I have 3 js functions passing into each other for a blackjack game,
Hit() - Which gets a new card
checkCard() - which checks the card isnt in the users hand already
userTotal () - totals the value of the card and displays it in the DOM
The same card can appear more than once. the major flaw is with checking the card against others in an array of userCards
My logic is wrong. Could someone help me?
function hit() {
var cards = 2;
var rankSelect = Math.floor(Math.random() * 13);
var suitSelect = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4);
var card = (rank[rankSelect] + suit[suitSelect]);
function checkCard(card) {
//if card = card in used array, select new card
for (i=0;i<=userCards.length;i++){
if (card = userCards[i] ) {
var newRank = Math.floor(Math.random()*13);
var newSuit = Math.floor(Math.random()*4);
var newCard = (rank[newRank] + suit[newSuit]);
document.getElementById('userCards').innerHTML += "<td id=" + "UserCard" + "><img src="+"includes/images/cards/"+ newCard + ".png >"
userCards[userCards.length] = newCard;
} else {
userCards[userIndex] = card;
document.getElementById('userCards').innerHTML += "<td id=" + "UserCard" + "><img src="+"includes/images/cards/"+ card + ".png >"
function userTotal(userTotal){
var userTotal = 0;
for (i=0;i<userCards.length;i++){
var value = userCards[i];
if(userCards[i].charAt(0) == "a"){
value = parseInt((prompt("ACE, 1 or 11?")));
userTotal = userTotal + value;
document.getElementById("userTotal").innerHTML = userTotal;
} else if (userCards[i].charAt(0) == "k" || userCards[i].charAt(0) == "q" || userCards[i].charAt(0) == "j"){
value = 10;
userTotal = userTotal + value;
document.getElementById("userTotal").innerHTML = userTotal;
}else if (userCards[i].charAt(0) == "1" || userCards[i].charAt(1) == "0"){
value = 10;
userTotal = userTotal + value;
document.getElementById("userTotal").innerHTML = userTotal;
} else {
value = parseInt(userCards[i].charAt(0));
userTotal = userTotal + value;
document.getElementById("userTotal").innerHTML = userTotal;
if (userTotal > 21){
document.getElementById("userTotal").innerHTML = "Bust";
//document.getElementById("hit").disabled = true;
When you are inside 'checkCard' and if you get a card already in hand then you are again fetching a random card but this time you are not checking whether its already in hand or not.
You need to keep checking card until you won't get a fresh one.
replace this line :
var newCard = (rank[newRank] + suit[newSuit]);
card = (rank[newRank] + suit[newSuit]);
Try below :
function hit() {
var cards = 2;
var rankSelect = Math.floor(Math.random() * 13);
var suitSelect = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4);
var card = (rank[rankSelect] + suit[suitSelect]);
function checkCard(card) {
//if card = card in used array, select new card
for (i = 0; i <= userCards.length; i++) {
if (card = userCards[i]) {
var newRank = Math.floor(Math.random() * 13);
var newSuit = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4);
card = (rank[newRank] + suit[newSuit]);
document.getElementById('userCards').innerHTML += "<td id=" + "UserCard" + "><img src=" + "includes/images/cards/" + card + ".png >"
userCards[userCards.length] = card;
} else {
userCards[userIndex] = card;
document.getElementById('userCards').innerHTML += "<td id=" + "UserCard" + "><img src=" + "includes/images/cards/" + card + ".png >"
function userTotal(userTotal) {
var userTotal = 0;
for (i = 0; i < userCards.length; i++) {
var value = userCards[i];
if (userCards[i].charAt(0) == "a") {
value = parseInt((prompt("ACE, 1 or 11?")));
userTotal = userTotal + value;
document.getElementById("userTotal").innerHTML = userTotal;
} else if (userCards[i].charAt(0) == "k" || userCards[i].charAt(0) == "q" || userCards[i].charAt(0) == "j") {
value = 10;
userTotal = userTotal + value;
document.getElementById("userTotal").innerHTML = userTotal;
} else if (userCards[i].charAt(0) == "1" || userCards[i].charAt(1) == "0") {
value = 10;
userTotal = userTotal + value;
document.getElementById("userTotal").innerHTML = userTotal;
} else {
value = parseInt(userCards[i].charAt(0));
userTotal = userTotal + value;
document.getElementById("userTotal").innerHTML = userTotal;
if (userTotal > 21) {
document.getElementById("userTotal").innerHTML = "Bust";
//document.getElementById("hit").disabled = true;
I made a javascript code to create some html element in parent iframe based on user selection from an iframe in a popup.
My code is given below.
The each loop may contain 50 to 150 iteration. Sometimes when I call function AddProcedures the Mozilla crashes during iteration, Is there any way to fix this issue or to reduce the browser load. I tried to put setTimeout after some code blocks but it didn't help.
I have also changed the for loop to jquery each, just to try if that helps.
var tot_codes = 0;
function doAddProcedure(thisVal,resolve){
var enc_id = $("#cpt_encounter").val();
var rowId = window.parent.$("[data-encounterBilled='"+ enc_id +"']").closest('tr').attr('id'); // table row ID
var recalc = parseInt(rowId.substring(rowId.indexOf('id-')+3));
var countval = $("#last_id").val();
//Load issue Fix
//Old code
//for (i = 0; i < document.cpt.elements.length; i++) {
//if (document.cpt.elements[i].type == "checkbox") {
//if (document.cpt.elements[i].checked == true) {
$('#cpt input:checkbox:checked').each(function(){
setTimeout(function() { }, 100);
var currentCodeMod = $(this).attr("data-codemod");
var currentCodeTypid = $(this).attr("data-codeTypeid");
if (currentCodeMod == null)
var nextcntval = parseInt(countval) + 1;
var code_no = $(this).attr("id").replace("cpt_chkbx", "");
var Code = $("#codeVal" + code_no).val();
var just = $("#codeType" + code_no).val();
var categoryId = $("#codeType" + code_no).data("categoryid"); //Added to get category //Bug Fix
var Name = $("#cpttext" + code_no).val();
var codedisp = Code + ':' + Name;
var Modifier = '';
//if($("#modifier_setngs").val() == 1){
var Modifier1 = $("#modcpt1"+code_no).val() != '' ? $("#modcpt1"+code_no).val() + ":" : '';
var Modifier2 = $("#modcpt2"+code_no).val() != '' ? $("#modcpt2"+code_no).val() + ":" : '';
var Modifier3 = $("#modcpt3"+code_no).val() != '' ? $("#modcpt3"+code_no).val() + ":" : '';
var Modifier4 = $("#modcpt4"+code_no).val() != '' ? $("#modcpt4"+code_no).val() + ":" : '';
Modifier = Modifier1 + Modifier2 + Modifier3 + Modifier4;
var codetableid = $("#code_tab_id" + code_no).val();
var j = countval; /* lineitem wise uniqid */
//var encounter = window.parent.$('#codetype-' + j).closest('tr.charge-entry-row').find('.expand-actions').attr('data-encounterid');
var encounter = enc_id;
var codeforarr = encounter + ':' + just + ':' + Code + '::' + Modifier;
var f = 0;
$(window.parent.$("#codetype-" + countval).parents().find('.inner-table .charge-entry-row')).each(function() {
//console.log($(this).find('.inputStringHidden').val() + '/' + codeforarr);
if ($(this).find('.inputStringHidden').val() == codeforarr) {
var exis_row_id = $(this).find('.inputStringHidden').attr('id').split('inputStringHidden-');
j = exis_row_id[1].toString();
f = 1;
if (f == 0) {
if (window.parent.document.getElementById('inputStringHidden-' + countval).value != '') {
window.parent.$("#codetype-" + countval).children().parent().parent().parent().siblings().find('.addnew-row').attr('data-rowadd', 'fromdb').trigger("click");
countval = parseInt(countval) + 1;
j = countval.toString();
window.parent.$("#add-" + countval).trigger("click");
window.parent.$("#codetype-" + (countval)).val(currentCodeTypid);
window.parent.$("#codetype-" + countval).trigger("change");
window.parent.document.getElementById('inputString' + j).value = codedisp;
window.parent.document.getElementById('category-' + j).value = categoryId; //Added to set category //Bug Fix
window.parent.document.getElementById('string_id' + j).value = Code;
window.parent.document.getElementById('string_value' + j).value = Name;
window.parent.document.getElementById('inputStringHidden-' + j).value = codeforarr;
window.parent.document.getElementById('codetableid-' + j).value = codetableid;
window.parent.$("#inputString" + j).closest('tr.charge-entry-row').find('.val-change-bit').val(1);
setTimeout(function() {}, 100);
window.parent.$("#suggestions" + j).hide();
window.parent.$("#inputString" + j).focus();
var uniqidHidden = window.parent.$("#inputString" + j).closest('tr.charge-entry-row').find('.uniqid-hidden').val();
window.parent.$('#add-modifier' + j).parent().find('.displaymode-elem').text(Modifier);
//if($("#modifier_setngs").val() == 1){
if (f == 0) {
window.parent.$('#add-modifier' + j).parent().find('.displaymode-elem').addClass('area-hide');
window.parent.$('#add-modifier' + j).parent().find('.displaymode-elem').removeClass('area-hide');
window.parent.$('#modifiers' + uniqidHidden).val(Modifier);
arr = Modifier.split(':');
window.parent.$('#modifier-' + uniqidHidden + '-1').val(arr[0]);
window.parent.$('#modifier-' + uniqidHidden + '-2').val(arr[1]);
window.parent.$('#modifier-' + uniqidHidden + '-3').val(arr[2]);
window.parent.$('#modifier-' + uniqidHidden + '-4').val(arr[3]);
var eclaimPlanActive = window.parent.$('#eclaimPlanActive').val();
var price = $("#cpt_price" + code_no).val();
var price_level = $("#pricelevelhidden" + code_no).val();
if (price == 0 || price == null)
price = 0;
window.parent.$('#price-' + j).val(price);
window.parent.$('#bill-pricelevel-' + j).val(price_level);
/** Charge Total **/
var chargeTotal = window.parent.$('#charge-total').text().replace(/[\s\,]/g, '').trim();
if (chargeTotal == '')
chargeTotal = parseFloat(0);
var tempChargeTotal = parseFloat(chargeTotal) + parseFloat(price);
window.parent.$('#charge-total span').html(tempChargeTotal);
/** End **/
var units = $("#cpt_units" + code_no).val(); //data[0]['units']
if (units == 0 || units == null)
units = 1;
window.parent.$('#qty-' + j).val(units);
var tax = 0;
var disc = 0;
setTimeout(function() { }, 100);
if (window.parent.$('#tax-' + j).length > 0)
tax = window.parent.$('#tax-' + j).val().replace(/[\s\,]/g, '');
if (window.parent.$('#discount-' + j).length > 0)
disc = window.parent.$('#discount-' + j).val().replace(/[\s\,]/g, '');
var amount = price * units;
amount = amount + ((amount * tax) / 100);
if (disc > 0) {
var p = price * units;
var dc = ((p * disc) / 100);
amount = amount - dc;
/** Discount Total **/
var disTotal = window.parent.$('#discount-total').text().replace(/[\s\,]/g, '').trim();
if (disTotal == '')
disTotal = parseFloat(0);
var tempDisTotal = parseFloat(disTotal) + parseFloat(dc);
if (isNaN(tempDisTotal) == true) {
tempDisTotal = '0.00';
/** End **/
if (!parseFloat(window.parent.$('#lineitempaid-' + j).val()))
window.parent.$('#lineitempaid-' + j).val('0.00');
window.parent.$('#total-' + j).val(amount);
window.parent.$('#remainder-' + j).val(amount);
window.parent.$('#hidremainder-' + j).val(amount);
//insurance and patient_share
if (eclaimPlanActive == '1') {
var codetableid = window.parent.$('#codetableid-' + j).val();
var parentRowVal = parseInt(window.parent.$('#codetableid-' + j).closest('tr').find('.row_value').attr('data-rowvalue')) - 1;
var insData1 = window.parent.$('tr#row-id-' + parentRowVal + ' .encounter').attr('data-insdata1');
window.parent.getBenefitCategoryOfCode(j, codetableid, insData1);
if (window.parent.$('#have-benefit').val() == '0') {
var insData2 = window.parent.$('tr#row-id-' + parentRowVal + ' .encounter').attr('data-insdata2');
window.parent.getBenefitCategoryOfCode(j, codetableid, insData2);
var passParams = '';
window.parent.calculate('qty-' + j, passParams);
//Updating the title
window.parent.$("#inputString" + j).closest('tr.charge-entry-row').find('.fi-searchitems').attr('data-original-title', codedisp);
if (f == 0) {
//Display DIv :: Relace with new values
var cloneLabel = window.parent.$("#inputString" + j).closest('tr.charge-entry-row').find('.show_label').clone();
//In Edit Mode
if (cloneLabel.find('.displaymode-elem').length > 0) {
var $max_length = 16;
var trucncateCode = Name;
if (trucncateCode.length > $max_length)
trucncateCode = trucncateCode.substring(0, $max_length) + '...';
cloneLabel.find('.front_pay_codetype').text(just + ":");
cloneLabel.find("input[name='code_type']").val(just).attr('id', 'code_type-' + j);
cloneLabel.find("input[name='string_id']").val(Code).attr('id', 'string_id-' + j);
var dataType = $("#inputString" + j).closest('tr.charge-entry-row').find('.data_type').val();
if (dataType == "lab") {
var lab = $("select[name='lab_type']").find('option:selected').val();
if (cloneLabel.find("input[name='lab_type']").length > 0) {
} else {
cloneLabel.append('<input type="hidden" name="lab_type" class="lab_type" value="' + lab + '">');
} else {
setTimeout(function() { }, 100);
//Making the view
window.parent.$("#inputString" + j).closest('tr.charge-entry-row').find('.front_pay_codes_editelem').removeClass('area-show').addClass('area-hide');
window.parent.$("#inputString" + j).closest('tr.charge-entry-row').find('.show_label').replaceWith(cloneLabel);
window.parent.$("#inputString" + j).closest('tr.charge-entry-row').find('.show_autosuggest').html('');
window.parent.$("#codetype-" + countval).children().parent().parent().parent().siblings().find('.addnew-row').attr('data-rowadd', 'fromdb').trigger("click");
countval = nextcntval.toString();
else {
window.parent.$("#suggestions" + j).hide();
countval = countval.toString();
setTimeout(function() { }, 150);
function doAddPromise(thisVal){
return new Promise(function(resolve){
function AddProcedures(thisval)
// $('.fa-spinner').removeClass('hide');
}, 2000);
if (tot_codes > 0) {
top.notification('Successfully added the procedures.');
} else {
top.notification('Please select atleast one procedure.');
$('#procedureSaveButton').text('Add Procedures');
}, 10);
So I'm working on SP 2013 and have a document library which has three Lookup columns viz : Business Unit, Axis Product and Policy form. What I'm trying to do is I have managed to group by the List items first by Business Unit column and then by the Axis Product Column. This works fine but recently I'm trying to show the count of the number of items inside a particular Axis Product. Which would be like - Axis Product : "Some Value" (Count).
I'm able to show this count with Business Unit, but not able to do this with Axis Product. So I tried querying the library with both Business Unit and Axis Product to get the count for Axis Product, I'm not sure about this approach and currently I'm getting an error message:
'collListItemAxisProduct' is undefined.
Any help would be appreciated as I've been stuck on this for a long time now. Here is my code below :
// JavaScript source code
$(function () {
SP.SOD.executeFunc('sp.js', 'SP.ClientContext', oGroupBy.GetDataFromList);
function GroupBy()
this.clientContext = "";
this.SiteUrl = "/sites/insurance/products";
this.lookUpLIst = "AxisBusinessUnit";
this.AxisProductlookUpList = "AXIS Product";
this.lookUpItems = [];
this.lookUpColumnName = "Title";
this.AxisProductlookupItems = [];
this.AProducts = [];
this.index = 0;
this.secondindex = 0;
this.parentList = "AXIS Rules Library";
this.html = "<div id='accordion'><table cellspacing='35' width='100%'><tr><td width='8%'>Edit</td><td width='13%'>Name</td><td width='13%'>Modified</td><td width='13%'>Underwriting Comments</td><td width='13%'>Policy Form Applicability</td><td width='13%'>AXIS Product</td><td width='13%'>Business Unit</td></tr>";
function MultipleGroupBy()
this.AxProducts = [];
this.SecondaryGroupBy = [];
this.count = "";
this.BusinessUnit = "";
this.html = "";
function UI()
this.id = "";
this.name = "";
this.modified = "";
this.acturialComments = "";
this.underWritingComments = "";
this.policyFormApplicability = [];
this.axisProduct = [];
this.businessUnit = [];
this.itemcheck = "";
this.Count = 0;
this.header = "";
this.AxisProductCount = 0;
this.trID = "";
this.SecondaryID = "";
this.LandingUrl = "&Source=http%3A%2F%2Fecm%2Ddev%2Fsites%2FInsurance%2FProducts%2FAXIS%2520Rules%2520Library%2FForms%2FGroupBy%2Easpx";
var oUI = new UI();
var oGroupBy = new GroupBy();
var oMultipleGroupBy = new MultipleGroupBy();
GroupBy.prototype.GetDataFromList = function () {
oGroupBy.clientContext = new SP.ClientContext(oGroupBy.SiteUrl);
var oList = oGroupBy.clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle(oGroupBy.lookUpLIst);
var APList = oGroupBy.clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle(oGroupBy.AxisProductlookUpList);
var camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();
this.collListItem = oList.getItems(camlQuery);
var secondcamlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();
this.secondListItem = APList.getItems(secondcamlQuery);
oGroupBy.clientContext.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(this, oGroupBy.BindDataFromlookUpList), Function.createDelegate(this, oGroupBy.onError));
GroupBy.prototype.BindDataFromlookUpList = function (seneder,args) {
var listenumerator = collListItem.getEnumerator();
while (listenumerator.moveNext()) {
var currentitem = listenumerator.get_current();
GroupBy.prototype.GetDataFromParent = function(lookUpItems)
var oList1 = oGroupBy.clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle(oGroupBy.parentList);
var camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();
camlQuery.set_viewXml('<View><Query><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name=\'Business_x0020_Unit\'/>' +
'<Value Type=\'LookupMulti\'>' + oGroupBy.lookUpItems[oGroupBy.index] + '</Value></Eq></Where></Query></View>');
this.collListItem1 = oList1.getItems(camlQuery);
oGroupBy.clientContext.load(this.collListItem1, 'Include(ID, Business_x0020_Unit, Title, FileLeafRef, ModifiedDate, Policy_x0020_Form_x0020_Applicability, AXIS_x0020_Product, Underwriting_x0020_Comments)');
oGroupBy.clientContext.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(this, oGroupBy.CreateHTMLGroupBy), Function.createDelegate(this, oGroupBy.onError));
GroupBy.prototype.CreateHTMLGroupBy = function (sender,args)
var listenumerator = this.collListItem1.getEnumerator();
var axisproductlistenumarator = secondListItem.getEnumerator();
while (axisproductlistenumarator.moveNext()) {
var currentitem = axisproductlistenumarator.get_current(); oGroupBy.AxisProductlookupItems.push(currentitem.get_item(oGroupBy.lookUpColumnName));
oUI.Count = this.collListItem1.get_count();
if (oGroupBy.lookUpItems[oGroupBy.index] != undefined && oUI.Count > 0) {
oUI.trID = oGroupBy.lookUpItems[oGroupBy.index];
oMultipleGroupBy.BusinessUnit = oGroupBy.lookUpItems[oGroupBy.index];
oGroupBy.html = oGroupBy.html + "<table style='cursor:pointer' id='" + oUI.trID.replace(" ", "") + "' onclick='javascript:oUI.Slider(this.id)'><tr><td colspan='7'><h2 style='width:1100px;font-weight: bold;border-bottom:1px solid #888888;padding:5px;'>Business Unit : " + oGroupBy.lookUpItems[oGroupBy.index] + " " + "<span> (" + oUI.Count + ")</span></h2></td></tr></table>";
oUI.businessUnit.length = 0;
oMultipleGroupBy.SecondaryGroupBy.length = 0;
oMultipleGroupBy.html = "";
if (oUI.Count > 0) {
if (listenumerator != undefined) {
while (listenumerator.moveNext()) {
var currentitem = listenumerator.get_current();
if (currentitem != undefined) {
oUI.id = currentitem.get_item("ID");
oUI.name = currentitem.get_item("FileLeafRef");
oUI.modified = currentitem.get_item("ModifiedDate");
//oUI.policyFormApplicability = currentitem.get_item("Policy_x0020_Form_x0020_Applicability");
oUI.underWritingComments = currentitem.get_item("Underwriting_x0020_Comments");
//oUI.axisProduct = currentitem.get_item("AXIS_x0020_Product");
var lookupPolicyFormApplicability = currentitem.get_item("Policy_x0020_Form_x0020_Applicability");
var lookupField = currentitem.get_item("Business_x0020_Unit");
var lookupAxisProduct = currentitem.get_item("AXIS_x0020_Product");
oUI.businessUnit.length = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < lookupField.length; i++) { oUI.businessUnit.push(lookupField[i].get_lookupValue());
oUI.axisProduct.length = 0;
for (var m = 0; m < lookupAxisProduct.length; m++) { oUI.axisProduct.push(lookupAxisProduct[m].get_lookupValue());
oUI.policyFormApplicability.length = 0;
for (var a = 0; a < lookupPolicyFormApplicability.length; a++)
if (oGroupBy.lookUpItems[oGroupBy.index] != undefined && oUI.Count > 0) {
oGroupBy.html = oGroupBy.html + oMultipleGroupBy.html;
oGroupBy.index = oGroupBy.index + 1;
if (oGroupBy.index <= oGroupBy.lookUpItems.length) {
if(oGroupBy.index == oGroupBy.lookUpItems.length + 1)
oGroupBy.html = oGroupBy.html + "</table></div>";
UI.prototype.Slider = function (id) {
var elements = document.querySelectorAll('[data-show="' + id + '"]');
UI.prototype.SecondarySlider = function (id) {
var elements = document.querySelectorAll('[data-secondary="' + id + '"]');
GroupBy.prototype.CreateUI = function (oUI) {
var BusinessUnit = "";
var AxisProduct = "";
var Policyformapplicability = "";
var tempBUnit = "";
for (var i = 0; i < oUI.businessUnit.length; i++) {
BusinessUnit = BusinessUnit + oUI.businessUnit[i] + ",";
for (var m = 0; m < oUI.axisProduct.length; m++) {
AxisProduct = AxisProduct + oUI.axisProduct[m] + ",";
for (var a = 0; a < oUI.policyFormApplicability.length; a++) {
Policyformapplicability = Policyformapplicability + oUI.policyFormApplicability[a] + ",";
oGroupBy.clientContext = new SP.ClientContext(oGroupBy.SiteUrl);
var oList1SecondGroupBy = oGroupBy.clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle(oGroupBy.parentList);
var camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();
camlQuery.set_viewXml('<View><Query><Where><And><Eq><FieldRef Name=\'Business_x0020_Unit\' /><Value Type=\'LookupMulti\'>' + oGroupBy.lookUpItems[oGroupBy.index] + '</Value></Eq>' +
'<Eq><FieldRef Name=\'AXIS_x0020_Product\' /><Value Type=\'LookupMulti\'>' + oGroupBy.AxisProductlookupItems[oGroupBy.secondindex] + '</Value></Eq></And></Where><OrderBy><FieldRef Name=\'Title\' Ascending=\'True\' /></OrderBy></Query><View>');
this.collListItemAxisProduct = oList1SecondGroupBy.getItems(camlQuery);
oGroupBy.clientContext.load(this.collListItemAxisProduct, 'Include(ID, Business_x0020_Unit, Title, FileLeafRef, ModifiedDate, Policy_x0020_Form_x0020_Applicability, AXIS_x0020_Product, Underwriting_x0020_Comments)');
if (collListItemAxisProduct != undefined) {
var AxisProductlistenumerator = this.collListItemAxisProduct.getEnumerator();
if (AxisProductlistenumerator != undefined) {
oUI.AxisProductCount = this.collListItemAxisProduct.get_count();
oGroupBy.AProducts.length = 0;
if (AxisProduct != "") {
oGroupBy.AProducts = AxisProduct.split(',');
oGroupBy.AProducts.splice(oGroupBy.AProducts.length - 1, 1);
var link = "/sites/Insurance/Products/AXIS%20Rules%20Library/Forms/EditForm.aspx?ID=" + oUI.id + oUI.LandingUrl;
var editicon = "/sites/insurance/products/_layouts/15/images/edititem.gif?rev=23";
for (var i = 0; i < oGroupBy.AProducts.length; i++) {
var SecondaryGBTableID = "";
if (oGroupBy.AProducts[i].replace(" ", "") != "") {
SecondaryGBTableID = oGroupBy.AProducts[i].replace(/\s/g, "") + oMultipleGroupBy.BusinessUnit.replace(/\s/g, "");
SecondaryGBTableID = SecondaryGBTableID.replace("&", "");
var isPresent = $.inArray(oGroupBy.AProducts[i].replace(/\s/g, ""), oMultipleGroupBy.SecondaryGroupBy);
oUI.SecondaryID = oUI.trID.replace("/\s/g", "") + oGroupBy.AProducts[i].replace("/\s/g", "");
if ((isPresent <= -1)) {
oMultipleGroupBy.html = oMultipleGroupBy.html + "<tr style='margin-left:10px;margin-bottom:1px solid grey;' cellspacing='36'><td ><h3 class='hide' onclick='javascript:oUI.SecondarySlider(this.id);' id='" + oUI.SecondaryID + "' data-show='" + oUI.trID.replace(" ", "") + "' style='cursor:pointer;width:100%;font-weight: bold;border-bottom:1px solid #888888;padding:5px;'> - AXIS Product : " + oGroupBy.AProducts[i] + " " + "<span> (" + oUI.AxisProductCount + ")</span></h3></td></tr>";
oMultipleGroupBy.html = oMultipleGroupBy.html + "<tr><td><table class='hide' data-show='" + oUI.trID.replace(" ", "") + "' width='100%' cellspacing='36' id='" + SecondaryGBTableID + "'><tr class='sd-hide' data-secondary='" + oUI.SecondaryID + "'><td width='8%'><a href='" + link + "'><img src='" + editicon + "'></a></td><td width='13%'><a href='/sites/Insurance/Products/AXIS%20Rules%20Library/" + oUI.name + "' target='_self'>" + oUI.name.replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, "") + "</a></td><td width='13%'>" + oUI.modified + "</td><td width='13%'>" + oUI.underWritingComments + "</td><td width='13%'>" + oUI.policyFormApplicability + "</td><td width='13%'>" + oUI.axisProduct + "</td><td width='13%'>" + oUI.businessUnit + "</td></tr></table></td></tr>";
else {
if ($("#" + SecondaryGBTableID).html() != undefined) {
$("#" + SecondaryGBTableID).append("<tr class='sd-hide' data-secondary='" + oUI.SecondaryID + "'><td width='8%'><a href='" + link + "'><img src='" + editicon + "'></a></td><td width='13%'><a href='/sites/Insurance/Products/AXIS%20Rules%20Library/" + oUI.name + "' target='_self'>" + oUI.name.replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, "") + "</a></td><td width='13%'>" + oUI.modified + "</td><td width='13%'>" + oUI.underWritingComments + "</td><td width='13%'>" + oUI.policyFormApplicability + "</td><td width='13%'>" + oUI.axisProduct + "</td><td width='13%'>" + oUI.businessUnit + "</td></tr>");
oMultipleGroupBy.html = $("#divMultiplegroupBy").html();
document.getElementById("divMultiplegroupBy").innerHTML = oMultipleGroupBy.html;
if ((isPresent <= -1) && (oGroupBy.AProducts[i] != "")) {
oMultipleGroupBy.SecondaryGroupBy.push(oGroupBy.AProducts[i].replace(/\s/g, ""));
else {
oGroupBy.secondindex = oGroupBy.secondindex + 1;
GroupBy.prototype.onError = function (sender, args) {
alert('Error: ' + args.get_message() + '\n');
// JavaScript source code
You have to call clientContext.executeQueryAsync after calling clientContext.load in order to populate any results from the SharePoint object model.
executeQueryAsync takes two parameters: first the function to execute on success, and second the function to execute if an error is encountered. Any code that depends on successfully loading values from the query should be placed in the on success function.
I was wondering if i am doing my array sort correctly because I'm currently doing a leaderboard that will display the score from highest to lowest. The "temp 1-5" variable already has value's in them and i was wondering is there any mistake am i making.
<!Foundation Page for building our Javascript programs>
<TITLE>The Foundation Page </TITLE>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript">
var name1;
var name2;
var name3;
var name4;
var name5;
var temp1;
var temp2;
var temp3;
var temp4;
var temp5;
var ask;
function main() {
function start() {
ask = prompt("How many people are playing")
if (ask == 3) {
name1 = prompt("What is the first player's name?")
name2 = prompt("What is the second player's name?")
name3 = prompt("What is the third player's name?")
number = 3
if (ask == 4) {
name1 = prompt("What is the first player's name?")
name2 = prompt("What is the second player's name?")
name3 = prompt("What is the third player's name?")
name4 = prompt("What is the forth player's name?")
number = 4
if (ask == 5) {
name1 = prompt("What is the first player's name?")
name2 = prompt("What is the second player's name?")
name3 = prompt("What is the third player's name?")
name4 = prompt("What is the forth player's name?")
name5 = prompt("What is the fifth player's name?")
number = 5
function randomnumber() {
var randomnumber;
randomnumber = Math.random() * 3;
return (Math.floor(randomnumber + 0.2));
function randomnumber1() {
var randomnumber1;
randomnumber1 = Math.random() * 3;
return (Math.floor(randomnumber1 + 0.2));
function randomnumber2() {
var randomnumber2;
randomnumber2 = Math.random() * 3;
return (Math.floor(randomnumber2 + 0.2));
function randomnumber3() {
var randomnumber3;
randomnumber3 = Math.random() * 3;
return (Math.floor(randomnumber3 + 0.2));
function randomnumber4() {
var randomnumber4;
randomnumber4 = Math.random() * 3;
return (Math.floor(randomnumber4 + 0.2));
function totalscore() {
var n;
var p;
var a;
var c;
var e;
var score = 0;
var score1 = 0;
var score2 = 0;
var score3 = 0;
var score4 = 0;
var total;
var total1;
var total2;
var total3;
var total4;
total = 0
total1 = 0
total2 = 0
total3 = 0
total4 = 0
for (n = 0; n < 10; n = n + 1) // to create total score//
number = randomnumber();
if (number == 0) {
score = score + 0;
} else if (number == 2) {
score = score + 2;
} else if (number == 3) {
score = score + 3;
total = total + score;
for (p = 0; p < 10; p = p + 1) // to create total score//
number1 = randomnumber1();
if (number1 == 0) {
score1 = score1 + 0;
} else if (number1 == 2) {
score1 = score1 + 2;
} else if (number1 == 3) {
score1 = score1 + 3;
total1 = total1 + score1;
for (a = 0; a < 10; a = a + 1) // to create total score//
number2 = randomnumber2();
if (number2 == 0) {
score2 = score2 + 0;
} else if (number2 == 2) {
score2 = score2 + 2;
} else if (number2 == 3) {
score2 = score2 + 3;
total2 = total2 + score2;
for (c = 0; c < 10; c = c + 1) // to create total score//
number3 = randomnumber3();
if (number3 == 0) {
score3 = score3 + 0;
} else if (number3 == 2) {
score3 = score3 + 2;
} else if (number3 == 3) {
score3 = score3 + 3;
total3 = total3 + score3;
for (e = 0; e < 10; e = e + 1) // to create total score//
number4 = randomnumber4();
if (number4 == 0) {
score4 = score4 + 0;
} else if (number4 == 2) {
score4 = score4 + 2;
} else if (number4 == 3) {
score4 = score4 + 3;
total4 = total4 + score4;
temp1 = total
temp2 = total1
temp3 = total2
temp4 = total3
temp5 = total4
function leaderboard() {
if (ask == 3) {
document.write("Player: " + name1 + " has a score of " + temp1 + "<br>")
document.write("Player: " + name2 + " has a score of " + temp2 + "<br>")
document.write("Player: " + name3 + " has a score of " + temp3 + "<BR>")
} else if (ask == 4) {
document.write("Player: " + name1 + " has a score of " + temp1 + "<br>")
document.write("Player: " + name2 + " has a score of " + temp2 + "<br>")
document.write("Player: " + name3 + " has a score of " + temp3 + "<BR>")
document.write("Player: " + name4 + " has a score of " + temp4 + "<BR>")
} else if (ask == 5) {
document.write("Player: " + name1 + " has a score of " + temp1 + "<br>")
document.write("Player: " + name2 + " has a score of " + temp2 + "<br>")
document.write("Player: " + name3 + " has a score of " + temp3 + "<BR>")
document.write("Player: " + name4 + " has a score of " + temp4 + "<BR>")
document.write("Player: " + name5 + " has a score of " + temp5 + "<BR>")
var leader = new Array(5);
leader[0] = temp1;
leader[1] = temp2;
leader[2] = temp3;
leader[3] = temp4;
leader[4] = temp5;
leader.sort(function (a, b) {
return b - a
var myContent = '';
for (var d = 0; d < 5; d++) {
myContent += "score: " + leader[d] + "<BR>";
document.getElementById("leaderboard").innerHTML = myContent;
<H2>The Foundation Page </H2>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "Javascript"> main() </SCRIPT>
I am receiving the follow error in my Console :
" Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function "
//name : calculateResult()-->
function calculateResult() {
console.log("calculateResult() function called!");
//1. Declare Variables-->
var hoursWorked,
//2. Values for Local Variables-->
hoursWorked = document.getElementById("txthoursWorked").value;
console.log("hoursWorked = " + hoursWorked);
//Get Select element choice: Job Category-->
jobCategorySelectedIndex = document.getElementById("seljobCategory").selectedIndex;
console.log("jobCategorySelectedIndex = " + jobCategorySelectedIndex);
jobCategory = document.getElementById("seljobCategory").options[jobCategorySelectedIndex].value;
console.log("jobCategory = " + jobCategory);
//3. Do Calculations-->
hoursWorked = parseFloat(hoursWorked);
if (jobCategory == "M") {
basePayRate = "25";
} else if (jobCategory == "R") {
basePayRate = "20";
} else if (jobCategory == "S") {
basePayRate = "15";
hoursEligibleForBasePay = 40;
basePayAmount = basePayRate * hoursEligibleForBasePay;
console.log("basePayAmount = " + basePayAmount);
console.log("hoursEligibleForOvertime =" + hoursEligibleForBasePay);
if (hoursWorked > 40) {
hoursEligibleForOvertime = hoursWorked - 40;
} else {
hoursEligibleForOvertime = 0;
console.log("hoursEligibleForOvertime = " + hoursEligibleForOvertime);
overtimePayRate = 1.5 * basePayRate;
overtimePayAmount = overtimePayRate * hoursEligibleForOvertime;
totalPayAmount = basePayRate + overtimePayAmount;
console.log("overtimePayRate = " + overtimePayRate);
console.log("overtimePayAmount = " + overtimePayAmount);
console.log("totalPayAmount = " + totalPayAmount);
//4. Display Results-->
displayString = "Base Pay " + "$" + basePayAmount.toFixed(2) + "<br />" +
"Overtime Pay " + "$" + overtimePayAmount.toFixed(2) + "<br />"
"Total Pay " + "$" + totalPayAmount.toFixed(2);
document.getElementById("divDisplay").innerHTML = displayString;
the error is in the display string on the Total PayAmount line
any ideas?
The actual error is not actually on that line.
totalPayAmount is defined here:
totalPayAmount = basePayRate + overtimePayAmount;
basePayRate is defined here:
if (jobCategory == "M") {
basePayRate = "25";
} else if (jobCategory == "R") {
basePayRate = "20";
} else if (jobCategory == "S") {
basePayRate = "15";
So basePayRate is a string. Then totalPayAmount is also a string, which would not have a toFixed method.
i just build a video gallery
Here is the link to the video gallery
Two issues : :
1) While navigating through the gallery using up and down arrow keys there is kind of video jump or flicker.how to remove that
2)Unequal extra spaces before and after the first and last video in gallery.
Here is the html code
<body onkeydown="HandleKeyDown(event);">
<table cellpadding="0px" cellspacing="0px" border="0px" class="sitewidth">
<td align="left" valign="top" style="width:800px;">
<div id='divVideoPlayer'></div>
<td align="center" style="width:140px;">
<div id="divPlaylistContainer">
<div id="playlistNavPrev">
<a id="imgNavPrev" onclick="MoveToDirection('Up');"><span class="arrow"> </span>
<div id="divPlaylist">
<div id="spanSlider" style='top:0px; position:relative;'>
<ul id="ulSlider">
<?php $index=1 ; $firstVideoUrl='' ; $firstImageUrl='' ; $videoDetails=G
etVideoDetails(); echo "<script> var siteUrl = '".$siteUrl.
"' </script>"; while ($row=m ysql_fetch_array($videoDetails)) { echo
"<script>video[".$index. "]='";echo $row[3]. "';</script>"; echo "<script>image[".$index.
"]='";echo $row[2]. "';</script>"; //echo "<script>title[".$index. "]='";echo
$row[1]. "';</script>"; echo "<script>title[".$index. "]='";echo str_replace(
"'", "\'",$row[1]). "';</script>"; // 0 - id , 1 - Title , 2- ImageUrl, 3
- VideoUrl //echo $row[0].$row[1].$row[2].$row[3]. "<br/>"; //echo
"<li id='liButton_".$index. "'><a onclick=\"ShowVideo( '".$index."');\
"><img id='ImageButton_".$index. "' title='".$row[1]. "' alt='".$row[1]. "' src=".$siteUrl.
"timthumb/timthumb.php?src=".$row[2]. "&h=54&w=109&zc=1&a=c></a></li>"; $index++;
} ?>
<div id="playlistNavNxt">
<a id="imgNavNext" onclick="MoveToDirection('Down');"><span class="arrow"> </span>
Here is the javascript code..
var video = new Array();
var image = new Array();
var title = new Array();
var noOfImagesCanShow = 6;
var selected = 1;
var slideNo = 1;
String.prototype.trim = function () {
return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
function SetPlayList() {
var listHtml = '';
var lastIndex = slideNo * noOfImagesCanShow;
var firstIndex = (slideNo * noOfImagesCanShow) - (noOfImagesCanShow - 1);
var rowNo = 1;
for (var i = firstIndex; i <= lastIndex; i++) {
if (firstIndex >= 1 && lastIndex < title.length) {
listHtml += "<li id='liButton_" + rowNo + "'><a onclick=\"ShowVideo('" + i + "');\"><img id='ImageButton_" + i + "' title=\"" + title[i] + "\" alt='" + title[i] + "' src=" + siteUrl + "timthumb/timthumb.php?src=" + image[(i)] + "&h=54&w=109&zc=1&a=c></a></li>";
document.getElementById('ulSlider').innerHTML = listHtml;
document.getElementById('liButton_1').tabIndex = 2;
function ShowVideo(videoIndex) {
var streamToBeUsed = "";
var provideType = "";
if (video[videoIndex].trim().substring(0, 7) == "http://") {
streamToBeUsed = '';
provideType = "http";
} else {
streamToBeUsed = "rtmp://cp87191.edgefcs.net/ondemand/";
provideType = "rtmp";
var autostart = "true";
if (jwplayer("divVideoPlayer") != null) {
file: streamToBeUsed + video[videoIndex].trim(),
image: image[videoIndex],
icons: "true",
autostart: autostart,
screencolor: "black",
'width': '800',
'height': '510',
streamer: streamToBeUsed,
provider: provideType,
events: {
onBeforePlay: function () {
document.getElementById('liButton_' + videoIndex).tabIndex = '2';
document.getElementById('liButton_' + videoIndex).focus();
// clearing all style
var totalImages = noOfImagesCanShow;
for (var i = 1; i <= totalImages; i++) {
var imageId = (((slideNo * noOfImagesCanShow) - (noOfImagesCanShow)) + i).toString();
if (document.getElementById('liButton_' + i) != null && document.getElementById('ImageButton_' + imageId) != null) {
document.getElementById('liButton_' + i).className = 'inactiveli';
document.getElementById('ImageButton_' + imageId).className = 'inactive';
document.getElementById('liButton_' + videoIndex).className = 'activeli';
document.getElementById('ImageButton_' + (((slideNo - 1) * noOfImagesCanShow) + parseInt(videoIndex)).toString()).className = 'active';
SetButtonStatus(((slideNo - 1) * noOfImagesCanShow) + parseInt(videoIndex));
document.getElementById('liButton_' + videoIndex).tabIndex = '2';
document.getElementById('liButton_' + videoIndex).focus();
document.getElementById('divVideoPlayer').tabIndex = '-1';
function SetButtonStatus(imageIndex) {
if (imageIndex <= noOfImagesCanShow) {
document.getElementById('imgNavPrev').className = 'disable_up';
document.getElementById('imgNavPrev').tabIndex = '-1';
document.getElementById('imgNavNext').tabIndex = '3';
} else {
document.getElementById('imgNavPrev').className = 'enable_up';
document.getElementById('imgNavPrev').tabIndex = '1';
if (imageIndex > (image.length - noOfImagesCanShow)) {
document.getElementById('imgNavNext').className = 'disable_down';
document.getElementById('imgNavNext').tabIndex = '-1';
document.getElementById('imgNavPrev').tabIndex = '1';
} else {
document.getElementById('imgNavNext').className = 'enable_down';
document.getElementById('imgNavNext').tabIndex = '3';
function MoveToDirection(direction) {
if (direction == 'Down') {
if (document.getElementById('imgNavNext').className != 'disable_down') {
SetButtonStatus(slideNo * noOfImagesCanShow);
var topEle = document.getElementById('liButton_1');
var nextSelImgId = topEle.getElementsByTagName("img")[0].getAttribute("id");
document.getElementById(nextSelImgId).className = 'active';
} else if (direction == 'Up') {
if (document.getElementById('imgNavPrev').className != 'disable_up') {
SetButtonStatus(slideNo * noOfImagesCanShow);
var topEle = document.getElementById('liButton_6');
var nextSelImgId = topEle.getElementsByTagName("img")[0].getAttribute("id");
document.getElementById(nextSelImgId).className = 'active';
console.log('Setting active element ' + nextSelImgId);
console.log('active element ' + document.activeElement.id);
function HandleKeyDown(ev) {
if (document.activeElement != null) {
var element = document.activeElement;
if (ev.keyCode == 13) {
/*User Pressed Enter, Handle If required*/
if (element.id == "imgNavNext" && element.className != "disable_down") {
} else if (element.id == "imgNavPrev" && element.className != "disable_up") {
} else if (element.id.indexOf("liButton_") > -1) {
var nameSections = element.id.split('_');
} else if (ev.keyCode == 40) {
/*User Pressed Down*/
console.log('Pressed Down');
console.log('Element Id is ' + element.id);
if (element.id.indexOf("liButton_") > -1) {
console.log('Entered liButton_ Checking....');
var nameSections = element.id.split('_');
var imgName = element.getElementsByTagName("img")[0].getAttribute("id");
var imgSection = imgName.split('_');
var nextImgToFocus = (parseInt(imgSection[1])) + 1;
var nextIndexToFocus = (parseInt(nameSections[1])) + 1;
if (document.getElementById("liButton_" + nextIndexToFocus) != null) {
document.getElementById("liButton_" + nextIndexToFocus).tabIndex = element.tabIndex;
element.tabIndex = "-1";
document.getElementById("ImageButton_" + nextImgToFocus).className = 'active';
document.getElementById("ImageButton_" + (nextImgToFocus - 1)).className = 'inactive';
document.getElementById("liButton_" + nextIndexToFocus).focus();
} else //need to focus in navNext
if (document.getElementById('imgNavNext').className != 'disable_down') {
console.log("Enetred need to focus navNext");
var topEle = document.getElementById('liButton_6');
var nextSelImgId = topEle.getElementsByTagName("img")[0].getAttribute("id");
document.getElementById(nextSelImgId).className = 'inactive';
} else {
if (element.id.indexOf("imgNavPrev") > -1) {
} else if (ev.keyCode == 38) {
/*User Pressed Up Up*/
if (element.id.indexOf("liButton_") > -1) {
console.log('Up pressed ' + element.id);
var nameSections = element.id.split('_');
var imgName = element.getElementsByTagName("img")[0].getAttribute("id");
var imgSection = imgName.split('_');
var nextImgToFocus = (parseInt(imgSection[1])) - 1;
var nextIndexToFocus = (parseInt(nameSections[1])) - 1;
if (document.getElementById("liButton_" + nextIndexToFocus) != null) {
document.getElementById("liButton_" + nextIndexToFocus).tabIndex = element.tabIndex;
element.tabIndex = "-1";
document.getElementById("ImageButton_" + nextImgToFocus).className = 'active';
document.getElementById("ImageButton_" + (nextImgToFocus + 1)).className = 'inactive';
document.getElementById("liButton_" + nextIndexToFocus).focus();
} else //need to focus in navPrev
if (document.getElementById('imgNavPrev').className != 'disable_up') {
var topEle = document.getElementById('liButton_1');
var nextSelImgId = topEle.getElementsByTagName("img")[0].getAttribute("id");
document.getElementById(nextSelImgId).className = 'inactive';
} else /* To handle up button from imgNavNext */
if (element.id.indexOf("imgNavNext") > -1) {
The reason, I believe, the images flicker is because they aren't loaded until the button is clicked.
for (var i = firstIndex; i <= lastIndex; i++) {
if (firstIndex >= 1 && lastIndex < title.length) {
listHtml += "<li id='liButton_" + rowNo + "'><a onclick=\"ShowVideo('" + i + "');\"><img id='ImageButton_" + i + "' title=\"" + title[i] + "\" alt='" + title[i] + "' src=" + siteUrl + "timthumb/timthumb.php?src=" + image[(i)] + "&h=54&w=109&zc=1&a=c></a></li>";
When the view is scrolled up or down, the list regenerates, and the images are loaded.
You can prevent the flicker if you preload the images.
You can do this by preloading all of the images at once or by loading the images while showing a "loading (please wait) graphic." Please see this http://perishablepress.com/3-ways-preload-images-css-javascript-ajax/