Web2py: Pass a variable from view to controller - javascript

How can I pass a JavaScript variable from the view to Python in controller? I don't want to use request.vars or request.args, because that would allow to user to give arbitrary parameters for the action by typing it into the address bar.
Example view:
<button onclick='myFunction();'>Execute</button>
function myFunction();{
var value = calculateValue();
//pass value to my_action
window.location = 'my_action';
Example controller:
def index():
return dict()
def my_action():
#retrieve passed variable
#handle the variable

You could make an Ajax call:
function myFunction();{
var value = calculateValue();
ajax('{{=URL('default', 'my_action')}}' + '?value=' + value, [], ':eval');
Followed by a client-side redirect once the Ajax response is returned:
def my_action():
value = request.vars.value
# handle the variable
redirect(URL('index'), client_side=True)
Note, however, that even with this method, someone could still make a manual request to /default/my_action?value=some_value to send arbitrary data to your function (of course, they would have to be a little more technically savvy to do so, as the above URL would never appear in the browser address bar for them to observe -- they would have to inspect your code or watch the network traffic to figure out what request to make).
In general, if you are calculating a value in the browser and then submitting it to the server via an HTTP request, there is no way to prevent a knowledgeable attacker from submitting some arbitrary data rather than the value calculated by your Javascript code. Your best bet is to instead focus on doing some server-side validation of the input data, or move the calculation to the server (though presumably the calculation is based on some input that must ultimately come from the browser and therefore be validated in some way).


in Rails, How to make a query in javascript?

Given the id of an element I need to make a query in javascript, for example:
var post_value = $(".post").val() # return a post ID;
var post = #{Post.find_by(id: post_value).to_json.html_safe};
But the post_value variable don't recognize it
If I manually pass a value to it, it recognizes it and asks me the query of the post, for example:
var post = #{Post.find_by(id: 181).to_json.html_safe}; # If work because I pass 181 as an ID value
I would be very grateful if you could help me
This line gets rendered in server side. It will not have any access to the browser's runtime context. As this gets executed before reaching the user.
var post = #{Post.find_by(id: post_value).to_json.html_safe};
Either use XHR (have another endpoint API purely for data objects like json) or query your Post object/s in controller, pass the object to the view and render the Post object inside the view. It is also a bad practice to have DB queries inside the view template files.
It's also weird to use javascript to render elements in the backend context. You generally use javascript with the context or assumption that it is to be executed in the user's side, separated with the backend context.

Execute javascript inside the target of an Ajax Call Drag and Drop Shopping Cart without Server language

Well i wanna create an Ajax Drag and Drop Shopping cart using only javascript and ajax. Currently i'm using the example in this page as a stepping stone. Right now it's only with local jquery and it works fine but i want to make the cart work with ajax calls. Note that i do not want to use a server side language( like php, rubby, asp etc), only html and javascript.
My initial thought was that at the $(".basket").droppable i should add an ajax call to another html page containing the "server logic" in javascript, execute in that file all the necessary steps( like reading the get variables (product name, product id and quantity), set a cookie and then return an ok response back. When the server got the "ok" response it should "reload" the cart div with the updated info stored inside the cookie.
If this was with php i would know how to do it. The problem is that as far as i know, you can execute javascript once it reaches the DOM, but how can you execute that js from inside the page that isbeing called upon ? ( thanks to Amadan for the correction)
I've thought about loading the script using $.getScript( "ajax/test.js", function( data, textStatus, jqxhr ).. but the problem with that is that the url GET variables i want to pass to the "server script" do not exist in that page.
I havent implemented all the functionality yet as i am stuck in how to first achieve javascript execution inside an ajax target page.
Below is a very basic form of my logic so far
// read GET variables
var product = getQueryVariable("product");
var id = getQueryVariable("id");
var quantity= getQueryVariable("quantity");
//To DO
//--- here eill go all the logic regarding cookie handling
function getQueryVariable(variable) {
var query = window.location.search.substring(1);
var vars = query.split("&");
for (var i=0;i<vars.length;i++) {
var pair = vars[i].split("=");
if (pair[0] == variable) {
return pair[1];
alert('Query Variable ' + variable + ' not found');
Any help regarding this matter will be appreciated.
Note: Logic in simple words:
1)have an html page with products+cart
2)Have an "addtocart.html" with the "Cart Server Logic"( being the target of the ajax call when an item is dropped into the product.)
If you have some other idea on this, please enlighten me :)
thanks in advance
Foot Note-1:
if i try loading the scipt using
$("#response").load("ajax/addtocart.html?"+ $.param({
product: product,
id: id,
i get the alert about not being able to find the url parameters( something that i thing is normal as because the content is being loaded into the initial page, from which the request is started, there are no get parameters in the url in the first place)
The problem is that as far as i know, you cannot execute javascript contained in the target of an ajax call, as that page never reaches the browser interpreter.
This is either incorrect or misleading. The browser will execute any JavaScript that enters DOM. Thus, you can use $.load to load content and execute code at the same time. Alternately, you can use hacked JSONP to both execute code and also provide content as a JSON document.
EDIT: Yes, you can't get to the AJAX parameters from JavaScript. Why do you want to? Do you have a good reason for it, or is it an XY problem?
The way I'd do it is this:
$('#response').load(url, data, function() {
onAddedToCart(product, id, quantity);
and wrap your JS code in your HTML into the onAddedToCart function.
Depending on what exactly you're doing, it could be simplified even further, but this should be enough to cover your use case.

Retrive post data back using javascript/jquery

I want to pass the object to the new page by using only client side script(javascript),
and I want to read the data back when the new page is loads, but I could not find any tutorial or method to get it.
function postToURL(path, parameters) {
var form = $('<form></form>');
form.attr("method", "post");
form.attr("action", path);
$.each(parameters, function(key, value) {
var field = $('<input></input>');
field.attr("type", "hidden");
field.attr("name", key);
field.attr("value", value);
// The form needs to be a part of the document in
// order for us to be able to submit it.
The POST message sent to the server to retrieve the current page is not exposed, by the browser, to JavaScript in that page, so you cannot.
Pass the data via some other technique (such as through the URL, or localstorage).
Yeah, POST data is only handled and seen by the server side (ex. PHP). Javascript is on the client side so it will never be able to see that data unless the POST data first gets passed to server side and that server side in turn hands it off to the client side (ex. Javascript).
Consider using GET as your method in your code above so that you can pass the parameters inside the actual URL to make it accessible to the browser / client / Javascript.
parameters can be parsed from a JSON-encoded string. If you build your parameters programmically (in the previous step) like:
parameters = {};
parameters['USA'] = 'Washington DC';
parameters['UK'] = 'London';
You can create a flat JSON String representing your structured data by:
parametersString = JSON.stringify(parameters);
and end up with something like this:
"{'USA': 'Washington DC', 'UK': 'London'}"
You can store this string in a cookie, or in a query string or fragment part of the URL.
Your next page can read back this value on the following page, and re-create the structured parameters by decoding the JSON string like:
parameters = JSON.parse(parametersString);
and you're getting the original data back, on which you can run JQuery's each.

How do I change pages and call a certain Javascript function with Flask?

I am not sure if I worded my question correctly. I'm not actually sure how to go about this at all.
I have a site load.html. Here I can use a textbox to enter an ID, for example 123, and the page will display some information (retrieved via a Javascript function that calls AJAX from the Flask server).
I also have a site, account.html. Here it displays all the IDs associated with an account.
I want to make it so if you click the ID in account.html, it will go to load.html and show the information required.
Basically, after I press the link, I need to change the URL to load.html, then call the Javascript function to display the information associated with the ID.
My original thoughts were to use variable routes in Flask, like #app.route('/load/<int:id>') instead of simply #app.route('/load')
But all /load does is show load.html, not actually load the information. That is done in the Javascript function I talked about earlier.
I'm not sure how to go about doing this. Any ideas?
If I need to explain more, please let me know. Thanks!
To make this more clear, I can go to load.html and call the Javascript function from the web console and it works fine. I'm just not sure how to do this with variable routes in Flask (is that the right way?) since showing the information depends on some Javascript to parse the data returned by Flask.
Flask code loading load.html
def load():
return render_template('load.html')
Flask code returning information
def retrieve():
return jsonify({
/retrieve just returns a data structure from the database that is then parsed by the Javascript and output into the HTML. Now that I think about it, I suppose the variable route has to be in retrieve? Right now I'm using AJAX to send an ID over, should I change that to /retrieve/<int:id>? But how exactly would I retrieve the information, from, example, /retrieve/5? In AJAX I can just have data under the success method, but not for a simple web address.
Suppose if you are passing the data into retrieve from the browser url as
you can get the data value like
dataValue = request.args.get('Data')
You can specify param in url like /retrieve/<page>
It can use several ways in flask.
One way is
#app.route('/retrieve/', defaults={'page': 0})
def retrieve():
if page:
#Do page stuff here
return jsonify({
Another way is
def retrieve(page=0):
if page:
#Do your page stuff hear
return jsonify({
Note: You can specify converter also like <int:page>

How to dynamically check logged-in state from View in web2py

I need to check that the user is still logged in so that I can prevent them from even opening the form if their session expired (logged out but page hasn't been refreshed).
Here's the pseudo code of what I was trying to do, doesn't work obviously.
// some view.html
$('#someform').click(function() {
ajax(URL('login_status'), [], '');
// some controller.py
def login_status():
if not auth.user:
If you want the full page to redirect as the result of an Ajax request, you'll have to do it via Javascript on the client rather than via a server-side redirect (which will only redirect the Ajax request itself). To make that happen, you can specify ":eval" as the target in the ajax() function, which will result in the returned response being executed as Javascript code (see here). So, something like:
$('#someform').click(function() {
ajax("{{=URL('default', 'login_status')}}", [], ':eval');
// some controller.py
def login_status():
if auth.user:
return 'this.show()' # or appropriate Javascript code to show the form
return 'window.location = "%s"' % URL('default', 'index')
So, the Ajax call returns Javascript that either shows the form or redirects the page, depending on whether the user is logged in.
Also, note that the URL() function is a server-side Python function, so you can't just call it within the ajax() function, which is a client-side Javascript function. Instead, you have to put it inside web2py's template delimiters ({{ }}) so the URL will be generated in the template on the server.
UPDATE: Instead of:
return 'window.location = "%s"' % URL('default', 'index')
you can now do:
redirect(URL('default', 'index'), client_side=True)
which will do the same thing behind the scenes.
Also, this might be of help:
{{if auth.is_logged_in():}}

