Dynamically alter contents of a div and append to another div - javascript

So basically I have this div in body
<div id="main_content"></div>
Now I am downloading some data from the internet (a set of boolean data) and I have this div template. Let's say the data is (true, false, true). Then for each data I want to alter the template div. For example: first one is true so inside the template div I will change the sub1 div's height to 40 px; if it's false, I'd change sub2 div's height to 40 px; and then I'd append this modified template div to main_content div
Template div:
<div class="child">
<div class="sub1"></div>
<div class="sub2"></div>
After all this this should be the final output of main_content div
What would be the easiest way of doing this using HTML/CSS/JS.

Short answer: Here is a codepen
Long answer:
I would use js to dynamically generate your template div:
function makeTemplateDiv() {
var child = document.createElement('div');
child.className = "child"
var sub1 = document.createElement('div');
sub1.className = "sub1"
var sub2 = document.createElement('div');
sub2.className = "sub2"
return child;
Then make a css class for a taller 40 px
.taller {
height: 40px;
Then use js to to alter your template based on a passed in value
function alterTemplateDiv(value) {
var template = makeTemplateDiv();
if(value) {
template.getElementsByClassName("sub1")[0].className += " taller";
} else {
template.getElementsByClassName("sub2")[0].className += " taller";
return template;
Then use js to pass in your array of values, make the divs, and append them
function appendDivs(arrayOfValues) {
var mainDiv = document.getElementById("main_content");
for(var i = 0; i < arrayOfValues.length; i++) {

This kind of question begs for a million different types of answers, but I think this generally keeps with most best practices for front end coding without the use of a framework:
// Self-invoking function for scoping
// and to protect important global variables from other script changes
// (The variable references can be overwritten)
(function (window, document) {
var templateText,
// Data
bitArray = [true, false, true];
// Get template text
templateText = document.getElementById('my-template').text.trim();
// Loop through your T / F array
for (var i = 0, l = bitArray.length; i < l; i++) {
// Create a DIV and generate HTML within it
generatedEl = document.createElement('div');
generatedEl.innerHTML = templateText;
// Modify the new HTML content
topEl = generatedEl.getElementsByClassName('child')[0];
topEl.className += bitArray[i] ? ' typeA' : ' typeB' ;
// Insert generated HTML (assumes only one top-level element exists)
})(window, document);
.child {
width: 300px;
height: auto;
/* For true */
.child.typeA > .sub1 {
width: 300px;
height: 40px;
background-color: #0FF;
.child.typeA > .sub2 {
width: 300px;
height: 20px;
background-color: #F0F;
/* For false */
.child.typeB > .sub1 {
width: 300px;
height: 20px;
background-color: #0FF;
.child.typeB > .sub2 {
width: 300px;
height: 40px;
background-color: #F0F;
<!-- Container -->
<div id="my-container">
<!-- HTML Template -->
<script id="my-template" type="text/template">
<div class="child">
<div class="sub1"></div>
<div class="sub2"></div>
Note that the HTML content, JavaScript code and CSS are all kept very separated. This is based on the concepts of "Separation of Concerns" and "Unobtrusive JavaScript". I invite you to read up on them if you haven't already. Also, front end templating can be used for dynamic content like I did here, but I would recommend doing templating on the back end when you can. It works better for SEO purposes.

jQuery makes it easier to manipulate the DOM, so here is another solution for your problem:
var data = [true, false, true];
for (i=0; i<data.length; i++) {
var height1;
var height2;
if (data[i] == true) {
height1 = 40;
height2 = 20;
else {
height1 = 20;
height2 = 40;
var div1 = document.createElement("div");
var div2 = document.createElement("div");


Why don't if statments work when repeated in JavaScript?

I am trying to make a grid where the different boxes will blink based off of a binary value defined within my HTML document. I have created a grid in HTML, where the background colour is automatically green and what I'm trying to achieve is that if my value changes to from 0 to 1 for each of the grid items it will then change the colour to red and blink respectively.
I have managed to get the first one working and thought I could just repeat the code with different variables assigned, however this hasn't worked. The weird thing is, if I remove the code for the first box the second box will start working.
Do I need to add some extra code in JS to separate the if statments?
.grid-container {
display: grid;
grid-gap: 50px;
grid-template-columns: auto auto auto;
background-color: grey;
padding: 10px;
.grid-item {
background-color: green;
border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
padding: 50px;
font-size: 30px;
text-align: center;
<div class="grid-container">
<div class="grid-item" id = "blink1">A</div>
<div class="grid-item" id = "blink2">B</div>
<div class = "values">
<div id = "$box1value"> 1 </div>
<div id = "$box2value"> 1 </div>
var $box1 = document.getElementById("$box1value").innerHTML;
if ($box1 > 0) {
document.getElementById("blink1").style.backgroundColor = '#ff0000';
// blink "on" state
function show() {
if (document.getElementById)
document.getElementById("blink1").style.visibility = "visible";
// blink "off" state
function hide() {
if (document.getElementById)
document.getElementById("blink1").style.visibility = "hidden";
for (var i = 900; i < 99999999999; i = i + 900) {
setTimeout("hide()", i);
setTimeout("show()", i + 450);
} else {
document.getElementById("blink1").style.backgroundColor = '#098700';
/////////////////////next box/////////////////////////////
var $box2 = document.getElementById("$box2value").innerHTML;
if ($box2 > 0) {
document.getElementById("blink2").style.backgroundColor = '#ff0000';// blink "on" state
function show() {
if (document.getElementById)
document.getElementById("blink2").style.visibility = "visible";
// blink "off" state
function hide() {
if (document.getElementById)
document.getElementById("blink2").style.visibility = "hidden";
for (var i = 900; i < 99999999999999999; i = i + 900) {
setTimeout("hide()", i);
setTimeout("show()", i + 450);
} else {
document.getElementById("blink2").style.backgroundColor = '#098700';
2 different solutions (all JS vs. mostly CSS)
Keeping the core functionality in JS
Leveraging CSS for core functionality
I see what you're trying to achieve here, and I see a couple of different ways to accomplish this. Both of the solutions below allow your code to dynamically loop through any number of box items— no need to write a separate block for each item.
The first example below is modeled more similar to yours, based on
your code but rewritten to work more dynamically. The second solution
further down greatly simplifies things by moving all initialization
scripting into CSS, leaving JS responsible for only boolean switching
if you need to make any real-time state switches.
#1. Keeping the core functionality in JS
This solution modifies your original code to dynamically read the values for however many values there are, and then looping through them. In order to perform the repeated blinking in JS, I would suggest using setInterval. You'll also need to move that outside the rest of the code when using a loop or you'll end up with a conflict between the loop's iterator and the setInterval's and setTimeout's timing. More on that here. You can see the working example below:
function blink(el) {
if (el.style) {
setInterval(function() {
el.style.visibility = "visible";
setTimeout(function() {
el.style.visibility = "hidden";
}, 450);
}, 900);
const $boxes = document.querySelectorAll('[id^="blink"]');
for (const $box of $boxes) {
var boxId = $box.id.match(/\d+/)[0]; // store the ID #
if (document.getElementById('$box' + boxId + 'value')) {
var boxValue = parseInt(document.getElementById('$box' + boxId + 'value').innerHTML);
if (boxValue) {
$box.style.backgroundColor = '#ff0000';
} else {
$box.style.backgroundColor = '#098700';
.grid-container {
display: grid;
grid-gap: 50px;
grid-template-columns: auto auto auto;
background-color: grey;
padding: 10px;
.grid-item {
background-color: #098700;
border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
padding: 50px;
font-size: 30px;
text-align: center;
.values {
display: none;
<div class="grid-container">
<div class="grid-item" id="blink1">A</div>
<div class="grid-item" id="blink2">B</div>
<div class="grid-item" id="blink3">C</div>
<div class="values">
<div id="$box1value">1</div>
<div id="$box2value">0</div>
<div id="$box3value">1</div>
CodePen: https://codepen.io/brandonmcconnell/pen/ecc954bad5552962574c080631700932
#2. Leveraging CSS for core functionality
This solution moves all of your JS code (color and animation) to the CSS, moving the binary boolean switch 0/1 to data-attributes on the grid-items themselves instead of separate items and then trigger any boolean switches on those containers using JS by targeting them by another attribute such as ID, or as I used in my example below, another data-attribute I called data-blink-id. This is my recommended solution if you're able to move all of this logic into CSS. It'll be much easier to maintain and to manipulate in real-time, as all it requires to change state is a simple boolean switch.
.grid-container {
display: grid;
grid-gap: 50px;
grid-template-columns: auto auto auto;
background-color: grey;
padding: 10px;
.grid-item {
background-color: #098700;
border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
padding: 50px;
font-size: 30px;
text-align: center;
.grid-item[data-blink-status="1"] {
background-color: #f00;
animation: blink 900ms linear infinite forwards;
#keyframes blink {
0%, 50% { opacity: 1; }
51%, 100% { opacity: 0; }
<div class="grid-container">
<div class="grid-item" data-blink-id="1" data-blink-status="1">A</div>
<div class="grid-item" data-blink-id="2" data-blink-status="0">B</div>
<div class="grid-item" data-blink-id="3" data-blink-status="1">C</div>
CodePen: https://codepen.io/brandonmcconnell/pen/5b4f3090b3590902b11d50af43361758
To trigger the binary boolean switch on an item (turn ON/OFF), use the below JS command. I've commented this out in the CodePen example linked above. Un-comment this JS line to activate it and switch ON the block with data-blink-id=2
document.querySelector('[data-blink-id="2"]').setAttribute('data-blink-status', 1);
Even though your functions are declared inside if statements, they are still global.
So, you essentially redeclare the show and hide functions, and they stop working.
To make those functions local to the if statement, you'll have to use one of the ES6 block scope declarations, let or const, like this:
const show = function(){ ... }
const hide = function(){ ... }
To do this, you should also replace setTimeout's first argument with a reference to the function (actually, you should always do that):
setTimeout(hide, i)
setTimeout(show, i + 450)
Other improvements you can make:
Avoid that loop that sets timeouts. It's ugly, takes long to execute, and doesn't work forever. Instead, replace setTimeouts with setIntervals.
Remove the if (document.getElementById) part. You can count on it to be defined (it has been around for a loooong time...)
So, you get to:
var $box1 = document.getElementById("$box1value").innerHTML;
if ($box1 > 0) {
document.getElementById("blink1").style.backgroundColor = '#ff0000';// blink "on" state
const show = function () {
document.getElementById("blink1").style.visibility = "visible";
// blink "off" state
const hide = function () {
document.getElementById("blink1").style.visibility = "hidden";
let flag = false //This is needed to keep track if the element is visible
if(flag = !flag)
}, 450);
} else {
document.getElementById("blink1").style.backgroundColor = '#098700';
/////////////////////next box/////////////////////////////
var $box2 = document.getElementById("$box2value").innerHTML;
if ($box2 > 0) {
document.getElementById("blink2").style.backgroundColor = '#ff0000';// blink "on" state
const show = function () {
document.getElementById("blink2").style.visibility = "visible";
// blink "off" state
const hide = function () {
document.getElementById("blink2").style.visibility = "hidden";
let flag = false //This is needed to keep track if the element is visible
if(flag = !flag)
}, 450);
} else {
document.getElementById("blink2").style.backgroundColor = '#098700';

How to move nodes from a contentEditable div to another dynamically when its content exceed a x height?

I am trying to prototype a simple wyswyg that emulate the concept of A4 pages using contentEditable divs.
So my current code is this:
<div id="editor">
<div contenteditable="true" class="page" id="page-1">
background-color: gray;
border: 1px black;
padding: 1em 2em;
background-color: white;
border: solid black;
padding: 1em 2em;
word-wrap: break-word;
overflow-wrap: break-word;
white-space: normal;
//force br
document.execCommand("DefaultParagraphSeparator", false, "br");
const a4 = {
height: 841,
width: 595
document.getElementById('editor').addEventListener('input', function(e) {
let getChildrenHeight = function(element) {
total = 0;
if (element.childNodes) {
for (let child of element.childNodes) {
switch (child.nodeType) {
total += child.offsetHeight;
case Node.TEXT_NODE:
let range = document.createRange();
rect = range.getBoundingClientRect();
total += (rect.bottom - rect.top);
return total;
let pages = document.getElementsByClassName('page');
for (let i in pages) {
let page = pages[i];
//remove empty page
if (page.offsetHeight == 0 && i > 1) {
let childrenHeight = getChildrenHeight(page);
while (childrenHeight > a4.height) {
//recursively try to fit elements on max size
//removing/pushing excedents elements to the next div (aka page)
let excedents = [];
let children = page.childNodes;
let children_length = children.length - 1;
let backup = children[children_length].cloneNode(true);
if (pages.item(i + 1) === null) {
var newPage = page.cloneNode(true);
newPage.innerHTML = '';
} else {
page.item(i + 1).insertBefore(backup, page.item(i + 1).childNodes[0]);
Unfortunately, the result is not as I was expecting.
When the height of one page is exceeded, all content from the first page is removed, not like I would like:
the excess to be moved to next page.
and when a page is abscent of children, been removed.
Something like a very very primitive Microsoft Word multipages editor.
How to do that?
Thanks in advance
Your code is a good start, but there are a couple off things to fix:
You are a trying to iterate trough a HTMLCollection with your for..in loop, which will access length, item and namedItem in the collection (just try for(let i in document.getElementsByClassName('page')) console.log(i); in the console)
You're trying to remove empty pages when offsetHeight is 0, instead try childrenHeight
you can exchange the while loop with an if statement
you also have to check if there is enough sapce on the current page, to pull back lines from the next one
also, you have to manually handle cursor position on page breaks
I made a codepen to demonstrate the changes I suggested. It is far from perfect, but handles page removals and excess removal.

Is it possible to select all the element which is overflow a particular div and give it some CSS and place in some another div

I want to select all the element which is overflow a particular div and give it some CSS and place in some another div.
Like I have a div of height 400px and I am adding json data to it , if the content goes outside of this div I want to take all the outside content and place it to another div.
var body=document.getElementById("body");
'<page size="A4" id="A4Page" style="margin-top:0px;!important"><div class="main_Header"><h5>AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF ANTIGUA</h5></div></page>'
Here you have a fast way to do it. This could be improved by for now I have no time. This is the idea behind this.
const e = document.getElementById('overflow');
if (e.scrollHeight - e.clientHeight > 0) {
const lineHeight = getLineHeight(e);
let allLines = e.innerHTML.match(/[^\r\n]+/g);
const linesToShow = Math.trunc(e.clientHeight / lineHeight);
const linesToMove = allLines.slice(linesToShow, allLines.length - 1);
const originalDivContent = allLines.slice(0, linesToShow - 1);
e.innerHTML = originalDivContent.join('\n');
const containerDivContent = linesToMove.join('\n');
const container = document.getElementById('container');
container.innerHTML = containerDivContent;
function getLineHeight(element) {
const clone = element.cloneNode();
clone.innerHTML = '<br>';
singleLineHeight = clone.offsetHeight;
clone.innerHTML = '<br><br>';
doubleLineHeight = clone.offsetHeight;
return doubleLineHeight - singleLineHeight;
.fix {
width: 200px;
max-height: 100px;
border: 1px solid red;
.container {
width: 200px;
border: 1px solid blue;
<div id="overflow" class="fix">
<div id="container" class="container"></div>
Unfortunately that's not easy possible like you thought it.
You really have to take every of your content-items, find out their height. If parentSize < contentItemsTotal than put it to the other container.
Can you add some of your code, which you already have written?

Filling div using letter-spacing

The problem I'm having is filling a div with text using letter-spacing. The main issue is, I don't know the width of the div.
First I was thinking using, text-align= justify, but since that I've been running in the dark and got no clue to how to solve this. I'm guessing some scripting magic might do the trick.
An imgur link giving you an idea what I mean:
<div id="container">
<p>Another even longer sample text</p>
Here is a link showcasing an example; JSfiddle.
Based the comment of the poster it seems JavaScript is no problem. Here's a possible approach to solve the problem with jQuery:
JSFiddle 1
function dynamicSpacing(full_query, parent_element) {
$(full_query).css('letter-spacing', 0);
var content = $(full_query).html();
var original = content;
content = content.replace(/(\w|\s)/g, '<span>$1</span>');
var letter_width = 0;
var letters_count = 0;
$(full_query + ' span').each(function() {
letter_width += $(this).width();
var h1_width = $(parent_element).width();
var spacing = (h1_width - letter_width) / (letters_count - 1);
$(full_query).css('letter-spacing', spacing);
$(document).ready(function() {
// Initial
dynamicSpacing('#container h1', '#container');
// Refresh
$(window).resize(function() {
dynamicSpacing('#container h1', '#container');
Small tweak for when the wrapper gets too small: JSFiddle 2
Another solution if you don't have to be semantic (because you will get many spans), I mean if you need only the visual result, is to use flexbox.
So you have your <div id="#myText">TEXT 1</div>
We need to get this:
<div id="#myText">
<span> </span>
So then you can apply CSS:
#myText {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: space-between;
In order to transform the text to span you can use jQuery or whatever. Here with jQuery:
var words = $('#myText').text().split("");
$.each(words, function(i, v) {
if(v===' '){
$('#myText').append('<span> </span>');
} else {
For better results remove put letter-spacing: 0 into #myText so any extra spacing will be applied.
This is obviously evil, but since there is no straight forward way to do it with just css, you could do: demo
div, table {
background: yellow;
table {
width: 100%;
td {
text-align: center;
var text = jQuery("div").text();
var table = jQuery("<table><tr></tr></table>").get(0);
var row = table.rows[0];
for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
var cell = row.insertCell(-1);
This may help:
function fill(target) {
var elems = target.children();
$.each(elems, function(i,e) {
var x = 1;
var s = parseInt($(e).css('letter-spacing').replace('px',''));
while(x == 1) {
if($(e).width() <= target.width() - 10) {
$(e).css('letter-spacing', s+'px');
} else {
x = 0;
Note: If letter spacing is : 0 then you don't have to use replace method. Or you can add letter-spacing:1px; to your css file.
For avoiding overflow, always give minus number to parent element's height for correct work.
An other approach I wrote for this question Stretch text to fit width of div. It calculates and aplies letter-spacing so the text uses the whole available space in it's container on page load and on window resize :
<div id="container">
<h1 class="stretch">Sample</h1>
<p class="stretch">Another even longer sample text</p>
jQuery :
$.fn.strech_text = function(){
var elmt = $(this),
cont_width = elmt.width(),
txt = elmt.text(),
one_line = $('<span class="stretch_it">' + txt + '</span>'),
nb_char = elmt.text().length,
spacing = cont_width/nb_char,
txt_width = one_line.width();
if (txt_width < cont_width){
var char_width = txt_width/nb_char,
ltr_spacing = spacing - char_width + (spacing - char_width)/nb_char ;
one_line.css({'letter-spacing': ltr_spacing});
} else {
$(document).ready(function () {
$(window).resize(function () {
body {
padding: 130px;
#container {
width: 100%;
background: yellow;
white-space: nowrap;

meteor iterate over a set of Sessions to check if the value have changed

I got those Sessions:
I'm using bootstrap progress bar, which only needs width property to be change.
I'm trying to achieve an action similar to Session.get, meaning I want to check if something changed in one of those Sessions so I can increment the width of the progress bar.
I have tried doing something like that:
prog = 0 ;
prog = prog;
for( var i in Session.keys){
if(Session.keys.hasOwnProperty(i) && Session.keys[i] != "false"){
prog = prog + 1*15;
return console.log(prog);
my HTML:
<div class="bar" style="width: {{prog}}%;">
That's not working. I'm missing something but I don't know what.
I'm not all that familiar with Meteor.render, but from the docs it returns a reactive fragment which would then need to be appended to the DOM. I'm guessing that's why its not working. That being said, you really don't need to call Meteor.render directly (probably ever). You can do this just with templates and helpers. Here is a complete working example:
{{> test}}
<template name="test">
<div id='progress-wrapper'>
<div id='progress' style='width: {{progress}}%;'></div>
var PROGRESS_VARS = ['group_name', 'group_date', 'group_friends',
'group_location', 'group_rules', 'group_desc', 'group_save'];
Template.test.created = function() {
_.each(PROGRESS_VARS, function(p) {
Session.set(p, false);
progress: function() {
var total = 0;
var length = PROGRESS_VARS.length;
_.each(PROGRESS_VARS, function(p) {
if (Session.get(p)) {
total += 1;
return Math.ceil(100 * total / length);
#progress-wrapper {
border: 1px solid #000;
margin-top: 50px;
width: 50%;
#progress {
background-color: #008000;
height: 50px;

