bx slider set number of images in slider - javascript

I want to set it so there's 3 text/images on the slider and it also works well with gallery with numbers not divisible by 3. If there's 5 images shows 3 in the first and 2 on the second.
I have a demo here:
Here's the javascript I'm using
// declare global
var slider_array = new Array();
// launch bxslider
slider_array[i] = $(this).bxSlider({controls:false,
// bind controls on custom controls, and run functions on every slider
$('.bxslider-controls a').bind('click', function(e) {
if($(this).hasClass('pull-left')) {
$.each(slider_array, function(i,elem){
} else if($(this).hasClass('pull-right')) {
$.each(slider_array, function(i,elem){

In order to have more than one slides in the viewport you have to specify a width in bxSlider options (for example 1/3 of the viewport), so bxSlider operates in carousel mode, and maximum number of slides that can be shown on the viewport. That makes bxSlider not very responsive, unless you update it via javascript (using reloadSlider method).
Look at Public Methods on http://bxslider.com/options for further reference
// declare global
var slider_array = new Array();
// launch bxslider
slider_array[i] = $(this).bxSlider({controls:false, maxSlides:3, slideWidth:330 });
// bind controls on custom controls, and run functions on every slider
$('.bxslider-controls a').bind('click', function(e) {
if($(this).hasClass('pull-left')) {
$.each(slider_array, function(i,elem){
} else if($(this).hasClass('pull-right')) {
$.each(slider_array, function(i,elem){


Rearranging js to accommodate more flexibility

How can I make this js affect only the child elements of the original hovered element without giving all of the individual .g_scroll or .left/.right tags id's?
function loopRight(){
$('.g_scroll').stop().animate({scrollLeft:'+=20'}, 'fast', 'linear', loopRight);
function loopLeft(){
$('.g_scroll').stop().animate({scrollLeft:'-=20'}, 'fast', 'linear', loopLeft);
function stop(){
$('#right').hover(function () {
},function () {
$('#left').hover(function () {
},function () {
JSfiddle for (confusing, but necessary) html structure: https://jsfiddle.net/6rbn18cL/
To demonstrate how it would have to be renamed: https://jsfiddle.net/z9u3azqy/
So here, I "merged" both arrow handlers.
Then, there is a calculation needed to determine the "scroll" speed, based on width to be scrolled, which may no always be 100% of the element's width.
This script allows you to easily determine a speed for 100% scrolling.
Then, it calculates the speed if there is already a distance scrolled.
function moveit(arrow){
// Adjust you delay here
var delay = 2000; // delay to scroll 100%
var animationDelay;
var slider = arrow.siblings(".g_scroll");
var distance = slider.width();
var scrolled = slider.scrollLeft()+1; // +1 is to avoid infinity in the math below
distance = -distance;
animationDelay = -distance * (-distance/delay)*(-distance+scrolled);
animationDelay = distance * (distance/delay)*(distance-scrolled);
slider.stop().animate({scrollLeft:distance}, animationDelay, 'linear');
function stop(arrow){
$('.scroller_l, .scroller_r').hover(function(){
},function() {
}); // ready
--First answer--
First, you can't use the same id more than once.
So I removed id="left" and id="right" from your HTML.
Now the trick is to pass which arrow is hovered to your functions, using $(this).
And find the .g_scroll element which is a sibling of it.
function loopRight(arrow){
arrow.siblings(".g_scroll").stop().animate({scrollLeft:'+=20'}, 'fast', 'linear', loopRight);
function loopLeft(arrow){
arrow.siblings(".g_scroll").stop().animate({scrollLeft:'-=20'}, 'fast', 'linear', loopLeft);
function stop(arrow){
},function() {
},function() {
You can pass the event object and find the proper container from there.
$('.scroller_l').hover(loopRight, stop);
$('.scroller_r').hover(loopLeft, stop);
This is done automatically if you pass functions as parameters like the above.
To find the scrolling container dynamically for each instance you can use the classes to find the container relative to the current target:
var el = $(ev.currentTarget),
parent = el.closest('.country_holder'),
container = parent.find('.g_scroll');
See a working example here.
At this point you can ask yourself whether loopRight and loopLeft can be combined in one function. The only difference is the '-=20' and '+=20'.
With polymorphism you can refactor this even further.

isotope plugin fails to load properly, and cuts off div

So if you check out: http://uniplaces.micrositesonline.info/blog/cities/ you'll see the isotope masonry plugin in action. The entire theme is from https://themetrust.com/demos/swell/. The issue is, on our site, the isotope plugin loads in a strange manner, the div that contains the masonry images fails to adjust the height properly and thus, it sometimes gets cut off. You can typically replicate this by reloading the page once it has loaded.
The code containing the js is in 'themetrust.js':
// Project Filtering
function projectFilterInit() {
if( jQuery('#filter-nav a').length > 0 ) {
jQuery('#filter-nav a').click(function(){
var selector = jQuery(this).attr('data-filter');
filter: selector,
hiddenStyle : {
opacity: 0,
scale : 1
if ( !jQuery(this).hasClass('selected') ) {
return false;
} // if() - Don't have this element on every page on which we call Isotope
// Project thumbs
function isotopeInit() {
resizable: true,
layoutMode: 'masonry',
masonry: {
columnWidth: colW
jQuery(".thumbs .small").css("visibility", "visible");
// Isotope Grid Resize
function setColumns()
var columns;
var gw = gridContainer.width();
var ww = jQuery(window).width()
columns = 1;
}else if(ww<=870){
columns = 2;
columns = 3;
colW = Math.floor(gw / columns);
jQuery('.thumbs .small').each(function(id){
jQuery('.thumbs .small').show();
function gridResize() {
resizable: false,
layoutMode: 'masonry',
masonry: {
columnWidth: colW
// Center Home Banner Text
function centerHomeBannerContent() {
var bannerContent = jQuery('.home #banner-content');
var bannerContentTop = (windowHeightAdjusted/2) - (jQuery('.home #banner-content').actual('height')/2);
bannerContent.css('margin-top', bannerContentTop+'px');
// Initialize
//Set Down Arrow Button
jQuery.scrollTo( ".middle", {easing: 'easeInOutExpo', duration: 1000} );
We've tried modifying it to no avail, removing and tweeking, but nothing seems to work. At this point we think it make be the css transition initialized by the class isotope-item, so we removed it, which seems to work but we are not entirely sure why. Is it possible to retain the transitions and get the isotope plugin to behave with them reliably?
WOOOO that theme is mental to say the least.
There are so many HTTP request's it's not surprising it's failing to load some scripts within the exec time.
Right because this is a theme and we don't want to mess about with stuff to much for updating sake's I would recommend using autoptomize
It will compress and conjoin all your scripts and css files into one nice neat and easy to download file so that no render blocking or partial loading occur's
Just reviewed your site on http://uniplaces.micrositesonline.info/blog/cities/, probably "jquery.isotope.js" file is missing on your directly. Make sure the presence of "jquery.isotope.js" at JS folder. lets try

Smooth jScrollPane scrollbar length adjustment with dynamic content

Some of my webpages contain several text elements that expand and collapse with a jQuery "accordion" effect:
function show_panel(num) {
jQuery('#a' + num).slideToggle("slow");
function hide_panel(num) {
jQuery('#a' + num).slideToggle("slow");
This causes the window size to change so jScrollPane has to be reinitialized, which will also change the length of the scrollbar. To achieve a smooth length adjustment of the scrollbar, I set the "autoReinitialise" option to "true" and the "autoReinitialiseDelay" to "40" ms:
$(document).ready(function () {
var win = $(window);
// Full body scroll
var isResizing = false;
function () {
if (!isResizing) {
isResizing = true;
var container = $('#content');
// Temporarily make the container tiny so it doesn't influence the
// calculation of the size of the document
'width': 1,
'height': 1
// Now make it the size of the window...
'width': win.width(),
'height': win.height()
isResizing = false;
showArrows: false,
autoReinitialise: true,
autoReinitialiseDelay: 40
// Workaround for known Opera issue which breaks demo (see
// http://jscrollpane.kelvinluck.com/known_issues.html#opera-scrollbar )
$('body').css('overflow', 'hidden');
// IE calculates the width incorrectly first time round (it
// doesn't count the space used by the native scrollbar) so
// we re-trigger if necessary.
if ($('#content').width() != win.width()) {
The effect is ok, but on the cost of a very high CPU usage which makes my fan go wild.
This is a jsfiddle which shows the settings and the effect: http://jsfiddle.net/VVxVz/
Here's an example page (in fact it's an iframe within the webpage shown): http://www.sicily-cottage.net/zagaraenausfluege.htm
Is there a possibility to achieve the same "smooth" transition of the scrollbar length without using the "autoReinitialise" option, maybe with an additional script, some modification of the jscrollpane.js, or simply a css animation of the scrollbar and then calling the reinitialise manually?
I'm absolutely useless at javascript so any help would be greatly appreciated.
There is no need to initialise jScrollPane on your content everytime window is resized. You should do it only once - on $(document).ready(). Also, there is no need in using autoReinitialize if your content is staic. You should reinitialise jScrollPane to update scrollbar size only when you slideUp/slideDown one of your container or on window.resize. So, code become less and more beautiful :)
function togglePanel(num) {
var jsp = $('#content').data('jsp');
jQuery('#a' + num).slideToggle({
"duration": "slow",
"step": function(){
return false;
$(document).ready(function () {
var container = $('#content').jScrollPane({
showArrows: false,
autoReinitialise: false
var jsp = container.data('jsp');
$(window).on('resize', function(){
// Workaround for known Opera issue which breaks demo (see
// http://jscrollpane.kelvinluck.com/known_issues.html#opera-scrollbar )
$('body').css('overflow', 'hidden');
// IE calculates the width incorrectly first time round (it
// doesn't count the space used by the native scrollbar) so
// we re-trigger if necessary.
if (container.width() != $(window).width()) {

Calling a function inside a plugin. Wordpress style

I am currently trying to combine two wordpress plugins without having to rewrite one to fit inside the other.
My question at its most basic is:
How do you call a function that exists outside another plugin. Eg. I have two files:
1) js/N_Rotator.js
2) js/layerSlider.js
The two of them function correctly. The first is a image rotating in the background.
The second one is rotating content (ie. titles, images links etc.).
What I need to do is sync them both. When slider 2 rotates, i want slider 1 to rotate as well.
After doing some digging, I found that I can initiate Slider 1 from Slider 2 like this:
a('#carousel').infiniteCarousel({ anim('next'); });
But I get an error, that anim() does not exits. So inside slider 1 js, I placed it inside a variable.
if(o.play) {
Then called it like so from slider 2:
a('#carousel').infiniteCarousel({ play:1 });
But all that does is make it start from the beginning every time its initiated. It will slide once and snap back to the start
So, is there a way I can call the function by itself?
This is how anim() is structured. (Grabbed from a previously made plugin called infiniteCarousel).
function anim(direction,dist)
// Fade left/right arrows out when transitioning
// animate textholder out of frame
$('#textholder'+randID).animate({marginBottom:(-imgHeight*o.textholderHeight)-(correctTHHeight * 2)+'px'},500);
//?? Fade out play/pause?
if(direction == "next")
if(curr==numImages) curr=0;
$('li:lt(2)', obj).clone().insertAfter($('li:last', obj));
$('ul', obj).animate({left:-imgWidth*(dist+1)},o.transitionSpeed,function(){
$('li:lt(2)', obj).remove();
$('li:first', obj).clone().insertAfter($('li:last', obj));
$('li:first', obj).remove();
curr = curr+dist;
$('#thumbs'+randID+' div').bind('click', thumbclick).css({'cursor':'pointer'});
$('#thumbs'+randID+' div').css({'cursor':'default'}).unbind('click'); // Unbind the thumbnail click event until the transition has ended
// Copy leftmost (first) li and insert it after the last li
$('li:first', obj).clone().insertAfter($('li:last', obj));
// Update width and left position of ul and animate ul to the left
$('ul', obj)
$('li:first', obj).remove();
$('ul', obj).css('left',-imgWidth+'px');
if(autopilot) $('#pause_btn'+randID).fadeIn(250);
$('#thumbs'+randID+' div').bind('click', thumbclick).css({'cursor':'pointer'});
if(direction == "prev")
$('li:gt('+(numImages-(dist+1))+')', obj).clone().insertBefore($('li:first', obj));
$('ul', obj).css({'left':(-imgWidth*(dist+1))}).animate({left:-imgWidth},o.transitionSpeed,function(){
$('li:gt('+(numImages-1)+')', obj).remove();
curr = curr - dist;
$('#thumbs'+randID+' div').bind('click', thumbclick).css({'cursor':'pointer'});
$('#thumbs'+randID+' div').css({'cursor':'default'}).unbind('click'); // Unbind the thumbnail click event until the transition has ended
// Copy rightmost (last) li and insert it after the first li
$('li:last', obj).clone().insertBefore($('li:first', obj));
// Update width and left position of ul and animate ul to the right
$('ul', obj)
$('li:last', obj).remove();
if(autopilot) $('#pause_btn'+randID).fadeIn(250);
if(curr==0) curr=numImages;
$('#thumbs'+randID+' div').bind('click', thumbclick).css({'cursor':'pointer'});
And the plugin is structured like this:
(function($) {
infiniteCarousel: function(options) {
var defaults = {
var options = $.extend(defaults, options);
return this.each(function() { ...anim is inside here... } }); })(jQuery);
Any Ideas on how I can call the function without having to re-initiate the plugin??
Note: I am unable to share the link to the site, it is still in development and the client needs to remain nameless. It would be nicer to show you a live example.
I am not sure what is happening inside the JavaScript code, but if you want one script to depend on the other, add it as a dependency in the wp_register_script() function

Implementing a Parameter to a plugin - Shows 'X' number of elements

The current plugin, shown below, scrolls the top-most div in a series of divs with the same class upwards, then removes it from the container, and appends it to the bottom of the series (within the container). This gives the illusion of a vertical slideshow.
$.fn.rotateEach = function ( opts ) {
var $this = this,
defaults = {
delay: 5000
settings = $.extend(defaults, opts),
rotator = function ($elems) {
$elems.eq(0).slideUp(500, function(){
var $eq0 = $elems.eq(0).detach();
setTimeout(function(){ rotator( $($elems.selector) ); },
setTimeout(function(){ rotator( $this ); }, settings.delay);
However, if there are a large number of elements to scroll through, this would make for a VERY long page. As such, I am attempting to re-write this script so that it accepts a parameter which will determine how many elements to display. Any elements exceeding this number will be hidden until they are in the top 'x' number of elements. Here is an example of what I have attempted to implement.
$.fn.rotateEach = function (opts) {
var $this = this,
defaults = {
delay: 5000,
//Add a parameter named elementsShown, pass in a default value of 3
elementsShown: 3
settings = $.extend(defaults, opts),
rotator = function ($elems) {
//Hide the elements that are past the number to be shown
for (i = settings.elementsShown; i <= $elems.eq; i++) {
$elems.eq(0).slideUp(500, function () {
var $eq0 = $elems.eq(0).detach();
var $eqN = $elems.eq(settings.elementsShown) - 1;
//Check & Show the element that is now within the show range
if ($elems.eq() == $eqN) {
setTimeout(function () { rotator($($elems.selector)); },
You can use simple CSS for this, mate.
If your elements are all of the same height (which your problem has to assume: if you are rotating a whole bunch of things dynamically, you won't want your page to change height), then you don't really need to use JavaScript for this at all. Just set the height of the container to what you want and hide the overflow. Then when you remove and append, everything appears to work. This won't take care of your dynamic configuration, though.
Improved plug-in: http://jsfiddle.net/morrison/tTJaM/
Added support for showing X elements.
Added support for rotating only certain elements.
Added support for stopping the rotations:
Stop after X milliseconds.
Stop after X rotations.
overflow-y:hidden is added to container dynamically.
Simplified your detaching/attaching.
Known Issues:
Displaying X elements doesn't check for a maximum.

