Best WebGL framework to render million of elements [closed] - javascript

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am new to webGL and want to get started with a project. I have engineering data which has lots of elements and points.
please Help me choose what is best framework for me.
Elements in millions
Rendering quality , shadows in not important nor focus
Could support defining solid elements or custom solid element types
If my requirement cant be met due to any limitations ,even then what can be my best choice ?

This question has yet been asked here. I let this answer because you also ask for a couple of details more.
Before considering a framework, the number of 'elements' you can display and the rendering quality are only hardware-limited.
1. Elements in millions
For the average audience, don't plan to render more than 1-2 million(s). See some potree examples where you can change the amount of points. For this quantity, the main available feature in GL is POINTS, that are sort of sprites, 2D planes facing the camera. You can draw anything you want on them but keep in mind they are not volumes. It is a native GL feature so you can implement it with or without any library.
2. Rendering quality
You may mean different aspects :
framerate : this is the very first challenge of each webgl app, to keep the framerate at its highest (60 to 70FPS depending on screens). This mainly depends on the CPU-GPU computations you are asking.
antialiasing : this is a native feature of the webgl API. But it uses a lot of resources and developpers use to disable it.
higher-level rendering features can be implemented by professionnals but won't work on average devices without seriously reducing the framerate.
So regarding this list, if you don't set the antialiasing, your framerate is the only 'quality' parameter you will worry about. And it almost only depends on the CPU-GPU computations your program is asking. If you use a mature library it should barely not increase them.
3. Could support defining solid elements or custom solid element types
There comes the interest of using 'frameworks', which are initially javascript libraries, some of them looking like online 3D editors :
Babylon.js and
Three.js are the most known,
the latter being the most complete, actively supported, documented and used, as the docs, stackoverflow tag and github repository prove.
For a quick setup (and more) with WebGL, online 3D editors like let you discover it.


Is there some library available for IQR-Codes (not QR-Codes)? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Recently I found this:
This is a QRCode but an improved version. I use some QRCode libraries in some projects and it is a great technology but IQR-Code sound very promising. Less the size (sometimes size is a problem) and can contain more characters on a very small footprint.
To get into the new technology, see also this page.
I want to try and play with these new QRCode to find out if it is really useful and suitable to fit into one of my projects but I cannot find any library for it. I want to find a library that can be used in Android, Delphi, PHP, AS3 or/and javascript. Is there a 'hidden' link on the internet that brings me to such library?
The next thing I wonder about is reading speed. For example, the ZBAR and XZing library reads QR-Codes at razor speed. And what about error correction, is it accurate enough? Because it is using a smaller footprint, is it easy to read by a camera? Is it worth it to invest time in this new format?
Does have anyone more information about this or is there a demo project that I can download?
EDIT 12/01/2018:
Today I found YAB (Yet Another Barcode), initiated by fraunhofer institute. It is a 3D barcode with colors that can hold more data in a smaller form factor. It is free to use, source code available and deserves more attention, take a look at:
Or use the online demo:
Is there a 'hidden' link on the internet that brings me to such library?
After researching and googling, it seems that, unlike QR codes, the use of iQR codes is not free licensed by Denso Wave, the owner of the patent.
Is it worth it to invest time in this new format?
The format isn't really that new (it's been around since at least 2011) so, in my opinion, the lack of global success and the fact that it isn't freely distributed answers your question.

I am building an HTML application that uses 3D UI elements and animations. What are some tools and libraries that I might find helpful? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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So I'm planning to create a web application that uses 3-dimensional UI elements and animated transitions to create a rich user experience. What tools and libraries would you recommend that I use to make this application's development go as quickly and smoothly as possible? (three.js perhaps?)
Specifically, I'm looking for development libraries and tools that make it easy to create 3D UI elements and handle CSS transitions. I'm also interesting in including some level of support for graceful degradation, so that things don't stop working completely on older and mobile browsers.
WebGL brings 3D graphics to the Web by introducing an API that closely
conforms to OpenGL ES 2.0 that can be used in HTML5 canvas elements.
Support for WebGL is present in Firefox 4+, Google Chrome 9+, Opera
12+ and Safari 5.1+.
In order to be more helpful you would need to provide more than what you would like to accomplish. Specifications, example code, what you've tried and what you're having trouble with are all things we like to see here to help answer your question.
What browsers/versions are you targeting, what technologies have you looked into and what will this be used for? Without knowing the gory details, it's honestly hard for people to help.
Creativejs may be something that interests you.
Three.js, as you asked about above, is a nice library as well.
There's also a nice list of many other here.
If that's the case then the majority of the libraries in the link above would meet your needs. I would suggest taking a good look into a few of them and trying out some tutorials.
Depending on your needs, Dom3D might* be useful.
Considering that it's done with CSS3 transforms on regular DOM elements (no canvas, extensions or plugins), I think it does a wonderful job.
*If you need pixel perfect or uber-slick graphics though Dom3D might not be for you.

Canvas vs SVG for graph-like diagrams? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I want to create web app wich will be able to build mind maps.
Backend isn't problem for me but frontend is: i'm not sure which technology to use.
App should build unlimited graphs where each node should be editable and contain text.
SVG! Infinitely zoomable, well supported in modern browsers (incl. Firefox 4 and up) and works well with text.
I would also tell you to check makes your life easier.
When it comes to animation it is tempting to go along HTML5 canvas but if your need is complex animations or require more control and quality, SVG is the way to go.
Apart from quality the other cons in HTML5 canvas are behind the scenes it is a pixel manipulation, and you would not get DOM for each object meaning you cannot call them by ID or manipulate them singularly. Every small change is redraw.
SVG on the other hand gives DOM level of control and supported by webkits
I'd say canvas if I had to choose between the two.
There's a related question here which will give you a more comprehensive answer, but it's got great support, gaining momentum as part of html5 and also (if it makes a difference) has good mobile support.
However I'd also say that they're quite different and there's nothing to stop you using both of them as they can certainly work well together.

Javascript library for graphs (in the mathematical sense) [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Are there any significant Javascript libraries for graph and network representation, with common algorithms, optimization, etc.? I'm imagining something like the C++ lemon library, with graph search, shortest path, maximum flow, and so on.
Google draws a blank, because the results are completely flooded with graph- and chart-drawing libraries.
Take a look at
It's got a number of algorithms including:
You may be interested in Cytoscape.js, an open-source JS graph theory library. It can be run headlessly or with an interactive visualisation. It is styleable via CSS-like files, has built in gestures, support for touch devices, node.js, etc.
There's a bunch of algorithms now, and there will be many more shortly -- i.e. more complex algorithms like PageRank etc.
Disclaimer: I work on the project
A NodeJS implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm
Study a graph, generally require a lot of computer effort, expecially for large graph (I don't know what kind of graph you are trying to analyze) but if it is simple, probably you didn't need libraries. You will never find what you're looking for... it's even difficult to find something like that for the common languages, I don't think that a scripting language studied to render HTML page can help you, expecially because it lives embedded in a browser that is neither studied nor capable to have the proper performance to your purposes.
I'm sure that you're only way is programming and perform analyzes on your graph through a server side programming language, in this case you will have a dedicated machine that performs operation on a graph and it has more sense.
I suggest you .NET because you can use your lemon library ... By the way have you ever tried SNAP it's the best library you will ever find, I really suggest as a C++ library... take care that it lacks on documentation.
I'm sorry for javascript, but you will realize that I'm right

Javascript charting library for huge data [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Does anyone know of a Javascript charting library that can handle huge datasets?
By 'huge', I mean drawing a line graph with around 1,000 lines and 25,000 data points in total. (With an uneven distribution of points per line. A lot of lines have very few points, but some have up to 4,000.) Here is an example data file.
Currently I'm using Highcharts, but it's far too slow at plotting huge datasets.
I don't want to use Flash or Silverlight.
I was hoping to use Javascript so that my users can zoom+pan around the graph, and turn lines on/off etc. But if this is just too much data for any Javascript charting library to handle, then I'll have to make the graphs server-side.
In their example, the dygraphs library handles six thousand data points in a very fast manner. Perhaps that would be suitable for your needs?
It is based on Canvas with excanvas for IE support.
The ZingChart JavaScript charting library might be worth checking out. It was specifically built for big data and offers some great features to ensure fast, stable renders without losing interactivity.
Here is a demo that renders 100k points in under one second. And if you'd like to make some comparisons, there is also the ZingChart Vs. demo (note the warning on the top right- some libs can mess with your browser).
Full disclosure, I'm on the ZingChart team. I'm happy to answer any questions you might have about the library.
ECharts can handle a large amount of data (I've tested them with 100k points x 3 series).
It is an open source and free to use (Apache 2.0) library.
Here is an example of a large scale data chart
If you would like to use Echarts line series type with a large amount of data you should turn on "sampling" to aggregate data points.
Another useful option would be showSymbol: false which will also boost performance.
Old thread but maybe of some use. Highcharts have added a 'boost' module to improve dataset point plotting. They say this can handle millions of data points with ease.

