trailing zeros with comma functionality using php - javascript

Hi I've code in javascript which is working fine but same functionality I want in php language I find different sources on the internet but didn't get successes.
Javascript Code:
Number.prototype.formatMoney = function(c, d, t){
var n = this,
c = isNaN(c = Math.abs(c)) ? 2 : c,
d = d ? "." : d,
t = t ? "," : t,
s = n < 0 ? "-" : "",
i = parseInt(n = Math.abs(+n || 0).toFixed(c)) + "",
j = (j = i.length) > 3 ? j % 3 : 0;
return s + (j ? i.substr(0, j) + t : "") + i.substr(j).replace(/(\d{3})(?=\d)/g, "$1" + t) + (c ? d + Math.abs(n - i).toFixed(c).slice(2) : "");
function trailingZerosWithComma() {
var costAmount = $("#costAmount").val();
if(costAmount != "") {
var costAmountReplace = parseFloat(costAmount.replace(/\,/g,''));
$("#costAmount").val((costAmountReplace).formatMoney(2, '.', ','));
<input type="text" name="costAmount" id="costAmount" onblur="trailingZerosWithComma();">
But I need this in php
Number.prototype.formatMoney = function(c, d, t){
var n = this,
c = isNaN(c = Math.abs(c)) ? 2 : c,
d = d ? "." : d,
t = t ? "," : t,
s = n < 0 ? "-" : "",
i = parseInt(n = Math.abs(+n || 0).toFixed(c)) + "",
j = (j = i.length) > 3 ? j % 3 : 0;
return s + (j ? i.substr(0, j) + t : "") + i.substr(j).replace(/(\d{3})(?=\d)/g, "$1" + t) + (c ? d + Math.abs(n - i).toFixed(c).slice(2) : "");
var costAmountReplace = parseFloat(costAmount.replace(/\,/g,''));


JavaScript Formula Incorrectly Calculating (Implementation, syntax, or PEMDAS error likely?)

I'm working on a function that should take information about monthly mortgage payment amount, interest rate, downpayment, etc. and spit out the cost of home that the user could hypothetically afford.
The formula (I think...) is this:
And I have it in JS like this:
function formatMoney(number, c, d, t) {
var n = number,
c = isNaN(c = Math.abs(c)) ? 2 : c,
d = d == undefined ? "." : d,
t = t == undefined ? "," : t,
s = n < 0 ? "-" : "",
i = String(parseInt(n = Math.abs(Number(n) || 0).toFixed(c))),
j = (j = i.length) > 3 ? j % 3 : 0;
return s + (j ? i.substr(0, j) + t : "") + i.substr(j).replace(/(\d{3})(?=\d)/g, "$1" + t) + (c ? d + Math.abs(n - i).toFixed(c).slice(2) : "");
function calculateCost()
var cost = downpayment + ( monthly * ( Math.pow( 1 + ( interest / 12 ), term * 12 ) - 1 ) / ( ( interest / 12 ) * ( Math.pow( 1 + ( interest / 12 ), term * 12 ) ) ) );
cost = "$" + formatMoney(cost, 2, ".", ",")
return cost;
But it's spitting out answers that are way too big to be logical. Can anyone familiar with JS figure out where I'm going wrong, translating the formula to JS?

Force two decimals on this localisation function for large numbers [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 6 years ago.
Improve this question
I have the following function that automatically adds the commas to an American numerical expression which is some way of localisation. I need a minor change to this function.
if I have 160 * 54.08 = 8.652,8 as input to the function what can I do to show the output as 8.652,80 with two decimal places? Right now the function outputs as 8.652.8
function Numberformat(nStr) {
nStr += '';
x = nStr.split('.');
x1 = x[0];
x2 = x.length > 1 ? ',' + x[1] : '';
var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;
while (rgx.test(x1)) {
x1 = x1.replace(rgx, '$1' + '.' + '$2');
return x1 + x2;
function Numberformat(nStr) {
nStr += '';
x = nStr.split('.');
x1 = x[0];
x2 = x.length > 1 ? ',' + x[1] : ',0';//if there is no decimal
//force ",00"
x2 = x2.length < 3? x2 + "0" : x2;//if length of decimal + delimiter is
//less than 3 add an extra 0
var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;
while (rgx.test(x1)) {
x1 = x1.replace(rgx, '$1' + '.' + '$2');
return x1 + x2;
document.body.innerHTML = Numberformat(160 * 54.08);//8.652,80
document.body.innerHTML += '<br>' + Numberformat(8560);//8.560,00
document.body.innerHTML += '<br>' + Numberformat(8560.0);//8.560,00
document.body.innerHTML += '<br>' + Numberformat(8560.1);//8.560,10
document.body.innerHTML += '<br>' + Numberformat(8560.01);//8.560,01
document.body.innerHTML += '<br>' + Numberformat(8560.009);//8.560,009
Check this answer:
You can use:
var profits=2489.8237
profits.toFixed(3) //returns 2489.824 (round up)
profits.toFixed(2) //returns 2489.82
profits.toFixed(7) //returns 2489.8237000 (padding)
Then you can add the sign of '$'.
If you require ',' for thousand you can use:
Number.prototype.formatMoney = function(c, d, t){
var n = this,
c = isNaN(c = Math.abs(c)) ? 2 : c,
d = d == undefined ? "." : d,
t = t == undefined ? "," : t,
s = n < 0 ? "-" : "",
i = parseInt(n = Math.abs(+n || 0).toFixed(c)) + "",
j = (j = i.length) > 3 ? j % 3 : 0;
return s + (j ? i.substr(0, j) + t : "") + i.substr(j).replace(/(\d{3})(?=\d)/g, "$1" + t) + (c ? d + Math.abs(n - i).toFixed(c).slice(2) : "");
And use it with:
(123456789.12345).formatMoney(2, '.', ',');
If you're always going to use '.' and ',', you can leave them off your method call, and the method will default them for you.
If your culture has the two symbols flipped (i.e. Europeans), just paste over the following two lines in the formatMoney method:
d = d == undefined ? "," : d,
t = t == undefined ? "." : t,
I would do something like this
var n = '1.000,00';
if (wrongFormat(n)) {
n = n.replace(',', '#');
n = n.replace('.', ',');
n = n.replace('#', '.');
var val = 1*n;
//do something with val here

Issues with changing dynamic prices

I have a car rental company that offers pre-paid discount of 10%. I have formatted the total price correctly, but when someone adds an "Extra" to it, it stops changing the price total with the 10%.
This is the price field:
<span id="cashamount" class="additional xxlarge carrental_security_deposit" data-deposit="<?php echo $available_payments['carrental-paypal-security-deposit'];?>" data-deposit-round="<?php echo $available_payments['carrental-paypal-security-deposit-round'];?>"> - </span> <span class="additional xxlarge">ISK</span>
And this is the Javascript i use:
<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
Number.prototype.formatMoney = function(c, d, t){
var n = this,
c = isNaN(c = Math.abs(c)) ? 2 : c,
d = d == undefined ? "." : d,
t = t == undefined ? "," : t,
s = n < 0 ? "-" : "",
i = parseInt(n = Math.abs(+n || 0).toFixed(c)) + "",
j = (j = i.length) > 3 ? j % 3 : 0;
return s + (j ? i.substr(0, j) + t : "") + i.substr(j).replace(/(\d{3})(?=\d)/g, "$1" + t) + (c ? d + Math.abs(n - i).toFixed(c).slice(2) : "");
var Total = $("#cashamount");
var totalNumber = Number(Total.text().replace(/[^0-9\.]+/g,""));
Total.text((totalNumber * 1.1).formatMoney(2, '.', ','));
It's there onChange variable or something that monitors the changes to the price field and changes accordingly ?.
Any help on this is greatly appreciated.
You can use jquery to execute a function every time a specific event is fired, in your case something like the jquery change function should do the trick:
$('#idOfPriceField').change(function() {
// make the desired updates here

How to repeat a function not continously but every 10 seconds?

I have this function which I use in Chrome Console. My question is how to edit the code so that this is executes every 10 seconds.
Thank you
var minValue = 1E-8,
maxLoss = 10000000000000,
aimedProfit = 10,
maxOps = 500000000000000,
endResult = 0,
ops = 0,
bet = function (a, b, c) {
var seed = window.document.getElementById('next_client_seed').value;
$.get("?op=double_your_btc&m=" + (b ? "lo" : "hi") + "&stake=" + a + "&multiplier=2&jackpot=0&client_seed=" + seed, function (d) {
d = d.split(":");
c(a, b, "w" === d[1])
}, martingale = function (a, b, c) {
c || a >= maxLoss && 0 !== maxLoss ? (b = !b, newValue = minValue) : newValue = 2 * a;
endResult = c ? endResult + a : endResult - a;
console.log((c ? "+" : "-") + a);
(ops < maxOps || 0 === maxOps) && (endResult < aimedProfit || 0 === aimedProfit) ? bet(newValue, b, martingale) :
(console.log("Martingale finished in " + ops + " operations!"), console.log("Result: " + endResult))
martingale(minValue, !1, !1);
You can use either setTimeout or setInterval.
With setInterval your code will look as follows:
var myFunction = function () {
var minValue = 1E-8,
maxLoss = 10000000000000,
aimedProfit = 10,
maxOps = 500000000000000,
endResult = 0,
ops = 0,
bet = function (a, b, c) {
var seed = window.document.getElementById('next_client_seed').value;
$.get("?op=double_your_btc&m=" + (b ? "lo" : "hi") + "&stake=" + a + "&multiplier=2&jackpot=0&client_seed=" + seed, function (d) {
d = d.split(":");
c(a, b, "w" === d[1])
}, martingale = function (a, b, c) {
c || a >= maxLoss && 0 !== maxLoss ? (b = !b, newValue = minValue) : newValue = 2 * a;
endResult = c ? endResult + a : endResult - a;
console.log((c ? "+" : "-") + a);
(ops < maxOps || 0 === maxOps) && (endResult < aimedProfit || 0 === aimedProfit) ? bet(newValue, b, martingale) :
(console.log("Martingale finished in " + ops + " operations!"), console.log("Result: " + endResult))
martingale(minValue, !1, !1);
setInterval(myFunction, 10000);
martingale(minValue, !1, !1);
}, 10000);

Jquery Countdown... time is running out

I am trying to change the end of the countdown so it displays a countdown till the end date of 22nd of May 2014 on the below countdown, any idea how I do that?
Here is the webiste you will see it currently is counting down to a date I cannot even seem to find
Please help
Code here:
(function ($) {
function Countdown() {
this.regional = [];
this.regional[''] = {
labels: ['Years', 'Months', 'Weeks', 'Days', 'Hours', 'Minutes', 'Seconds'],
labels1: ['Year', 'Month', 'Week', 'Day', 'Hour', 'Minute', 'Second'],
compactLabels: ['y', 'm', 'w', 'd'],
whichLabels: null,
digits: ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'],
timeSeparator: ':',
isRTL: false
this._defaults = {
until: null,
since: null,
timezone: null,
serverSync: null,
format: 'dHMS',
layout: '',
compact: false,
significant: 0,
description: '',
expiryUrl: '',
expiryText: '',
alwaysExpire: false,
onExpiry: null,
onTick: null,
tickInterval: 1
$.extend(this._defaults, this.regional['']);
this._serverSyncs = [];
var c = (typeof == 'function' ? : function () {
return new Date().getTime()
var d = (window.performance && typeof == 'function');
function timerCallBack(a) {
var b = (a < 1e12 ? (d ? ( + performance.timing.navigationStart) : c()) : a || c());
if (b - f >= 1000) {
f = b
var e = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || null;
var f = 0;
if (!e || $.noRequestAnimationFrame) {
$.noRequestAnimationFrame = null;
setInterval(function () {
}, 980)
} else {
f = window.animationStartTime || window.webkitAnimationStartTime || window.mozAnimationStartTime || window.oAnimationStartTime || window.msAnimationStartTime || c();
var Y = 0;
var O = 1;
var W = 2;
var D = 3;
var H = 4;
var M = 5;
var S = 6;
$.extend(Countdown.prototype, {
markerClassName: 'hasCountdown',
propertyName: 'countdown',
_rtlClass: 'countdown_rtl',
_sectionClass: 'countdown_section',
_amountClass: 'countdown_amount',
_rowClass: 'countdown_row',
_holdingClass: 'countdown_holding',
_showClass: 'countdown_show',
_descrClass: 'countdown_descr',
_timerTargets: [],
setDefaults: function (a) {
this._resetExtraLabels(this._defaults, a);
$.extend(this._defaults, a || {})
UTCDate: function (a, b, c, e, f, g, h, i) {
if (typeof b == 'object' && b.constructor == Date) {
i = b.getMilliseconds();
h = b.getSeconds();
g = b.getMinutes();
f = b.getHours();
e = b.getDate();
c = b.getMonth();
b = b.getFullYear()
var d = new Date();
d.setUTCMonth(c || 0);
d.setUTCDate(e || 1);
d.setUTCHours(f || 0);
d.setUTCMinutes((g || 0) - (Math.abs(a) < 30 ? a * 60 : a));
d.setUTCSeconds(h || 0);
d.setUTCMilliseconds(i || 0);
return d
periodsToSeconds: function (a) {
return a[0] * 31557600 + a[1] * 2629800 + a[2] * 604800 + a[3] * 86400 + a[4] * 3600 + a[5] * 60 + a[6]
_attachPlugin: function (a, b) {
a = $(a);
if (a.hasClass(this.markerClassName)) {
var c = {
options: $.extend({}, this._defaults),
_periods: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
a.addClass(this.markerClassName).data(this.propertyName, c);
this._optionPlugin(a, b)
_addTarget: function (a) {
if (!this._hasTarget(a)) {
_hasTarget: function (a) {
return ($.inArray(a, this._timerTargets) > -1)
_removeTarget: function (b) {
this._timerTargets = $.map(this._timerTargets, function (a) {
return (a == b ? null : a)
_updateTargets: function () {
for (var i = this._timerTargets.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
_optionPlugin: function (a, b, c) {
a = $(a);
var d =;
if (!b || (typeof b == 'string' && c == null)) {
var e = b;
b = (d || {}).options;
return (b && e ? b[e] : b)
if (!a.hasClass(this.markerClassName)) {
b = b || {};
if (typeof b == 'string') {
var e = b;
b = {};
b[e] = c
if (b.layout) {
b.layout = b.layout.replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>')
this._resetExtraLabels(d.options, b);
var f = (d.options.timezone != b.timezone);
$.extend(d.options, b);
this._adjustSettings(a, d, b.until != null || b.since != null || f);
var g = new Date();
if ((d._since && d._since < g) || (d._until && d._until > g)) {
this._updateCountdown(a, d)
_updateCountdown: function (a, b) {
var c = $(a);
b = b ||;
if (!b) {
c.html(this._generateHTML(b)).toggleClass(this._rtlClass, b.options.isRTL);
if ($.isFunction(b.options.onTick)) {
var d = b._hold != 'lap' ? b._periods : this._calculatePeriods(b, b._show, b.options.significant, new Date());
if (b.options.tickInterval == 1 || this.periodsToSeconds(d) % b.options.tickInterval == 0) {
b.options.onTick.apply(a, [d])
var e = b._hold != 'pause' && (b._since ? b._now.getTime() < b._since.getTime() : b._now.getTime() >= b._until.getTime());
if (e && !b._expiring) {
b._expiring = true;
if (this._hasTarget(a) || b.options.alwaysExpire) {
if ($.isFunction(b.options.onExpiry)) {
b.options.onExpiry.apply(a, [])
if (b.options.expiryText) {
var f = b.options.layout;
b.options.layout = b.options.expiryText;
this._updateCountdown(a, b);
b.options.layout = f
if (b.options.expiryUrl) {
window.location = b.options.expiryUrl
b._expiring = false
} else if (b._hold == 'pause') {
}, b)
_resetExtraLabels: function (a, b) {
var c = false;
for (var n in b) {
if (n != 'whichLabels' && n.match(/[Ll]abels/)) {
c = true;
if (c) {
for (var n in a) {
if (n.match(/[Ll]abels[02-9]|compactLabels1/)) {
a[n] = null
_adjustSettings: function (a, b, c) {
var d;
var e = 0;
var f = null;
for (var i = 0; i < this._serverSyncs.length; i++) {
if (this._serverSyncs[i][0] == b.options.serverSync) {
f = this._serverSyncs[i][1];
if (f != null) {
e = (b.options.serverSync ? f : 0);
d = new Date()
} else {
var g = ($.isFunction(b.options.serverSync) ? b.options.serverSync.apply(a, []) : null);
d = new Date();
e = (g ? d.getTime() - g.getTime() : 0);
this._serverSyncs.push([b.options.serverSync, e])
var h = b.options.timezone;
h = (h == null ? -d.getTimezoneOffset() : h);
if (c || (!c && b._until == null && b._since == null)) {
b._since = b.options.since;
if (b._since != null) {
b._since = this.UTCDate(h, this._determineTime(b._since, null));
if (b._since && e) {
b._since.setMilliseconds(b._since.getMilliseconds() + e)
b._until = this.UTCDate(h, this._determineTime(b.options.until, d));
if (e) {
b._until.setMilliseconds(b._until.getMilliseconds() + e)
b._show = this._determineShow(b)
_destroyPlugin: function (a) {
a = $(a);
if (!a.hasClass(this.markerClassName)) {
_pausePlugin: function (a) {
this._hold(a, 'pause')
_lapPlugin: function (a) {
this._hold(a, 'lap')
_resumePlugin: function (a) {
this._hold(a, null)
_hold: function (a, b) {
var c = $.data(a, this.propertyName);
if (c) {
if (c._hold == 'pause' && !b) {
c._periods = c._savePeriods;
var d = (c._since ? '-' : '+');
c[c._since ? '_since' : '_until'] = this._determineTime(d + c._periods[0] + 'y' + d + c._periods[1] + 'o' + d + c._periods[2] + 'w' + d + c._periods[3] + 'd' + d + c._periods[4] + 'h' + d + c._periods[5] + 'm' + d + c._periods[6] + 's');
c._hold = b;
c._savePeriods = (b == 'pause' ? c._periods : null);
$.data(a, this.propertyName, c);
this._updateCountdown(a, c)
_getTimesPlugin: function (a) {
var b = $.data(a, this.propertyName);
return (!b ? null : (b._hold == 'pause' ? b._savePeriods : (!b._hold ? b._periods : this._calculatePeriods(b, b._show, b.options.significant, new Date()))))
_determineTime: function (k, l) {
var m = function (a) {
var b = new Date();
b.setTime(b.getTime() + a * 1000);
return b
var n = function (a) {
a = a.toLowerCase();
var b = new Date();
var c = b.getFullYear();
var d = b.getMonth();
var e = b.getDate();
var f = b.getHours();
var g = b.getMinutes();
var h = b.getSeconds();
var i = /([+-]?[0-9]+)\s*(s|m|h|d|w|o|y)?/g;
var j = i.exec(a);
while (j) {
switch (j[2] || 's') {
case 's':
h += parseInt(j[1], 10);
case 'm':
g += parseInt(j[1], 10);
case 'h':
f += parseInt(j[1], 10);
case 'd':
e += parseInt(j[1], 10);
case 'w':
e += parseInt(j[1], 10) * 7;
case 'o':
d += parseInt(j[1], 10);
e = Math.min(e, x._getDaysInMonth(c, d));
case 'y':
c += parseInt(j[1], 10);
e = Math.min(e, x._getDaysInMonth(c, d));
j = i.exec(a)
return new Date(c, d, e, f, g, h, 0)
var o = (k == null ? l : (typeof k == 'string' ? n(k) : (typeof k == 'number' ? m(k) : k)));
if (o) o.setMilliseconds(0);
return o
_getDaysInMonth: function (a, b) {
return 32 - new Date(a, b, 32).getDate()
_normalLabels: function (a) {
return a
_generateHTML: function (c) {
var d = this;
c._periods = (c._hold ? c._periods : this._calculatePeriods(c, c._show, c.options.significant, new Date()));
var e = false;
var f = 0;
var g = c.options.significant;
var h = $.extend({}, c._show);
for (var i = Y; i <= S; i++) {
e |= (c._show[i] == '?' && c._periods[i] > 0);
h[i] = (c._show[i] == '?' && !e ? null : c._show[i]);
f += (h[i] ? 1 : 0);
g -= (c._periods[i] > 0 ? 1 : 0)
var j = [false, false, false, false, false, false, false];
for (var i = S; i >= Y; i--) {
if (c._show[i]) {
if (c._periods[i]) {
j[i] = true
} else {
j[i] = g > 0;
var k = (c.options.compact ? c.options.compactLabels : c.options.labels);
var l = c.options.whichLabels || this._normalLabels;
var m = function (a) {
var b = c.options['compactLabels' + l(c._periods[a])];
return (h[a] ? d._translateDigits(c, c._periods[a]) + (b ? b[a] : k[a]) + ' ' : '')
var n = function (a) {
var b = c.options['labels' + l(c._periods[a])];
return ((!c.options.significant && h[a]) || (c.options.significant && j[a]) ? '<span class="' + x._sectionClass + '">' + '<span class="' + x._amountClass + '">' + d._translateDigits(c, c._periods[a]) + '</span><br/>' + (b ? b[a] : k[a]) + '</span>' : '')
return (c.options.layout ? this._buildLayout(c, h, c.options.layout, c.options.compact, c.options.significant, j) : ((c.options.compact ? '<span class="' + this._rowClass + ' ' + this._amountClass + (c._hold ? ' ' + this._holdingClass : '') + '">' + m(Y) + m(O) + m(W) + m(D) + (h[H] ? this._minDigits(c, c._periods[H], 2) : '') + (h[M] ? (h[H] ? c.options.timeSeparator : '') + this._minDigits(c, c._periods[M], 2) : '') + (h[S] ? (h[H] || h[M] ? c.options.timeSeparator : '') + this._minDigits(c, c._periods[S], 2) : '') : '<span class="' + this._rowClass + ' ' + this._showClass + (c.options.significant || f) + (c._hold ? ' ' + this._holdingClass : '') + '">' + n(Y) + n(O) + n(W) + n(D) + n(H) + n(M) + n(S)) + '</span>' + (c.options.description ? '<span class="' + this._rowClass + ' ' + this._descrClass + '">' + c.options.description + '</span>' : '')))
_buildLayout: function (c, d, e, f, g, h) {
var j = c.options[f ? 'compactLabels' : 'labels'];
var k = c.options.whichLabels || this._normalLabels;
var l = function (a) {
return (c.options[(f ? 'compactLabels' : 'labels') + k(c._periods[a])] || j)[a]
var m = function (a, b) {
return c.options.digits[Math.floor(a / b) % 10]
var o = {
desc: c.options.description,
sep: c.options.timeSeparator,
yl: l(Y),
yn: this._minDigits(c, c._periods[Y], 1),
ynn: this._minDigits(c, c._periods[Y], 2),
ynnn: this._minDigits(c, c._periods[Y], 3),
y1: m(c._periods[Y], 1),
y10: m(c._periods[Y], 10),
y100: m(c._periods[Y], 100),
y1000: m(c._periods[Y], 1000),
ol: l(O),
on: this._minDigits(c, c._periods[O], 1),
onn: this._minDigits(c, c._periods[O], 2),
onnn: this._minDigits(c, c._periods[O], 3),
o1: m(c._periods[O], 1),
o10: m(c._periods[O], 10),
o100: m(c._periods[O], 100),
o1000: m(c._periods[O], 1000),
wl: l(W),
wn: this._minDigits(c, c._periods[W], 1),
wnn: this._minDigits(c, c._periods[W], 2),
wnnn: this._minDigits(c, c._periods[W], 3),
w1: m(c._periods[W], 1),
w10: m(c._periods[W], 10),
w100: m(c._periods[W], 100),
w1000: m(c._periods[W], 1000),
dl: l(D),
dn: this._minDigits(c, c._periods[D], 1),
dnn: this._minDigits(c, c._periods[D], 2),
dnnn: this._minDigits(c, c._periods[D], 3),
d1: m(c._periods[D], 1),
d10: m(c._periods[D], 10),
d100: m(c._periods[D], 100),
d1000: m(c._periods[D], 1000),
hl: l(H),
hn: this._minDigits(c, c._periods[H], 1),
hnn: this._minDigits(c, c._periods[H], 2),
hnnn: this._minDigits(c, c._periods[H], 3),
h1: m(c._periods[H], 1),
h10: m(c._periods[H], 10),
h100: m(c._periods[H], 100),
h1000: m(c._periods[H], 1000),
ml: l(M),
mn: this._minDigits(c, c._periods[M], 1),
mnn: this._minDigits(c, c._periods[M], 2),
mnnn: this._minDigits(c, c._periods[M], 3),
m1: m(c._periods[M], 1),
m10: m(c._periods[M], 10),
m100: m(c._periods[M], 100),
m1000: m(c._periods[M], 1000),
sl: l(S),
sn: this._minDigits(c, c._periods[S], 1),
snn: this._minDigits(c, c._periods[S], 2),
snnn: this._minDigits(c, c._periods[S], 3),
s1: m(c._periods[S], 1),
s10: m(c._periods[S], 10),
s100: m(c._periods[S], 100),
s1000: m(c._periods[S], 1000)
var p = e;
for (var i = Y; i <= S; i++) {
var q = 'yowdhms'.charAt(i);
var r = new RegExp('\\{' + q + '<\\}([\\s\\S]*)\\{' + q + '>\\}', 'g');
p = p.replace(r, ((!g && d[i]) || (g && h[i]) ? '$1' : ''))
$.each(o, function (n, v) {
var a = new RegExp('\\{' + n + '\\}', 'g');
p = p.replace(a, v)
return p
_minDigits: function (a, b, c) {
b = '' + b;
if (b.length >= c) {
return this._translateDigits(a, b)
b = '0000000000' + b;
return this._translateDigits(a, b.substr(b.length - c))
_translateDigits: function (b, c) {
return ('' + c).replace(/[0-9]/g, function (a) {
return b.options.digits[a]
_determineShow: function (a) {
var b = a.options.format;
var c = [];
c[Y] = (b.match('y') ? '?' : (b.match('Y') ? '!' : null));
c[O] = (b.match('o') ? '?' : (b.match('O') ? '!' : null));
c[W] = (b.match('w') ? '?' : (b.match('W') ? '!' : null));
c[D] = (b.match('d') ? '?' : (b.match('D') ? '!' : null));
c[H] = (b.match('h') ? '?' : (b.match('H') ? '!' : null));
c[M] = (b.match('m') ? '?' : (b.match('M') ? '!' : null));
c[S] = (b.match('s') ? '?' : (b.match('S') ? '!' : null));
return c
_calculatePeriods: function (c, d, e, f) {
c._now = f;
var g = new Date(c._now.getTime());
if (c._since) {
if (f.getTime() < c._since.getTime()) {
c._now = f = g
} else {
f = c._since
} else {
if (f.getTime() > c._until.getTime()) {
c._now = f = g
var h = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
if (d[Y] || d[O]) {
var i = x._getDaysInMonth(f.getFullYear(), f.getMonth());
var j = x._getDaysInMonth(g.getFullYear(), g.getMonth());
var k = (g.getDate() == f.getDate() || (g.getDate() >= Math.min(i, j) && f.getDate() >= Math.min(i, j)));
var l = function (a) {
return (a.getHours() * 60 + a.getMinutes()) * 60 + a.getSeconds()
var m = Math.max(0, (g.getFullYear() - f.getFullYear()) * 12 + g.getMonth() - f.getMonth() + ((g.getDate() < f.getDate() && !k) || (k && l(g) < l(f)) ? -1 : 0));
h[Y] = (d[Y] ? Math.floor(m / 12) : 0);
h[O] = (d[O] ? m - h[Y] * 12 : 0);
f = new Date(f.getTime());
var n = (f.getDate() == i);
var o = x._getDaysInMonth(f.getFullYear() + h[Y], f.getMonth() + h[O]);
if (f.getDate() > o) {
f.setFullYear(f.getFullYear() + h[Y]);
f.setMonth(f.getMonth() + h[O]);
if (n) {
var p = Math.floor((g.getTime() - f.getTime()) / 1000);
var q = function (a, b) {
h[a] = (d[a] ? Math.floor(p / b) : 0);
p -= h[a] * b
q(W, 604800);
q(D, 86400);
q(H, 3600);
q(M, 60);
q(S, 1);
if (p > 0 && !c._since) {
var r = [1, 12, 4.3482, 7, 24, 60, 60];
var s = S;
var t = 1;
for (var u = S; u >= Y; u--) {
if (d[u]) {
if (h[s] >= t) {
h[s] = 0;
p = 1
if (p > 0) {
p = 0;
s = u;
t = 1
t *= r[u]
if (e) {
for (var u = Y; u <= S; u++) {
if (e && h[u]) {
} else if (!e) {
h[u] = 0
return h
var w = ['getTimes'];
function isNotChained(a, b) {
if (a == 'option' && (b.length == 0 || (b.length == 1 && typeof b[0] == 'string'))) {
return true
return $.inArray(a, w) > -1
$.fn.countdown = function (a) {
var b =, 1);
if (isNotChained(a, b)) {
return x['_' + a + 'Plugin'].apply(x, [this[0]].concat(b))
return this.each(function () {
if (typeof a == 'string') {
if (!x['_' + a + 'Plugin']) {
throw 'Unknown command: ' + a;
x['_' + a + 'Plugin'].apply(x, [this].concat(b))
} else {
x._attachPlugin(this, a || {})
var x = $.countdown = new Countdown()
There is a javascript file called custom.js
Here is the code to find you will see the date you have to modify,
Additional information regarding this plugin can be found
// Countdown //
until: new Date(2014, 10 - 1, 9), // new Date(year, mth - 1, day, hr, min, sec) - date/time to count down to
// or numeric for seconds offset, or string for unit offset(s):
// 'Y' years, 'O' months, 'W' weeks, 'D' days, 'H' hours, 'M' minutes, 'S' seconds
timezone: -4, // The timezone (hours or minutes from GMT) for the target times, or null for client local
layout: '{d<}<div class="span3"><div class="digit-container">{dn}<span class="label-container">{dl}</span></div></div>{d>}{h<}<div class="span3"><div class="digit-container">{hn}<span class="label-container">{hl}</span></div></div>{h>}{m<}<div class="span3"><div class="digit-container">{mn}<span class="label-container">{ml}</span></div></div>{m>}{s<}<div class="span3"><div class="digit-container">{sn}<span class="label-container">{sl}</span></div></div>{s>}',
timeSeparator: '', // Separator for time periods
isRTL: false, // True for right-to-left languages, false for left-to-right
format: 'dHMS', // Format for display - upper case for always, lower case only if non-zero,
// 'Y' years, 'O' months, 'W' weeks, 'D' days, 'H' hours, 'M' minutes, 'S' seconds
alwaysExpire: true, // True to trigger onExpiry even if never counted down
onExpiry: liftOff // Callback when the countdown expires -
// receives no parameters and 'this' is the containing division

