I want to set a cookie on a simple webdriver script:
//WDS.driver.manage().addCookie(new Cookie("connect.sid", "s%3AeexeZcd_-S23Uh30e3Dmd4X9PskWF08s6m5hDurDa5Jj66SupmmiqvKEjAg6HGigl0o0V%2B9R7m4", "api." + rootdomain, "/", null));
// start test
WDS.browser.get("https://api." + rootdomain);
waitForVisible(pkg.By.linkText("Log In"));
WDS.browser.findElement(pkg.By.linkText("Log In")).click()
How do I do that?
You can only set the cookie when the driver has started.
The driver starts when you do a .get().
Add the cookie after the .get() and it will work.
Something like:
var cookie = new org.openqa.selenium.Cookie("name","value");
should do the trick.
Using Java From Scripts article to learn how to access Java SDK classes from JavaScript
The WebDriver Sampler: Your Top 10 Questions Answered guide for some WebDriver Sampler tips
I've an Android Activity and I've got a Button that button need to access some Javascript function. Simply my app get the user info(ID,pass) then go to web page(this operation doing backgrun with asynctask class) write these two info as ID and pass then user click the Log In button in my app button has to use some js function
<script type="text/javascript">
var theForm = document.forms['form1'];
if (!theForm) {
theForm = document.form1;
function __doPostBack(eventTarget, eventArgument) {
if (!theForm.onsubmit || (theForm.onsubmit() != false)) {
theForm.__EVENTTARGET.value = eventTarget;
theForm.__EVENTARGUMENT.value = eventArgument;
this is the func. i need to use
My post and get request for connection the site are
URL url = new URL(params[0]); //http://login.cu.edu.tr/Login.aspx? site=https://derskayit.cu.edu.tr&ReturnUrl=%2f
connection=(HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(connection.getOutputStream());
these codes for the put the ID and pass
GET //
reader= new BufferedReader((new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream())));
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
String line;
while((line= reader.readLine())!=null){
builder.append(line + "\n");
there is any help or suggestion for me i am very confused about that situation and i feel really bad myself thanks for helps anyway. Have a nice day
For using Javascript without a webView to make requests!
The question has already an answer here in this question
The javax.script package is not part of the Android SDK. You can execute JavaScript in a WebView, as described here. You perhaps can use Rhino, as described here. You might also take a look at the Scripting Layer for Android project.
Also a similar question was asked here
You can execute JavaScript without a WebView. You can use AndroidJSCore. Here is a quick example how you might do it:
HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpGet request = new HttpGet("http://your_website_here/file.js");
HttpResponse response = client.execute(request);
String js = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity());
JSContext context = new JSContext();
However, this most likely won't work outside of a WebView, because I presume you are not only relying on JavaScript, but AJAX, which is not part of pure JavaScript. It requires a browser implementation.
Is there a reason you don't use a hidden WebView and simply inject your code?
// Create a WebView and load a page that includes your JS file
webView.evaluateJavascript("question.vote(0);", null);
Yes you can make HTTP POST and HTTP GET requests without using WebView. But if you want to use a webView remember Javascript in a webview is disabled by default (for security purposes). So before calling any javascript functions make sure you enable javascript in your webview like this
webView.getSettings().setJavaScriptEnabled( true );
And after that javascript will be enabled in your webView.
But in case you do not want to use a webview and javascript to make http requests. There is a lot of alternative methods you can define a Button in your activity's layout in xml. And respond with a http request on button Clicked listener!
Also remember making http Request using Android/Java default classes is a huge task and error prone and requires you to care about using async tasks to avoid blocking the UI thread.
In android we use ready-made library to make http requests. Google has a good library called Volley. it is easy to customize,respond to errors and it automatically making request out of the main thread.See more explanation here!. If there is still some problems comment below!
I am learning JavaScript,node.js and Selenium Web Driver.
As part of my education process I am developing simple bot for Instagram.
To emulate browser I use Chrome web driver.
Faced problem when trying to get list of followers and amount of followers for the account:
This code opens instagram page, enters credentials, goes to some account and opens followers for this account.
Data like username and password I take from the settings.json.
var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver'),
by = webdriver.By,
Promise = require('promise'),
settings = require('./settings.json');
var browser = new webdriver
browser.manage().window().setSize(1024, 700);
This part should open all followers, but not working:
var FollowersAll = browser.findElement(by.className('_4zhc5 notranslate _j7lfh'));
Tried also by xpath:
var FollowersAll = browser.findElement(by.xpath('/html/body/div[2]/div/div[2]/div/div[2]/ul/li[3]/div/div[1]/div/div[1]/a'));
When I run in the browser's console:
var i = document.getElementsByClassName('_4zhc5 notranslate _j7lfh');
it is working fine.
I run code in debug mode (use WebStorm) and it shows in each case that variable "FollowersAll" is undfined.
The same happens when I try to check amount of followers for the account.
Thanks in advance.
example of the selected element
In DOM, class names may be used multiple time. In this case, findElement by className wont work.
Xpath should be Relative and should not be Absolute.
Try Xpath with unique HTML Attribute. For example:
1. //div[#id/text()='value']
In chrome browser, open Developer Tools(press F12). If you framed an Xpath, just press Ctrl+F and paste that Xpath. If it states 1 of 1, then you can surely use that Xpath.
If it states 1 of many, then you need to dig deeper to take exact Xpath.
I am trying to work out a comparable command to use in jmeter webdriver sampler (JavaScript) how to do a waitForPopUp command. There must be a way. I have something that works for waiting for an element, but I can't work it out for a popup.
I am using this code for waiting for an element:
var wait = new support_ui.WebDriverWait(WDS.browser, 5000)
WaitForLogo = function() {
var logo = WDS.browser.findElement(org.openqa.selenium.By.xpath("//img[#src='/images/power/ndpowered.gif']"))
wait.until(new com.google.common.base.Function(WaitForLogo))
And this works, but I can't work out how reuse this to wait for a popup, that has no name, in Java I have used:
selenium.waitForPopUp("_blank", "30000");
And that works, but I can't work out an comparable JavaScript that will work in Jmeter for performance, as I can't get Java working in Jmeter.
I was able to get this working using:
var sui = JavaImporter(org.openqa.selenium.support.ui)
In WebDriver Sampler you have the following methods:
WDS.browser.switchTo.frame('frame name or handle') - for switching to a frame
WDS.browser.switchTo.window('window name or handle') - for switching to a window
WDS.browser.switchTo.alert() - for switching to a modal dialog
WDS.browser.getWindowHandles() - for getting all open browser window handles
See JavaDoc on WebDriver.switchTo method and The WebDriver Sampler: Your Top 10 Questions Answered guide for more details.
I'm using selenium python webdriver in order to browse some pages. I want to inject a javascript code in to a pages before any other Javascript codes get loaded and executed. On the other hand, I need my JS code to be executed as the first JS code of that page. Is there a way to do that by Selenium?
I googled it for a couple of hours, but I couldn't find any proper answer!
Selenium has now supported Chrome Devtools Protocol (CDP) API, so , it is really easy to execute a script on every page load. Here is an example code for that:
driver.execute_cdp_cmd('Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument', {'source': 'alert("Hooray! I did it!")'})
And it will execute that script for EVERY page load. More information about this can be found at:
Selenium documentation: https://www.selenium.dev/documentation/en/support_packages/chrome_devtools/
Chrome Devtools Protocol documentation: https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/tot/Page/#method-addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument
Since version 1.0.9, selenium-wire has gained the functionality to modify responses to requests. Below is an example of this functionality to inject a script into a page before it reaches a webbrowser.
import os
from seleniumwire import webdriver
from gzip import compress, decompress
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from lxml import html
from lxml.etree import ParserError
from lxml.html import builder
script_elem_to_inject = builder.SCRIPT('alert("injected")')
def inject(req, req_body, res, res_body):
# various checks to make sure we're only injecting the script on appropriate responses
# we check that the content type is HTML, that the status code is 200, and that the encoding is gzip
if res.headers.get_content_subtype() != 'html' or res.status != 200 or res.getheader('Content-Encoding') != 'gzip':
return None
parsed_html = html.fromstring(decompress(res_body))
except ParserError:
return None
parsed_html.head.insert(0, script_elem_to_inject)
except IndexError: # no head element
return None
return compress(html.tostring(parsed_html))
drv = webdriver.Firefox(seleniumwire_options={'custom_response_handler': inject})
drv.header_overrides = {'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip'} # ensure we only get gzip encoded responses
Another way in general to control a browser remotely and be able to inject a script before the pages content loads would be to use a library based on a separate protocol entirely, eg: Chrome DevTools Protocol. The most fully featured I know of is playwright
If you want to inject something into the html of a page before it gets parsed and executed by the browser I would suggest that you use a proxy such as Mitmproxy.
If you cannot modify the page content, you may use a proxy, or use a content script in an extension installed in your browser. Doing it within selenium you would write some code that injects the script as one of the children of an existing element, but you won't be able to have it run before the page is loaded (when your driver's get() call returns.)
String name = (String) ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript(
"(function () { ... })();" ...
The documentation leaves unspecified the moment at which the code would start executing. You would want it to before the DOM starts loading so that guarantee might only be satisfiable with the proxy or extension content script route.
If you can instrument your page with a minimal harness, you may detect the presence of a special url query parameter and load additional content, but you need to do so using an inline script. Pseudocode:
<script type="text/javascript">
(function () {
if (location && location.href && location.href.indexOf("SELENIUM_TEST") >= 0) {
var injectScript = document.createElement("script");
injectScript.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
//another option is to perform a synchronous XHR and inject via innerText.
injectScript.setAttribute("src", URL_OF_EXTRA_SCRIPT);
//optional. cleaner to remove. it has already been loaded at this point.
so I know it's been a few years, but I've found a way to do this without modifying the webpage's content and without using a proxy! I'm using the nodejs version, but presumably the API is consistent for other languages as well. What you want to do is as follows
const {Builder, By, Key, until, Capabilities} = require('selenium-webdriver');
const capabilities = new Capabilities();
capabilities.setPageLoadStrategy('eager'); // Options are 'eager', 'none', 'normal'
let driver = await new Builder().forBrowser('firefox').setFirefoxOptions(capabilities).build();
await driver.get('http://example.com');
That 'eager' option works for me. You may need to use the 'none' option.
Documentation: https://seleniumhq.github.io/selenium/docs/api/javascript/module/selenium-webdriver/lib/capabilities_exports_PageLoadStrategy.html
EDIT: Note that the 'eager' option has not been implemented in Chrome yet...
Does anybody know how can i get a url between a javascript window.location.href="url";
using seleniumhq web-driver in java.
Imagine a flow like this.
Link Page > Page 2 > Page 3 > Final Page
"Link Page" has the link:
Link and then Selenium clicks the link element with something like this:
Page 2 executes the window.location.href="Page 3" and then Page 3
send the redirect to the Final Page.
is it possible to get the url from Page 3 or even the history navigation?
The easiest way in selenium webdriver (in Java):
String browserUrl = driver.getCurrentUrl();
You can also make javascript calls in selenium:
JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
String browserUrl = (String) js.executeScript("return window.top.location.href.toString()");
System.out.println("Your browser URL is " + browserUrl);
String url = selenium.getLocation();
So far I cannot think of any other way than using a proxy that would record all requests made by browser. It is possible to set up such a proxy and control it from your code. You didn't specify the language you use for writing your tests. If it's Java then Browsermob may be helpful. If it's C# take a look at FiddlerCore.