seems slow. This might just be a limitation or it might be my logic.
My sheet can be found here:
My function that does everything:
function parse() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheets()[0];
var range = sheet.getRange(2,1);
var range1 = sheet.getRange("A2");
var cell = range.getCell(1, 1);
var event_line = cell.getValue();
var tmp = event_line.split(". ");
var col_number = tmp[0];
var event_name = tmp[1];
event_json = get_json_from_cell(col_number);
const obj = JSON.parse(event_json);
var traits = obj.context.traits;
var properties =;
//Get the range for the section where properties are
var traits_range = sheet.getRange("contextTraits");
var allprop = sheet.getRange("testAll");
var alllen = allprop.getNumRows();
var length = traits_range.getNumRows();
for (var i = 1; i < length; i++) {
var cell = traits_range.getCell(i, 1);
var req = traits_range.getCell(i, 4).getValue();
var trait = cell.getValue();
var result = traits[trait];
var result_cell = traits_range.getCell(i, 3);
if (result == undefined) {
if (req == "y"){
result = "MISSING REQ";
} else {
result = "MISSING";
} else {
for (var i = 1; i < alllen; i++) {
var cell = allprop.getCell(i,1);
var req = allprop.getCell(i, 4).getValue();
var prop = cell.getValue();
var result = properties[prop];
var result_cell = allprop.getCell(i, 3);
if (result == undefined) {
if (req == "y"){
result = "MISSING REQ";
} else {
result = "MISSING";
} else {

How do I make the right conditions for the url based on the value of a variable? (javascript)

My script javascript like this :
var url = 'http://my-app.test/item';
var sessionBrand = 'honda';
var sessionModel = 'jazz';
var sessionCategory = 'velg';
var sessionKeyword = 'RS 175/60 R 15';
var brand = '?brand='+sessionBrand;
var brand = '';
var model = '&model='+sessionModel;
var model = '';
var category = '&category='+sessionCategory;
var category = '';
var keyword = '&keyword='+this.sessionKeyword;
var keyword = '';
var newUrl = url+brand+model+category+keyword;
The result of console.log like this :
http://my-app.test/item?brand=honda&model=jazz&category=velg&keyword=RS 175/60 R 15
var sessionBrand, sessionModel, sessionCategory and sessionKeyword is dynamic. It can change. It can be null or it can have value
I have a problem
For example the case like this :
var sessionBrand = '';
var sessionModel = '';
var sessionCategory = '';
var sessionKeyword = 'RS 175/60 R 15';
The url to be like this :
http://my-app.test/item&keyword=RS 175/60 R 15
Should the url like this :
http://my-app.test/item?keyword=RS 175/60 R 15
I'm still confused to make the condition
How can I solve this problem?
Just use the array for params and then join them with & separator. For example:
var url = 'http://my-app.test/item';
var sessionBrand = 'honda';
var sessionModel = 'jazz';
var sessionCategory = 'velg';
var sessionKeyword = 'RS 175/60 R 15';
var params = [];
if (sessionBrand) {
params.push('brand=' + sessionBrand);
if (sessionModel) {
params.push('model=' + sessionModel);
if(sessionCategory) {
params.push('category=' + sessionCategory);
if(sessionKeyword) {
params.push('category=' + sessionCategory);
var newUrl = url + '?' + params.join('&');
The problem with your code is that it is prefacing all query parameters with a & - except for the sessionBrand. What you need in a URL is for the first parameter to start with a ?, and all others with a &. As you saw, your code doesn't do this when there is no sessionBrand.
There are number of ways to fix this. Probably the neatest I can think of is to assemble the various parts as you are, but without any prefixes - then join them all together at the end. Like this (I just saw Viktor's solution, it's exactly the same idea, but neater because he rewrote more of your earlier code):
var brand = 'brand='+sessionBrand;
var brand = '';
var model = 'model='+sessionModel;
var model = '';
var category = 'category='+sessionCategory;
var category = '';
var keyword = 'keyword='+this.sessionKeyword;
var keyword = '';
var queryString = '?' + [sessionBrand, sessionModel, sessionCategory, sessionKeyword].filter(function(str) {
return str.length > 0;
var newUrl = url+queryString;

javascript google script appendRow fails Service Error

I have a Google Apps Script that has been running for 3 months and starting a few weeks ago I'm getting a "Service Error" on the Appendrow function which I've bolded below. Any ideas on how to fix this?
function updateACOPS2(){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById(".....")
var sheetSubmission = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet8");
var dataSubmission = sheetSubmission.getDataRange().getValues();
var lastColSubmission = sheetSubmission.getLastColumn();
var ssActive = SpreadsheetApp.openById("....")
var sheetActive = ssActive.getSheetByName("AcopsAll");
var sheetMain = ssActive.getSheetByName("Sheet1");
var dataActive = sheetActive.getDataRange().getValues();
var lastrow = sheetActive.getLastRow();
for(var i = 1; i < dataSubmission.length && dataSubmission[i][2] != ""; i++){
var currentIDSubmission = dataSubmission[i][2] + dataSubmission[i][3];
var checkGotMatch = false;
var toCopyRow = sheetSubmission.getRange(i+1,1,1,71);
// copy entire row for new record
// if there is a matching record flag as matched
for(var j = 1; j<dataActive.length; j++){
var currentIDActive = dataActive[j][2] + dataActive[j][3];
var currentIDSub = dataSubmission[i][2];
if(currentIDSub != '' && currentIDSubmission == currentIDActive){
checkGotMatch = true;
// if it is a new record Append entire row
if(currentIDSub != '' && checkGotMatch == false){
ss.toast("ACOPS Active has been updated.", "Complete");
In appendRow you need to pass an array so update your appendRow and try

Passing variables through parameters in Javascript

Here I have a block of code that I've been debugging over Firebug. I want to know how I can pass my parameter foo into the function getHoliday(param,param,param). Here is the block of code from my XMLHttpRequest.
if (XMLHttpRequestObject.readyState==4 && XMLHttpRequestObject.status == 200)
var pp = null
var dd = null
var xmlResponse = XMLHttpRequestObject.responseXML;
var foo = new Array();
foo = parseXML(xmlResponse);
The first two parameters of getHoliday are un-used until later in the process. I want to first load getHoliday with data from the array foo so in the future I can use foo as shown below. As soon as my break point arrives at getHoliday, the script stops so I believe it's the parameters that are wrong. I want to point out, pp and dd are nothing, just place holders for empty undefined parameter.
function getHoliday(monthSelected,theday,names)
var HolidayName = new Array();
var holiday = ""
HolidayName = names;
monthSelected = monthSelected + 1;
for(var index = 0; HolidayName.length >= index; index++)
if(HolidayName[index] == monthSelected && HolidayName[index+1] == theday)
holiday = HolidayName[index+2]
return holiday
As soon as my gets down here, names array that I just passed becomes undefined. Why? Below is how HolidayName array should look.
HolidayName = new Array(2,4,"Party--12:00",2,22,"Eventalist Launch--6:00",2,18,"Play Day--12:00",3,17,"Play Day--12:00"););
When alerting foo the result is:
2,4,"Party--12:00",2,22,"Eventalist Launch--6:00",2,18,"Play Day--12:00",3,17,"Play Day--12:00"
Here is parseXML
function parseXML(xmlData)
var aOutput=document.getElementById("testing2");
var events = xmlData.getElementsByTagName('year').length;
for(var i=0;i< events;i++)
var eYear = xmlData.getElementsByTagName('year')[i].firstChild.nodeValue;
var eMonth = xmlData.getElementsByTagName('month')[i].firstChild.nodeValue;
var eDay = xmlData.getElementsByTagName('day')[i].firstChild.nodeValue;
var eHour = xmlData.getElementsByTagName('hours')[i].firstChild.nodeValue;
var eMinute = xmlData.getElementsByTagName('minutes')[i].firstChild.nodeValue;
var eTitle = xmlData.getElementsByTagName('title')[i].firstChild.nodeValue;
var holiStr = '"' + eTitle + "--" + eHour +":"+ eMinute + '"';
setup.push(eMonth,eDay, holiStr);
return setup;
Given the information you have provided, best guess: do you have var foo lower in the code? Javascript does not have block level scoping and these get hoisted to the top of functions and var foo lower could alter your foo value.

Asynchronous execution of javascript code

I am studying javascript and json but I've some problems: I have a script that works with json but the performances of what I wrote aren't that good. The code works only if I do a debug step by step with firebug or other tools and that makes me think that the execution of the code (or a part of it ... the one that creates the table as you'll see) requires too much time so the browser stops it.
The code is:
var arrayCarte = [];
var arrayEntita = [];
var arraycardbyuser = [];
function displayArrayCards() {
var richiestaEntity = new XMLHttpRequest();
richiestaEntity.onreadystatechange = function() {
if(richiestaEntity.readyState == 4) {
var objectentityjson = {};
objectentityjson = JSON.parse(richiestaEntity.responseText);
arrayEntita =;
}"GET", "danielericerca.json", true);
for(i = 0; i < arrayEntita.length; i++) {
var vanityurla = arrayEntita[i].vanity_urls[0] + ".json";
var urlrichiesta = "";
var richiestaCards = new XMLHttpRequest();
richiestaCards.onreadystatechange = function() {
if(richiestaCards.readyState == 4) {
var objectcardjson = {};
objectcardjson = JSON.parse(richiestaCards.responseText);
for(j = 0; j <; j++)
arrayCarte[j] =[j].__guid__; //vettore che contiene i guid delle card
arraycardbyuser[i] = arrayCarte;
arrayCarte = [];
}"GET", vanityurla, true);
var wrapper = document.getElementById('contenitoro');
wrapper.innerHTML = "";
var userTable = document.createElement('table');
for(u = 0; u < arrayEntita.length; u++) {
var userTr = document.createElement('tr');
var userTdcard = document.createElement('td');
var userTdinfo = document.createElement('td');
var br = document.createElement('br');
for(c = 0; c < arraycardbyuser[u].length; c++) {
var cardImg = document.createElement('img');
cardImg.src = "" + arraycardbyuser[u][c] + "?width=292"; = "immaginecard";
var userdivNome = document.createElement('div'); = "diverso";
var userdivVanity = document.createElement('div'); = "diverso";
var nome = "Nome: ";
var vanityurl = "Vanity Url: ";
userdivNome.innerHTML = nome + arrayEntita[u].__title__;
userdivVanity.innerHTML = vanityurl + arrayEntita[u].vanity_urls[0];
The problem is that the code that should make the table doesn't wait for the complete execution of the code that works with the json files. How can I fix it? I would prefer,if possible, to solve that problem with something easy, without jquery and callbacks (I am a beginner).
You'll have to move som code around to make that work. at first, split it up in some functions, then it is easier to work with. I dont know if it works, but the idea is that first it loads the arrayEntita. When that is done, it fills the other 2 arrays. And when the last array has been filled, it builds the table.
var arrayCarte = [];
var arrayEntita = [];
var arraycardbyuser = [];
function displayArrayCards() {
var richiestaEntity = new XMLHttpRequest();
richiestaEntity.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (richiestaEntity.readyState == 4) {
var objectentityjson = {};
objectentityjson = JSON.parse(richiestaEntity.responseText);
arrayEntita =;
}"GET", "danielericerca.json", true);
function BuildArrayEntita() {
for (i = 0; i < arrayEntita.length; i++) {
var vanityurla = arrayEntita[i].vanity_urls[0] + ".json";
var urlrichiesta = "";
var richiestaCards = new XMLHttpRequest();
richiestaCards.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (richiestaCards.readyState == 4) {
var objectcardjson = {};
objectcardjson = JSON.parse(richiestaCards.responseText);
for (j = 0; j <; j++)
arrayCarte[j] =[j].__guid__; //vettore che contiene i guid delle card
arraycardbyuser[i] = arrayCarte;
arrayCarte = [];
//If it is the last call to populate arraycardbyuser, build the table:
if (i + 1 == arrayEntita.length)
}"GET", vanityurla, true);
function BuildTable() {
var wrapper = document.getElementById('contenitoro');
wrapper.innerHTML = "";
var userTable = document.createElement('table');
for (u = 0; u < arrayEntita.length; u++) {
var userTr = document.createElement('tr');
var userTdcard = document.createElement('td');
var userTdinfo = document.createElement('td');
var br = document.createElement('br');
for (c = 0; c < arraycardbyuser[u].length; c++) {
var cardImg = document.createElement('img');
cardImg.src = "" + arraycardbyuser[u][c] + "?width=292"; = "immaginecard";
var userdivNome = document.createElement('div'); = "diverso";
var userdivVanity = document.createElement('div'); = "diverso";
var nome = "Nome: ";
var vanityurl = "Vanity Url: ";
userdivNome.innerHTML = nome + arrayEntita[u].__title__;
userdivVanity.innerHTML = vanityurl + arrayEntita[u].vanity_urls[0];
i dont know if this check:
if (i + 1 == arrayEntita.length)
but else you have to check if alle responseses have returned before executing buildtable();
AJAX requests are asynchronous. They arrive at an unknown period during execution and JavaScript does not wait for the server to reply before proceeding. There is synchronous XHR but it's not for ideal use. You'd lose the whole idea of AJAX if you do so.
What is usually done is to pass in a "callback" - a function that is executed sometime later, depending on when you want it executed. In your case, you want the table to be generated after you receive the data:
function getData(callback){
//AJAX setup
var richiestaEntity = new XMLHttpRequest();
//listen for readystatechange
richiestaEntity.onreadystatechange = function() {
//listen for state 4 and ok status (200)
if (richiestaEntity.readyState === 4 && richiestaEntity.status === 200) {
//execute callback when data is received passing it
//what "this" is in the callback function, as well as
//the returned data,richiestaEntity.responseText);
}"GET", "danielericerca.json"); //third parameter defaults to true
function displayArrayCards() {
//this function passed to getData will be executed
//when data arrives
//put here what you want to execute when getData receives the data
//"returnedData" variable inside this function is the JSON returned
As soon as you have made the ajax call, put all of the rest of the code inside the readystatechange function. This way, it will execute everything in order.
Edit: #Dappergoat has explained it better than I can.

