Synonym for window.location.href in EL - Get current URL - javascript

I need to get current URL (in javascript window.location.href) for value of my <spring:param> (in context of creating back URL). For param's value I have to use expression language. Is that even possible, or What are you suggesting? Thank you for answers!

I need to get current URL (in javascript window.location.href)
It's available by the HttpServletRequest#getRequestURL().
So, in EL thus just ${pageContext.request.requestURL}.

It's available by the Read This.
So, in EL thus just ${pageContext.request.requestURL}.


Passing variable when opening another html page using JavaScript

This is probably a really silly question, but I can't find it online anywhere and I've been looking for at least an hour.
I have a link Instruments which I want to get the ID of it once clicked, as I need to pass some variable to the page I am opening to know that the instruments link was clicked. This is being called from productInformation.html
I have also tried doing Instruments and then in my JavaScript,"MusicMe.html", "_self"); and then tried passing a variable that way, but still absolutely no luck. Any help as to how I would pass a variable back to the page when it opens would be brilliant.
Once it opens, I am using the variable to set the ID of an element so it only displays a certain set of the information, which is working on it's own, but when I go back to try and call it, it's always thinking it is showing them all as I cannot work out how to set the variable to define it. Unfortunately I need to use JavaScript not PHP.
I would just tell you some ways, hope you would be able to implement it:
Use query params to pass the variable.
When you're navigating to another page, add query params to the url."MusicMe.html?variable=value", "_self");
In your next page, check for queryParam by getting window.location.href and using regex to split the params after ? and get that data.
Use localStorage/cookies
Before navigating to the next page, set a variable in your localStorage
localStorage.setItem("variable","value");"MusicMe.html", "_self");
In your second page, in the window load event.
$(function() {
if(localStorage.getItem("variable")) {
// set the ID here
// after setting remember to remove it, if it's not required
You can use localStorage to keep the value, or use parameter like
to pass the value to new page.
You can always pass a GET variable in you re URL just like this
You can get the value of this variable by parsing the URL using Js see this
How can I get query string values in JavaScript?
You can simply pass # value into url, get it and then match it with 'rel' attribute given on specified element.
Here I have done materialize collapsible open from link on another page.
var locationHash = window.location.hash;
var hashSplit = locationHash.split('#');
var currentTab = hashSplit[1];
$('.collapsible > li').each(function() {
var allRels = $(this).attr('rel');
if(currentTab == allRels){

How to get anything following the domain in a url, using Javascript

What is the best way to get the "anything" part after the domain part, using Javascript:
For I would have to use window.location.hash. But for I would have to use window.location.pathname.
I'm using:
window.location.href.replace(window.location.origin, "").slice(1)
Are there any caveats with this solution? Is there a better way?
location.origin is not supported by IE.
Other improvements: .slice is actually calling Array.prototype.slice. A method call that requires a prototype lookup is bound to be slower than accessing the element you need directly, escpeciallly in your case, where the slice method is returning an array with just 1 element anyway. So:
You could use location.pathname, but be weary: the standard reads:
This attribute represents the path component of the Location's URI which consists of everything after the host and port up to and excluding the first question mark (?) or hash mark (#).
but I think the easiest, most X-browser way of getting what you want is actually simply doing this:
var queryString = location.href.split([1];
//optionally removing the leading `/`
var queryString = location.href.split([1].replace(/^\//,'');
It's very similar to what you have now, except for the fact that I'm not using location.origin, which, as shown on MDN is not supported by MS's IE...
Another benefit is that I'm not calling Array.prototype.slice, which returns an array, and requires a prototype-lookup, which is marginally slower, too...
window.location.pathname + + window.location.hash
I think this one is a little bit better. You dont have to use any functions here...

What does this javascript regular expression code do in dealing with URLS?

I am looking at someone elses codebase and I as a javascript noob and doubly so a regular expression noob I can't figure out what the following lines do:
var url = sel.anchorNode.parentNode.href;
var match = self.location.href.replace(/\/$/i, '');
var replaced = url.replace(match,'');
I read it as:
set the var url to the href value of the parent node of the currently selected node
sets the var match to the browsers current URL with the trailing '/' removed (if it exists)
sets the var replaced to the string returned in 1. with the string returned in 2. removed from it
If I am reading it correctly I just can't figure out how it would ever do anything. There isn't any situation, I can think of, where the parent node of a currently selected node would have an href value pointing to the current URL.
So I think I am reading it incorrectly.
Because the href property of an anchor is a fully-resolved URL (even if the href attribute is relative), what that does is remove the current page's path and get you back to a relative URL. E.g., on the page:
with a link like
... get the href from the anchor which is:
...and then remove from it, giving you:
In this case, of course, that's probably not what you actually want. :-) I have to admit I fail to see how the code is useful, out of context, but then context is king sometimes...

How can I extract tokens from the current URL using JavaScript

Given an URL such as /abc.html#variable1, I want to capture the variable1 part to determine a given user's "virtual page" when working with JavaScript (jQuery).
If I understand your question, you don't need at all jquery, just use
to get the url use
var the_link = document.location
to get just the hash part of the url (the text after #) use
var the_hash = document.location.hash
to get the GET variables you can use
var get_vars =
Examine the window.location.hash. Not jQuery specific.
I'm not sure if this is what you are asking for, but the way to retrieve the page's url is:
var pathname = window.location.pathname;
It is really javascript, no jQuery involved.
If you want to addd some jQuery:
$(document).ready(function() {
var pathname = window.location.pathname;
Hope it helps.
You can use window.location.hash to get the value after the # sign.
You can find some information on the topic here. And within the context of unique URLs for AJAX, you can check out this extensive article.

get query string into js/jquery

i hae a link like ( )
hov can i get this "key" into my JS code? i use jQuery and i don't know about its are easy way to get this "key" into JS variable.
tanks for all.
This plugin might helps: jquery url parser
key = $.url.setUrl($(yourlink).attr('href')).param('key');
(not tested)
It's not jquery. It's pure javascript. You can use regexp.
str = "" # Take it from wherever you want
splitted = str.split(/\?key=([0-9]+)/)
Then you'll have an array in the "splitted" variable, it's second element (at the id 1) containing the value.
jQuery not needed. The query string is available from the DOM:[^&]*)/);
Which gives you an array that has your value in it.
You can use the URL constructor as follows:
let url = new URL('');
console.log(url.searchParams.get('key')); // Outputs 123456
Using this method you can parse and get any part of a URL.
Note that I've added the protocol (https://) to the sample URL so I make sure it is a valid URL and it can be parsed.
Take into account the browser compatibility. You can check it here
For more details you can also the the specification.

