MVC 4 Actionlink to prompt Jquery Confirmation Dialog - javascript

I'm implementing an actionlink to perform delete. Initially was using javascript confirmation box. Due to customer request to change the confirmation box header text, i need to use jquery confirmation dialog. It will straight perform delete without prompting the dialog box when i click the link. Please help me. Thanks!
My View & Actionlink:
#Html.ActionLink("Remove", "SURV_Admin_Group_Delete", "SURV_Admin", new { id = Model[i].GroupID }, new { #class = "modal" })
<div id="dialog-confirm"></div>
Jquery dialog script:
function fnOpenNormalDialog() {
$("#dialog-confirm").html("Confirm Dialog Box");
// Define the Dialog and its properties.
resizable: false,
title: "Modal",
height: 250,
width: 400,
buttons: {
"Yes": function () {
return true;
"No": function () {
return false;
My Delete Controller:
public ActionResult SURV_Admin_Group_Delete(int id)
SURV_Group_Model surv_group_model = db.SURV_Group_Model.Find(id);
return RedirectToAction("SURV_Admin_Create_Group");


MVC post losing values when submitted via javascript

I have an MVC form with a submit button:
<form method="POST" id="submitProject" action="#Url.Action(SubmitProject, "ProjectSummary")">
<button type="submit" name="submitButton" id="submitProject" value="saveToProposed" class="btn btn-primary">Submit Project</button>
But when a user clicks on that button i want to show them a confirmation dialog before the post goes on its way:
$('#submitProject').submit(function (e) {
var currentForm = this;
message: "Approve or Reject",
title: "Project Approval",
buttons: {
success: {
label: "Approve",
className: "btn-success",
callback: function () {
danger: {
label: "Reject",
className: "btn-danger",
callback: function () {
main: {
label: "Cancel",
className: "btn-primary",
callback: function () {
return true;
in my controller i am trying to trap the value of the submit button like this:
public ActionResult SubmitProject(ProjectModel m, string submitButton)
if i do not have that preventDefault line in there i can see the value of the submitButton in the controller. With the preventDefault the value is always null.
this is something i have been struggling with for some time as i try to learn MVC. if i didn't have any client side interaction i would be fine. But trying to get js to play with mvc is giving me hearburn. what am i doing wrong?
A form only posts back the name/value pair of its submit button that was clicked. In your case your cancelling the buttons .click() event and then calling the .submit() function (i.e. the submit is no longer triggered by the click so its value is not sent in the request).
Rather than calling e.preventDefault();, call a function that returns true or false, in the same way that you can use the javascript .confirm() function to cancel the form submission (i.e. return confirm("...");
function confirmSubmit()
// for the success and danger buttons - return true;
// for the main button - return false
buttons: {
success: {
label: "Approve",
className: "btn-success",
callback: function () {
return true;
$('#submitProject').submit(function (e) {
return confirmSubmit();
Side note: your form only has one submit button, so the value of string submitButton will only ever be "saveToProposed". Not sure if you omitted it from your code, but I assume you would really have at least 2 submit buttons.

Bootbox: Callback function after dismissing the dialog / Clicking on the 'X' button

The following snippet allows me to perform stuff in a callback function for the buttons that are clicked. However, how can I get a callback function, or a similar workaround such that I can perform some code when a user clicks on the 'X' button/dismisses the dialog?
title: "Woah this acts like an alert",
message: "Cool info for you. You MUST click Ok.",
buttons: {
label: "Ok",
callback: callback
callback(){//stuff that happens when they click Ok.}
I do not want to disable/hide the close button with
closeButton: false,
There is onEscape function for this.
message: 'the msg',
title: "Title",
onEscape: function() {
// you can do anything here you want when the user dismisses dialog
You can use a variable to check if the modal was hidden after a click on OK or x button / escape key
var status = false;
$('.btn').on('click', function () {
title: "Woah this acts like an alert",
message: "Cool info for you. You MUST click Ok.",
buttons: {
sucess: {
label: "Ok",
callback: function () {
status = true;
onEscape: function () {
$(document).on("", ".bootbox.modal", function (e) {
function callback() {
if (!status) {
} else {
status = false;
function onClose() {
$('p.alert span').removeClass().addClass('text-danger').text("Dismissed");
function onOK() {
$('p.alert span').removeClass().addClass('text-success').text("Sucess");
Fiddle demo
Some people might see this as a bit of a hack-around. Although it suits me fine as all I wanted to acknowledge as a developer that someone accepted the message, which triggered the next event.
Using Bootbox.js' native confirm() method which does supply a callback action. I added an additional class as an option to the confirm button (which must be supplied on a confirm() call) with the hidden classname (E.g. Bootstap has a helper class for display:none called hidden.
This hides the confirm button, thus the Modal appears as a normal Alert box.
message: "Some Button Text",
buttons: {
"cancel": {
label: "<i class='fa fa-check'></i> OK - I understand",
className: "btn btn-primary"
//Hide the required confirm button.
"confirm": { label: "", className: "hidden" }
callback: function(){
//Begin Callback
alert( "Finished" );
JsFiddle Example

Creating a dialog confirmation after a dialog 'save' button is pressed

I have a jquery dialog window where the user can provision a new server with different requirements. Now, when the user clicks 'Save' we want a confirmation window to open up to confirm that the user wants to do this.
My main concern is that this is a dialog box within a dialog box.
Here is the code for the dialog box
autoOpen: false,
buttons: {
'Save': function() {
var url = "./environment/new/";
// There is code here that processes the fields
// code to send the data to the server
// URL gets built;
'Cancel': function() {
modal: true,
width: 640
Thanks :)
You could do something like along these lines:
<div id="mainDialog">
<div id="area">
<h2>Server requirements </h2>
Enter something: <input type="text" name="yada"/>
<div id="confirmDialog">Are you sure?</div>
height: 250,
modal: true,
autoOpen: false,
buttons: {
"Yes": function() {
// show some sort of busy indicator here
var url = "./environment/new";
// code to process inputs from main dialog
// clear busy indicator here
"No": function() {
modal: true,
autoOPen: false,
buttons: {
"Save": function() {
"Cancel": function() {
This will close the main dialog while the confirmation dialog is being displayed, and reopen it if you don't confirm. Alternatively, you could leave the main dialog open while the confirmation dialog is open. In that case, the main dialog will be blocked until the user exits the confirmation dialog.

Variable value not updating inside dialog

I have the following simple dialog:
function confirmDialog(message, title) {
var returnvalue;
if ($("#confirmDialog").length == 0)
$('body').append('<div id="confirmDialog"></div>');
var dlg = $("#confirmDialog")
autoOpen: false,
minHeight: 50,
title: title,
show: {
effect: "explode",
duration: 250
hide: {
effect: "explode",
duration: 250
buttons: {
"OK": {
text: "OK",
class: "",
click: function () { returnvalue = true; $("#confirmDialog").dialog("close"); }
"Cancel": {
text: "Cancel",
class: "",
click: function () { returnvalue = false; $("#confirmDialog").dialog("close"); }
modal: true
return returnvalue;
very simple implementation. My problem is that when I run through the script, at the end, when it returns the variable returnvalue is undefined, meaning, it did not set it to either true or false depending on which button was clicked.
I have tried setting it to var returnvalue = false; but it never gets a different value no matter which button I click.
Any help is appreciated!! Thank you!
I believe I noticed why the variable doesn't get set. I am calling this dialog from the click event from another dialog, after the user clicks on the "Save" button of the parent dialog, this one pops up. Now, since it is contained in a function, it does not wait for my input, meaning, it doesn't "see" that I clicked either "OK" or "Cancel". How can I fix this?
jQuery dialogs do not block execution like the built in javascript confirm() function. I can suggest two possible solutions:
Pass "ok" and "cancel" callbacks into your confirmDialog function.
Have your confirmDialog function return a promise object that you resolve after a button is clicked and have the calling function wait for that to resolve.
I prefer option 2.
I would have the button clicks trigger an event before they close the dialog, then I would listen for that event to happen in the parent process.
parent dialog opens
user clicks save
opens confirmation dialog
user closes confirmation dialog
confirmation dialog triggers "ok" or "canceled" event depending
parent dialog is listening for "ok" or "canceled" event
parent dialog reacts accordingly
confirmation dialog buttons
buttons: {
"OK": {
text: "OK",
class: "",
click: function () { $(this).trigger("ok"); $("#confirmDialog").dialog("close"); }
"Cancel": {
text: "Cancel",
class: "",
click: function () { $(this).trigger("cancel"); $("#confirmDialog").dialog("close"); }
parent dialog, or document.ready()
//save work
// cancel work

jQuery dialog button how to set the click event?

Ok i got this code:
function() {
autoOpen: false,
modal: true,
position: [50, 50],
buttons: {
"Print page": function() {
"Cancel": function() {
$('.ui-dialog-buttonpane button:contains("Print page")').attr("id", "dialog_print-button");
How do I assign or set a new function to the click event?
$("#dialog_print-button"). ???
Edit, This works:
function () {
alert("new function that overide the old ones")
Tried to find how to do in the jQuery documentation but I think it's hard to find around in the documentation. Especially when new to javaScript and the jQuery libary.
Edit, A fast way to get help is to go to jQuery irc channel :D
I think this would help:
$(".dialogDiv").dialog("option", "buttons", {
"Print page": function() { /* new action */ },
"Cancel": function() { $(this).dialog("close"); }
Because buttons property sets all the buttons, you have to include cancel button handler.
$("#Print page").click(function () {
Or maybe it should be
$("#dialog_print-button").click(function () {
jQuery UI dialog buttons now supports the "id" attribute natively.
autoOpen: false,
height: "auto",
width: 300,
text: "Create Revision",
id: "btnCreateRev",
click: function () {
//code for creating a revision
text: "Cancel",
id: "btnCancel",
click: function () { $(this).dialog("close"); },
You put the code within the button section:
buttons: {
"Print page": function() {
//here you execute the code or call external functions as needed
Once you click the button on the Dialog, that code is automatically invoked.
Therefore you insert there directly the code that implements your logic.

