How to fix javascript file referencing old version - javascript

My problem is when I edit my previous javascript or css file link to my html file, the function/code that I add are not functioning even I delete the whole code in my js file. The previous code only is functioning.

It might be your cache were not deleted ,that's why it still using your previous javascript file.
To fix that:
Empty your cache
(In GoogleChrome ) Open developer tools( or press F12 ) then You can right click on
refresh and select Empty Cache and Hard Reload
Your updated javascript now will be loaded.

What server software are you hosting with? Apache? Express/node?
I noticed depending on how I configured something like forever or nodemon to host my express sites, it did not reflect changes when not using grunt. I had to restart them to get them to use the newly changed files.
Did you use a Yeoman generator?


Chrome dev tools opens an old file when I try to debug?

I'm trying to debug a javascript file, but whenever I use the Chrome Devtools, a random old JS file opens instead. I haven't been able to move on with my project because of this. Does anybody know why it won't read the current file? You can see down on the gif that I am using index.js but every time I debug it opens a random file and reads that instead.
It could be a problem with caching. Try using a silent browser and disabling caching
enter image description here
The browser caches your old JS file. So what you can do on Chrome is perform a hard refresh with CTRL + Shift + R while the dev tool is open.
If your project uses webpack. Make sure you keep it running. The VScode extension LiveServer will take changes but will only work with the JS file you had the last time you ran it.

Tempalte File won't update in Browser

im trying to change some behavior of a webpage. The page is built using SMARTY so the file that won't update is a .tpl file. Containing mostly JavaScript. The whole thing is weird because on my local drive (IDE) the file is the way i want it to be, it is the correct version on the server when i check it with SFTP.
BUT if i open the page with a browser, even a newly installed one, the code inside that page is the old version.
Now i can't send any error because there obviously is none.
So im lookin at a problem i can't fix or even begin to untangle.
I tried following things:
Restarting apache2
Deleting the file and uploading the correct version (here i might add the site broke when i deleted it and tried to view it)
This has been bugging me for a long time so it seems time couldn't fix it either.
I hope somebody has any idea to why this is happening!
Clear (delete all cache files) smarty cache!
More details about cache dir:

Updated website through FTP but still showing old content

I am working at a project on my webhost. Until today everything went fine, but now I save the files, they update on the ftp but when I refresh the my webpage the old content shows up, not the updated one.
I checked the FTP, the files are updated with the new content and saved. I checked with the Chrome Dev Tools and I keep getting the old content from the files I work on.
I tried deleting the cache a few times but it only worked temporarily(once), and then again the content not updating.
I work with php, css and javascript files, all having the same problem.
What is wrong?
This is because Cloudflare automatically saves some files (i.e. Javascript's, CSS...). When you're in that kind of problems, in Cloudflare you should go to your page's settings and then "Cache Purge", you purge the cache and then it should work nice.
It was because of a CDN I was using, called CloudFlare. I have no idea why, but it kept the old content instead of updating the new one.
Be careful when using CDN's.

Live Editing Remote JavaScript in Chrome Inspector

I'm trying to debug remote javaScript using Google Chrome inspector. I recall in the past being able to:
1) Edit remote javascript using Chrome Inspector
2) 'Save' the change using (cmd + s)
3) Test the effect the the altered javaScript on the page
Now when I try to 'save' the change I get a yellow warning icon in the 'tab' that says
"Changes to this file were not saved to the file system"
Can anyone help me with this, please bear in mind that I'm working with remote code (not trying to alter local files) and I do have the developer tools extension installed.
The changes were not saved to disk because you obviously can't access the remote js file, but they will take effect when javascript will reach to these lines of code.
You can add a breakpoint before the place you want to dynamically add your code, reload the page, add the code you want, click ctrl-s. Ignore the warning you mention about the file system and enjoy.
So you can follow these steps and just ignore the warning.
For anyone who stumbles across this, as I did...
For Local Files
You may need to run chrome as Administrator. Or in my case (Ubuntu) as root user.
sudo google-chrome --no-sandbox
Then you can save the files within devtools.
UPDATE: Per the link below, the docs have moved here.
You have to have Workspaces set up in order to do this. Read the docs on how to use Workspaces:

How to make javascript file update take effect immediately on IIS for web sites?

I'm writing an project. When trying to fix a bug, I updated one of my javascript files and then deployed the new version on my server's IIS 6.0. I can see that the new javascript file has been updated on the physical folder of the website.
However, when verifying the bug from my local machine I found that it's not fixed. After some investigation, I realized that it's because the javascript file received by my browser is not the latest version.
I deleted IE's caches and the problem still exists. Then I tried to download the javascript directly from my website by using the url like:
and found out the downloaded javascript file is of the old version.
Then I realized this is probably caused by a cache on the server side. I tried to set the server's IIS: on my site's "Output Caching" option, I unchecked "Enable cache" and "Enable kernel cache"
Also I added rules for .js and .css file:
After taking all these actions, I updated my javascript file on the server, restarted IIS and tried to download it from my local machine again.However, the javascript I downloaded is still not the latest version.
So my question is, what shall I do to make sure the the browser can immediately get the latest version of the javascript file on my server's disk? Thanks!
I use the old trick of js and css versioning, for example if I create a new js file I call:
Then, if for some reason I change, I will change the name manually to:
Also change all the parts where I Referencing. With this, your browser should always bring you the latest standalone version of the settings you have in the IIS. At least in my different jobs where I used II6 or II7 have applied and it has worked.

