Custom build with core-js - javascript

I'm trying to create a custom build with core-js. Per the documentation, I first ran
npm i core-js && cd node_modules/core-js && npm i
which seemed to be fine. Then, also per the docs I tried
C:\GIT\coreJS_Custom\node_modules\core-js>npm run grunt build:es6.array.from -- --library=on --path=custom uglify
and lots of variations on that theme. It seems to run briefly, with no output at all, and I can't seem to find any generated file. What am I doing wrong?
Also, the above commands were run on the Windows 8.1 cmd terminal.
What's particularly interesting (and frustrating) is that running this
C:\GIT\coreJS_Custom\node_modules\core-js>npm run grunt kjhgjhghkghh
Similarly runs briefly and then seems to succeed.

I'm not sure what my root problem is, but for me, running the grant task on its own, without npm run did the trick
So something like this should be the final product.
C:\GIT\coreJS_Custom\node_modules\core-js>grunt build:es6.array.from --library=on --path="es6-array-from-build-min2" uglify


How can I install NPM dependencies?

I've got a task that involves writing a code and I carried it out quite easily. I need to submit my solution to GitHub – according to the plan, I forked a certain repository and even cloned it to my hard drive using VS code. However, I was also told to install NPM dependencies to that newly created folder.
There are many manuals on Internet, but almost no one of them explains how to do it in a comprehensible way. As a beginner, I often struggle with all these new keywords, commands, etc and I would like to make things somewhat clearer. Do you have an idea how to get through it?
If you have already installed npm, in project directory use command
npm install
You can start with npm init in your folder. Then package.json file will be created. you can add dependencies you want to add, and run npm install.

Building new release of ngx-charts

I'm attempting to add a personally desired feature for ngx-charts. I got it to work using the standard src directory but, I wanted to build a release version potentially.
Here are the steps to reproduce the issue:
npm i --save (this grabs the entire project instead of just the release)
Go into your node_modules/#swimlane/ngx-charts folder and delete the release directory
Rebuild the directory by running npm i && npm run package
Notice how index.d.ts is unable to find any modules even though they're there.
I have noticed that the /common/base-chart.component.d.ts file is never created for some reason causing this problem. But, I cannot for the life of my figure out why. I've tried multiple webpack versions 2-4 but, every attempt results in the same thing.
I believe I am doing something wrong which is why I did not open an issue. I would appreciate any insight into this problem. Thank you for reading!
I would recommend cloning the repository locally rather than installing it from npm:
git clone
Then install dependencies:
cd ngx-charts
npm install
After that make your changes to the src (you can run the demo app to test while developing with "npm run start")
Then to package:
npm run package
This will build the project and update the release folder

Can't get Grunt to run

I'm a little confused as to why I can't get my Gruntfile.js to run, here's the rub:
I installed grunt globally using npm. It lives in my /usr/local/bin/ directory, here it is:
Previously, I'd installed node.js using homebrew, then grunt with npm. Other issues led me to uninstall node via homebrew & reinstall node directly from the disk image node provides.
In my web project's index, there's a Gruntfile.js script that rebuilds my jekyll site everytime live-reload updates. When I run grunt, I get this message:
What I'm trying to wrap my head around:
Why isn't /usr/local/bin/grunt a valid path? Grunt exists at that location. My guess was that running grunt locally, from within my website's index, would fix things.
There's a node_modules folder there & everything was working fine before after all. I found this link, and tried running \grunt to bypass the bash alias, but that had no effect.
Any advice/suggestions are much appreciated! I feel like an imbecile using things, breaking things & not understanding why/how. Eager to finish my project, get a paycheck & finally have time to learn the ins and outs of terminal, bash & popular package managers so I don't run into these sorts of problems...
After discussion with OP, I find this is a Node.js environment issue. After install - do something - uninstall - reinstall in another way - do something, somehow, when npm install -g XXX is executed, the symbolic link is created and point to some place, but the package is installed some where else. That's why OP see /usr/local/bin/grunt but cannot run it.
I've recommended OP to clean up all Node.js stuff, make a clean environment and start right from the beginning.

Lite-server does not detect a `bs-config.json` or `bs-config.js` override file

I'm trying to run angular2 based first app. I followed angular2 steps. When i run command npm start then its giving following error in the terminal
Did not detect a bs-config.json or bs-config.js override file. Using lite-server defaults...
And also browser returning 404 error for index.html file (angular-project/app/index.html)
I check lite-server version is "lite-server#^2.2.0", and npm version 3.7.3, also i followed this accepted answer instructions but still facing same issue. Can anyone guide me how can fix it, I will appreciate. Thank You.
In Wrap up section different project structure than described in question. Please ensure that you have followed tutorial correctly.
I see you are running lite-server 2.2.0; anyone else looking for help with this error should make sure they are running lite-server 2.0 or greater as that's when config file support was introduced.
Also, it can throw this error if there is a problem executing the bs-config.js, so check your config file for anything that could be erroring (including but not limited to syntax errors). For me I had forgotten to install the http-proxy-middleware so lite-server errored when it tried to execute the first line of my bs-config.js, which was var proxy = require('http-proxy-midleware');. An npm install --save-dev http-proxy-middleware fixed this error for me.
HT: this github issue.
The reason that you have seen this warning message
Did not detect a bs-config.json or bs-config.js override file. Using lite-server defaults...
is probably that you have a definition in your package.json which describes what should happen once you trigger the npm start command, like:
"scripts": {
"start": "tsc && concurrently \"tsc -w\" \"lite-server -c bs-config.json\" ",
Therefore, in short you need to either provide the bs-config.json file with the desired browser-sync configuration or modify the the above command.
Moreover, angular2 has now its famous quick-start example on github.
I made this account specifically to second the answer made by Patrick on July 12th.
If your bs-config cannot be found it may be because you do not have the proper packages. In my case I had http-proxy-middleware, but was missing connect-history-api-fallback.
Make sure to check/install all the node packages used in your bs-config!

Grunt grunt-contrib-jasmine

I have recently started to use grunt for JS project.
I have got a plugin called 'grunt-contrib-jasmine' that I'm using for Jasmine testing. I works great but I'm not able to run tests by specrunner in browser. Can I achieve this by using this plugin or do I need to install something else.
Also when a plugin is not required anymore, is it best to just comment it out or is there any command to uninstall, eg: npm uninstall grunt-contrib-jasmine --save-dev
Just for clarification, you can load the _SpecRunner.html file manually in the browser, but the grunt plugin will only run the tests in PhantomJS.
You can specify the keepRunner:true option in your gruntfile to keep the _SpecRunner.html file around after the tests run.
Then you can start a static web server (grunt-contrib-connect, and node-static both work fine for me) to the root of your project, and you should be able to manually open that _SpecRunner.html in a browser and run your tests there.
EDIT: I ended up giving Testem a try, which can launch your tests in PhantomJS and real browsers. It's still early, but I think I'll be setting aside grunt-contrib-jasmine in favor of Testem and grunt-contrib-testem.
grunt-contrib-jasmine is only for headless browser (phantomjs) so I afraid you will not be able to run this in browser. You will need to set up that manually.
In order to uninstall a plugin, use the command you mentioned:
It will remove the entry from package.json and it'll also uninstall the package too.

