Adding protos but keeping object structure, javascript - javascript

Lets say I get this from an API:
var _persons = [
name: 'John'
name: 'Sarah'
Now I want to add a greeting function. I want to save memoryspace so I create a Person 'class' and add the function as a proto.
function Person(person){
this.person = person;
Person.prototype.greeting = function(){
return 'hello ' +
I instantiate each person:
var persons = [];
function createPersons(people){
for(var i = 0;i<people.length;i++){
var person = new Person(people[i]);
Problem is this:
console.log(persons[0].name) //undefined
console.log(persons[0] //'John'
Is there anyway I can get the first console.log to work?,console

To avoid the .person appearing in the object you need to copy each property of the source plain object directly into the Person object:
function Person(p) { =;
[or use a loop if there's a large number of keys]
You've then got a mismatch between the named parameter and the variable you're iterating over in the createPersons function. Additionally it would make more sense to have that function return the list, not set an externally scoped variable:
function createPersons(people) {
return {
return new Person(p);
var persons = createPersons(_persons);
NB: the above uses which is the canonical function for generating a new array from a source array via a callback.

Loop over all the keys in your object argument and assign them to this
function Person(person){
for (var key in person) {
this[key] = person[key];

var persons = [];
function createPersons(people){
for(var i = 0;i<people.length;i++){
var person = new Person(people[i]);
Should be using people as a variable

You're creating a Person object that is given a variable person. You need to change the value you're getting by replacing
var person = new Person(people[i]);
var person = new Person(people[i]).person;
var _persons = [
name: 'John'
name: 'Sarah'
function Person(person){
this.person = person;
Person.prototype.greeting = function(){
return 'hello ' +;
var persons = [];
function createPersons(people){
for(var i = 0;i<people.length;i++){
var person = new Person(people[i]).person;
console.log(persons[0].name); // logs 'John'


Getting the object variable name for the new object

I have an object constructor such as:
function myObjConstr () {
I want this results:
var name1 = new myObjConstr(); //print in console log "name1"
var nameff = new myObjConstr(); //print in console log "nameff"
You would need to pass the object name to the constructor:
function myObjConstr (obj_name) {
this.object_name = obj_name;
var name1 = new myObjConstr("name1");
var nameff = new myObjConstr("nameff");
you can make a function constructor myObjConstr(), thenafter you can make new myObjConstr().
1) function constructor
function myObjConstr (objName) {
this.objName = objName;
2) make object of type myObjConstr
var name1 = new myObjConstr("name1");
var name2 = new myObjConstr("name2");
3) if you want to print the value,
You can't pass the variable name to the constructor. Instead you can convert an array of names of variables to array of objects
let names = [
let objects = => myObjConstr(name));
function myObjConstr(name){ = name;

how to right choose javascript pattern

i create 2 objects:
var Documentos = new QuadForm();
var Cadastro = new QuadForm();
And initialize this objects with lot of options
then i try to separate the data managed by each object with getName method but after the second object, myObjectName variable is overrided.
var QuadForm;
QuadForm = function () {
this.getName = function () {
// search through the global object for a name that resolves to this object
for (var name in window)
if (window[name] == this) {
window[name] = this;
window[window[name]] = window[name];
myObjectName= name;
this.initForm = function (parms) {
$.extend(this, parms);
if (window.myState) {
delete window.myState;
this.containerId = parms.formId;
then i use window[myObjectName].totalRecords but as it changes to the latest object name off course cannot access data.
How can i manage this.
It's not a big problem to manage several instances, but your approach is impossible, cause you can't really find all possible instances and your code does definitely not what you expected to do.
For example you can define a variable on the constructor-object which holds all instances, and than you can use it in some cases:
var QuadForm = function (name) { = name;
this.showAllOtherInstances = function () {
QuadForm.instances.forEach(function (instance) {
if (instance !== this) {
console.log('name: ' +;
QuadForm.instances = [];
var foo = new QuadForm('foo');
var anotherFoo = new QuadForm('foo');
var bar = new QuadForm('bar');
var aThirdFoo = new QuadForm('foo');
* Output:
* name: foo
* name: bar
* name: foo

Javascript - Using an array as a parameter to a function and changing values when creating new prototype object

I have a constructor where name is a string and details should be an array containing animal type, age and colour.:
function animal(name, details) {
this.animal_name = name;
this.animal_details = details;
I want to create a new object from this prototype:
var myPet = new animal("Olly", " /* what goes here? */ ");
How do I declare the array in this case (is it like the usual array declaration) How do I use this when creating a new object myPet?
NB: This is my previous way of doing this without using an array:
function meal (starter, main, side, dessert, drink) {
this.starter = starter;
this.main = main;
this.side = side;
this.dessert = dessert;
this.drink = drink;
var myMeal = new meal("soup", "chicken", "garlic bread", "cake", "lemonade");
Arrays can be declared inline using square brackets:
var a = [1, 2, 3];
In your case, you can use this directly in your call to new animal:
var myPet = new animal("Olly", ["dog", 3, "brown"]);
An alternative approach, which if you want to store all the details together in this way is the one I'd take, is to pass in an object:
var myPet = new animal("Olly", {type: "dog", age: 3, colour: "brown"});
This means you can then access the details by name:
console.log(myPet.animal_details.type); //dog
You can declare an array like this:
var myPet = new animal("Olly", ['cat','white','big']);
//myPet.animal_details[0] === 'cat';
but I think an object will fit better with your solution
var myPet = new animal("Olly", {type: 'cat',color: 'white', size: 'big'});
//myPet.animal_details.type === 'cat';
//myPet.animal_details.color === 'white';
//myPet.animal_details.size === 'big';
You may find it easier to use object instead of an array because it would be easier to define default properties if they are not present. An object's structure is a little better for handling this type of data too, imo:
function Animal(details) { = || 'Dave';
this.age = details.age || 10;
this.location = details.location || 'Dorset';
var cat = new Animal({ name: 'Simon', location: 'London' });
// Object { name: "Simon", age: 10, location: "London" }
PS. Always captitalise your constructor names.
Of course, if you're not worried about default values and just want the items specified in your object to be added to the instance, this is a simple method to use:
function Animal(details) {
for (var p in details) {
this[p] = details[p];
var cat = new Animal({ name: 'Simon', location: 'London' });
// Object { name: "Simon", location: "London" }
You can use this approach, to dynamically add details for every instance:
//Base Animal Class
function Animal(name,options) {
//Localise Class Variable
var me = this;
//Assign name to class variable = name;
//Assign details dynamically, depends on every instance
for(var index in options) {
me[index] = options[index];
//Create Animal Instance
var PetInstance = new Animal("Max",{
//Create Another Animal With Different Details
var PetInstance2 = new Animal("Foo",{
See this JSFiddle Example:
You could use instant-array notation: ['Furry', 'Sharp nails', 'Black']. Although you might wanna go with an object so you aren't depending on "which index did I use to put the skin-type?" So something like:
'paw':'Sharp nails',
(If this looks like JSON to you, it's because it is, JSON = JavaScript Object Notation)
Alternatively, you could leverage the built-in arguments array to extract (part of) the arguments given as an array and assign it:
function animal(name) {
this.animal_name = name;
this.animal_details = arguments.slice(1); // get a "slice" of the arguments array starting at index 1 (skipping the name argument)
var myPet = new animal("Olly", 'Furry', 'Sharp nails', 'Black');
you should try use the 'arguments' var inside your function, like this:
function a (){
for(arg in arguments){
The result will be:
3 [...]
This way you let your code simple and useful.

Append to constructor

This object constructor is the definition of a person:
var Person = function( age, name ){
this.age = age;
this.namge = name;
this is a line of code that will give the prototype of Person an array called "active" = [];
The reason I am adding this to the prototype, is so that there is only one active array that every person, meaning Jim in this case: var Jim = new Person() ), SHARES the exact same active array.
From that point I want to add in every newly created person into the active array.
This is how I would do it:
var Jim = new Person(age, name); Jim );
var Tim = new Person(age, name); Tim );
What I expected from this, is for[0] to be Jim and for[1] to be Tim.
The problem is, is that I want the active.push[ self id ] to be called
when a new Person is created, without the second line doing it. My solution for this would be modifying the Person constructor too look like this:
var Person = function( age, name ){
this.age = age;
this.namge = name; this );// The constructor now adds itself to the array during initiation
As you can see, it puhes itself into the active array. The problem is that I want my object to do exactly this, but I want the constructor to begin like the first one I provided with appended later in the code.
How do I expect this to be solved? My thoughts were that since the active array could be initiated anytime inside the program, that the functions constructor could somehow append to the end of it at right after = [] is executed.
Something that may look like: = [];
Person.prototype.append( function(){} );
The second line would morph the first object constructor to look like the second one.
Not sure why you want this approach, perhaps it can be refactored? Probably better to have some sort of PersonMediator "class" in my opinion. But, if you want to have the prototype include an active array that has conditions, then attach some way to manage those conditions to the Person object.
var Person = function( age, name ){
this.age = age;
this.namge = name;
//checks for activation flag
}; = [];
Person.activate = function(){ Person.prototype.activate = true; };
Person.deactivate = function(){ Person.prototype.activate = false; };
Person.prototype.activate = false;
Person.prototype.ready = function(){
//depending on activate flag, appends to active array
if( this.activate ) this.append();
Person.prototype.append = function(){
//array append;
var Jim = new Person(10,'Jim');//not added, default flag false
//activate flag for appending
var Tim = new Person(20,'Tim');//now added to the active array
console.log(;//shows only Tim
console.log(;//shows only Tim
That said, this is how I would manage this.
var Person = function( age, name ){
this.age = age;
this.namge = name;
var PersonMediator = function(){
this.alive = [];
this.removed = [];
PersonMediator.prototype.create = function(age, name){
var person = new Person(age,name);
return person;
PersonMediator.prototype.remove = function(person){
for(var i = 0; i < this.alive.length; i++){
if( this.alive[i] === person ){
var pm = new PersonMediator();
var Jim = pm.create(10,'Jim');
var Tim = pm.create(20,'Tim');
If you simply want to store the instantiated objects to an array, you can use an inheritance pattern like so:
var myArray = [];
function SuperClass() {
function Block(name) { = name;
SuperClass.apply(this, arguments);
function Player(name) { = name;
SuperClass.apply(this, arguments);
var baller = new Player('Jim');
var blocker = new Block('Joe');
console.log(myArray); // [Player, Block]
Every time a new instance of Player or Block is instantiated, it will add it to the array.
Another pattern you may consider is having a set prototype object that you can add your prototypical methods and shared data to, and then assigning it as the prototype in your constructor function
var personPrototype = {
alive: []
var blockPrototype = {
alive: []
var Person = function(x, y){
//this creates a new object with the prototype of our personPrototype object
var o = Object.create(personPrototype);
//then we can configure / add instance-specific attributes and return the object
o.x = x;
o.y = y;
return o;
var Block = function(x, y){
var o = Object.create(blockPrototype);
o.x = x;
o.y = y;
return o;
var me = new Person(1, 2);
var square = new Block(10, 20);
// > []
By using Object.create to create a dummy object we can effectively assign it a proper prototype. Then we can add whatever instance attributes we'd like, and return that object. This means that the personPrototype will be a proper prototype. Each instance can use instance.alive or instance.alive.push directly, since it automatically walks up the prototype chains
It also allows you to easily add any new data to the prototype of all your instances. You don't need to iterate through each instance and add prototypical methods. You can just add the method to the prototype to start and it will be accessible on all instances by default.
I find the whole approach - trying to track/store [Person] instances - questionable.
But if I was in the position of being told to do so, I'd go for an approach that is build upon a
factory module. Thus being at least able of assuring "read only access" to the list of all instances
that ever got created by the factory.
A possible implementation than might look similar to the following example:
var Person = (function (global, Object, Array, Math) {
array_from = ((typeof Array.from == "function") && Array.from) || (function (array_prototype_slice) {
return function (listType) {
personModule = {},
personList = [],
Person = function (config) { // constructor.
var person = this; =;
person.age = config.age;
person.constructor = Object;
return person;
isPerson = function (type) {
return (type instanceof Person);
createPerson = function (age, name) { // factory.
- sanitizing/validation of arguments etc. should be done right here.
- create instances only if all the conditions are fulfilled.
var person = new Person({
name: name,
age : age
return person;
removePerson = function (type) {
if (isPerson(type)) {
// remove person from the internal list.
//personModule.remove = removePerson;
personModule.create = createPerson;
personModule.isPerson = isPerson;
personModule.all = function () { // expose internal instance list.
return array_from(personList);
personModule.all.size = function () {
return personList.length;
(function () { // make [personModule.all] enumerable.
parse_float = global.parseFloat,
math_floor = Math.floor
this.first = function () {
return (this()[0]);
this.last = function () {
var list;
return ((list = this())[list.length - 1]);
this.item = function (idx) {
return (this()[math_floor(parse_float(idx, 10))]);
return personModule;
}((window || this), Object, Array, Math));
var Jim = Person.create("Jim", 21);
var Tim = Person.create("Tim", 19);
console.log("Jim", Jim);
console.log("Tim", Tim);
console.log("Person.isPerson(Jim) ? ", Person.isPerson(Jim));
console.log("Person.isPerson(Tim) ? ", Person.isPerson(Tim));
console.log("Person.isPerson({name: 'Tim', age: 21}) ? ", Person.isPerson({name: 'Tim', age: 21}));
console.log("Person.all.size() : ", Person.all.size());
console.log("Person.all() : ", Person.all());
console.log("Person.all.first() : ", Person.all.first());
console.log("Person.all.last() : ", Person.all.last());
console.log("(Person.all()[1] === Person.all.item(1)) ? ", (Person.all()[1] === Person.all.item(1)));
console.log("(Person.all.first() === Person.all.item(0)) ? ", (Person.all.first() === Person.all.item(0)));

Concatenate object field with variable in javascript

I'm building an object in javascript to store data dynamically.
Here is my code :
var id=0;
function(pName, pPrice) {
var name = pName;
var price = pPrice;
var myObj = {
(id++); //
console.log(; // Acessing specific data
I want my id field to be defined by the id variable value so it would create a new field each time my function is called. But I don't find any solution to concatenate both.
You can create and access dynamicly named fields using the square bracket syntax:
var myObj = {};
myObj['id_'+id] = {
Is this what you want ?
var myObj = {};
myObj[id] = {
console.log(myObj[id]name); // Acessing specific data
You can use [] to define the dynamic property for particular object(myObj), something like
var myObj = {};
myObj[id] = {'nom':nom, 'prix':prix};
function userDetail(id, nom, prix) {
var myObj = {};
myObj[id] = {'nom':nom, 'prix':prix};
return myObj;
var objA = userDetail('id1', 'sam', 2000);
var objB = userDetail('id2', 'ram', 12000);
var objC = userDetail('id3', 'honk', 22000);
console.log(objA.id1.nom); // prints sam
console.log(objB.id2.nom); // prints ram
console.log(objC.id3.prix);// prints 22000

