Notification in web application when a database is updated - javascript

i am trying to develop a web application, which should show a notification ( similar to facebook notifications) whenever there is an update in a database.
Could someone please help me with the notifications part? are there any third party tools/plugins which can achieve this?

First of all what kind of technologies are you using? (Backend and FrontEnd)
In a general way you need 2 things:
Backend after a DB update sends notifications through Websockets to notify all clients.
Clients subscribes the notifications and when receives a notification, then updates the UI.


Real-time sockets between Android and server

For learning purposes I’m creating an Android app that does the following:
When a person arrives at school, he/she can check a button in the app and he/she is added in real-time to a list (in the server database) of everyone that also checked “at school” button within the app. He/she can also add a message before clicking the button.
The rest of the students then receive a toast in real-time with the person’s name that arrived and it’s message.
I know how to do the Android part, but what is the best way to do the real-time event queries and requests in communication with the server? For example, I send a socket with the persons confirmation, location and message to the server. From the server-side, I supose there’s a nodejs controller that receives the socket and updates the database in sql. Then it sends a socket to every client online and a confirmation to the checked client.
Is this the “professional” way to handle data like this? What is the best (fastest, more secure, standard) way? When I Google how to make this communication I can only find web server client-server communication with Apache, but I’m really looking for a real-time event with an Android app.
I’m not really looking for code but to know and understand technologies and design patterns on how this can be done. And what to search for in order to learn how to do this.

How to handle offline messages in React-Native using NodeJS and SocketIO

I am currently using SocketIO and NodeJS to handle messages. However the problem is that when the user becomes offline there's no way that the other user will receive the message.
The solution I came up with was to store the message in the database.
But a new problem arise, when fetching the message and push notification.
If I do fetch for "n" minutes in the server when the app is in background/inactive. There will be a lot of request in the server, and I personally think that it is inefficient. and also it drains the battery.
What is the proper way how to handle fetching the messages from database or pushing notification in app without making too much request in "n" minutes and draining too much power?
You need to save the last sync time in the App. And whenever app comes from background/Inactive state. You need to call an API with this time. This API will give you all the messages and the Push notification which has comes after the last sync time. In this way, With one API call, you will be able to get all the messages and push notifications. I had used this approach to syncing my data in one of my app.
My suggestion is to implement a system of background jobs in the API, checking when there is a new notification to be launched, or with the notification already ready waiting to be launched in the queue. You can search for queue manager like Bull, Bee-Queue.
To launch push notification in the closed/inactive app, you can use a service like OneSignal or Firebase.
I implemented this a few weeks ago and did it this way.
API = Node.js, Bull Queue
App = React Native, OneSignal
Going back to this question if somebody stumbled upon this question.
The best way to handle offline messages regardless if you are using NodeJS/MongoDB, etc. is to store it on server's database. Then call an API that fetches the the messages which is equal to user's ID whenever the mobile app comes to foreground.
If your problem is that you needed notification and you are using
react-native-push-notifications / react-native-push-notification-ios
Then you should use the data notification to include the message on notification parameter on the server's side(Assuming that you are using Firebase Cloud Messaging). With this way you can directly save the message on the mobile's database.

How to make a chat application in react native?

I have build chat UI for my application using react-native-gifted-chat. I have connected the sent messages and received messages with the services. Can anyone help me with the issue of messages not getting updated instantly as the message is received?
Do I need to hit services again and again to refresh the chat message? if yes then how?
Or do I need to implement some kind of push notification? if yes then how?
I just want to make my chat screen update the message instantly when current user receives a message from another user.
Well, for update the message instantly when current user receives a message from another user you need to use firebase realtime database. it provides you to live data instantly..(for more info refer this tutorial
and for other option also provides live data and it is better than firebase realtime database.

How to update UI based on push notifcations when app is closed (React Native)

Apologies for the somewhat general question - I'm not really sure what direction to take this in.
I'm working on a chat feature in a mobile app (React Native is that is relevant), and handling push notifications with OneSignal. I'm currently updating the chat interface with an indicator for unread messages, which is updated when a new push notification comes in for a chat. However, this functionality doesn't run when the app is closed.
Anyone have experience with a similar functionality, or have any guidance on how to handle this feature? I'm at kind of a loss on how to proceed.
You can know that application is opened via manually(by pressing app icon) or via notification. Depending on the opening of application and parameters from push notification you can change the UI.
PS : If your application is chat app, isn't real time (like firebase realtime database)? I think you don't even need push notification to update UI if it is realtime?

How can I send notifications to Chrome when the website tab is closed?

I'm trying to understand how to send notifications using the browser when my website is closed.
I see that Facebook does it but I can't get how.
Any help is welcome.
You are looking for the Push API:
The Push API gives web applications the ability to receive messages pushed to them from a server, whether or not the web app is in the foreground, or even currently loaded, on a user agent. This lets developers deliver asynchronous notifications and updates to users that opt in, resulting in better engagement with timely new content.
And the Notifications API:
The Notification interface of the Notifications API is used to configure and display desktop notifications to the user.
You must use these in combination with a Service Worker. From the Push API documentation:
For an app to receive push messages, it has to have an active service worker. When the service worker is active, it can subscribe to push notifications using PushManager.subscribe().
You can use Roost. Roost is a push notification platform for websites. You can see its documentation to perform both client-side and server-side integrations, so that you can customize your Roost notifications as needed.

