Add class name to appended child elements with jquery - javascript

I have a table like this.
<table id='table1'>
and in this table i am dynamically adding rows to the table using jquery like below.
var tbl = $("#table1");
I can add class to the appended rows using 2 methods like below
case 1
or case 2
for (var i=0;i<tbl.find('tr').length;i++) {
and my question is there any way i can add same classname to the dynamically appended rows. Answers expecting in jquery. Thanks in advance.

Once an element is added to the DOM, you have no way of telling if it was dynamically added or not unless you have custom code that does such. I would suggest changing .append to .appendTo so you have access to the rows you're adding and can call .addClass:
var tbl = $("#table1");

You could also put the class in the string then append it or modify it (add a class) prior to appending it. Note how I only have one tr in my string but append it multiple times (optionally adding a class as noted)
var tbl = $("#table1");
var tr = '<tr class="test"></tr>';
var td = '<td class="test">new data</td>';
//var addedrow = $(tr).append(td).addClass("newclass");//adds class to the row
var addedrow = $(tr).append(td);//create new row object
addedrow.find('td').addClass("newclass"); //adds class to the td in the new row
var ar2 = $(tr).append(td);
var ar3 = $(tr).append(td);
tbl.append(addedrow, [ar2, ar3]); // appends the new rows
tbl.find('tr').last(td).addClass("newclass");//add class to last rows td
see it in action here:


Tampermonkey, Chrome how to automatically insert rows into a table?

I've tried with a stupid way of inserting code for a new table, but not even that seems to work. What would be the proper way?
Here's what I tried to do:
var table = document.getElementsByClassName("test")
for (var i = 0, l = table.length; i < l; i++) {
var content = table[i];
let s = content.innerHTML;
s = s.replace(/table/g, 'table border="1"');
s = s.replace(/tr>[\s\S]*?<tr>[\s\S]*?<td>3/g, 'tr>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td>3');
content.innerHTML = s;
And a fiddle:
Also, the reason my stupid way doesn't contain the whole table is because some of the cells where I want to eventually use this would contain random data and I don't know how to skip that.
If you want to create a new HTML-Element, every browser got you covered on that.
var tr = document.createElement('tr');
The browser console will show you exactly what you have created - a new HTML element that is not yet part of the DOM:
The same goes with the creation of some content for that table row:
var td1 = document.createElement('td'),
td2 = document.createElement('td');
td1.innerText = '5';
td2.innerText = '6';
console.log(td1, td2);
The result will be two td-elements:
<td>5</td> <td>6</td>
Now we have to glue these parts together. Browsers will also have you coverd on this:
The result is a complete table row:
All we have to do is append this row to your table:
var table = document.querySelector('.test table tbody');
The elements you have created are now part of the DOM - child elements of the body of your table to be excact.
Click here for a fiddle
If you want to insert the new row to a specific place, you have to find the element you that should be next to it and use insertBefore. This would change the the last piece of code to:
var targetTr = document.querySelector('.test table tr:nth-child(2)');
targetTr.parentNode.insertBefore(tr, targetTr);
If you want to choose where to put your new row within your javascript, you can use the childNodes property:
I'd use insertAdjacentHTML, like so:
table[i].insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<tr><td>5</td><td>6</td></tr>');
Please see this fiddle:
Also demonstrates how to set the border. Note that this code targets all tables, so depending on your situation you may want to be more specific.

Jquery contenteditable for all cells not rows

I create a table by adding rows and columns with JS and Jquery.
This is my code:
function AddColumnToDataTable(){
$('#tableHeader').append("<th> Header </th>").attr("contenteditable", true);
// Add a new ColumnHeader and set the property "editable"
function AddRowToDataTable(){
var count = $('#tableHeader').find("th").length;
// Get the count of Columns in the table
var newRow = $('#tableBody').append("<tr></tr>");
// Add a new Row
for(var i = 0; i < count ; i++){
newRow.find('tr').last().append("<td> Content </td>").attr("contenteditable", true);
// Fill the cells with a default text and set the property "editable"
So my question is, how can I write the code, that each cell is editable? At the moment, when I click, the whole row goes editable? Each cell should have that property.
I found a code that could help:
//$('table th:nth-child(4)').attr("contenteditable", true)
This makes the 4th header/cell editable, but how can I use it, each new created header/cell is the nth-child?
The jQuery append function doesn't return the new [appended] element, rather it returns the element that was appended to, hence the error in your code. Regardless, it's easier just to set the attribute manually in the append string. So, change this line:
newRow.find('tr').last().append("<td> Content </td>").attr("contenteditable", true);
To this:
newRow.find('tr').last().append("<td contenteditable="true"> Content </td>")
That should do it
It worked with
$('table td').last().attr("contenteditable", true);

set id using setAttribute to td of last row of element

I am generating a table row which has two columns dynamically in html containing values from the database.
I want every td of the first column to have an unique id which i have done but i cant set the id to the td of last row in the table.
Here's the code to set id
var i=0;
var id=1;
document.getElementsByTagName("td")[i].setAttribute("id", id);
Any help will be appreciated
but i cant set the id to the td of last row in the table.
You need to get to the last row in the table first.
var allRows = document.getElementsByTagName("tr");
var lastRow = allRows[allRows.length - 1];
now set Id to the first td of last row
lastRow.getElementsByTagName("td")[0].setAttribute("id" , allRows.length + 1 );
DOM Selectors are provided for a reason. :)
var tds = $('tr td:first-child');
var i=0;
$.each(tds, function(){
Using pure javascript
var tds = document.querySelectorAll('tr td:first-child');
var i = 0;
for(var td in tds){
// or
You can use querySelectorAll to get all first td's withing given table using :first-child;
It will return NodeList which need to be convert into in an Array.
var arrTD = document.querySelectorAll("#list-notification tr td:first-child");
arrTD =;
var i =0;

jQuery Dynamically create div, populate tbody and append to existing div

Basically I have a <div class='preferences-grid'> which already exists.
On click of button preferences-grid-btn-ok I want to call the function create() which will:
create a new <div class='preferences-container'> and
populate the tbody based on a for.
My problem is that I can't append the rows created by the for to the tbody of the individual <div class='preferences-container'> that are being created each time the button is clicked.
When I'm using this:
no rows are appended and when I'm using
the first time no rows are appended and after that the new rows are appended to all of the existing <div class='preferences-container'>
here is the jsfiddle link
You were creating a string contents, but jquery had no way of knowing of its existence.
Here's a working fiddle:
function create() {
var contents = "..."
var $contents = $(contents);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
var row = $('<tr></tr>').addClass('bar').text('result ' + i);
return $contents;
I created a new jquery object using contents and then manipulated it in the for loop. After return it gets appended to the markup.

Deleting all the clone node of a table row in javascript

function newRow(t) {
var parent = t.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode;
var row = t.parentNode.parentNode.cloneNode(true);
row.firstChild.nextSibling.firstChild.setAttribute('value', 'sumit');
function removeRow(t) {
var y = t.parentNode.parentNode;
the above code is working fine but i want to delete all the clones at once which are created by above code on a onchange event of a select box
Just add a class name to the cloned elements which would allow you to search for them and delete them later:
var row = t.parentNode.parentNode.cloneNode(true);
row.className += ' clonedrow';
// Remove all the cloned rows
var clonedRows = document.querySelectorAll('.clonedrow');
for (var i = 0; i < clonedRows.length; i++) {
Once the cloned rows have been added to the DOM, they look (to JavaScript) just like the original rows.
Since you're just appending cloned rows to the table body, what I would do is as follows:
Outside the functions, as soon as the document loads, use .childNodes.length to get the number of rows in your table and store it globally in, say, lastpos.
When you need to delete the clones, start at .childNodes[lastpos] and remove nodes until the table has lastpos rows again.

