Can client mock a cookie? - javascript

I'm using ASP.NET and create a cookie on server, like this:
public void LoginCookie(string id, string name, string loc)
HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("login");
cookie["name"] = HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(name); // user name
cookie["avatar"] = loc; // user avatar location
cookie["accountId"] = id; // user id
cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(180); // default expiring
And here is the code to check if user is login:
if (Request.Cookies["login"] != null)
// login successful
My trouble is: Any client can view the cookie values easily. So, what's happen if he mocks a new cookie with the same name login and same values name, avatar, accountId?
If he does that, he needn't be login (same meaning with login without a password).
Is there any way to do that?

The way to do this is to store a hash of the username and the username in the cookie. Since the client does not know how you generate the hash (and you should generate with a cryptographically strong method) and can't generate one you can verify the user was the one you authenticated by checking the hash. To be really safe you probably want to include a time stamp in the hash.
Or you could encrypt the username (or more often userid) after authentication and store that. This is the most common method.
You could also use SSL or TLS and the cookies will be encrypted. However, this does not stop the client just people spying on the client.


Ways to persist SignalR connection

I am creating web application, which let's users to communicate with so called chat.
In order to enable such communication, I use SignalR library. I create connection at first visit to my page (main page). So JS code, which creates connection, creates variable used to configure connection.
Then user enters chat room, which is different page, so new JSs are loaded etc. The one, which held connection variable is now unavailable. But now I need that connection to send messages in my chat room.
So this variable must be "transfered" over to next scripts.
So, what would be the way to actually persist connection through whole session on the website?
Finally I got my answer.
It was suggested that I should use ASP NET Identity, which is very valid, but I already created simple authentication and users management. It isn't safe and as half good as ASP NET Identity (I looked throught it and got my head around it), but it's just personal project, not production one, so if it evolves I might switch to Identity or even implement one myself ;) But it's not the case.
It required little bit of extra steps, so:
I needed to enable sessions in ASP.NET Core, I used this article for this purpose. Having that, I can persist my user login and provide it to user ID provider for signalR
Adding cutsom user ID provider for SignalR in .NET:
I needed to create such class
public class UserIdProvider : IUserIdProvider
public static readonly string SESSION_LOGIN_KEY = "loggedUser";
private readonly IHttpContextAccessor _httpContextAccessor;
public UserIdProvider(IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor)
_httpContextAccessor = httpContextAccessor;
public string GetUserId(HubConnectionContext connection)
var session = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Session;
session.TryGetValue(SESSION_LOGIN_KEY, out byte[] loginBA);
if (loginBA == null)
return null;
return new string(loginBA.Select(b => (char)b).ToArray());
So, after logging I can set login in Session, so it becomes "state" variable, and use it in above class.
Also, one need to add it in ASP services, like below (in Startup.ConfigureServices):
services.AddSingleton<IUserIdProvider, UserIdProvider>();
There also one thing, which still need to be set: in UserIdProvider we need to access Session through HttpContext. In order to use HttpContextwe need to specify it like below (also in Startup.ConfigureServices):
services.AddSingleton<IHttpContextAccessor, HttpContextAccessor>();
which passes HttpContextAccessor to serices constructors.
After all this, you can access users in SignalR Hub with their logins, which is set in Context.UserIdnentifier
This also enables sending messages to specific user, just by passing their login (frontend client just chooses user), like below:
public async Task SendMessage(string message, string user)
await Clients.User(user).SendAsync("ReceiveMessage", message).ConfigureAwait(false);
NOTE There was one problem though. Browsers on computer didn't persist sessions, which I solved by (also in Startup.ConfigureServices):
services.Configure<CookiePolicyOptions>(options =>
// This lambda determines whether user consent for non-essential cookies is needed for a given request.
options.CheckConsentNeeded = context => false; // <~~~~ This needs to be set to false
options.MinimumSameSitePolicy = SameSiteMode.None;
Without it, you need to be carefull with cookies, if you don't accept them on a site, it won't work, as user's login won't be persisted.
On the server side, you can send the message to specific user via user id:
var user = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(Context.User);
await Clients.User(user.Id).SendCoreAsync("msg", new object[] { user.Id, user.Email });
On the client side, whenever the connection is started and the hub msg is listened, the user will receive the message:
connection.on('msg', function ( {
console.log('data:', data);
By sending message(s) via user id, you don't need to care where the target user is.
public class ChatHub : Hub
private IUserManager<ApplicationUser> _userManager;
public ChatHub(UserManager<ApplicationUser> userManager)
_userManager = userManager;
public async Task GetInfo()
var user = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(Context.User);
await Clients.User(user.Id).SendCoreAsync("msg", new object[] { user.Id, user.Email });

Redirect a user if they do not have a set password before publishing

I have an interface in my website where a user can create an "unclaimed" order for another user and send them an invitation. The invitation link will be formatted as /enrollment/orders/:_id, where _id is the id of the order.
One catch is that this can be sent multiple times. On the first time, the user that is invited might not have a password set.
Meteor.publish('enrolled_order', function (token) {
// if user has their password reset, token will also be set for user's account
return Orders.find({
'enrollment.token': token
Here's the catch: During this publication, I want to check certain aspects of the user record and take different actions instead of publishing it. For security, I believe this will need to be done on the server to work appropriately.
if there is no this.userId, I want to send them to login.
if the user does not have a password set, I want to redirect them to the reset password page.
Is this possible via a meteor publication?
I think you would need to do this in the router. If you're using Iron Router, you could use onBeforeAction to check whether the user is logged in:
Router.route('/enrollment/orders/:_id', {
subscriptions: function() {
return Meteor.subscribe('enrolled_order', this.params._id);
onBeforeAction: function() {
if( ! Meteor.userId() ) {
Router.go( 'loginTemplateName' );
You aren't going to want to return the hashed password directly to the client, so maybe setting a variable to say whether the password exists or not might be the best approach?
I can't remember if onBeforeAction happens before waitOn, but you might be able to get away with waitOn instead of subscriptions.

Best way to prevent parameter tampering and send values with Javascript?

I am posting a form to the controller and making it asynchronous. I am storing values in input form hidden. When a button is clicked, a javascript function is called. It both fetches the value from an input field, as well as a value from input form hidden. It then sends a json string to the controller to handle this request.
[HttpPost, Authorize]
public ActionResult DoSomeStuff (string leagueName, string doSomething) {
var service = new Service(_db);
var league = service.GetLeague(leagueName);
if (league != null) {
// validate doSomething
league.Action = doSomething;
return new EmptyResult();
$(document).on("click", "#submitForm", function () {
var json = {
"leagueName": $("input[name=leagueName]").val(),
"doSomething": $("input[name=doSomething]").val()
$.post("/Home/DoSomeStuff/", json, function () {
// async display something
<input type="text" name="doSomething">
<button type="submit" id="submitForm"</button>
<input type="hidden" name="leagueName" value="#item.League.LeagueName" />
What is the best way to let javascript fetch a stored value (more secure way then input type hidden)?
How can I prevent some user from altering the value from the input type
hidden field?
How can I prevent some user from altering the value from the input
type hidden field?
You cannot!
What is the best way to let javascript fetch a stored value (more
secure way then input type hidden)?
The general rule is, do not trust data coming from client. You should always validate it on server before doing anything.
If you are worried about a user update the league name field value in the form to some other users league name and post it, What you should be doing is, explicitly checking whether the user has proper permission to do something on the posted league in your server code.
[HttpPost, Authorize]
public ActionResult DoSomeStuff (string leagueName, string doSomething) {
var service = new Service(_db);
var league = service.GetLeague(leagueName);
// Now check whether the current user has access/permission
// to perform some operation on this league.
// Ex : if(!service.IsUserAuthorizedToDoSomething(league))
// {
// return View("NotAuthorized");
// }
//to do: Return something
If the value needs to come from the client (and be part of the HTTP request) then there's absolutely nothing you could do to prevent the client from modifying its contents. If the client is not supposed to modify the contents of some fields then those fields have nothing to do in your markup and be part of the postback HTTP requests (be it as hidden fields or whatever markup element comes to your mind). They should safely reside on your server (database?) and be retrieved using some identifier coming from the client. Obviously whether the client can access the information related to this identifier is subject to something called authorization. Basically you should first know who your client is (authentication) and then verify in your data model if this client has access to the corresponding records. It's as simple as that.
public ActionResult DoSomeStuff (string id, string doSomething)
var service = new Service(_db);
var league = service.GetLeagueById(id);
if (!HasAccessToLeague(User.Identity.Name, league))
// you are not suppose to modify the contents of this league
// throw him a 404 or something
if (league != null)
// validate doSomething
league.Action = doSomething;
return new EmptyResult();
obviously the implementation of the HasAccessToLeague(string username, string leagueId) method will greatly depend on your data model and how your authorization logic.
Also you used XSS in your question title but here your problem is not about XSS or javascript but rather designing authorization layer in your web application.
of course its possible to do this! After all, your server app manages to track who the currently logged on user is using insecure client storage.
When a user logs on, the server will generate a secret message and store it in an encrypted token that's passed to the client and bak in a cookie (which is just another piece of unsecured client data storage). When you send requests to the server, it gets the cookie, decrypts it, and checks the data inside to tell who the user is.
You can do the same - for the hidden fields, encrypt them, put them in a hidden input (or a cookie if you prefer) and send them back to the server. However, you can only use them in your client javascript if you send them plain text as well, which means you need to still perform some checking on the server, but that checking can be as simple as comparing the encrypted values with the hidden form values, if any do not match, reject the request.
things to bear in mind though, encrypion is slow. It can be quicker to fetch the values from a DB instead, though you might use a cache for these. YMMV.
An alternative option is to generate a javascript file with the values in and ensure that the client browser cannot edit them using security features such as content-security-policy. The disadvantage is an inability to use these values in html (as obviously the user can edit them there) so you'll have to pass data back to the server via js calls.

Concern with Facebook's login decoding sign_request performance

I am completely new to the Facebook API. I would like to incorporate Facebook login into my application. I am using the Javascript SDK on the front-end to log the user in and retrieve the user_id and signed_request from Facebook. I then plan to send these two pieces of information via AJAX to my server (either php/hack (hhvm), node, java, or whichever language I can determine is quickest for decoding) every time my logged in user does an action on my application to validate if the user is indeed logged in and is the person they say they are. For me to accomplish this, I need to decode the signed_request, for example in php:
function parse_signed_request($signed_request) {
list($encoded_sig, $payload) = explode('.', $signed_request, 2);
$secret = "appsecret"; // Use your app secret here
// decode the data
$sig = base64_url_decode($encoded_sig);
$data = json_decode(base64_url_decode($payload), true);
// confirm the signature
$expected_sig = hash_hmac('sha256', $payload, $secret, $raw = true);
if ($sig !== $expected_sig) {
error_log('Bad Signed JSON signature!');
return null;
return $data;
function base64_url_decode($input) {
return base64_decode(strtr($input, '-_', '+/'));
which then I will be able to extract the following JSON object:
"oauth_token": "{user-access-token}",
"algorithm": "HMAC-SHA256",
"expires": 1291840400,
"issued_at": 1291836800,
"user_id": "218471"
to be able to compare if the user_id the user sent over matches the one in the JSON object. Then if it matches I can complete my business logic (DB manipulation).
My big concern here is a user will be sending many requests to my server, so every time I will need to decode this signed_request which can really kill my server performance. I was thinking I maybe could call Facebook from my server, pass the user_id, and receive the signed_request string, which I can then match with the signed_request string the user sent over from the client_side and see if they match. This would be more efficient, but it does not seem Facebook offers anything like this. Is there any other methods besides the heavy performing decoding to validate a user? I have gone through quite a bit of the Facebook SDK's information but could not find a solution. If I must decode, which language/library would be the best performing at this type of operation?
PS. I plan on using cordova later to create a mobile app so I must use only Javascript on the front end and can't use a server language such as php to create html for the client.
Decoding the signed request will not kill your server. It's way fast than making an external request.
If you're using php you should look into the Facebook SDK for PHP and use this helper:

Hidden arguments from Javascript to Django view

I am currently working on integrating Facebook Login into my website.
In javascript, I was able to fetch the user's information the moment (s)he logs to my website; via Facebook.
So, part of my javascript code is the following:
u_email =; //gets user's email
u_fname = response.first_name; //gets user's first name
...and so on!
Now I would like to do one of the two following scenarios: 1) If this is the first time the user logs in into my website; I would like to save all this information (email, first name, ...) to my users' database; 2) If this is not the first time the user logs in, I would like to redirect the user to another page, and display some information about him/her that I will need to get from the database (according to his/her email)!
In either case, I will have to access the database through the user's information. So, what I would like to do, is to redirect the user to a Django view while passing the user's information. For example, I can have the following in my javascript file:
document.location.href = '../' + u_email +'/' + u_fname + '/login';
...and in my, I can have the following:
url(r'^(?P<u_email>\w+)/(?P<u_fname>\w+)/login/$', views.login, name='login')
Lastly, in my view file, I can have the following:
def login(request, u_email, u_fname):
template = loader.get_template('counters/login.html')
context = RequestContext(request, {
'u_email': u_email,
'u_fname': u_fname,
return HttpResponse(template.render(context))
Now; clearly, I have a problem, that is, the user's (supposedly secretive) information will be shown in the url! Is there a way to avoid it by hiding the arguments passed from the javascript to the Django view?
I think you should not have url patterns based on critical information a potential attacker should not be able to see. This type of information should be passed to the server side using a POST request method in an encrypted ssl or tls request.
But for your usecase a better approach to achieve that is to :
use the FB javascript api to login on client side and get a FB token
send a POST https request to your backend and have your backend code requesting the user information using the FB Graph Api. (the ssl and tls request is necessary to pass the access_token information in POST mode, this is here the sensitive data)
#the view code
#import your user model here
import requests
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
def login(request, facebookId):
if token is not None:
#query graph api
r = requests.get('{facebook_id}?fields=email,name&access_token={token}'.format({'facebook_id':facebook_id, 'token':token}))
facebook_email = r.json()['email']
facebook_name = r.json()['name']
#check if first login
user = Users.object.get(email=facebook_email, name=facebook_name)
except Users.DoesNotExist:
user = Users.objects.create(email=facebook_email, name=facebook_name)
render_to_response('counter/login.html', dictionnary={'user':user}, context=RenderContext(request))
#url conf code
from django.conf.urls import patterns, url
import views
url_patterns = url('',
patterns(r'^(?Pw+)/login/$', views.login)
According you have an Model to save the User information and his email is unique.
def login(request, u_email, u_fname):
# Try to get the User in your DB
user = YourUserModel.objects.get(email=u_email)
# Do your redirects.
except YourUserModel.DoesNotExist:
# Do your other stuffs, like add this new user in your DB
template = loader.get_template('counters/login.html')
context = RequestContext(request, {
'u_email': u_email,
'u_fname': u_fname,
return HttpResponse(template.render(context))

