Node.js cors req.headers.cookie? - javascript

I have a node.js server that handles some stuff, it sits on port :9000, I built an authentication middleware to restrict some routes.
I am not able to get the cookie though, so I suspect it is because the req is coming from another place :3000 for example.
I am not trying to get the cookie express sets, I am trying to get a client side PHP cookie from the req
// using var req = http.IncomingMessage.prototype;
req.authenticated = function(callback) {
So the question is how can I setup so that whenever :3000 makes a request to my node.js server :9000 the cookie is sent with the headers?

You have a number of options:
You can put both servers behind a reverse proxy (such as nginx) and map different URLs from the same authority to different backends.
You could configure Apache (or whatever server your main site is hosted on) to forward some URLs to your Node server using mod_proxy (instructions)
You could host your Node server on a subdomain of the main server, and use the same port, then use domain-wildcard cookies
You could send the auth token explicitly as an HTTP header set by your client code (you'll need to send the raw auth token to the client accessible via JS; beware of XSS attacks)
You could have the main site send a signed request to a URL on the Node.js server to set an auth cookie on its authority (you'll need to do the same on logout, and to prevent CSRF, session fixing, and other attacks; learn about SSO techniques)


Websocket API security when accessing from a browser

Wondering about my security approach.
We have a web server with some kind of backend, and a JS frontend.
Users have to login through the frontend, with regular GET/POST requests, they get a HTTP-only session cookie set as well as a particular "wstoken" string that is available to the JS (by setting it with <script>wstoken = 'xxx';</script>
The frontend then opens a WS connection to the API server and sends an authentication request with the wstoken. If the wstoken matches what we have for the user in the DB, we accept the authentication request and consider that WS connection to be authed to that user.
I'm wondering if I'm doing it right.

AWS Load Balancer Authentication with Cognito Testing

I'd like to use an Application Load Balancer (ALB) to authenticate requests with Cognito to my node express back-end. After authenticating, the ALB maintains session with a session cookie, and will forward a few headers to the back-end in form x-amzn-oidc-* (e.g. x-amzn-oidc-accesstoken).
My application backend needs these claims to carry out requests. So how do I develop and test token signature verification locally?
Similar question here.
Headers containing identifying information and access tokens here

Google IAP Authentication for WebSockets

We have a Google http(S) LB in front of a Google Compute VM, and we are routing a subdomain to the backend which exposes only a wss endpoint. I couldn't find any example for javascript code how to use Authentication with Google IAP and OIDC Tokens.
Does Google IAP support query parameters for the authentication ?
I found this entry:
Bearer authentication for websocket
Thanks for any advice
There is no method in the JavaScript WebSockets API to customize WebSocket headers from JavaScript, you’re limited to the “implicit” auth (i.e. Basic or cookies) that are sent from the browser. Further, it’s common to have the server that handles WebSockets be completely separate from the one handling “normal” HTTP requests. This can make shared authorization headers difficult or impossible. One way to attain this is using a “ticket”-based authentication system.
When the client-side code decides to open a WebSocket, it contacts
the HTTP server to obtain an authorization “ticket”.
The server generates the ticket. It typically contains some sort of
user/account ID, the IP of the client requesting the ticket, a
timestamp, and any other sort of internal record keeping you might
The server stores this ticket (i.e. in a database or cache), and
returns it to the client.
The client opens the WebSocket connection, and sends along this
“ticket” as part of an initial handshake.
The server can then compare this ticket, check source IPs, verify
that the ticket hasn’t been re-used and hasn’t expired, and do any
other sort of permission checking. If all goes well, the WebSocket
connection is now verified.
Refer to the link for websocket security and related stack posts HTTP headers in websockets client API and Websocket authentication.

Is having the client id and client secret in code a security risk?

I'm using google calendar API to add the event to calendar. I was wondering if it would be security issue as I'm using client Id and API code in JS which can be exposed to someone using the application?
Also, if it is the case how to secure those keys?
PS- Docs that I'm following-
Have you noticed the redirect uri? THe redirect uri tells googles auth server where to return the access token.
Even if I grab your client id and client secret. I cant use it because the server is going to send the access token to the redirect uri to your server.
This is why you should not set localhost as a redirect uri. 😉
RFC oauth2 redirection endpoint
After completing its interaction with the resource owner, the
authorization server directs the resource owner's user-agent back to
the client. The authorization server redirects the user-agent to the
client's redirection endpoint previously established with the
authorization server during the client registration process or when
making the authorization request.
That being said you should try to keep these keys private you should not share them or add them to open source projects. However Client sided applications like javascript is a gray area.

securing CORS: is there a security scheme with cookies?

I have two web-servers responding on two different ports. I have the main web server that serves a website with a lot of javascript behind HTTP digest authentication, the secondary webserver only executes CGIs that can be directly accessed, always by using HTTP digest, or that can accessed with CORS by the ajax requests related to the main webserver. Both servers share the same users credentials.
My problem is that I don't want the browser to prompt for credentials when the javascript is making requests to the secondary webserver.
I came out with the idea that I could add some special header in the ajax request to the secondary web-server, and if this header is present I can ignore the HTTP authentication. Since the servers share the users credentials, if the user is able to log in into the main web-server, he'll be able to login into the second one as well.
Using a fixed header is of course useless. So the question is: is there a mechanism in CORS to tell the secondary webserver that the user is already authenticated in the first one? Something like a safe way to exchange tokens in cookies?
If it is only the ports that are different cookies will be shared across these origins. So if you know for sure that a cookie is set once the user accesses origin 1, they will be included in requests to origin 2, as long as (assuming you're using XMLHttpRequest) withCredentials is set to true.
Now of course those cookies should contain some authentication data that you verify before you let them bypass HTTP authentication.
And hopefully you're using HTTPS so that the credentials are safe from network attackers.
I'm not sure this has anything to do with CORS. What you need is a single-sign-on solution for the two different servers. You could implement a full-blown OAuth solution, or write a simple one yourself.
For a simple token-based authentication, you'd do the following:
When the user logs into your website, send down a expiring token (over SSL) that grants the user access to the web service.
Take the token and do a GET request to a non-authenticated endpoint in the web service. If the token is valid and non-expired, send an authentication token back to the browser.
As long as your web service implements HTTP authentication properly, the cookie will be set and the service calls won't prompt for credentials.

